■ ' ’ ^ ^ ■ ' ' ■ '7 ■ ' ' . .. - •.; ; OAIIiY Tttontii of, Jitfy. IMO ^ 5 , 4 1 6 MmOuM •< tke Asiflit Baxcm« of 7 ,; cireolattoma . PRICE THBEE ClpITS TWELVE PAGES SOUTH BfANCHESTER, CONN., M O I0A Y , AUGUST 4. 1930. (OMaUM A«v«rtlaiiig on Pago 10) VOfiL XUV m NO. 260 WORLDfUERS At Start of Globe-Cirtling Might FAllfflTRY For Women Described UNDER HOT SPEIX; Paris, Aug. 4.--(AP)—The most, deepened as model after model from j TO nW OCEAN tblskouse was shown. The clothes moderolstic 'of the Rue'de I a 'P aix r e l ie f n o t dressm^ers * - this morning told a ran to dull black, navy blue or packed house ' what she thought broWn in rough or tufted wool. W toI 12 K31ei in Auto Craskes ahout winter stylei, saying that she coats- have the same material as f i v e c h i l d b e n d i e Plane Wrecked at Take Off; is conylnwd women do not want to skirts or dresses. m m v is B a c c i d b n t . Nomal Weather Reporhri wear longer skirts on the street. For warmth there are blouses and and by Drowning— One Mears Slightly Hurt Bat Suits, coats and ensembles for vests of leather or was^le Louisville, Ry., Aug. 4.—(AP) (My on Pachic Goaat, gtii^ral .wear at h^ house still are j chamois in white or yeUow. __A. Stmday outing of three re­ are meant for women motorlsta. Dies of Heart Attack lated famUies at a fishing camp Pilot Escapes Injury, Avia­ on the Ohio river near.here end­ Rocky Moratain R e | ^ 0^ the khee Brought On By fleaL ed in tragedy yesterday when a tors to Make Another Try. The outlook for a dull winter ,1 the extent of gauntlet gloves. boat carrying i^ e small children and three adults caprized. Five smd Sontin-IM* By Associated Trees children and the father of one of Harbor Grace, Aug. 4.—(AP.)— them were drowned . The third successive week-end Joseph Guentbnei', 45, his test August 4 in H is t^ , Notwithstanding the wreck of his of scorching temperatures brought daughter Matilda, 12, his nieces, plane John Henry Mears today set COMMUNISTS THREATEN to Connecticut 13-Violent deaths, 12 Mildred 12 and Mary Lee Guen- Droight in West R w ^ about making new ■ plans to regain of which resulted from motor vehi­ thner 10, his nephew William the world circling record taken Quenthner jr., 8 and a cousin a l l OF c e n t r a l CHINA cle and swlmnUng accidents and the Mary Louise Heichelbach, 10,‘ Crops. from him by the Graif Zeppelin. 13th indirectly attributed to the yynv immediately. The bodies Mears’ plane, the City of New beat. ,. 4. were reqovered several hours By Associated Press York, W8L3 . wrecked at 2:45 a. m., High temperatures which yeater- later. Sunday morning when he attempted METEOR SHOWERS ® ^ - - ------ Temperatures from tee Rockies to take off in the dark against the Mis^oniries, Just Back ARE DUE SOON Haven wid Bridgeport to 101 in to tee Atlantic ocean, roller-coast­ advice .of airport- offictjds. Mears Meriden, and the. lack of rain caus­ ing through one of tee most per­ suffered a wrenched shoulder but ed considerable concern for Connec­ sistently hot summers tee United his pilot, Henry J. Brown, was un­ From War Zone, Tell of 50 to 150 an Hour to Flash in NEW EARTHQUAKE ticut crops. The New Haven branch States has known m years, iM>- hurt. The plane was a total wreck. Skies Beginning Monday, of the U. S. Weather Bureau today To Try Again CondMona-^ear An For- August 11. reported there was no relief in proached tee peak of a fresh para­ bola today. “We are temporarily down, but sight. SHOCKS IN ITALY Philadelphia,' Pa., Aug. 4.— Sight of the week-end deaths In Promises of showers werd quali­ not out,” Mears said. “We wiU try mgn Missions Destroyed. Ready to take off in quest of a new speed record for a round-tee- fied by Weajther Bureaus . prophets again. If not this year, in 1931.” The (AP)__“Pluto’s playmates, the the state were caused by auto acd- nTinnitl shower of Porseid me­ dents, the most serious oeburring in world flight, tee two men figures in tee air adventure are plctur^ Mre over most of tee sweltering area, plane did not catch ^e and this and even in Chicago where rain fell By MOBBK J. HARRIS teors, are due Monday night, Central Village where one perwn as they bade good-bye at Roosevelt Field, Long Island, to tee ‘women probably saved the lives of the .fliers they Irft behind teem.” Left to right are John Henry Mears, teeaWcal City Hall at Rio Nero is Dam­ this morning tee heat was return­ and their dog mascot “Tail Wind August 11. was killed and three Injured, two They are dubbea “Pluto’s producer; his daughter. Miss Elizabeth Mears; Henry J- ing &■ few hours later. Rain by mid­ n ” which scampered away after the Shanghai,. Aug.. 4.—(APO— playmates” after the newly dis­ critically. mail pilot and his wife. The ship crashed this morning as it tried to take week or sooner was held out as a wrecK. Mears said he did not blame sweep of Communism across Cfen- Most Serious Crash aged — Great Panic Fol­ covered plemet Pluto, because Charles Ostraski, 20, of Webster, off for ocean hop. _______ ‘_______ __ hope in many localities. Brown who had insisted on an early tral was described here today the outer edge of their orbit is At nrid-morning today, according Jtake-off for the accident. The acci­ Mass., the victim of the Central Vil­ by ,Mrs. W. H. tin gle, American believed to be close to the path, lows in Several Cities. to reports to the Associated-Press, dent came after what seemed a per­ where the new planet swings. lage accident, was pinned under the it was 90 in Pittsburgh, 98 in Bos­ fect start. After leaving the smooth missionary who predicted three rich A good show is promised, fifty wreckage of his car when it left ton, in tee middle eighties to New path that stretched out frona the the road and struck a /teme provinces would ’ capitulate to the to 150 meteors an hour fo r pa­ ARCnC AREA VALUABLE PotMiza, Italy, Aug. 4.—(AP)— W k, K an^ aty, St. Louis, New airport .the plane struck the side o f Anna Spitz, 20, and Mary Mrazik, Red movement. tient watchers who are lucky The Giomale Dltalia- correspond­ Orleans and Dulute, Minn., and SO the runway, careened along the enough to get the right sky con­ 19,-also' of Webster, suffered frac­ or thereabouts in Philadelphia, brush on the side and turned over. Mrs. tingle, wife of the Rev. Mr. tured skulls, whUe a third passen­ ent telegraphs that a new earth­ Lingle -who escaped from Changsha ditions. Norfolk, Washington and Jackson­ Started Saturday Northeast, low early in the ger was less seriously hurt. FOR AIRPLANE ROUTES quake shock was felt at Melfi and as the Commimists sacked the.^city. ville. Mears. said the wreckage would evening and fairly high up at William Giddings, 18, of Gay- Rio Nero at 12:10 p. m. today pro­ Other Temperatures reached here from Ruling, the sum­ midnight is about the range. lordsvlUe w m killed and his com- be shipped to New York. mer resort in-.' northern Kiangsl PAYS FOR THE GAS ducing a great panic in tee city. , In some places—St. Paul, Lin­ The airmen took off from Roose^ pauoion, Thomas Honan, 19, coln, Neb., and parts of New Eng­ province being evacuated by for­ Gaylordsvllle, injured the’T THAT BILLED HIM The city hall at Rio Nero suffered velt. Field, N. Y., early Saturday to eigners in the face of a threatened Shortest. Commercial Dis- damage but none wai^ caused at land—temperatures were slightly break the record of 21 days for a machine overturned in Batam. m lower than yesterday. Elsewhere, Red attack. Columbia. Adele Miller, 6, of S<mth Glassboro, N. J., Aug. 4.— Melfi, tee report said. globe-circling flight held by the Mr. and Mrs. tingle have been in BIG AUTO PL ANTS Melfi and Rio Nero were in te® as in New York City, they were Graf Zeppelin. Mears on two preid- Manchester was killed in a collision tances Lie (h er North (AP)—Leaving a quarter to pay r!hin«t forty . years, having come for tee gas he used,, John J^un- heart of tee earthquake zone of two higher. The variance was scant ous occasions had established rot^d at the Four Comers. weeks ago which devastated a wide enough to be generally negligible, here from Cincinnati. The minister Other Acxfldents jart, 45, turned on tee jets in tee the world records in which, how­ escaped by a, narrow margin from GO BACK TO WORK Pole— Nations Are Now section of southern Italy. Bote cit­ and only in tee Rocky mountain ever, he used fast boats for ocean Frank Ellis, 54, of Myrtle ^ach, home of his niece smd committed the Changsha RfedJS and reached suicide. His niece, Mrs. Owen ies suffered heavy death tolls and region, on tee' Pacific coast and in crossings. a passenger in a car driv^ by ms extensive damage was caused at tee middle south was tee weather h ^ last SWday,. Mrs., Ungle left som David, was fatelly injured In Kiser, found the body last night.
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