8702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE April 15, 1983 SENATE-Friday, April15, 1983 (Legislative day of Tuesday, April12, 1983) The Senate met at 12 noon, on the differences will be reconciled and we Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, will the expiration of the recess, and was can get to both bills on some basis majority leader yield? called to order by the President pro maybe Monday or at least sometime Mr. BAKER. I am happy to yield. tempore (Mr. THURMOND). next week. Mr. BYRD. I suppose in a way I So indulging that hope, no matter probably would be expected to be one PRAYER how tenuous, I do not intend to try to of the last in the Senate to associate The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ get the bankruptcy bill up until I hear my remarks with the remarks the dis­ ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol­ from the principals there involved. tinguished majority leader has made, lowing prayer: and I refer to the recent election. But Let us pray: THE DOLE FOUNDATION BoB DoLE, even though he tried to Our Father in Heaven, we pray for Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, yester- render assistance to my opponent, was our families. As the business of the day in this Chamber, a man of courage always courteous to me. He never went Senate increases in intensity, as pres­ proved he was a man of vision and into my State and said anything sure builds and emotions rise, as issues compassion as well. The distinguished against me. are complicated by disagreement and senior Senator from Kansas, and my I admire him tremendously. I like controversy, may the Senators and good friend, BoB DoLE, took the occa- his wit, I like his ability to poke fun at their staffs take more seriously than sion of the day when he was wounded himself, which is a real attribute. ever their obligations to spouses and in service to our country, 38 years ago, He has assisted me on the floor in children. May they refuse to allow to establish a new and vital public matters that are of importance to my their loved ones to be sacrificed on the foundation for the benefit of handi- State of West Virginia, and he is, I altar of politics. capped citizens. think, universally recognized as an ex- Deepen their awareness, that in the economy of God, the family must have On April 14, 1945, an enemy bullet tremely capable and bright Senator. priority-the Nation cannot endure entered the right shoulder of Senator So I will try to look ahead and not disintegration of the home. In recess, DoLE which fractured his vertebra and look backward. I have no malice grant to the Senators the will to make initially paralyzed all of his extrem- toward BoB DoLE. He did what he time for their families, however much ities. During his miraculous recovery thought he ought to do, I guess, in else they have to do. If something he lost over 70 pounds and saw his trying to strengthen the size of the must be neglected, let it not be their temperature rise to 108.7 degrees. Still present majority in the Senate. loved ones. Grant that this weekend he survived. In all he spent over 39 I have a tremendous respect for him, will be a time of strengthening family months in hospitals in Europe and at and I think he knows it. We both ties and personal rest and relaxation home. joked about some of the things I re- as well as work. In the name of Him In 1947, when he returned to his ferred to. But as far as I am concerned who said, "Come unto me all ye who hometown of Russell, Kans., BoB any man who puts his hand to the labor and are heavy laden and I will DoLE found out that he would need plow and looks backward is not fit for give you rest • • *."Amen. additional surgery, and that it would . the Kingdom of Heaven. be expensive. Almost immediately, the So I join with the majority leader in citizens of Russell began a fundraising saying that Mr. DoLE is a patriot who RECOGNITION OF THE effort to help with the expenses, and has served his country well, bravely, MAJORITY LEADER Senator DoLE received the surgery and courageously, and who still wears The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The that he needed. the marks and always will, apparently, majority leader is recognized. Yesterday, in announcing the forma- of his service to his country. Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank tion of the Dole Foundation, which He has likewise rendered many serv- the Chair. will be a public foundation aimed at ices to his country here in this body. educating and training handicapped Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I thank SENATE SCHEDULE individuals. Senator DoLE said: the Senator from West Virginia, the Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, 1 hour I will never forget the help I received minority leader. He not only is the from this moment the Senate will go ~rom the people of Russell, an? I hope that most skillful legislator I ever knew, to the consideration of the reciprocity m some small way I can pr~:>VI~e ~elp,. and but he is also a man of understanding hope, to others who may be m sumlar s1tua- . bill under the order previously en­ tions now and in the future. and cor;npass10n .. I am sure Senator tered, at which time the Kasten Mr. President, I want to congratu- D<;>LE ~Ill apprec1at~ the remarks the amendment will be the pending ques­ late Senator BoB DoLE on the creation mmonty leader has JUSt made. tion. of the Dole Foundation and I want to I anticipate the Senate will not be in commend him for his empathy and ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF late today. I also anticipate that a clo­ conviction. I am confident that this ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS ture motion will be filed which will foundation will play a large part in the Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, I ask produce a vote on Tuesday under the lives of handicapped individuals in unanimous consent that, after the rec­ provisions of rule XXII. Kansas and across the country, and I ognition of the distinguished minority BANKRUPTCY LEGISLATION hope the foundation meets with every leader under the standing order, any Mr. President, I had hoped to bring success. time remaining between the expira­ up the bankruptcy bill today if there I will also say at this time, how tion or yielding back of that time and was time for it, and I think there prob­ grateful I am, along with everyone else the hour of 1 p.m. today be devoted to ably will be. But I do not think we can who has come to know BoB DoLE, to the transaction of routine morning get to it. I am advised there is a possi­ the citizens of Russell for assisting a business in which Senators may speak bility that the difficulties remaining in wounded veteran 36 years ago, and for for not more than 5 minutes each. that bill and another bill relating to making it possible for him to continue The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ bankruptcy may be worked out. It may to serve his country in the exemplary out objection, it is so ordered. be a fond wish. But, in any event, fashion in which he always has, which Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, since there is some possibility that those we all recognize and acknowledge. there will not be very much business e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. April 15, 1983 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8703 transacted other than debate on the people were floundering in the icy morning business until 1 p.m. in which amendment which will be pending, I water. Without a thought of personal Senators may speak for 5 minutes expect today to make another of my safety, the crew stopped the train and each. series of comments on the U.S. Senate. jumped in to save them. Their quick Mr. BAKER. Mr. President, there is action saved the trio from almost cer­ one item on the Calendar of General tain death. Orders that appears to be cleared on RECOGNITION OF THE My attention was brought to the this side for action by unanimous con­ MINORITY LEADER heroic act of these men by an article sent. The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. in the Martinsburg Journal on March Will the minority leader indicate CoHEN). The Democratic leader is rec­ 29. I want to share with my colleagues whether he is prepared to consider ognized. in the Senate this heartening story Calendar Order No. 81, S. 1011, the about three brave men-Jay L. Har­ Federal Deposit Insurance Act to pro­ wood of Russell, Ky.; K. W. Winters of CENTRAL AMERICA vide for the issuance of income capital Danville, W.Va.; and Jim Shoemaker certificates. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I am ex­ of Huntington, W. Va., and I ask unan­ Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, the Sena­ tremely concerned about our role in imous consent that the article enti­ tors on my side are ready to proceed the entire region of Central America, tled, "No. 93 Crew Pulls Three From with this matter. not just Nicaragua but also El Salva­ River," be printed in the RECORD. dor, Honduras, and other countries, as There being no objection, the article well. I worry that the current adminis­ was ordered to be printed in the tration is looking at this strictly in RECORD, as follows: ISSUANCE OF INCOME CAPITAL terms of a Soviet versus United States [From the Martinsburg Journal, Mar.
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