who had been working at top speed, authoritatively. Bobs lady hold 111’ nephew of the theatrical producer, had bestowed the camp-luggage, boss man on lap." spent Saturday in Omaha ft« the gueet I ««• much lightened now. In the carrier of Edward Daugherty. They of on the side, and were waiting V.illlam K. Ziegfeld New York, r'aesmates at Yale. with anxious faces for us. “Lee Chow Driie Car!” Lee Chow was nowhere to be seen, f-- > Katie magnificently as with the although the replaced seat and of which Affair; for Guest Literature of the A Wife's Confessional same monotonous inflection cushions showed that he had carried had characterized his former ut- the letter. Mrs. Goss. Adele Garrison'* New Phase of out my instructions to Is Theme terance, he repeated the words: But he had vanished into the bushes Mrs. Arthur Rose of Los Angeles. Spirit to doc- •'Not clams. But must go as mysteriously as he had appeared, Cal., arrived Saturday to be the guest REVELATIONS OF A WIFE tor soon." and I woundered If my rpfusal to let Goss until after of of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lecture for an- (Copyright, 1924.) Katie opened her mouth him carry Junior had offended him Thanksgiving. V__:-- / but I forestalled tt "The Life of the and the Life other tirade, after all. Among the affairs planned in honor Spirit Why Gee Chow Reappeared After with a stern and peremptory: I him, however, to be of Today." by Elizabeth Underhill, speedily forgot of Mrs. Rose is a luncheon given and the discussed He Vanished "Be quiet. Katie, get in the dilemma which faced me at Court tearoom, at English writer, was largely Tuesday Aqulla rag- at once. Marion French Merrill tn Even frantic anxiety things into the when I readied that I must trans- which Mrs. C. C. IVlden will be host by Mrs. Anthony though my will help you. Dee Chow, will you fer Junior to someone else'* care Mrs. C. A. Goss will her talk on "Books of tile Spirit To- for Juntor there flashed an irresist- ess, Wednesday cushion and Hotel Black- put back the pillows while I drove the car. My first sug- a luncheon at the day.” Monday morning, be hostess at ible thrill.of amusement at. Katie’s for me?" you brought 'tom the car of such a course brought a At ihe Universi- stone. Miss Underhill is considered son's mho gestion Rrandeis restaurant. astonished reaction to my at He hesitated, looking Junior. from my small son. club Mrs. A. H. Hippil” an authority on mysticism. favorite admo- piteous protest ty Thursday of his grandmother's "Dil' boss man J^>e to "The bock is mod- plenty heavy, “Don't let me go, Mama!" he will entertain a luncheon party deep, thoughtful, nition. She ihrew up her head and abreast nil Ideas and Chow better carry." walled. "Hold me tight.” honor Mrs. Rose. ern, thoroughly at him for a minute, and slaved I drew the boy closer in sudden manners of the ige,” said Mrs. Mer- ‘‘But ba-bee, your poor nia-tna then to m.v suprise—although I rill. unreasoning panic. got to drive the car," Katie stuck in For Mrs. Donahue. should not be astonished at anything with a valiant attempt to bring me "An instinct toward higher aspira- think ‘•Mother Knows, Darling." Miss Dorothy Wirt pAvo n- lunch- Lemon Saves my volatile 'ittle maid may These j Sugar. all human in I said vehemently. "He aid and comfort. "Shonst let your crisp, golden at the tion underlies activity and •'No. no,’ eon and bridge party Monday of of doing—she laughed loudly brown hare One might think that the use the author's belief,'' the speaker con- Is not too heavy for me. But hurry Katie hold you, till ve get home. squares Omaha Hub for Mrs. Anderson Dongs heartily. that nut-like lemon would require the use nf more tinued. with the things." Den you can go hy Mn-ma all times.” delicious, Mrs. A. Jordon Donahue. "You not keeck bucket shoost yet, guest, one of "Xo! Junior’s derived from the sugar. Try adding teaspoon "Lack of religion, of a spirituality, I stumbled through the sand to Xof” voice, usually flavor using Mrs. Dong and her guest my ba-beel" she chortled. “Not vile Tuesday lemon tn of fruit when indeed a rose in scream. every pound makes life a unsatisfying th» r. finding the child docile, hysterical finest flour will he th# luncheon guests of Mrs. perfectly you talk so smart shoost like Grand- graham specially stewing it. You will find that you round of dizzy dissipation. Without heavy load, but mother-like, unwill- "I want my Mama to hold me, no- between burrstones. la. A. Sattler. very informally, and mudder. But"—with a sudden low- ground will less sugar. to surrender to any the body else.” John- require religion, life is opaque, fleshly, sad to ing appeal- Grocers sell or the A on Wednesday Mrs. Walter O. ering of her brows as she turned packages by THE HOUSEWIFE. and hopeless. The new psychology ing clasp of his arms. Not to Dicky Ordinarily I should have com- a at I,ep Chow—"dot don't mean f son will have bridge eightsome (GopyrighG 1VJ4.I you j and religion are treated in the book," himself would I have transferred pelled Junior to sit with Katie, but pound. her home for Mrs. Donahue. didn't try to keel heem, und I tell said Mrs. Merrill. my ailing little lad, who now was I did not know what effect weeping BISCUIT COMPANY now better yourself NATIONAL you you keep his Lieut. West Weds "It is quite a great hook, and I fear whimpering with pain and fright. might have upon undeniably Club. pretty small ven you by me, or I Pilgrims few people will read it, though it is "My eyes hurt lots, Mama. I feverish condition. T was at my wits’ will he Detroit Girl. feex you goot und proper, you bet Mr*. James O. Whitney and can't them. And my face and end, and was debating the possibility Announrements have been received clear, simplp very rewarding.” boots. open the club at her your , hostess to Pilgrims Hr. Richard Cabot's "What Men hands burn." of holding him in one arm and try- In Omaha nf the wedding of Lieut. "Now, Meesees Graham"—with a .10(15 Harney street, Thursday, drive with the other home, United States Live B> though several years old, "Mother knows darling,” I sooth ing to hand, Unee Edmund Graham West. swift transition to practicality— November 20, 2 p. m. even I realized the Alberta Fuller of De- was praised as a book of the spirit. ed him. "And we'll hurry Just as fast though danger army, and Miss "vot you goin’ gif dot ba-bee, take “The Little Church "The modern stage." said Mrs. as we can Jo a nice doctor who’ll of a sudden nervous swerve upon troit. Mich., at avay dot poison dees Chink put in Club. "is a medium for something to stop the his part, when Lee Chow's calm Bridge Around the Corner” in New York Merrill, powerful dose clams7" give you B Mrs. G. F. Anderson will entertain voIcp sounded close to me. Again m G on November 14. Lieutenant problems of the spirit. Men and wo- hurt.” Graham City, I have heard much of the club at her home Thurs- imper- L -»J aia. u. »- sat. orf. her bridge his father. men who are and I hurried as fast as I he had materialized mysteriously West is a native nf Omaha, writing plays put- of and a fur- Though turbability Orientals, without day afternoon. been ting them on In a are could, my progress through the sand form the bustles my hr-arlhg Charles S. West, having formerly masterly way, tive glance at Lee Chow told me that to President giving us of the was necessarily slow, and by the time his approach. traveling secretary problems spirit, a* far as his of the possession quality he I Dinner-Bridge. of the Union Pacific of the life of the I reached the ear Marlon and Katie, "Lee Chow drive car,” said Horace G. Burt phases spirit." was concerned, T had heard Smith will he hostess to nothing Mr*. C. G. He Is a There is no Railroad company. grandson adequate understanding had been Not a muscle club at her home exaggerated. her dinner bridge ."125 Mason of literature without a of of Mrs. Graham Park. knowledge of his face had changed under her Tuesday night. from the Bible,” said Mrs. Merrill. street, Omaha. After gradation fiery denunciation, and he Ignored Pallk-Ldchnovsky. the Central High school of Wash- "When the prophet comes, he will he entered the army eome not from the platform or the Mr*. Agnes I.icknovsy and R. E. ington, D. C., St. and served In Franre through- church, but from the stage,” Mrs. Palik were quietly matVied at the in 1917 out the war. He Is now stationed at Merrill said, quoting Bean Inge. Agnes church this morning.' Father "We have new to- Aheirne officiating. Following a Brooklyn, N. Y. a pagan people at day. They won't to church or short wedding trip, they will be go pray, hut they will go to home after December 1 at 642 South Catholic Instruction League plays." of the spirit named were "The Eighteenth street. .Plavi Schedules Bridge Party. Swan," In which, the speaker said, Catholic Instruction league will give A Foot Scraper.
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