OAN INDEPENDENTU VOICE FOR THET LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES March 22, 2013 | Volume X, Issue 21 Transgender Bill Dies in Committee BY STEVE CHARING Brochin (D-Baltimore County,) Christopher Senate. But any concern was directed to- In a disappointing development to trans- Shank (R-Washington County) and Joseph wards the JPR given its make-up with con- gender equality activists and allies, the Getty (R-Baltimore and Carroll Counties). sistent opponents on the committee. Senate’s Judicial Proceedings Committee The bill had been introduced by Sen. Rich Carrie Evans, executive director of (JPR) on March 14 voted 6-to-5 to kill SB Madaleno (D-Montgomery County) and Equality Maryland, did not conceal her dis- 449, The Fairness for All Marylanders Act Sen. Raskin. dain for the JPR’s vote. “It is terribly disap- of 2013. The bill, if passed, would have Two weeks earlier hearings were held pointing that this committee failed to stand provided anti-discrimination protections on by the committee when some 40 sup- up for fairness and protect transgender the basis of gender identity and expres- porters and about 12 opponents testified. Marylanders,” she said in a statement. “In sion in housing, employment, and public There was cautious optimism at the time the past month more than 300 people vis- accommodations. that statewide protections would finally be ited their legislators in support of this bill. The six senators supporting the bill enacted. Twenty-three senators co-spon- Additionally, more than 400 constituents were Jamie Raskin (D-Montgomery Coun- sored the bill with 24 votes needed for pas- called their senators on this committee and ty), Brian Frosh (D-Montgomery County,) sage. Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” almost 2,000 constituent letters, petitions Lisa Gladden (D-Baltimore City,) Jennie Miller was backing the measure for the first and postcards in support of SB 449 were Forehand (D-Montgomery County) and time. And Governor Martin O’Malley was given to the 11 members of the commit- Robert Zirkin (D-Baltimore County. Those also supporting it. tee.” Evans was especially critical of Sen. opposed were Senators Norman Stone (D- At Lobby Day last month, several leg- Brochin’s vote. “He had at least 1,000 con- Baltimore County,) C. Anthony Muse (D- islators told Baltimore OUTloud that they stituents contact him asking him to support Prince George’s County,) Nancy Jacobs were confident the bill would sail through this bill. Despite this, he turned his back Sen. James Brochin, seen as (R-Cecil and Harford Counties,) James the House of Delegates once it passed the —continued on page 8 pivotal vote, disappoints Will Schwartz AN INTERVIEW WITH WILL SCHWARTZ OF PSYCHIC FRIEND by asking you to say something about how you decided on the name Psychic Dreams Weaver Friend for your new band. Will Schwartz: It was probably always BY GREgg SHApiRO rial Teen projects with his electro outfit like this, but every name you think of is al- Musician Will Schwartz, of Hey Willpower and now with his brand ready taken [laughs]. I liked that it sounded Psychic Friend, first came new group Psychic Friend. With lesbian sort of cheeky, and kind of cool, too. In a to prominence as one of drummer Patty Schemel (of Hole fame) on more serious way, I like the idea of mak- the two gay male members drums, Psychic Friends has hipster super- ing music by accessing the place in the un- of the San Francisco band group written all over it. But it’s so much conscious that you channel. That’s the way Imperial Teen (perhaps more than that. Along with members Bo you create art or music. I also like the idea best known for its mod- Boddie and Tripp Beam, Psychic Friend of a psychic friend being a collaborator. I est 1999 hit single “Yoo makes irresistible modern pop music that guess I would say this project is mostly me Hoo”). As an active found- is easy on the ears on its full-length debut but it’s also collaboration. ing member of Imperial disc My Rocks Are Dreams (Dangerbird). GS: I’m glad you brought that up Teen, Schwartz could be A jingly jangly set of songs on par with the because I wanted to ask you about heard most recently on the best of Schwartz’s other acts, not to men- how you went about assembling the band’s stellar 2012 release tion current top notch releases by queer band, which includes Patty Schemel on Feel the Sound. artists such as Tegan and Sara, My Rocks drums? Not one to sit idle, Are Dreams is positively dreamy. I spoke WS: Patty and I were working on an- Schwartz has kept him- with Will Schwartz in early 2013. self busy between Impe- Gregg Shapiro: Will, I’d like to begin —continued on page 18 NEWS // LOCAL Symposium Offers Insight Into Identity BY DENisE R. DUARTE tage point as a 53-year-old white feminist, how the black church’s body phobic culture that the feminist theory of her time was not creates a hyper-masculinity in the African- “There is no thing as a single-issue inclusively designed and left many women American culture that is derived from the Co-Publishers outside. I also agree with Lorde that the white value system of patriarchy. This in Jim Becker • Jim Williams struggle because we do not live single- [email protected] issue lives.” ― Audre Lorde male/female binary system is not an ac- turn, also negatively impacts lesbian and Executive Editor curate measure or classifying means for gay males in the church. Douglas called for Jim Becker Morgan State University’s Program in humanity. The problem was she was a a rewriting of the narrative to one of stabil- [email protected] Women and Gender Studies with the visionary that was far more advanced for ity and body acceptance. Managing Editor Maryland Department of Health and Men- her time than her contemporary white femi- Keith Boykin opened with news from [email protected] tal Hygiene’s No Wrong Door Project and nists. She understood and saw the inter- 2013’s Black History Month. He highlight- Sales Director ed that this February saw Mississippi final- Mary Taylor B More Proud presented a symposium on relationships between sexuality, gender, [email protected] Intersections: Sexuality, Gender, Race and race and ethnicity. These very words were ly ratify the 13th amendment, the Onion’s Leather Columnist Ethnicity on March 9. Kelly Brown Doug- the theme of the symposium. calling an actress a four letter word, the Rodney Burger one year anniversary of the Trayvon Martin las, author, and professor of philosophy Contributing Writers and religion at Goucher College and Keith “When we define ourselves, when I de- shooting and the U.S. Supreme Court vot- Joey Amato • Sharon Brackett • Rodney Burger • Boykin, New York Times best-selling au- fine myself, the place in which I am like you ing down part of the Voting Rights Act. Joshua Buchbinder • Steve Charing • Jeffrey Claggett • Jeffrey Clouser • Wayne Curtis • Woody Derricks • Denise R. thor and television commentator on poli- and the place in which I am not like you, Boykin outlined the similarities of op- Duarte • Chuck Duncan • Michael Farley • Jon Fairbanks • Gerry tics, race and sexual orientation were the I’m not excluding you from the joining – I’m position language to LGBTQ rights and Fisher • Bruce Garrett • Jeff Hammerberg • Dr. Eva Hersh • Shirli Hughes • Sam Kunz • Michelle Lanchester, Esq. • keynote speakers. broadening the joining.” civil rights. How every political campaign Dana LaRocca • Jessica Lemmo • Jay Loane • Rev. Meredith There were eight planned sessions ― Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Es- he worked for lost until he worked on Bill Moise • Bill Palmer • Gregg Shapiro throughout the day with topics ranging from says and Speeches Clinton’s campaign. His was a story of per- Graphics health, spirituality, activism and Baltimore Kelly Brown Douglas focused on rela- sistence and political and ideological faith. Joe Velasquez LGBT history. The symposium provided a tionship between the black church, wom- Boykin’s personal revelation was “So- Cartoonist platform for college students to cial Justice requires us to step outside of Bruce Garrett (Brucegarrett.com) present their research papers our identity.” He emphasized that we “can- Photographers Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos to the Baltimore academic com- not talk about issues without talking about personal experiences.” He discussed the Web Editor munity. Anja Saine The unique aspect to this church’s being “politically progressive – [email protected] conference was that it was orga- socially conservative.” He stressed that Managed Web Services The Fusio Group nized to cover the multiple lay- we are in a “critical time for our country. A 866-322-7498, Thefusiogroup.com tendency among some that our problems ers of identity and life and how National Advertising Rep each impacts not only the indi- have passed.” He referenced Maryland’s Rivendell Media vidual but the human community latest success regarding marriage equal- 908-232-2021 holistically. There was another ity and outlined the important trend in the Founders equality debate: the discussion regarding Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • unifier for the symposium that Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams was not planned: every session civil marriage, not religious marriage. I attended had at least one refer- Boykin talked about his frame of refer- Baltimore OUTloud ence or quote attributed to Au- ence as an African-American man and the PO Box 4887 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-244-6780 dre Lorde. Black Church. He concluded that the Black Baltimoreoutloud.com Baltimore Heritage Project panelists Louis Hughes, Church needs the people in it to make the Phillip Lovett, Monica Stevens, and Richard Oloizia “The quality of light by which credit: Denise R.
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