IAWA Journal, Vol. 15 (2),1994: 161-170 BARK STRUCTURE OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN ICACINACEAE by M.J. Potgieter and A.E. van Wyk H.G.W.J. Schweickerdt Herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 Republic of South Africa Summary A description of the bark structure of Theales and later in the Comales. The general southern African species of Apodytes and lack of anatomical information, including bark Cassinopsis is presented for the first time. anatomy, on the Icacinaceae makes compara­ Bark anatomy was found useful in distin­ tive intra- and interfamilial studies extremely guishing between species, especially in the difficult. This could lead to uncertain or incor­ genus Apodytes. Fibres, associated with scle­ rect conclusions. reids, are found exclusively in Apodytes spec. In contrast to the numerous contributions nov. B, whereas A. dimidiata subsp. dimidia­ on wood anatomy of the Icacinaceae by, ta and Apodytes spec. nov. A contain only amongst others, Bailey & Howard (1941), sclereids. Fibres are abundant in Cassinopsis Carlquist (1988), Patel & Bowles (1978), tinifolia, but sparse in C. ilicifolia. Wreathing Gregory (1980), Stott (1927), and Kromhout of the sclerenchyma by calcium oxalate crys­ (1975, 1977), bark anatomy has received little tals occurs in all three species of Apodytes, or no attention. This is especially true of the but not in Cassinopsis. Apodytes contains southern African woody members of the Ica­ prismatic crystals as opposed to druses in Cas­ cinaceae, represented by the genera Apodytes sinopsis. Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata and Cassinopsis. No information on the bark and Apodytes spec. nov. A show a prismatic anatomy of (hese two genera could be found crystal arrangement, consisting of crystallif­ in the literature. The comprehensive work by erous cells with a large centralised prismatic Roth (1981), which provides a wealth of in­ crystal surrounded by numerous small pe­ formation on bark features in certain families, ripheral crystals. Chambered cystalliferous does not include information on the Icacina­ strands occur in Cassinopsis, but not in ceae. Zahur (1959) supplies limited data on the Apodytes. Bark anatomically Apodytes spec. bark anatomy of Pennantia corymbosa Forst. nov. A shows a closer correlation with A. di­ Anatomical information on the Icacinaceae midiata than with the other species. is needed to clarify this family'S position, and Key words: Icacinaceae, Apodytes, Cassinop­ to enable an extensive comparative study of sis, anatomy, bark. its constituent genera. This paper provides the first description of the bark structure in Introduction Apodytes and Cassinopsis. Two putative new The Icacinaceae have been called a plant Apodytes species, provisionally designated family incertae sedis (Auxiliadora et al. 1991). Apodytes spec. nov. A and Apodytes spec. The delimitation of the family is clear, but its nov. B, are reported for southern Africa. In systematic position is questionable. Today the the present study we have also explored the Icacinaceae are placed in three different or­ diagnostic value of anatomical bark features ders depending on the classification system for distinguishing between these two species. used. According to Cronquist (1981) the fam­ ily belongs to the Celastrales. Dahlgren (1980, Materials and Methods 1983, 1989) removed the Icacinaceae and the Twenty-two bark samples were studied in allied Aquifoliaceae from the Celastrales, and the two southern African genera Apodytes placed them in the Cornales. Thome (1983, and Cassinopsis. Two undescribed Apodytes 1992a, b) first included the Icacinaceae in the species are designated Apodytes spec. nov. A Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 01:44:29PM via free access 162 IAWA Journal, Vol. 15 (2), 1994 Table 1. Members of Icacinaceae studied and voucher specimens. [Specimens are deposited in the H.G.W.J. Schweickerdt Herbarium (PRU).] Apodytes dimidiata E. Mey. ex Am. subsp. dimidiata: Potgieter 3, 54, 55, 56, 60,62,63; Van Wyk A1046. Apodytes spec. nov. A: Potgieter 66; Van Wyk A1047, 10470. Apodytes spec. nov. B: Van Wyk A1065, A2133, A2134, A12182. Cassinopsis ilicifolia (Hochst.) Kuntze: Potgieter 2,73,74,165. Cassinopsis timfolia Harv.: Van Wyk 10486, 10487, 10497. Table 2. Bark anatomical differences between Apodytes and Cassinopsis. (+ =sparse; ++ = moderate; +++ = abundant; - = absent) Character Apodytes Cassinopsis Axial phloem parenchyma Tanniniferous cells ++ Crystals + +++ Chambered crystalliferous +++ strands Phloem rays Tanniniferous cells + Crystals + +++ Sclerenchyma Sclerenchyma type sclereids, sometimes fibres (mainly in C. tinifolia, (in non-dilatating tissue) also with fibres sparse or absent in C. ilicifolia) (Apodytes spec. nov. B) Wreathing of sclerenchyma ++ by crystals Dilatation tissue Tanniniferous cells + Crystals Quantity + +++ Axially arranged chambered +++ crystalliferous strand Type prisms druses Chloroplasts Quantity below periderm + +++ Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 01:44:29PM via free access Potgieter & Van Wyk -- Bark structure in Icacinaceae 163 ------------------ Table 3. Bark anatomical differences between the southern African species of Apodytes. (+ = sparse; ++ = moderate; +++ = abundant; - = absent) Character A. dimidiata A. spec. nov. A A. spec. nov. B ---------------------------- Crystals Type solitary prisms & prisms with 'satellite' crystals solitary prisms Sclerenchyma (in conducting and non-conducting phloem not affected by dilatation growth) A. dimidiata A. spec. nov. A A. spec. nov. B Sclerenchyma type sclereids fi bres & sclereids Wreathing by crystals +++ + Miscellaneous features Slash whitish to pale pale pink to whitish to pale brownish white brownish red brownish white and Apodytes spec. nov. B (Van Wyk & Pot­ non-collapsed phloem, respectively. Descrip­ gieter 1994). Species names and voucher tions were prepared using the DELTA pro­ specimens for samples studied are listed in gramme (DEscription Language for TAxon­ Table 1. Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata omy) (Dallwitz 1980) in conjunction with an will henceforth be referred to as Apodytes di­ unpublished list of 97 bark anatomical char­ midiata. acters. For brevity, some descriptions were Bark samples were removed at c. 0.5 m shortened by editing out recurrent passages. height from vertical boles at least 100 mm in diameter, except for the shrubby Apodytes Results spec. nov. B where bark was removed from Intergeneric differences are summarised in stems measuring 50-100 mm in diameter. Table 2, and those between the species of Localities for samples collected are spread Apodytes in Table 3. Anatomical bark descrip­ over the whole distribution range of a species. tions for each of the taxa are supplied below. Samples were preserved in formalin-acetic acid-alcohol (FAA) (Johansen 1940). Apodytes dimidiata (Fig. 1) Anatomical features were studied in trans­ General: Bark surface more or less smooth, verse and radial sections. Standard procedures with bands of horizontally arranged lenticels. were used to prepare 10-15 flm thick sections Rhytidome absent. Bole colour grey-green to from unembedded bark samples on a sliding grey, green pigment visible when bark sur­ microtome. Sections were double stained in face is lightly scraped. Slash whitish to pale safranin 0 and fast-green FCF (Johansen brownish white. Bark width 5-12 mm. 1940) and mounted in Entellan (Art. 7961, Anatomy: Sieve elements abundant, occur­ E. Merck, Darmstadt). Sieve plates were ex­ ring as narrow radial rows between the rays, amined in hand-cut sections of conducting usually obliterated in the non-conducting phlo­ phloem mounted in aniline blue (Eschrich & em; sieve plates strongly oblique; sieve areas Currier 1964) and viewed with fluorescence (12-)13-19(-20) per plate, equally spaced. optics. Drawings of sections were made using Axial phloem parenchyma diffuse between a camera lucida. sieve tube elements, consisting of axially Descriptive terms mainly follow Trocken­ elongated cells; storied structure absent; not brodt (1990). We have used conducting and notably enlarged tanniniferous cells sparse; non-conducting phloem for collapsed and crystals sparse, randomly dispersed. Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 01:44:29PM via free access 164 IAWA Journal, Vol. 15 (2),1994 .. - . -.~-, .. .. _ ..... -, .. - • • I - NP 3 NP , CP , 1 4 ~ ~ . -=P ~----= . ~~~~....... :.- ..... _C - . C ... ---------------=­Q- -, .. - - - \ ~ -- NP II • CP 2 5 Figs. 1-5. Schematic presentation of bark structure, transverse section, sclerenchyma shown in black. - 1: Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata (Potgieter 54). - 2: A. spec. nov. A (Potgieter 66). - 3: A. spec. nov. B (Van Wyk 12182). - 4: Cassinopsis ilicifolia (Potgieter 2). - 5: C. tinifolia (Van Wyk 10487). - Scale bar = 1 mm; NP = non-conducting phloem; CP =conducting phloem; C =cortex ; P = phellem; PD = phelloderm. Downloaded from Brill.com10/03/2021 01:44:29PM via free access Potgieter & Van Wyk - Bark structure in Icacinaceae 165 Phloem rays heterocellular, body ray cells present, composed of sclereids, tending to procumbent with mostly over four rows of up­ be associated with lenticels; crystals absent; right and/or square marginal cells, 1-3-seri­ phelloderm absent or very poorly developed, ate and larger rays commonly 4-10-seriate, stratification absent; tanniniferous cells ab­ 4-12 per mm, the ray height less than 1 mm, sent; crystals absent; green pigment (chloro­ course more or less straight, portion of rays phyll) present; lenticels numerous, arranged traversing
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