Rural-Info_03-2012_1212010 10.12.12 19:48 Seite 1 03/2012 THE RURAL YOUTH EUROPE MAGAZINE Protecting environment New faces in the office in Switzerland Where are they now? Check page 3 Read on pages 4-5 Find out on pages 12-14 Rural-Info_03-2012_1212010 10.12.12 19:48 Seite 2 www.ruralyoutheurope.com C O N T E N T S | 2 p. 03 Rural WINTER 2012 EDITION Youth 2 Contents p. 04 Europe 3 Editorial Rural Youth Europe (RYEurope) is a European 3 New staff members non-governmental organisation for rural youth. p. 06 Established in 1957, it is an umbrella for youth 4-5 Autumn Seminar 2012 organisations working to promote and activate young people in countryside. It provides 6-7 Rural Games in Slovenia international training possibilities and works as an intermediary between national organisations 8-9 Study visit to Bulgaria p. 08 and youth organisations and public institutions at the European level. Rural Youth Europe is a 10-11 International Day of Rural Women member-led organisation: democratically constituted, the organisation is led by young 12-14 Where are they now? people for young people. Interviews with past board members p. 10 Rural Youth Europe aims to: 15 Postcards • Educate and train young people and create an awareness of rural and social issues. 16 Calendar 2013 • Actively encourage rural populations and p. 12 industry. • Support the development of new rural youth organisations. • Network with other European NGOs. • Lobby and highlight the problems and needs p. 15 of rural youth to focus the attention of inter - national and national bodies, as well as the general public. Rural Youth Europe unites 26 member info – rural youth europe is published by Rural Youth Europe. Views and opinions expressed in this organisations across 21 European countries. publication do not necessarily reflect those of Rural Youth Europe. Text may The membership base is over 500,000 young include informal translations of statements and documents. Reproduction of people who either live in rural areas or have an articles is authorised provided the source is quoted and copies of the article are sent to Rural Youth Europe. This newsletter is published with the support interest in rural life. of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the European Union (Youth in Action-programme). Responsible editors express their gratitude for all received articles and encourage every member organi- If your organisation is interested to join zation to contribute and to enrich our newsletter. Rural Youth Europe or you would like more information about our events, please contact RESPONSIBLE EDITORS: Mikko Välitalo, Emma Jorpes ADDRESS: Karjalankatu 2A, 00520 Helsinki, Finland [email protected] or check our PHONE: + 358 45 234 5629 website www.ruralyoutheurope.com E-MAIL: office@rural youtheurope.com WEBSITE: www.ruralyoutheurope.com PHOTO-CREDITS: www.PHOTOS.com, www.fotolia.de, rural youth europe CONCEPT & LAYOUT: madergrafisch (www.madergrafisch.at) Rural-Info_03-2012_1212010 10.12.12 19:48 Seite 3 3 | EDITORIAL www.ruralyoutheurope.com “Where there is love there is life” Fresh winds at the office! Mahatma Gandhi t is a time of change for Rural Youth Europe. We would like to start with thanking Amanda Hajnal for giving her heart and full I effort during her years as the Secretary General! Now, after a his is a quote that can be applied to many few months lacking her replacement, the RYEurope office team different situations in life. What I’m thinking of is again complete. As we, Pia Nurmio-Perälä and Milla T is the amount of love of life in the different Holmberg, are new at the office here follows a presentation in a Rural Youth Europe events. From my experience the few words. events are full of love, inspiration and life. I think the commitment of the prep team, the contribution made I, Pia, have started on 19 November at the post of Secretary by the participants and everybody’s eagerness to General for RYEurope. It is for sure a challenge and I have much learn new things are some of the key factors to a to learn, but it feels like I am at the right place. Living and helping successful event. Luckily, this obviously successful out at my family’s farm with forest, fields, apple trees and horses mix has been experienced many times, also during makes me understand what a rural reality means. Also the other this year. parts of the name, Youth and Europe, are familiar as it is precisely youth work in Europe I have done the last 12 years, first as an acti- The year 2012 is coming to an end (where did it ve participant, later as project manager, trainer and mentor. I am go...?) and it’s time to sum up what has been now looking forward to tight cooperation with the member organi- accomplished during the last year. Rural Youth sations and many special moments with you at the RYEurope Europe has arranged four different events, directly events! reaching around 200 young Europeans. The most recent event was the autumn seminar in Switzerland I, Milla, have started as a new office assistant of RYEurope at the in November (report on pages 4–5). During the year beginning of October and little by little I am getting to know the networks have been expanded, friendships have organisation and my tasks. I think I make a little exception to many been established and a few projects have been people in this field in a sense that I don’t have long experience in completed. 4H and I have not even grown up in rural environment. But in some sense it may be an asset, I am hoping to bring some new ideas to 2012 has also been the year of change. We said the office as well. I have strong experience in youth work and soci- good bye to our secretary general Amanda Hajnal al work in general; for the past years I have worked as and office assistant Laura Vapola, and after a tough Development planner and later as Development Manager for application process, hello to the new secretary Kalliola Youth Association in Helsinki. Before that I worked at the general Pia Nurmio-Perälä. I also would like to Finnish Children and Youth Association and Family Federation of mention our office assistant secretary Milla Finland. I am currently on maternity leave with my second child and Holmberg. You can read more about Pia and Milla in I was looking for some part-time job in my field when I came across this INFO magazine. this position. This suits my life situation very well and I am happy to start working with you all! As we are going towards Christmas and a new year I would like to thank you all for good co-operation We also have with us in the team Office Assistant Mikko Välitalo, and active participation. who already has been of the field of the RYEurope webpage and communication for some time. This trio will work hard to live up to On behalf of the board I wish you all the best for the standards Amanda put and we also aim for many new ideas 2013! so RYEurope continues being an ever evolving organisation. EMMA JORPES PIA NURMIO-PERÄLÄ MILLA HOLMBERG Board member Secretary General Office assistant Rural-Info_03-2012_1212010 10.12.12 19:48 Seite 4 www.ruralyoutheurope.com AUTUMN SEMINAR | 4 “Protect the environment – for your future” The theme of the Autumn Seminar 2012 was “Protect the environ- ment – for your future”. It brought approximately 40 young people from all over Europe to Gersau, Switzer land to explore environmental issues in different countries. Our first full day of activities commenced participants from different countries as they bright and early with an energizer exercise to introduced their displays. It was a real high- make sure there were no weary bodies light to the week as always. about. We then started into the days intense set of programmes, first up was a presenta- On Monday we started our day with a pre- tion about all our individual countries and sentation about sustainability in the environ- organisations. ment. A qualified forestry engineer gave us a talk about Switzerland’s environmental history After lunch we had two short sessions, one and explained how they have being increas - which was basically based on our fears and ing their forest percentage for 200 years in expectations for the week and the other order to benefit their mountainous country - which were team building exercises. Games side which was very prone to rockslides due finished, we started to organise tables for the to de-forestation. international buffet. This was probably the best chance we had to get to talk to all of the Rural-Info_03-2012_1212010 10.12.12 19:48 Seite 5 5 | AUTUMN SEMINAR www.ruralyoutheurope.com Following this we divided into groups and took a In the afternoon we continued with the theme of separate topic on dangers and opportunities for recycling and split into working groups to develop a woodland in our various countries. We then present- business plan on different recyclable materials which ed our findings and opinions as a group to the other were then presented along with a TV and leaflet teams. In the afternoon we went hiking in a mountai- advertising campaign to a panel of judges. A project nous wood to see some of the efforts that the Swiss about recycling batteries won the judges commen- have made to both ensure sustainability in wooded dation. areas and promote them as a tourism resource.
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