JO UFLN A *- VOLUME 21, NUMBER 53 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1953 PhlCESIttW^ LA.I A ® POLICEMAN MAN Report On Jan. Bonds Sales In Traffic Mishap HOMESTEAD, Fla. - (SNS) - The Federal Government Wed­ January sales of U. S. Savings Bonds In Shelby County totalled $1,- nesday took into custody Vernon 211,027.75, according to an announce Minnick, Homestead policeman, ment made today by J. C. Lancaster for the Christmas Day killing of County Savings Bonds Chairman. NEGRO HISTORY WEEK at LeMoyne shown in the stressed the importance of new and fundamental an unarmed Homestead man as Lancaster said that he had recelv- ’. above photo observing the display of the Fuller ed word from Ray L. Bumside, Act­ mental attitudes towards business. Associated his aged father looked on. Products Company, left to right: Mr. John Gam­ with her was, Mr. John Gammon, a successful; ing State Director of the U. S. Sav- • mon, Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy, advertising man­ Ings Bonds Division, Nashville, Ten- ' farmer from Marion, Arkansds. Mr. Gammon The Justice Department contend­ nessee, that total sales in the State. • ager of the, “Memphis World,“ Mr. Howard. E. has pioneered farm programs directed by the ed that the slaying was in violation from January were $4,871,385.75, an- of the .Federal civil rights statute. Sims, Assistant Professor of Social Science of Le­ State and Government and today is recognized Increase of 19.4 per cent over sales' Moyne College, Miss Lillian Whitney, Miss Usur- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who for January 1952. National sales to- authority in his field. announced Minnick’s arrest, said la Boyd, Harold H. Anderson, and Miss Geneva taling $504.000,000 were up 14 per that a federal complaint was filed cent as compared to last January. Banks. Mr. Harold H. Anderson, representing The at Miami charging Minnick with , The most encouraging feature of Fuller Products Company one of the leading cos­ In the observance of Negro History Week at the fatal shooting of 31-year-old the report of sales, according to ■ LeMoyne College, this picture was taken follow­ metics productions companies of America, spoke Emmitt Jefferson., , . Lancaster was the fact that total ’ ing a discussion on .“The Negro in Business“ di­ on behalf of This Area of Business development National sales exceed redemptions Jefferson was shot at his home, of matured and unmatured Bonds rected by Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy, advertising and provided amazing display of many of the in the sight of his aged father who by $69.000.000, rddemptlohs'. being . ~ .manager of the Memphis World. Mrs. Bracy articles produced by the company. ■ allegedly pleaded with the officer down 12 per cent below last Jariu^-j* not to shoot. He was being taken ary. I" into custody for a traffic violation; A considerable part of the increase', n the officer claimed that Jefferson In sales was ascribed to purchases Of ' Finer Womanhood Week resisted arrest. the new Series "H" Bonds. These' ALREADY UNDER INDICTMENT Bonds, which yield 3 per cent com- '. Beale Street Minnick was already under a civil pounded semi-annually when held-b rights Indictment after a Federal to maturity, pay their interest , by Set For Feb. Grand Jury in Washington return­ check every six months and, as .in- , i Is My Beat ed a bill against him ten days ago vestors become more familiar .with Plans indicate, a gala celebration Mrs. Mauddean Seward, is chair­ on charges that he beat a Negro them, they are becoming more and ' of scheduled daily events during the man of the Project Day, Thursday prisoner In the District of Colum­ more popular with those people who By Jimmie Cooper approaching Finer Womanhood February 26. EYEGLASS, SCHOL­ bia more than a year ago while he MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRA Mrs. Annie L. Higgins, Mrs! Etta D. Boyd, Mrs, W. want a good safe Investment which Week Observance of Alpha Eta Zeta ARSHIP, AND JUVENILE DELIN­ was a member of the Washington TION AT THE VANCE AVENUE BRANCH OF THE B Wooqk and Mrs A w. j8fferion. Back row: pays-a current income. Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, QUENCY. Progress reports and an­ Police Force. Y.Vr W.1A/ c; A. re-electedAI —and M new MAmembers X? »■* *- —of the Well, readers as you know Beale nual contributions, earn their im­ Minnick, 38, was on the Washing­ Mrs. Mory Lou Taylor, Mrs, Genevie Williams, Street is My Beat, I always try to February 22, March 1. The Objec­ NominatingiNomincning Committeev-ommuiee are (reading(reaaing leftier: toio ■ tivés of finer womanhood, sisterly portant place on this day. The Eye­ ton Police force for more than ten right) Mrs. Marie L. Adams, Mrs. J. H. Seward, Mrs. Carlee Bailey and Mrs. W. H. Young. tell you just what happens on my love, and scholarship bring together glass Project is the local chapter years before getting a Job as a pa­ Beat . Dropping in at the women from all parts of the country Project sponsored through the ser­ trolman on the Homestead force POLICE BEAT NEW DAISY, I noticed a nice who have similar, tastes and aspira­ vices of the Memphis Junior League several months ago. ------------------- a. By HAYWOOD HARBERT flicker showing over the weekend tions in the annual observance of giving eyeglasses and treatment to His Indictment for the slaying \_______ ■ and ?'■- ... I found MISS ELAN KING Indignant school children of Mem­ Seven Finer Womanhood Week. charged that in killing Jefferson, he DONALDPERRV- ■ . .. and three others sitting in Mrs. Latcenia- Cain, general chair­ phis and Shelby County: As a result : ; . Dropping in at, the PANAMA; deprived him of his Contltutional ACROSS THE EDITOR’S DESK ->■ ’’ ' ’ - - •_ man and the various committees the chapter has been accepted as a rights of due process of law. The I found these Felixs and chicks: member of the Memphis Community have completed plans for the. follow­ offense is punishable by a maximum By JAMES H. PURDY, JR Charged With GEORGE SYKES ... FLORS- ing activities: ; Council of Social Agencies. CRIME PREVENTION WEEK; ' TEEN McCLAIN . Well I got penalty of one year imprisonment Surprise re-pledge Services will Scholarships are awarded annual­ and a $1,000 finé, . .... At a crime ■ prevention’luiiiHioh* ' x* «the* eye” of th»,'-waitress be held'Sunday February 22. Mrs. ly to deserving girls in attendances HUNT HIT RUN DRIVER Tuesday FBI Inspector Jeptha.S. whom I adore . BEWTTJEAN at LeMoyne College. The Federal authorities said that Winnie F, Hill, Chairman of the the Homestead shooting case had Rogers tof Washington, D. C,, re-: »ROBINSON-. Well, BOSS, program. Breakfast will be served The chapter has plans for the es­ DRINKLER, Ark.—Authorities at Brinkley, Arkansas are look­ lated these figures to one Of what are you going to do when tablishment of another National been presented to a Florida State at Colonial Grill, 160 Hernando St. Grand Jury but-the jury refused to ing for a hit and run driver who fatally injured a nine-year-old phis’ leading club. the BOSS of the BOSS comes Miss Utoka Quarles, chairman. Project “The Prevention and Con­ ' lie sltuatlon/is growing worse indict Minnick, a native of Bay­ Negro boy Tuesday night. Sheriff deputies announced the here? ... I’ll tell you what I’m At this time there will be a re­ trol of Juvenile Delinquency.” instead of better, he said, "In the going to do . I’m telling him The Phi Beta Sigma Forman will ard; W. Va , is married and has arrest of seven youths, Monday dedication to every alm and require three children. The victim, Robert Jeffors, died at the Walker Williams Clinic night and said 16 break In occurring first six months o£ 1952,”. the iBlO how this expense is going on toy ments of the Sorority. Following the be at the Hippodrome Friday night said, “If the rate continues jirillM'-: Beat . and see What , can be February from 10 til 2:00 A. M. It two hours after the accident. Slate police say young Jeffors was in the county during the past year services, thé sorors will enjoy Break­ had been solved. have over two million crimes in the i done about it . because I don’t fast together before their departure is especially significant because of NAACP Regional riding a bicycle on highway 70 about a quarter mile outside the Three of the suspect's live on the U S in 1952, the biggest year in ^ 1 mind getting further : and doing for Kennedy General Hospital. the brother-sister relationship that city limits of Brinkley, when the automobile traveling in the same Norris farm on Kirby, Road. history. It Is a record but oncnof ’ doing worst . SPECIAL . Miss Hazel. Pyles, is chairman of this affair honors the sorors during Arresting oficers were Lt. George to be proud of.” '■' SPECIAL. to the young girls their Finer Womanhood Week Ob­ Slated To Meet direction hit him and sped away. the Chapel Services which will be Grirntham, Lt. Jim Cox and. Depu­ CAUGHT SPEEDING I* . If you would like to have an at Kennedy General Hospital at servance. , In.Birmingham BILL TO INCREASE potentlally-valuable lands accord­ ties Earl Briggs and Warren Cargill.' interview with-your BEALE'ST. is 9:00 A. M. Zetas make this annual Saturday February 2flj>there will .JACKSON, Miss.—A bill design­ ing to their potential and would The officers said the youths were A heavy fobt on the gas got1a fS MY BEAT REPORTER ... Drop pilgrimage on the occasion of Geo be a Buffet Supper, Mrs. Mattye ed to Increase revenue from Mis­ set limits for which they could be found with three carloads of stolen man into trouble Tuesday: in at the office ..
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