MJ TOMOrv ILE S, 2 ETC." THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON, D. 0.. MARCH 11. 1928—PART It. AUTOMOBILES, ETC ¦ ¦ 1 .in PERSONAL. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. SALE—AIITOMOBILES, t v SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALIC—AUTOMOBILES. HALL-AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. Continued.) ft'nnllnusrl.) ' SALE—AUTOMOBILES. TO NASH SPECIAL nrvv imlnt rffjANT TAKE CARE of children ROOF REPAIRING. PAINTING, guttering, .COACH. 1925: * *° CHRYSLER DEPOSIT ‘‘72." on bTtiiv ihhl lire*; SSOO. N. XVimlridgc. NOTICE. REAL j niothcr FO ""rk spouting, fiirnaro* repaired and rr;t- to InF Frod Ho**- AUTO BUYS. REAL BARGAINS: IDEAL SPRING VALUES: At 244 Bth cleaned: be sold at big discount. Call Coi. l.vn, Cn*h for nny good ear*, or 4-D«,nr Coupe, * prii-es. day or night. f'f.O or • Va. Clarendon 1800. u*rd if Inter- Nash Sedan. '2O $750 00 1020 Cadillac food a* new. *:!!i.*, vonable Col. 7317 l*i>37 address Box 14 4E. Star ofilro. ested In inlying new Packard, Paige. lip 0 000 ,.tl.sftO Flint Tourlrif. 1025. new ha!loon tire* A)ax Rooflng A Heating 1639 Kal r<l. NASH ADVANCED SIX SKDaN. 2~dnnFT or Chr.va- Hu Sedan. 1020 00 Late J 025 Buick Tourinf. like new. 436 Hnpmobtln Tourlnf. GENUINE SWEDISH MASSAGE. Co.. CHRYSEEU 70 driven only runs like, ; bargain ler. Hudson Essex Chevrolet, our experl- pakland Sedan, late..; 000 00 ahape,... re/on'lition«irl 105 Tr competent masseuse. Grad. from ROOFING, heating, painting: roof repairing’, SEDAN. 4-door: and look* new a real /or handling used onr* save vou JJJ24 tiitick Tourlnf food 175 Oak land Snort Totirlr.f* <2i, both In ¦ Sweden. lew thoiiNiind miles: fully oquipped; tn per- only $r»H5; 3218 M »t. etiee in will podge Sedan. 0-volt battery doo 00 Chevrolet Tourlnf 175 ' rived. 1525 M st. n w.. Apt. 1. 12* painting, guttering and spouting; reasonable fect condition lituih. n.w. time and money; terms to suit. J 025 excellent oondltion: »ach It.*, throughout: 500 00 .. cost over $2,000; your Hudson Coaeh. late....' 1035 Tourlnf. food eh ape. 225 Chevrolet Tourlnf 1U23: run* terms 11 F. Dav. 2030 12th st. n.e. N. 4758. buy in town or tra*le. NASH—WiII take Nash n« part pav- Buiek Touring. ’25 450 00 Ford TonJDodfe ahape Ilka look* and b*l*4„ for SBSO. Terms Truck. A-l 125 new " MV on; • FEATURE ACT. • mi-nt cither a new or used Buick. Buick 41-5 nw. Sunday. - Hupp Coupe . .. 2.8.3 14th Open Ai'.i'iu-v.,*ltilh -.t«. n.w. BROAD WA Y AIJTO SAI ES, 4-Pas*. '25 500.00 Studehaker Sedan 175 Chevrolet Totirinir. I»i;.i ROOKING, tinning, guttering, spouting and and 3'ou Flint Touring. Winter . 500 110 Coupe. In very NOVELTY ’ COACH. A-l siightiy tnelo*iire. _ TERMS OR TRADE. Ford food ! ! . 1511 SERENADERS. naluting. Get our price on new roofs and re- u<e*i ?LEfta lady: eoiniition: j NASH iUtoColrAM advanced six. latest 1823 14th N.W. Willys-Knight. Setlan. good shape. 375.00 «2 II ST. NR. F. .3M8.2, 11* TERMS TRADE,.Vo'ndUion. ,s In tv*l good by, low niileage: Duco fln- 11* Hupp ~. „ OR Hawaiian*: musicians, players. Watkins & Sou, Atlantic 13* .* model, slip' cover*: will I.'IOO 4 Touring wingers. 3332. isnwd: billoou tires. A wheel brakes, bump- sacrifice 225.00 I with Hula girl dancers. Should ymt -1 era Fairmont st. Ad. OHIO-,). MANHATTAN & ji any one your RUGS—Beautiful new ruga tt» ail noaulit j and several oilier one of the Ford Roadsters and UNION STATION CHRYSLER. GARAGE Know of club planning to have designs prices best looking extras: completo Sedans, GARAGE, smoker or ami sixes; finest uualitv: are • ears in town, party taking up NASH SEDAN. 1 New. with jimwquet, for special program for Stop in inspect our show- Hist the unpaid $575; all equipment. including spare 50 H St. NK. 51 Kve St. N.K. J2* SKINKER MOTOR INC. CO., i ltwigp*. cases, night flubs, to:*rooms, society reasonable. and i notes. 12 months to . tire s!t!ir>. Tourings, Open and Closed CO.. ACCESSORY nd private ing Klechiatt 11th and H sts n.e. Line | Vjy. Ira le vour ear in. Peek's Garage. 2121 with new-car guaranty; terms to suit: will jji affairs, call Franklin 8004, si • DEMONSTRATOR. • 87ft. : ' h o w Always open. trade tnsin.ill car. Mr. Long. Main 4707. Models. CHRYSLER. ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU. s 1828 Sedan, fully »< mechanically Buiek Standard. 4-door PHOLSTKRING. furniture repairing: work { CHRYSLER. 1327, 70 :~~j NASH 4 -IM >Tt S Ef»A N’T" i oiilv $050: Cara that are O.K and make guaranteed: trail*, 1927 Chrysler desired, ROADSTER 320. 0"7: good appearance. and terms. Call Claren- $575 PACKARD lone in the home if weaver. 1431 >0 <’oui>e: 1325. 70 sedan: repossessed: bar- .a demonstration will convince you of its a Your used car as down don 1800. Agency. Va, Roadster... r RicOMMENPED SERVICE. st, n.w. 6401. gains Torrey 2108 1, lUh «t. n.w. pay Ralanco F.7.. Prices start at $45. Buiek Roasl.vn. 1928 * Newton Adams _ Motor Co.. st. unnsiial value. KdiO Nash Spt. Roadster.. 1,100 GOOD USED * Th# following business concern# WINDOW SHADES ami screens manufac- ! CHRYSLER* COUPE. 1320; lii..'ra'l OAKLAND COACH. 1925—Paint perfect, Term*. A CARS. guaran- U'rnis. ~5450: new REAL SALE 1926 Hudson 'Brotfgham... *>• guarantee satisfaction to Star tured We fit any opening: work 1 j 1503 14lh st. n.w. rubber.' motor in perfect shape cheap OUR ISMAN CHEVROLET. 695 samples for sale. 8010-Jj • TO AN r* readers. Any complaint found teed Ask for estimates and J M • 'OLE It* A1 iSTEH—A real sport ear, in best nuich Adams CLOSE ESTATE. 1924 Hudson Coach 350 ROADSTERS. necessary Butler A Son. 1351 Good Hope rd *e of condition at a very low price. Terms. OI.DSMOBIi.E COACH. 1925: c-ompletciy Atiacostia Bargain Used Packard 8, p to he made to The Star Phone Lincoln 10123 Wash me* on Cadillac Co.. 1138 Conn ave. reconditioned: new Duco finish: $.760. Car Only a Few Cars Left, 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 325 Pierce-Arrow, i will receive prompt attention. For DODGE term*. 1120 '.loth at, n.w. Franklin 0540. Lot, f COUPE. 1320—This car is lust like 1925 Studehaker Special, Buick Mat- admission to Recommended Service SALE—AUTOMOBILES^ new: has new tiros. Duco paint and many OVERLAND SEDAN. 1020: 4-door: linlloon 1314-22 Good Hope Rd. S E. And they are all in good run- Chevrolet Coach 250 Column call Main Branch BUICK SPORT ROADSTER. 1028—Driven extras: terms. Northeast Branch Dick Mur- tires: exceptionally Rood condition: like new: ter ’24, Willys-Knight 6. 116. • 1926 1 5000. only 1,500 miles. can’t tell phy Inc. Buick dealers 604 H st ne. $lO5. ConnrQ Oarage, 1222 Eye n.w. ning condition and priced Ford Coupe 225 - way RADIATOR SJneriS You this ear Line. 337. USED CAR BARGAINS. new: completely equipped: substantial _ >CTO tenders low EXPERTS from PACKARD—Five-passenger. six •cylinder '#? Cash. Monthly. 1926 Dodge % »»nk» oruvs Tucker Co.. 306-8 small car taken in good condition, below the market. Touring 300 Vsesha'l *M «o onirthop-e discount: trade: terms. DODGE 1325. SEDAN: good condition, dan: excellent new paint: cheap- fi s4».ftf> TOURINGS. M ’slo Northeast Branch Dick Murphy. Inc. Buick . rubber' owner, leaving city, must sacrifice ternifd .'l2O E »t. 1327 Auburn Sedan $275.00 n.e._Linc._l4so. 12* Dodge .... 175.00 50.75 1926 or new building. 004 st n.e. ¦ Apt. 1027 Cabriolet COMPARE THESE PRICES. Chevrolet Coach 375 Packard 6. 8, ALTERATIONS masonry, dealers. H Line. 337. I1 Adams 871 Q. 108. 14*. PACKARD CLtTB SEDAN—Just a brand.' 1027 0 30 88 Packard Stude- cernentry ami *ll branches: targe or small like VVhinnrt Coach... 137.50 • BUICK SUDAN, late 24. In perfect condi- DODGE BKDAN. 1327—Leather new car and absolutely pnaranteed in every 1020 Cadillac llrgm . 123.75 Oakland Rd., 1925 Chrysler Sedan 725 gratis. Telephone 4_709. tion: good | upholstered' 314 425.00 Spt. late l bakers and Btiick '25 6. estimates Main all tires: cheap for cash. Call ! ! excellent car for hacking; will guarantee: way The j-rire has been reduced to only 1020 Dodge Sedan 140.00 40.00 ’27..5600 Master AI TOMORI I.E REPAIRS of a expert owner at Potomac 3738 for demonstration. $050: terms. Phone Franklin 0540 for $•.500 and is tiuruualed anywhere in value. Dodge Coupe 100.00 30.00 Coach, 1924 Oakland Touring.... 150 * 1025 Oakland late 450 1Fionas: in .’27.... I work : low charge. Taylor, l tilT D s.e demonstration or sre at IU.’O 20th si. n.w. Terms. You • ear trade Washington 1025 Stude. Rig 0 T. C. ... 1 15.00 32.50 ( ( 0., ( uve, ( 1926 Roadster SEDANS. At Tkl M OBII.E 15EE1N1SH1 NO—VonFcaFre- BUICK touring. 1022: good mechanical eon- DODGE SEDAN 4-iloor: wonderful running adillae 1 1.18 nun 1025 Hudson Coach 87.50 25 80 Pontiac Coach, late ’27 550 Ford 150 * finished in centime guaranteed dition: $75. Taylor. 1617 fi s.e. • ear. late type (high Very cheap. ICE PE late 1025 Jewett Loupe H7.50 25 HO Packard (6) 5 "Duco": Job hood*. {’A Vuf 0-45. • 1922 Dodge and 7 passen- • 102?—Model' Touring 150 In every particular- special monogram ami ! BUICK AGENCY now ,t si..>, util \v st. n.w. Sunday. Looks like new In 1025 Hoick Coach 140 00 41.07 Chevrolet Coupe 75 k | located at 16th V«U.
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