A JOURNAL OF CYCLING LITERATURE AND TRADE NEWS. VOL. VIII. MILWAUKEE, WIS., APRIL, 1897. No. 1. A Clipping. CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1897. j a close -in Australia, and u. The BEST Way is the RAMBLER Way " _5__"_ IKHe '!rw____£_l_ipc>s0- _^j*__Tt_a_ giiess at the extent daiu- RAMBLER Way is the STRONG Way" flwhich has been caused ^foreign market for American mac. Agents may as well prepare to liear many^ A THINKER who wheeled—asked us in January "why remonstrances from customers who purchase machines .having flush joints .at what they we used fish-mouth-outside-reinforced-lap-brazed joints in will term the breaking of the tubes, but which pi- Ramblers, when seventy-five per cent of makers were ' booming' in reality will be nothing more than a crack­ oosfi flush joints ? " ing of the enamel where a joint is made. enr„fc Our reply puzzled him — While external -joints ;w^vpt in vogue no such _ of tri ^omplaiM was neam. for th® Grazing shrfaee advei "To MAKE Money by LOSING Money!" was generally oF'so perfect a character that resell the vibration to which the machine was sub­ laid i •'How so ?" he asked. jected when in. use was not sufficient to dis­ tliresj "We could make 'flush-joints'about one-third cheaper turb the relation of the metal parts and con­ solie. than outside reinforced-lap-brazed joints, and so SAVE money sequently not enough to crack the enamel est (not to the buyer but us). But—when our joints went wrong surface. In many o_ the new models, how­ the! ever, it has already been demonstrated by pei later, Ave would LOSE money (because all Ramblers are fully test that if there is the least hit of play in the guaranteed) and the buyer's friendship as well." joint the smooth surface of the enamel in­ " Satisfaction to our patrons is part of our capital stock — stantly d^s£jgsesjhg__vreakness__and the rider is therere-re apt fo imagine that a frame tube^ we need it in our business—and so we build STRONG- wheels ihas been fractured. (new list price, $80.00, the highest high grade price that's fair) to compete with FAD wheels, and save each purchaser besides $20.00, plus— (to be filled in when the other fellow receives his repair bill)." NOTE •rlie abov_ printed clipping from a trade paper, and he bought a RAMBLER—$80.00. • which is in constant communication with bicy­ Get Rambler booklet and look into Ramblers. cle agents, causes ns to wonder what will happen later, if a "weakness" has already been disclosed in 1897 wheels on account of .joints, and that too, as early as February. Were we not right in our claim that "The Best Way is the Rambler Way!" GORMULLY _ JEFFERY MFG. 60. "The Rambler Way is the Strong Way " — CHICAGO BOSTON WASHINGTON NEW YORK BROOKLYN OUTSIDE FISH-MOUTH-REINFORCED-LAP-BRAZED JOINT! DETltOIT CINCINNATI BUFFALO COVENTRY mid LONDON, ENG. THE PNEUMATIC. _iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii I Meyer-Rotier Did You Printing... See the Art Company Catalogues of Andrae and Warner Cycles? 0M We Printed Wj0 Them and they have been pronounced works of a high order in Typog­ raphy and Presswork. %_*_._. See us in our new place of busi­ ness after May 1st. __<_.<_. _* __ Second Floor _*_*v"_* _*<£*_*_* McGEOCH BUILDING Milwaukee, Wisconsin Corner Milwaukee and Michigan Sts. ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIH THE PNEUMATIC. ammmm mm?mra_; ReadvvJ L »_-•••»••+••• §E ^T^HIS is an interesting paper. <M Of \ §S X course, this is only our statement, f §=_ You must go over its pages before I §£ you can say so. _* The keynote to the ! •- solution of <M publishing a bicycle paper I s= has been touched, We have touched it \ §£ in making a *_* special feature of giving I §== interesting touring routes _* and we pro- §| pose to keep ^ hammering away at it. §S It is an expensive and «M laborious task, §= but it is a good thing. It is something j E~ |= that specially interests every wheel rider, j 25 §= The charts and «* .careful description of f ^ §E all routes will not only make <_* The j ~S §S Pneumatic a journal <&* that will be read, : _=; §E but it will be kept for frequent reference. • 3 »| Subscription price will remain at ^ fifty 23 §=_ cents a year. Advertising rates will not 3 §= change for the present. <-_-._*<-*«_*_* 2| I PNEUMATIC PUBLISHING CO. | iuaauaauuaauaaiuaaaaaauuaaauuauaaaaa.! THE PNEUMATIC. ^A>A)A»A»AtA»/V<A»A<AHAt/M/MAtA<A»/M/MA»//_: ^__\ Andrae Bicycles Riding Never Disappoint Academy Broadway /J\ /}V /J\ /JS /J\ /j\ /j\ /J\ /j\ /j\ /J\ /js Armory % Unless You Ride an 2 % ANDRAE.... 1 You may find your­ self walking ___ when % you don't want to* •. _____*_. If you've an eye to business and economy you cannot afford to Julius Andrae & Sons Co* buy a bicycle the Manufacturers _£ reputation of which Salesroom 225 West "Water Street you know nothing of. Milwaukee, Wis. < THE PNEUMATIC. C DITORS of daily papers are not always well informed 1-' on cycling matters although they assume to express very weighty opinions on the rights and wrongs of the cyclist. Mr. Van Valkenburgh's timely synopsis of the Pennsylvania situation probably helped to enlighten one editorial sanctum. JOURNAL OF CYCLING LITERATURE AND TRADE NEWS. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRIVILEGES AND RIGHTS. FIFTY CENTS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. The commissioners of Riverside Drive, New York, voted as one not to permit road racing on the famous parkway. All copy for advertisements, changes for same, news and correspondence (or publication must he sent in before the 7th, to Insure Insertion the same Their decision appears just. Wheelmen probably would month. Contributions returned if not published. object if they were excluded from the drive while horsemen ENTERED IN THE P. Q, AT MILWAUKEE AS SECOND CU88 MATTER. sped their nags. In this instance the cyclists asked for a privilege. They should confine themselves to demanding _5_ X_ V E51- TI S31_, C- . THE PNEUMATIC thoroughly covers the territory in Wisconsin, Minne­ their rights until they have secured every right for which sota and Northern Michigan. It reaches the homes of individual riders as well as the dealers, and is recognized as a paper which concisely covers they are contending. The action of the New York wheelmen all tho doings in cycledom. Advertising rates on application. would be of no moment were not the enemies of the cyclist PNEUHATIC PUBLISHING COriPANY, eager to make capital out of every inadvertent action by WAUWATOSA, WIS. any rider or body of riders. Milwaukee Office: McQEOQH BUILDING, Michigan and Milwaukee Streets FRANCIS MORIETTE, Editor. SECESSIONISTS ARE FEW. M. C. ROTIER, Business Manager. There has been more or less talk about secession from the L. A. W. in several western states on account of the ANNOUNCEMENT. action of the National Assembly in refusing to amend the racing rales to permit Sunday racing. At Minneapolis, With this issue THE PNEUMATIC begins the fifth year of eighteen persons banded themselves together as the United its publication. The management intends to continue upon Wheelmen with the avowed object of controlling racing in the same broad lines that have marked its policy during the the United States. Rumor has it that a convention will be past four years. No effort will be spared to furnish the held at St. Louis this month to form a body opposed to the cyclist with a complete record of all matters in which he is L. A. W. California wheelmen have decided to control interested, and accurate information such as he desires. racing within their own state and have eliminated the Country touring will receive special attention. The first of distinction between professionals and amateurs. Wisconsin an important series of charts appear in this number. Itis remains steadfast for the L. A, W. and, with the exception hoped that they may be published more rapidly when the of the instances given, secession is confined to the speeches necessary data for each chart can be obtained by riding over of the few. the highways which was impossible this month. The smaller towns are included in the road charts and special maps of the principal cities will appear from time to time. GOOD ROADS BULLETIN. A brief synopsis of general road conditions will be bulletined THE PNEUMATIC is rapidly completing arrangements in each issue. This information is intended to meet the with riders, local and corresponding, that will enable it to requirements of long distance tourists. Editorially, THE give a bulletin of general road conditions existing at the PNEUMATIC continues to be independent; as a recorder of day of each issue, One special aim of the bulletins will be events,impartial. It desires to promote the best interest of to inform riders of any obstructions or changes that make northwestern wheelmen and wants their support in the good roads impassible for several months. The road mas­ endeavor. ters are said to be at work during the summer, and occa­ sionally the wheelman finds a mile or two of road that was A PHILADELPHIA park commissioner said that he in fair condition a short time before, buried underneath a '*• would not "tolerate a wheel in the family." The foot of sandy gravel. Roads subjected to unusually heavy only wheel in that happy home circle is "one that grew teaming while soft, frequently dry out, leaving ruts where and grew." they are not expected.
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