C-27 program changes have put the Air Force and Army “on a far more amicable path.” The Little Airlifter That Could By Megan Scully Alenia North America photo ore than a year ago, Secre- Meanwhile, the joint program office A C-27J Spartan shows off its agility by tary of Defense Robert M. at the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, Ala., flying inverted at an air show. Gates did two things with is staying open until the end of this Mthe C-27J Joint Cargo Aircraft program. fiscal year to help with the transition. Force officials have said they were First, he made it the exclusive property “From an acquisition perspective, overwhelmingly pleased with the results of the Air Force, all but eliminating the it’s really been seamless,” said Maj. of the two-month battlefield test of the Army’s role in the program. Second, Gen. Randal D. Fullhart, director of concept, stating it was a worthwhile the Pentagon chief cut the planned global reach in the Air Force’s acquisi- exercise as the Air Force prepares procurement of the aircraft in half. tion office. “We clearly recognize the to deploy the first C-27Js next year. The decision turned plans for the investment of time, knowledge, etc., The exercise “proved tremendously program—and the direct-support airlift that the joint program office had. So successful,” Lt. Gen. Robert P. Len- mission—on their head. Air Force of- rather than simply stopping that and nox, the Army’s deputy chief of staff ficials are still working to transition the going on, we’ve really tried to drive a for programs, told the House Armed program and its mission to their sole smooth transition, and to all measures, Services Air and Land Forces Subcom- purview while anticipating a smaller that’s gone very well.” mittee March 10. fleet. In all, the Air Force’s relationship The stakes are high. The airlifter is Proof of Concept with the Army on this issue “is probably scheduled to make its initial deployment Still, the challenges in shepherding a model for anything we do like this in next March 2011, and the expected the urgently needed propeller-driven the future because it really has been a destination is Afghanistan. cargo airplanes—all of which will be partnership,” Fullhart said. “We wanted The program, which began in 2005 as fielded by the Air National Guard—are to make sure that in the transition, we a joint Army and Air Force venture, has not just acquisition-related. The two did no harm, and I think we’ve been stirred some old service rivalries cen- services had to develop a concept of thoroughly successful in that.” tered on the issue of the direct-support employment for the C-27J to guide The change has been felt on the Army airlift mission. This has complicated the how the Air Force will provide critical side as well. During a breakfast with transfer of the C-27 to the Air Force. direct support airlift to Army ground reporters March 31, Army Secretary Over the last year, Army and Air forces operating in austere locations. John M. McHugh said he believes the Force officials have worked to set up Late last year, officials set out to changes to the program have put the the Air Force program office at Aero- prove the concept of employment us- Army and the Air Force on a “far more nautical Systems Center at Wright- ing surrogate C-130 airlifters dedicated amicable path.” Patterson AFB, Ohio. It is scheduled to an Army combat aviation brigade “I’ve discussed this matter with [Air to open this fall. deployed to Iraq. Both Army and Air Force] Secretary [Michael B.] Donley, 58 AIR FORCE Magazine / July 2010 and I think we’re probably in a better funding. Lawmakers supported the ment, supplies, and personnel into place than perhaps the Army and Air Army’s request that year to procure an area of operations, the Air Force Force were on this issue a year ago,” seven C-27Js. convened a number of working groups McHugh said. However, shortly after announcing comprising Air Force airlift experts, Last spring, the C-27J became one the decision to trim the buy of the Army aviation experts, and representa- of the lesser-known targets hit by the aircraft and transfer them to the Air tives from US Transportation Command budget ax in the Pentagon’s Fiscal 2010 Force, Gates questioned the wisdom of and US Central Command. proposal. The $3 billion L-3 Communi- buying 78 C-27Js to meet both Army The result was the development of cations/Alenia North America program and Air Force requirements, telling the the platform-neutral concept of employ- did not have the visibility or the long- House Armed Services Committee that ment, which now serves as the doctrinal standing support on Capitol Hill as the transport carries half the payload of framework for deploying any aircraft— did other programs cut or terminated, a C-130 but costs two-thirds as much. whether it is C-27Js, C-130s, or any such as the F-22 Raptor or the Army’s other aircraft—in the direct-support Future Combat Systems. Platform-Neutral airlift role. The plan gives the senior Nonetheless, the Pentagon’s decision Gates added that the C-27J, which Army aviation authority tactical control to slash the C-27J buys from 78 aircraft had been hailed for its ability to land of the Air Force’s deployed C-27Js, to 38 and transfer all remaining aircraft just about anywhere and go deep into which will be embedded with Army to the Air Force shocked many in de- the fight, would give the military access combat aviation brigades. Members of fense circles who had questioned the to only one percent more runways than the Ohio Air National Guard deployed Air Force’s commitment to the program a C-130 could. And with hundreds of C- with two C-130s to Iraq from October to while at the same time for years hearing 130s not deployed overseas, the active December 2009 to mature the command the Army’s urgent pleas for the aircraft. and reserve components had adequate and control structure and validate the Under the original plan, the Army was lift capability to respond to needs at direct-support requirements envisioned to receive 54 C-27Js to replace aged home and overseas, he said. Attempt- for the C-27J. (The two C-27Js in the C-23 Sherpas and help decrease the ing to assuage lawmakers concerned Air Force inventory at the time were workload of the heavily deployed CH- about the Air Force’s commitment to still undergoing testing Stateside.) 47 Chinook helicopter fleet, which has the direct-support mission, Gates also During concept testing, the Ohio logged record hours during operations told House lawmakers that Air Force Guard’s 164th Expeditionary Airlift in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lawmakers, Chief of Staff Gen. Norton A. Schwartz Squadron was tasked by the Army’s however, had long questioned whether and Army Chief of Staff Gen. George 25th Combat Aviation Brigade. The the Air Force, with its fleet of C-130s, W. Casey Jr. were already discussing squadron flew one aircraft daily, with actually wanted or needed the 24 air- how the Air Force would respond to the second on standby for immediate planes it planned to buy. Army needs. response, if necessary. “When the call In the Fiscal 2009 defense appropria- “And I think they are going to make came in, asking if we would support tions bill, Congress cut the Air Force’s considerable progress in that,” Gates this mission, it took us about three request for advanced procurement said. seconds to answer,” Col. Gary McCue, funding, but USAF kept its portion To learn how to best and most effi- commander of the Ohio Air National of the program on ice by saving $16 ciently deliver deployed Army forces’ The C-27J program will now be wholly million in research and development time-sensitive, mission-critical equip- owned by the Air Force. Photo by Piotr Butowski AIR FORCE Magazine / July 2010 59 Alenia North America photo Guard’s 179th Operations Group, said they weren’t sure their Air Force would The small, prop-driven lifter can carry last November. “As an Air Guard unit, be there with them when they needed 68 troops, 46 paratroopers, or 36 litters. we work very closely with the Army direct support,” Schwartz said. “That Here, paratroopers prepare to jump. [National Guard] in Ohio. And since is a change. We have demonstrated we rolled in here, it’s been seamless. to our Army brothers and sisters, as year’s anticipated deployment of up The Army wants this to work. They’ve well as others, that we will be there. to four C-27Js to Afghanistan. For been asking for this for 60 years. And We can do this.” the Army, which has been heavily we’re showing them that we’re with tasking its Chinooks in the punish- them 100 percent.” Preparing for the Big Show ing Afghanistan terrain, the C-27J According to Fullhart, the exercise The Air Force was to begin multi- deployment can’t come soon enough. gave the Air Force a clearer understand- service operational test and evaluation “I don’t think there’s a service Chief ing of how the Army’s requirements are on the C-27Js in April, in the hopes who wouldn’t like to see anything generated and how the Air Force can of wrapping up the test program by they desire deployed faster,” said be responsive to those needs.
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