SITESOLUTIONS Commercial Overall Opinion FURTHER ACTION Argyll's Overview Considering t!e in"orma ion reviewed d#ring t!is assessmen , pla#si%le con aminan linkages have %een iden i"ied and soil and groundwa er lia%ili ies could occ#r w!e !er or not redevelopmen is considered. Accordingly$ poten ial Lia%ili ies have %een iden i"ied under !e relevan con amina ed land legisla ion' The "ollowing ot!er Environmen al Ha(ards !ave been iden i"ied in !e immedia e vicini y of !e Si e: Radon %e ween * and 3%, -ining Ins a%ili y$ and Coal Mining. One or more Con rol of Repor on) Ma.or Acciden Ha(ards /COMAH0 si es are loca ed wi !in 500m. Sample Site, Sample Street, Sample Town, Sample County, United Kingdom Report prepared for: Report Reference: Report date: Sample Sample 3 ! 6ecem%er 52*1 Client Reference: National Grid Reference: Sample +32452$+32342 Si e Loca ion Report prepared on Sample Si e, Sample S ree , Sample Town$ Sample Coun y$ Uni ed Kingdom Site Area (m2 854+'93 Current Use Ind#s rial "roposed Use Ind#s rial Report Aut#or Ali S an on BA /Hons0 MSc AIEMA Telep!one: 0845 458 5252 www'argyllenvironmen al'com In elligen 6#e 6iligence Si e Sol# ions Commercial - Sample 5 3 ! <#ne 52*5 S#mmary o" Con amina ion Ris& and Lia%ili ies Lia%ili y Assessmen Read recommenda ions F#r !er ac ion Lia%ili y Assessmen =o en ial Lia%ili ies !ave %een iden i"ied #nder =ar 5A o" !e Environmen al =ro ec ion Ac *332 /or w!ere appropria e$ e>#ivalen re>#iremen s #nder !e planning regime0 and?or !e @a er Reso#rces Ac *33*' To >#an i"y !ese yo# may decide o #nder a&e a more de ailed assessmen !ro#g! !e recommenda ion/s0 se o# %elow' Ris& Iss#e Eval#a ion Con amina ed @!a is t!e overall on;si e ris&A High Land @!a is t!e overall of";si e ris&A Modera e @!a is t!e environmen al sensi ivi y ra ing? Modera e to High Recommenda ions @e recommend regula ory cons#l a ion wi ! t!e Local A# !ori y Environmen al Heal ! and =lanning Depar men s and Environmen Agency o incl#de a review of planning records "or t!e Si e, de ails of any pas Si e inves iga ions/remedia ion wor& and relevan in"orma ion concerning !e A# !ori ies con amina ed land s ra egy under Par 2A of t!e Environmen al Protec ion Ac 1990. S#c! en>#iries s!ould make speci"ic re"erence to t!e land"ill si es iden i"ied and aim to clari"y boundary in"orma ion$ t!e types of was e accep ed$ w!e !er any groundwa er/ground gas moni oring programs eBis , de ails of inves iga ions or remedia ion wor& under aken ("or ground gas or leac!a e0 and any repor s indica ing !a land"ill gas or leac!a e is a""ec ing s#rrounding proper ies. Argyll can comple e t!is wor& as an upgrade to a Si e Sol# ions Cons#l $ w!ic! is availa%le "or !is Si e for £405 pl#s VAT /incl#des all dis%#rsemen s0' This repor can us#ally be prepared wi !in 10-15 working days b# may take up to 20 working days depending on response times' =lease con ac #s on 2941 458 5250 i" you would like f#r !er assis ance' www'argyllenvironmen al'com In elligen 6#e 6iligence Si e Sol# ions Commercial - Sample + 3 ! <#ne 52*5 Con amina ed Land Ris& Analysis Inves iga ion Commen ary On;si e so#rces A review of his orical maps indica es t!e Si e was occ#pied'*949 by Por wood Hall and ass#med to be in residen ial #se wi ! addi ional residen ial proper ies iden i"ied on;si e by c'*939' By c'*3*2 t!e w!ole si e was occ#pied by small proper ies of commercial and residen ial appearance' The Si e was redeveloped c'*392 and was iden i"ied as a depot. Therea" er no signi"ican c!anges were iden i"ied "rom la er map edi ions' The following was e si es were iden i"ied a t!e Si e: a His orical Land"ill Si e' F#r !ermore$ t!e following a# !orisa ions$ licences, consen s or en"orcemen s of no e !ave %een iden i"ied a t!e Si e: a Local A# !ori y =oll# ion Preven ion and Con rol /on Si e0 for PEF?+4 Respraying of road ve!icles, a Licensed Was e Managemen Facili y and a Regis ered @as e Trans"er Si e' @e have not been in"ormed of t!e c#rren Si e #se and have t!ere"ore ass#med t!a i is in ind#s rial use and will con in#e in t!is use wi !ou redevelopmen ' Argyll's As a res#l of t!e !is orical and c#rren use of !e Si e$ t!ere is a !ig! ris& of Commen con aminan s being presen ' O"";si e so#rces A n#m%er of his orical or c#rren po en ially con amina ive uses were iden i"ied in proximi y o t!e Si e. These incl#de a gravel pi 10m eas c'*985$ cot on mills 10m sou ! c'*931; *314 and unspeci"ied works and "ac ories$ saw mills, "oundries and depots from c'*381 #n il presen associa ed wi ! t!e wider ind#s rial es a e' According to trade direc ories$ t!ere are a wide varie y c#rren or recen ind#s rial opera ions in proximi y to t!e Si e. In addi ion t!e "ollowing licences$ consen s and a# !orisa ions of note were iden i"ied) a Local A# !ori y Poll# ion Preven ion and Con rol En"orcemen (25m sou !0. F#r !ermore$ t!e following was e si es were iden i"ied w!ic! may %e a%le to impac upon !e Si e: a His orical Land"ill Si e (205m nor ! wes 0 recorded as accep ing iner and ind#s rial was e opera ional "rom 31s Decem%er 1987 un il 31s Decem%er 1990, and a Regis ered Land"ill Si e (49m nor ! wes 0 accep ing ceramic ma erials and cons r#c ion ind#s rial was es, opera ional on 1s A#gus 1987' Argyll's The his orical and c#rren #se of t!e s#rrounding area is t!ere"ore considered to presen a Commen modera e ris& of a""ec ing t!e Si e' =a !ways and @i ! re"erence to Environmen Agency da a, !e s#per"icial hydrogeology #nderlying t!e recep ors Si e is classi"ied as a Secondary (A0 A>#i"er /deposi s wi ! modera e permea%ili y0 and t!e %edroc& !ydrogeology is classi"ied as a Principal A>#i"er (!ighly permea%le forma ions0' In erms of t!e overlying soils, t!ese are given a U (class U0 v#lnera%ili y classi"ica ion' According to in"orma ion provided %y t!e Environmen Agency t!e Si e does not lie wi !in a groundwa er Source =rotec ion Zone (S=G0. There are seven a%s rac ion licences loca ed wi !in 1000m. The closes of t!ese is a s#r"ace wa er a%s rac ion (483m sou ! eas 0 for ot!er environmen al improvemen s) trans"er %e ween sources use. The neares wa er fea #re is a river loca ed 57m sou ! eas . In addi ion, Si e users$ %#ildings and services are considered sensi ive recep ors d#e o !e po en ial for vola ile gases and aggressive ground condi ions in ligh of his oric land uses. The general area appears to be largely in ind#s rial use. The "ollowing designa ed eco-recep ors were iden i"ied wi !in 1000m: Reddis! Vale (Local Na #re Reserve0 loca ed 423m nor !$ and Wood%ank =ar& /Local Na #re Reserve0 loca ed 469m sou ! eas Argyll's Overall, t!e Si e is !ere"ore considered to have a modera e o !ig! environmen al Commen sensi ivi y' Addi ional No addi ional ma erials have been used in t!is assessmen ' So#rces o" In"orma ion www'argyllenvironmen al'com In elligen 6#e 6iligence Si e Sol# ions Commercial - Sample 4 3 ! <#ne 52*5 Argyll's Concl#sion Considering t!e in"orma ion reviewed d#ring t!is assessmen , a n#m%er of pla#si%le con aminan linkages have been iden i"ied. Soil and groundwa er lia%ili ies could arise w!e !er or not redevelopmen is considered' =lease re"er to ris& analysis me !odology sec ion for f#r !er guidance and de"ini ion of erms' www'argyllenvironmen al'com In elligen 6#e 6iligence Si e Sol# ions Commercial - Sample 1 3 ! <#ne 52*5 O !er Environmen al Ha(ards Ris& Recommenda ion Radon %e ween * Employers are re>#ired by t!e Managemen of Heal ! and Sa"e y a Wor& Regula ions and +, *333 to assess risks from radon in workplaces' You may t!ere"ore wis! o con ac t!e Heal ! Protec ion Agency for f#r !er in"orma ion regarding radon moni oring.
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