' : ;x*rr,t r . .r ,r, r:lrrrt, ' ,rrrrtt rt' @ NTBARI) Ref NB.DFIBT/ /4 04 | - /cBS-65/20i5-16 dated 29 October 2015 ).1o69 CircularNo. 2 31 / DFIBT- 3L /2015 The Convener SLBC All States Dear Sir, Solar powered V-SAT connectiYity to KiosvFired CSPS in the Sub-Service Areas- Support under FIF. The lnformation and Communication Technologies play an impofiant role in rural development specially in financial inclusion. The Empowerment of rural communities is crucial for the development of the rural areas. Bringing the people in the rural areas in the mainstream of the digital technologies to access and adopt modern technologies is a major concern now- The main problem however is connectivity which is the main roadblock for making available banking services in the far flung areas. 02. VSAT technology offeN connectivity without geographical or location constrajnts and hence is an ideal option for rural areas with difficult terain in the country. VSAT is capable ofsupporting Intemet, data, LAN and voice/fat communications. This technology is useful over geographically dispersed areas and in places where no such infrastructure is established. ln view ofthe above' it has been decided to provide suppod under FIF for the setting up of solar powered VSAT to kiosk/fixed CSPS to address the issue of connectivity as also power supply in the Sub Service Areas. 03. Details ofthe Project: The details ofthe project are as indicated below: A. Institulions Suppol/ed- The support will be available to any bank which have been allotted Sub-service Area as indicated in the list in Annexure l Support will also be available to those SSAS which have not been included in the list of 894, provided that the areas are having no connectivity and banks are interested subject to clearance ofSLBC. SLBC will be responsible for checking the status ofconnectivity & give its recommendation. qr$lT 1Ffiq TFq 3nr fu{'rs +fi Nationat Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development fffic sqrilrd 3it{ iI*T dqdlFtr€r Fdnra (Tfl, - 051 +91222653oo24 h_.{r+91222653 or5o .dE r *-24, * .di6, <i4l-gd +ffifi. <jrr €T9 aoo |ifrr '€tr6l: 'lfibr'dntl!rr'!.!r!g Dcpartnent of Financial Inclusion and Ban]<ine TechnoloSl o|g ptot No, c 24,,c,Bloctr, Badra Kn.lacondq, Bandra (E), Munbai - 4oo o51, Tel.: +912226$aa24 ' Fd: +9r 22 2053 or5o. E-mail: dEbt{qrNbard , _- 1, 'lra_ rt rn rta @ NNEARI) B. Approach for Support- The banks whose name has been indicated in the list of SSAS indicated in Annexure I can send the proposals to the respective regional offlces of NABARD in the State. Banks whose names have not been included in the list, are also eligible for support however such proposals are to be submitted to the respective Regional Offices ofNABARD along with the ceftificate from the SLBC regarding allocation ofsub- sewice area and problem ofconnectivity. C, Eligible Components- The Components that can be supported under the project are: L One time suppofi for the purchase and installation of I solar powq'ed VSAT at the fixed CSP/Kiosk in the allotted Sub-Service Area. The components eligible for support for onetime cost are as indicated below: a) VSAT+ Solar System+ Battery+ Stand+ Freight. b) ln5lallalion drd Commi.sioning c) Eadhing Pit d) Lightening Arrestor for Solar Panel. e) Caging cost for VSAT and Solar Panels on the ground. IL Recuning Connectivity charge for VSAT for a pedod ofthree years. D, Extenl of Suppott & Limil of Suppolt to be extended under FIF- 10070 of the fixed cost subject to a cap ofRs.4.00 lakh per unit will be borne by NABARD under FIF. ln case tbe cost for the same exceeds Rs. 4 00 lakh, the difference will have to be borne by the respective banks. The recuring expenses have to be fully bome by the banks' E, of gratlhThe releases will be on reimbursement basis. fl" rc Release "tuitrr' "ln submitted by the banks to the respective regional offrces The suppoft for the one-time cost Can be submitted by the bank afler setting up of the VSAT at the identified Kiosk/fixed CSP ofthe bant. nt8s Tfr 3itr or*qr k6rs iiF' National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development ffiq Tqr}rrd 3it{ *T EFIFr€r ftsm g .di.-t2a, rfr ds, iq|s-fr +iF.+€, ?i (Tb,{TS-4oo051.}ff: +91 22 26s3 oo24 ' S-a.r: +e1 22 2653 olso ' +d; a!-tt@!.$4!!rg Departrnent of Financial Inclucion and Bankina Teclmologv ptorNo,c-24,c,Bloctr,Bandra-Kurtaconplex,Bandr!(E),Munbai-4ooo51.Tel,r+9r222653oo24.Fd:+9r222653o15o'E-mai:JnLrtcdmbdraorg ..t .irrrrrr:t: 'rrrr. :rrrrr, a rr- i I .,'rarrr,n r:.: . @ N\BART) F. Documents to be submitted by the Bank along with the Proposall L Details ofthe location where the VSAT is to be set up (Kiosktrixed SCP, Address, contact Details, Sub Service Area etc.) II. Vendor details for VSAT set up and the cosl estimates. IIL Clearance Certificate from SLBC (incase the SSA name is not included in the iist attached) regarding SSA allocation and lack ofconnectivity. 04. You are requested to forward the scheme to all the banks in your State and ensure tlat the banks take advantage ofthe scheme and enable the connectivity to reach the unconnected areas of the country fo. widening Financial Incluston. 05. Necessary efforts may be given to ensue that proposals for suppolt from banks reaches our Regional office preferably by 3I January 2016 with a target for completion of implementation by 3l March 2016. (Subrata Gupta) ChiefGeneralManager Enclosures: As above Trefrq s'fr 3*{ "Jr*q k6nr *$' National tsank for Agricultlre and Rural Development fn$q qql+rra ti{ $lirr d{qtFlfr Fdsr.r RL F S-2a, + Edi6, riEr-:;i|1 4.iE+trq, iEl (Xt), tjr6- 4oo osl. |S: +9122 26s3 oo24 . S'q: +pr zz zosa orso . 5 *e: [email protected] Departnent of Fiuncial Incluion and Banldng Technology PlotNo.c24,'GBlock,Bandra-Kurlacondcx,Bandra(E),Munbai-4ooo5r.Tel.:+912226$oo24.Fd,+9r222653o1so,Ena:[email protected] Detail Status Report of Uncovered SSAs due to connectivity as on 21.08.2015 Type of Location of SSA Bank with Name (PSB/RRB/ Name of ,Address & S.No Name of Bank PVT) Name of State District Pincode 1 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bargarh Chadheigoan 2 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bargarh Katapali 3 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bargarh Surubali 4 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bolangir Dhandamal 5 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bolangir Kuturla 6 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Bolangir Landapatha 7 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Cuttack Bhatimunda 8 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Deogarh Dimirikuda 9 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Deogarh Laimura 10 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Gajapati Agarakhandi 11 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Gajapati Goribandha 12 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Gajapati Sidhamadanga 13 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Gajapati Parthada 14 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Bhimpur 15 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Borada 16 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Buratal 17 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Gudiali 18 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Hugulapata 19 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Keluapalli 20 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Pattiguda 21 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Sama 22 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam Sana Ramchandrapur 23 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Ganjam T.Govindapur 24 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Jagatsinghpur Batimira 25 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Jharsuguda Remenda 26 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Rayagada Gumma 27 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Rayagada Hallua 28 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Rayagada Matikona 29 Andhra Bank PSB Odisha Sambalpur Senhapali SSA - Bharisen, Pin IOB PSB Uttarakhand Chamoli 30 code- 246428 SSA -Sidoli,Pin IOB PSB Uttarakhand Chamoli 31 code- 246429 SSA -Nani, Pin IOB PSB Uttarakhand Chamoli 32 code- 246555 SSA -Kalseer,Pin IOB PSB Uttarakhand Chamoli 33 code- 24647 34 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Darcha 35 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Demul 36 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Lalung 37 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Kolong 38 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Tandi 39 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Chamba Balli 40 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Ramni 41 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Punang (1) 42 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Chamba Ruliani 43 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Giyabong 44 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Ropa 45 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Chamba Hundan Bhatori 46 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Chamba Luj 47 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Chamba Sural 48 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Asrang 49 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Themgarang (1) 50 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Kinnour Batseri 51 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Muglawala Kartarpur 52 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Bhawai 53 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Ghanduri 54 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Nehar Pab 55 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Shimla Bagri 56 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Shimla Deothi 57 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Shimla Ghorna 58 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Shimla Pargeya 59 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Rampur Bharapur 60 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Sirmour Palhori 61 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Khangsar 62 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Sissu 63 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Koksar 64 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Lossar 65 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Lahul & Spiti Hull 66 State Bank of India PSB Himachal Pradesh Shimla Bamta 67 State Bank of India
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