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Descriptive Bulletins will be mailed on request to anyone interested in steam generation. >/< Established 1856 Saginaw, Mich. Hlu^B SALES OFFICES: New York, 501 Fifth Ave. VERTICAL [ ® ^^^^ Chicago, 33 So. Clark St. Seattle, 736 Henry Bide. Detroit, General Motors Bldg. THREE DRUM Ten Recent Installations at Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. Garlock Packing Co., Palmyra, N. Y. Timken-Detroit Axle Co., Detroit, Mich. Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. Ajax Rubber Co., Racine, Wis. Electric Refrigeration Corp., Grand Rapids, Mich. HORIZONTAL CROSS DRUM Guaranteed Liquid Measure Co., Rochester, Pa. Michigan State College, East Lansing. Mich. Mattewan State Hospital, Beacon, N. Y. Watervliet Paper Co., Watervliet. Mich. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR O. P. De Witt & Sons WHOLESALE GROCERS ST. JOHNS, MICH. Distributors of "Odessa Brand9' Fancy Quality Vegetables Reliable Throughout the Year a Royal Queen and Defiance" Coffee Ask Your Grocer For Them +— 4 July, 1929 THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD The MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD Established 1896 Member of the American Alumni Council Published for the alumni and former students of-^the Michigan State College by the M. S. C. Association. Published monthly throughout the year. Membership in the M. S. C. Association, including subscription to THE RECORD, $2.50 per year. Unless members request a discontinuance before expiration of their memberships, it will be assumed a renewal is desired. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to the M. S. C. Association. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at East Lansing, Michigan. GLEN O. STEWART, '17, Editor GLADYS FRANKS. w*27. Alumni Recorder DR. F. S. KEDZIE Historian NE time president of the College, THE M. S. C. ASSOCIATION O dean of applied science, professor Union Memorial Building of chemistry and instructor; Dr. Frank OFFICERS—1928-29 S. Kedzie has been intimately connect­ Arthur C. MacKinnon, '95, President G. V. Branch, '12, Vice-President ed with the institution all his life. Now, R. Bruce McPherson, '90, Treasurer Glen O. Stewart. '17, Secretary « as historian, he is in charge of all old records and equipment of the oldest EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE agricultural college in the world. His E. E. Gallup, "96, Lansing, term expires 1930; Earl E. Hotchin. "12, term expires 1931; knowledge of and acquaintance with L. O. Gordon, '06, term expires 1932 ; Harris E. Thomas, 85, Lansing, ex-officio ; E. W. all the earlier students of the College Ranney, '00, Greenville, ex-officio; Frank F. Rogers, '83. Lansing, ex-officio. is very helpful to the alumni officers not only at commencement season but throughout the year. In This Issue Listening In Page Greetings Prom President Shaw 5 RADUATES of 1929, newest re­ G cruits in alumni ranks, are now Memorial Towev Dedication Impressive 7 readers of The Record. Before Honorary Degrees Conferred Upon Smith, '09; Frost, w'90: Johnson, '95 9 leaving the campus the. class organ­ ized with permanent officers to serve Many Classes Represented at Reunions Alumni Day. 10 for the first five years. Several hun­ "Close Beside the Winding Cedar" 11 dred of the class paid their alumni membership while others simply over­ Editorial Comment • 12 looked the matter or were to busy in Alma Mater Sends Greetings—Why Join the Alumni Asso­ ciation—Thanks to the Scotchman—Thanks Mr. Yost—Meat the rush of packing the trunk the for Popular Writers. last time. To these the magazine goes this time, with the compliments of the What a Time! A Great Sunset Supper. 13 Association, composed of members who Prize Winners Announced in Baby Show—Baseball Awards An­ have paid. nounced 14 And welcoming the newcomers to Record Class Given Diplomas at Commencement 15 the Michigan State family there is just this plea: when you move, as many Gridiron Eleven Books Ambitious Schedule 17 of you will in the fall, don't fail to Alumni Affairs '.. '•. • 20 notify the alumni office. The Record, traveling second-class, is not forward- able; and it sometimes happens that we send it for a whole year to an ad­ serving a definite purpose in helping a few more thousand whose 10th year dress vacated by a member. Then when them to maintain contact with class­ is high upon them. We thoroughly he gets a statement for his alumni dues mates and friends. At the present time enjoyed Alumni Day back in East Lan­ (sent first-class and thus forwarded to many of the best hotels of the coun­ sing, and you are to be congratulated his new address), he complains that try, and even some of the Eastern sum­ on the program lined up. Best wishes he hasn't had the magazine. But we mer lodges, are included in the long for the continued success of Michigan didn't know that! How could we? list. The united effort of members of State and its alumni association.— the American Alumni Council consti­ Larry Ross. '21. And it is not always the new mem­ tutes the largest scale factor in keeping bers who forget to tell us they've mov­ the alumni and alumnae of American ed. Not only the alumni office but colleges in touch with each other in I have yours of June 8 regarding your friends will be interested in know­ their travels throughout the country. ing all about you, your job, the new the Annual Alumni Fund. In response baby, and such interesting things. I am enclosing herewith my check for $25.00. Your letter is a winner. Here's Now that the ice is cracked, we re­ hoping you get the response from ICHIGAN STATE alumni fer to the Rabbi's motto, "It won't be M throughout the country find that long now." The first ten years were the alumni that your letter deserves.— Intercollegiate Alumni hotels are hardest and I sincerely hope there are E. G., '96. 4 THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD July, 1929 Alumni Day Celebrants—Old and Young F) EUNION classes of '83, '04, '09, and '14 are here pictured after their class luncheon in the Union. The pho- JX tographer believes he missed a few in each class as they lingered to greet old friends of other classes. You will recognize "Uncle" Frank Kedzie and Warren Gunnison, uf66, as the adopted members of the class of '04. The fine youngsters and their mothers were only a part of those who waited for the photographer after the baby show. The seven happy faces with their smiling mammas tell you at once they were the winners. 'The MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE FV E C O PV D Entered at the East Lansing Postoffice as Second Class Matter Vol. XXXIV. No. 11 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN July. 1929 MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT EAST LANSING, MICH. July 24, 1929 'ro the Graduates and Former Students of Michigan State College? We are glad of this opportunity to send greetings to all graduates and former students of Michigan State College. We always like to think of you as a part of the great insti­ tutional family realizing that mutual interests necessitate the maintenance of strong bonds of friendship and a spirit of cordial cooperation. The members of our large Staff are all striving earnestly to do their very best for M. S. C* The administrative forces of the State, the State Board of Agriculture, the legislature and the citizens of the State are manisfesting an unusually kindly interest in the institu­ tion and are lending hearty and generous support. The stu­ dent body is responding splendidly to the appeal for the observance and attainment of higher standards soholastically, socially, morally and spiritually so that M.-S. C» may become the safest and best place in the world for parents to send their sons and daughters for an education. The magnificent chimes tower with the striking of its clock and the ringing of its bells has already become one potent source of inspira­ tion on the Campus constantly reminding all to strive for the attainments of those standards heretofore mentioned for which the institution is to stand in a markedly characteristic way. The friendship, support and cooperation of all graduates and former students is greatly desired by the administration and staff of the institution. Sincerely, President J THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD July, 1929 July, 1929 THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD 7 Memorial Tower Dedicatory Program Impressive Speakers Laud Donors; President Accepts Gift For College LUMNI Day took on a new inter­ The architect of the building, repre­ lege he desired to express in some A est and special significance this senting -Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont, will simple and dignified memorial and this year with the dedication of the now make the presentation address. tower is his expression, insofar as the beautiful Memorial tower, the gift of Mr. John M. Donaldson, of Detroit." architect was able to interpret it. John Beaumont, '82, and Mrs. Beau­ He hoped it might take such out­ Beaumonts Represented by Architect mont, of Detroit.
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