•MECTfflt&MPUS.&l1i~*&l&»~ *!«.-*. t»'M.~X. Volume XXI Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, November 6, 1934. No. 7 MASS MEETING STARTS GALA WEEK-END GRIDSTERS TROUNCE COAST GUARD 13 - 0 FIRST STATE VICTORY j FOOTBALL HOP TICKETS WILL BE $5; PEP SESSION BEGINS OF IMPORTANCE IN INCLUDES ADMISSION TO PLAY CELEBRATION FRI. FOR THREE YEARS TO BE GIVEN SATURDAY NIGHT RHODE ISLAND GAME Alumni and Students Join in Exten- Victory Keeps State's 12-Year Record Music by Doc Peyton of Radio and College Renown; Armory Will Resemble of Never Having Been Scored On— Ballroom—Open Booths sive Program of Sports. Dramatics. Game Played Saturday at New Military Parade, Dancing and Revival of College Days London Final plans for the 1934 football hop to be given in Hawley Armory Friday. November 23, from 9 p. m. to 2 a. m. were declared completed Mon- Smashing their way through a day night by the executive chairman, Amedeo Bondi, Jr. The Second Annual Armistice and Coast Guard Academy football team Contracts have been signed with Ohio. 3 months; Fontenello Hotel. Home-Coming Celebration will be that pre-game dope had picked as a Doc Peyton and his orchestra of 11 I Omaha, Neb., 6 months: Lowry ushered in with a Student Alumni heavy favorite Connecticut State pieces and Kathleen Lane, Blue Sing- ; Hotel, St. Paul, Minn., 4 months: \la-s Meeting to be held in the Haw- fought out a 13-0 victory, to uphold er; with Everett Felber for the deco- Kenmore Hotel, Albany. N. Y.. 3 ley Armory, at 7:30 p. m.. Friday eve- their famous twelve year jinx of ration of Hawley Armory to resem- years; Syracuse Hotel. Syracuse, N. ning. The student body and the alum- never having had a Cadet tote the ble a ballroom; and with the Con- V., 1 year; Castle Farms, Cincinnati, ni will gather together, with "Jiggs'' leather over the Blue and White goal necticut Players for the presentation Ohio, 4 return engagements; Stations McCarty and 'Bus'' Yardsley as mas- line. of -'The Shining Hour", a three act WCCO, WLW, KMOX. WBBM, WGY, ters of ceremony. of the National and Columbia net- Connecticut's first touchdown came comedy, by Keith Winter. Old Timers Will Speak Tickets Five Dollars works. Besides the usual program of col- in the first period after a sustained College Work: Played at Penn. march from midfield. The second By vote of the executive committee lege songs and cheers there will be tickets for the Hop will be $5 a Prom. 1933, opposite Warrings Penn- a number of speakers whose past ef- came in the final quarter when Eddie sylvanians; Cornell Prom, in 1932; MeMahon snared a Coast Guard couple and will include admission to forts on the gridiron fill many pages the play on Saturday night. Holders Pitt Prom, opposite Duke Ellington; in Connecticut football history. A aerial on Connecticut's thirty yard Dartmouth Prom; Amherst Prom; line, and hiked sixty-five yards for the of the Hop tickets will have reserved few of these invited to speak are: seats at the play. Programs for the Wellesley Prom.: and at Indiana. Paul Bitgood. "Coe" Hawkins. "Kay" Christianmen's second touchdown of Perdue. Norta Dame. Michigan, Ohio the afternoon. play have have been ordered by Chair- Ryan, "Andy" Sayers, "Pop" Wil- man William Daniels and will be blue State. Illinois, Penn. State, Carnegie, liams. "Billy" Schofield, "Jerry" Al- Never a Letup with a white "C" on the front cover, and Temple. lard, "Art" Mitchell, the Eddy Broth- For the first time this year Con- and white cord. Last Saturday night Doc Peyton ers. "Wally" Moreland. Franklin necticut played the entire game with- Is Well Known Orchestra played at a big dance for Harvard at Pierce. Maurice Lockwood and "Red" out any serious letdown. From the Doc Peyton has traveled extensive- the Lowell House. O'Neil. Coach Christian. Dean Dole, opening whistle, until the referee's ly with his orchestra, playing at the Those awarded jobs at the football and Captain "Mike" Cronin are ex- whistle ended the contest Connecti- following leading hotels and College hop, in the role of ushers or worker; pected to be on hand to give a pic- cut played heads up football. True, dances: Gibson Hotel, Cincinnati, will be informed Wednesday ture of what to expect when our there were times when the caliber of team goes on the field to face our the football played was not of the traditional rival for the twenty-sev- best, but of the spirit with which $500 MARK REACHED CHENEY LEADS CLASS IN enth time in the history of the col- Connecticut went about the task of ic,:. taking down the Coast Guard's sails AT FESTIVAL FAIR ASTRONOMY TO BROWN nothing can be said. In the Blue and Comedy Presented in Evening White backfield Kelly, Johnson, Gro- Telescope Lent to State Observatory At 8:45 p. m. "There's Always Jul- Proceeds To Be Used for Loan Fund iet." a comedy in three acts will be ller, and Mike Cronin spent their time for Women Students By Brown Department tearing away at the Cadet line with given by members of the alumni of Eddie Poland turning in his best punt- A clear view of Saturn with all its Theta Alpha Phi, an honorary dramat- The First Annual Harvest Festival ic fraternity at the college. The parts ing performance of the year, to out- Fair held in Hawley Armory Satur- rings, followed by a lecture and a kick Cass, the Cadet field general who creative motion picture entitled "Life in this play will be portrayed by Miss day afternoon and evening has been Abbie Jean Quick, Kay Tinkham, has proven himself one of the small declared a financial success. When all on Bros" given by Professor Smiley, college kickers in the East. was the reward to the Astronomy "Brub" Dow and "Nate" Qatchell. bills are paid and various orders for Dick Attridge, Field Secretary of the All Play Well merchandise have been filled it is Class tor their Hip to tie' Ladd Ob- servatory of Brown University last alumni directed the play. All the To place the laurel on any partic- estimated that the Scholarship Fund (Con:inued On Page Seven) ular spot In the Nutmeg line would will have reached the $500 mark Monday evening. (Continued On Page Five) which amount the committee for the T-.veive members of the Astronomy Fund had set as its goal for the pres- Class under the direction of Dr. Wil- TRADITIONAL VICTORY BELL ent semester. Much credit for the suc- liam Fitch Cheney. Jr.. Dr. C. H. \Y. STUDENT SENATE APPROVES cess of the enterprise is said to be be- Sedge wick, and Mr. Crandell, left AWAITS RH0DY GAME FOOTBALL HOP BUDGET cause of the work of Dr. Ella Char- Storra last Monday evening at 6 p. lotte Rogers in organizing the entire m. in four cars, and arrived in Provi- Will Be Placed on Armory Roof at Stage End 70O Sq. Yds. Bunting to be Bought for affair and carrying out many of the dence, 1!. I. at •> p. in. details. Mabel Barnes and Eleanor On arriving at the Observatory the Armory Decorations Brinkerhoff assisted Dr. Keg' is. class was greeted by C. H. Smiley. As "Herb" Fiance. Director of The committee in charge expressed Paul Eberhart and Mr. Grinnell. Pro- Music and popular member of the The Budget for the 1934 Football Faculty was receiving his annual Hop of $555 was approved as pre- gratitude lor the cooperation shown fessor C. 11. Courrier who as head by the faculty and students. They of the Astronomy Department at haircut at Ernie's, the opinion came sented at a special meeting of the forth from Ernie that if the "Victory Student Senate Thursday evening, by thanked particularly Aladar Von Brown, had extended the invitation Sabo and the boys that worked in the to the members of the clas3 at Con- Bell", formerly in the tower of the Amedeo ISoudi, '35, of Clinton, chair- old Main Building, should again be man of the Executive Committee of haberdashery booth, and Leonard necticut State, was unable to be pres- Katz, Everett Felber, and George ent to personally jjuide the group. rung, the three year jinx on Connec- the Football Hop. At the same time, ticut States athletics would be brok- the Senate voted to finance the pur- Averill for their assistance in decor- Novel Clocks Observed ating the Armory. The sororities also The members ot the group looked en. Mr. France enthusiastically cham- chase of 700 square yards of bunting (Continued On Page Seven) (Continued On Page Five) (Continued On Page Ten) (Continued On Page Six) J ■ 4 Page Two THE CONNECTICUT CAMPUS Tuesday, November 6, 1934. ASTRELLA ELECTED RICKETSON CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT OF C.S.C. CALENDAR OF ETA LAMBDA SIGMA ENGINEERING CLUB DANCE COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7— Captain Ritter Elected Honorary 3:1B p. in. B"iaaliiiiiiii BOOCQTI Conn, Btnte vs. KlUlngly High storrs Three Fraternities Plan Dances after .! ::i0 p. in. Vanity Crocs Country. Conn. State vs. Kliode Island Storra Member of the Club 3:30 p. in. Freshmen Cross Country.!'onn« State vs. Kliode Island Storrs Thanksgiving Recess 7 :OU p. in. Pencraft Beach -35 Theodore F. Astrella, "35. of New Tilt KSDAV. NOVEMBER s— The Eta Lambda Sigma fraternity 3:00 p. ni. Vanity Boccee, Conn, State va. A. I. C. Lower Field Haven, was elected president of the a :O0 p.III. Freshmen R Football Conn. State vs. Fannington Storrs will hold its annual victory dance, Engineer's Club at iheir first meeting 7:oi) p.
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