I Sunny, cool campus news-.If High in low 60's ts Tufts University Clark Speaks, Calls For Less Government by Paul Van Osdol "Government is the cause of most of our problems," Libertarian Party pres'i- deiitial candidate Ed Clark told about 100 Tufts 'stu- dents yesterday morning. Said Clark, American needs a change in its ap- proach to government, he criticized Ronald Reagan for favoring "massive ex- pansion of government" re- garding military and social affairs, and said Reagan's proposed tax cut actually won't reduce taxes, but keep them constant. Clark said that he would cut personal income taxes Libertarian party Candidate Ed Clark speaks to Tufts students on the problems of American in half, and eliminate tax- government and social affairs. Photo by Ken Sunshine, es for those in the lowest income brackets. To bal- ance the tax cuts, he would countries .If He called his Soviet Refusnik'Speaks On reduce military spending plan to recall all overseas by $50 billion, and elimin- troops arid dispose of draft Jewish pl i 9ht..:.:.:.:.: .. ........................................ ..... %..........'....................................! ........-.-...-.-.. 4 ............................................................................... ............. j ate foreign aid and subsid- registration a "less dan- ies to farmers. gerous foreign policy" than by Jerry Friedman grate, "You've burned all He said the U.S. should Carter's or Reagan's. Mishe Eidelman, a Rus- your bridges behind you,!' not be t'meddling in the Clark espoused a free sian "refusnik", lectured he said. internal affairs in other continued, page 4 Monday evening on the By virtue of your appli- plight of the Soviet Jews. cation to leave, the Soviet Eidelman, invited by the authorities alerted to your City To Investigate Housing Violations Jewish Political Action "existence", and a lengthy, Committee, emigrated from painful process begins. by Danny Gelber area. the Soviet Union to Israel You may be called to be "If you are living with As reported in the Tufts in 1978. questioned by government three or more unrelated Daily (Sept. 18, 1980), Mr. Eidelman spoke of officials about your rea- individuals in an off-camp- the city of Medford has the systematic destruction sons for wanting to leave. us apartment on the same already identified at least of Jewish culture in the You may also be accused floor, you run the risk 40 houses that violate U.S.S.R. in this century; of being a spy, a traitor, of having your housing sit- Chapter 140 of the state destruction accomplished or a "parasite" of society. uation altered," says law mandating that any pri- through the banning of This is precisely what oc- Barbara Rubel, Director vate dwelling cannot house Hebrew tests, the closing curred in the case of Mr. of Public Relations for four or-more unrelated per- or wrecking of synagogues Eidelman, who first applied Tufts. sons. (to the .point where only to emigrate in 1971. His Prompted by congestion According to Medford 24 remain in all of the . daughter was allowed to in the Hillside area, noisy Assistant Manager John Soviet Union), and, of leave in 1972, and he div- late night parties and Ghiloni, "the city will course, the outright "dis- orced his i:ife in 1976 so alleged health and safety be looking at various couragement" of the prac- she LOO could leave. violations due to over- areas 'of concern, and will tice of Judaism. Mr. Eidelman immediate- crowded apartments, the issw citations to those Eidelman, a retired ly lost his job as a mer- City of Medford is planning violating the Lodging House sea captain, also talked chant captain, and was im- an investigation of housing Statute and other health at length abcut the ordeal prisoned for possessing health and fire codes." code violations throughout of emigrating. From the continued, page 5 the Hillside and Medford continued, page 4 , moment one applies to emi- 2 ., ,Tufts DAILY Wednesday, September 24,. 1980 ............................................................................................................................, 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... ...................................... *.*............. Le t t e r s t 0 t he Ed it 0 r ...::~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~~ makes no attempt to ensure senators have no thing to Studer.t Learns Beck Proposes justice or individual fear. They most certainly rights, as ours does not; will be re-elected under lesson Constitution and provides no method of ,the new syst,em and as such, To To the editor: the Student Body; nppealing. the decisions they will support the The purpose of any stu- of the student government, change because they have On Friday the 19th, a dent government is to demo- as ours does not; it can'not nothing to lose and the fire in my room was caused cFatically represent the democratically represent university has everything by the use of a candle. opinions and interests of the opinions and interests to gain. It is the few The. candle1 was knocked over the student body and to of the governed and it most bad senators, who are in- provide for their general onto some books while 1 certainly does not provide active, ineffective and I was asleep. The result welfare. It derives its for their general welfare, unproductive, who have the of my carelessness was that power from the governed as ours does not. most to lose and as such, all the residents of Hill and can only be effective Under these circum- will fight the change he- Hall were evacuated at 3:30 while enjoying the con- stances, it is the right cause given a specific con- a.m. in a smoky confusion. fidence of the same. of the governed to insti- stituency that they have The potential of the situa- When a student govern- tute a new form of govern- to answer tg, they'll never tion is obvious. If there ment has the results of ment that does represent be re-elected. had been any hanging tapes- its elections questioned their opinions and inter- It is time the student tries or combustables near almost every year since ests, and does provide for body of Tufts University by, the entire floor would its constitution was rati- have been in much greater fied, like ours has; and ihe following is the preamble of the proposed constitution. danger. promises to reform these faulty election procedures WE THE UNDERGRADUATES of Tufts College, realizing the necessity Not having candles in of a more perfect student organization that will establish justice, your room is clearly. a les- almost every year and never does, like ours has; it procure an atmosphere of cooperation among the students, faculty and son to be learned. The administration, insure an environment that promotes academic and per- bottom line though, is my no longer has the confi- dence (nor support) of the sonal freedom, creativity, and growth, secure University prestige and carelessness. For this traditions, and provide for the general welfare of the University and I have no explanation, only governed and as such, be- comes an ineffective and its members, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Stident an apology, which seems Governs2nt of Tufts University. inadequate given the sever- immobile source of student ity of the deed. I sin- apathy and frustration, cerely hope that my care- as ours has become. Lheir general welfare. and with the faculty, ad- lessness will be noted by When the ' constitution It is with this purpose ministration, and the sur- others and make them think of a student government in mind that we propose rounding communities to twice about potentially makes no provision for re- a new constitution for the 0 improve our university. dangerous actions. viewing the constitutional- Student Government of Tufts The new constitution pro- ity of legislation and act- University. vides a vehicle in which I -Stephen Brown ions, as ours does not; In order to regain pub- to do just that. No, Mr. lic confidence and support Abarbanel, I do not believe there must be a sweeping I have all the answers, Tufts Daily ,change instituted from out- nor do I believe I can I WILLIAM A. FRECHlMAN. Editor in Chief , side the Senate; reforming "just walk right up to the MICHAEL FEISUS. News Editor TARA M. KALAGHER, the present constitution trustees and get a student RICH EDLIN, Sports Editor Arts and Features Editor will do no good (as at- center." I do, however, KEN SUNSHINE, Photography Editor MARGARET JOY FRISCH, Calendar Editor JOHN,NEFF. Managing Editor DANNY GELBER. Managing Editor tempts in the past have believe a student govern- ELIZABETH GROSS, L,ayout Editor BETSY ROSENBLOOM, Graphics Editor proven)* But let it be ment should be able to pay ' ART CHARLTON, Copy Editor ' MIKEL TAYLOR, Business Manager understood here and now, for (if necessary) a secur- 'NANCY E. YOUNG, Advertising Manager MARIE CERES, Office Manager this is not an attack on ity guard in front of the The Tufts Daily is a non-profit student-run newspaper published by Tufts University week-any individual senator, library, a typesetting days during the academic year. Printing by the harvard Crimson, Inc., 14 Plympton, St.. this is an attack on the 'machine for the student Cambridge, MA. Please address corresponderce to: Tufts Daily, Curtis Hall, Tufts U., Med- system. The many excellent newspapers, an outdoor bas- .ford, MA, 02155. 'Telephone: (617) 628-5000, eAt. €130. U.S. postage paid in Medford. started working toge,ther, ketball court and countless P other things that 'would DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau make this "prestigious in- stitute of higher educa- tion" safer, more efficient and more appealing to , everyone. Things that the present system does not offer the means nor the power for the students to do; and things that we the students should do. Be- cause Mr. Abarbanel, as your letter in the Sept.
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