President's Message Aloha Friends and Supporters, On behalf of our Board of Directors, I want to give a big mahalo for all the sup­ port we received in 2006. This was an especially great year for ODKF, highlight­ ed by our giving almost $100,000 in scholarships and grants. It was by fa r our highest distribution ever. ODKF continued to do its part to help Hawaii 's youth and honor Duke First time gmutee, S wimlller nud watr•r1Jolo plr~rC'I ; Kr· l~r Noecker is a .freslunan II'a Kahanamoku, including a new sponsor­ ·akapaemua Canoe Club tar S impson. a 2006 ScholarsluiJ at UC lroine partictp(/fiug Ji'om .llolokai placed 1st in !lll'ardee graduated/rom high iu wafer polo. lu 200.'5 he sh ip of the Police Athletic League and our I he Senior Masters and Hrd school with o 4.089 CPA all(/ tous 0 11 tlu• 1/awaii First ongoing support of the Boys and Girls Oflera /1 in the New Yo rk City started lwrji·eshmon year at JIIIT '/(•r1111 All-Stole Wa fer 11olo. Club and Hawaii Youth Chal lenge Liberti'. Clwllewre,.., Outrirrrrercr Academy. Ca!IOI' mce. Our showcase event, Duke's OceanFest, has evolved into a premier Waikiki cele­ share some remarks that moved me and Draping Ceremony on August 26. Read bration of surfing, water sports and serve as a reminder about the work of and prepare to be insp ired. Duke's legacy. Most importantly, we ODKF. They were presented by Kekoa raised more funds and awareness about Taparra, a bright and gracious 16-year-old the foundation. junior at Kamehameha Schools, who also Mahala nu i loa, happens to be an outstanding swimmer I'm always searching for the right mes­ and ODKF grant recipient. sage to tell people why ODKF deserves ~{4Rf--, support and the impact of their generosi­ Kekoa presented these remarks in front of James M. Fu lton ty. Instead of me carrying on, I wanted to a standing room only crowd at the Lei President Alol1a pumehana kakou, my name is Kekoa Taparra and Having this kind of exposure allowed me to compete in from Kamehamelw Schools in 191 0? I quote from his I am one of the many athletes that have been fortunate Australia and most importantly, establish new friend­ exact diploma, "In recognition of distinguished achieve­ enough to receive grants from the Outrigger Duke ships with swimmers and athletes from across the nation ment of community, national and international service. • Kahanamoku Foundation. I swim for both Kamehameha and even internationally. These experiences will be Yes, he was a multi-talented athlete and scholar. Sc/10ols and the Kamehameha Swim Club. As an ODKF cherisf1ed forever. grantee, I am exceptionally grateful for all that this foun­ As a swimmer and Hawaiian, I feel a deep connection dation has done for me. I am currently a junior at the world-renowned with Duke Kahanamoku. /look up to Duke Kamehameha Schools up in Kapalama, and so far Kahanamoku and I am ODKF has helped me to reach my fullest potential in everything is going well. A week ago I met up with our amazed at how much he swimming and helped me gain national exposure. school's archivist, Mrs. Zisk, and we were able to accomplished in his life­ ODKF has supported me by financing my way to multi­ uncover some interesting information. Did you know time. His achievement of ple Western Zones and Sectional competitions on the that Duke Kahanamoku attended Kamehameha School the past makes me want to mainland, and they have also helped me pay for one of for Boys in 1904? Mrs. Zisk allowed me to plwtocopy do my best in the future. my select camps to Colorado Springs at the Olympic this picture of Duke Kahanamoku with his, ironically, Training Center, where I hac/the chance to meet soccer championship team. And did you also know that Mal1alo, Michael Phelps, the multi-Olympic Gold Medalist. he was presented with an honorary graduate's diploma Kekoa Taparra The Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation snpporls the Oulrisger Canoe CYub with gran t .~ to I hold the Oline ill!an n Padclleboard Races and the Woller J. Macfarlane Regatta each sum met: OUTRIGGER DUK E KAHANAMOkU FOU NDATION 2005 - 2006 www . dukefoundat i o n . o rg OUTRIGGER DUKE BOARD OF DI RECTORS KAHANAMOKU FOUNDATION 2006-2007 GRANT RECIPIENTS FOR 2005-2006 Eleven individuals and fifteen clubs received grants. There were thirty-one student-athletes receiving college aid in the t~mounts from S I ,000 to $2,500 and of these 16 were women and 13 were men. The winners Fray Heath came from Maui, K11ua'i, th e Bi g Island and O'ahu. -PRESIDENT ATHLETIC GRANTS Total for Teams/Events • $32,082 AccesSurf Hawaii, Inc. Adaptive Surfing Instruction (Oahu) Patrick Dugan Boys & Girls Club Boys & Girls Duke Water Sports Day (Oahu) Hawai'i Nal'l Guard Youth Challenge Academy HI Youth Challenge Academy Duke Water Sports Day & Scholarships -VICE PRESIDENT <Oahu) Hawai'i Canoe & Kayak Team US Nationals for Sprint Canoe & Kayak (Georgia) Hawai'i Synchro Club Oceania Games/Synchronized Swimming Championships (Australia) International Hawaiian Canoe Association IVF World Sprints (New Zealand) Edward Richardson Marimed Foundation Trampoline & 3 pari cover for canoe (Oahu) Na Opio Racing Association A.E. " Toots" Minvielle Invitational Race (Oahu} -VICE PRESIDENT Outrigger Canoe Club 41h of July MacFarlane Regalia (Oahu) Outrigger Canoe Club Cline-Mann Paddle Board Race (Oahu) PAL - Police Activities league Sheriff Duke Day (Oahu) Swim with Mike· Hawaii Swim-a-thon fundraiser-physically challenged (Oahu) Malia Kam isugi Team Hawaii US lifeguard Association Nationals (California) Wa'akapaemua Canoe Club liberty Challenge Canoe Race (New York) -SECRETARY Waikiki Beach Boys Canoe Club 2006 Inti Va'a Fed (IVF) World Sprints (New Zealand) Women's Pipeline Pro Pipeline Pro event (Oahu) Perry Sorenson ATHLETIC GRANTS Total for Individuals· $8,250 - TREASURER Brittany Beauchan US Swimming Nail & Jr. Championships (California) Cedric Caires Surf M eets (Honolulu & Kauai) Patrick Keoni Dolan Jr. World Kayaking Tour (Italy, Germany, Georgia} Jim Fulton Kanesa Duncan Paddleboard competitions (Fiji & Australia) Kelly Noecker Irvine Summer Waterpolo Program (California) - PAST PRESIDENT Aaron Robinson Onipa'a Volleyball Club (Oahu) Anthony Robinson Onipaa Volleyball Club (Oahu) Christel Simms 2006 USA Swimming Sprint Championships Kekoa Taparra 2006 Zone Select, UT & Speedo Championship William (Wink) Arnott Sydney Yogi USA Volleyball Jr. Olympics (Georgia) Deren Verbeck Okinawa Freedive Invitational (Japan} Gretchen Duplanty Tiare Finney Donna Howard Easton Manson Judy Pietsch Malia Schreck :2006 Scholarship and tllldetir Phil Sevier Crrml Atrard ees David Shoji SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS Total $49,500 Diane Stowell Name Sport High School Collepe Garrett Taira Virginia Aguilar Volleyball Waimea High School Hardm-Simmons University Sean Aoyagi Water Polo Mid-Pacific Institute Chaminad e University Gregory Wunderlich joseph Broc Canoeing Kahuku High School Hawaii Pacific University Jeffery Casebier Rowing Punahou School Lewis & Clark College Lauren Cheape Water Polo Mililani H igh School U niversity o f Hawaii-Manoa james Chung Surfing Kapaa H igh School Hawaii Pacific University Wilmer Morris Paul Fai Volleyball Waipahu High School University of the Pacific Dana Goya Diving/Swimming!Waler Polo H ilo High School Univ. of Calif., San Diego Josiah Guerreiro Volleyball Kalaheo High School Santa Barbara City College LIFE MEMBER Amanda Hamillon Swimming Kealakehe High School Lewis & Clark College Kathryn H untsman Canoeing/Kayaking Maryknoll Naropa University Caine Jette Volleyball Maui High School Massachusetts lnstitue of Technology f oundation Administrative Services Marissa Kanemura Volleyball UH Laboratory School Syracuse University Provided by: josiah Karnuth Swimming Kahuku H igh School University o f H awaii - M anoa Orga nizations Management, LLC Austin Kino Canoeing/Swimming/Water Polo Kamehameha Schools Point Lorna Nazerene Yusuke Kobayashi Swimming Kaiser High School Linfield College Mailing Address: Lacey Lavarias Volleyball lolani Schools U niversity of Utah ODKf Celeste Manuia Volleyball Waiakea H igh School U niversity o f Hawaii-Hila P.O. Box 2498 joshua Mapanao Canoeing/Volleyball james Campbell High School Portland State University Luana Mayfield Swimming james Campbell High School Lewis & Clark College Honolulu, Hawai"i 96804 Sara Mirels Water Polo Kahuku H igh School University of the Pacific Tina Marie Moger Volleyball Kauai High School Loyola Marymount U niversity Phone: (808) 545-4880 Kelly Noecker Swimming/Water Polo U H Laboratory School University of California - Irv ine fax: (808) 532-0560 Kealaonapua O'Sullivan Water Polo Kamehameha Schools Cal State Univ., Long Beach Website: www.dukcfoundation.org Leoho'onani Reyes Swimming Kamehameha Schools University of San Diego Elijah Sanchez Volleyball Aiea high School U niversity of Washington Star Simpson Swimming/Water Polo Hawaii Prepatory Academy Massachusetts lnstitue of Technology Katelyn Umetsu Swimming Waimea H igh School Pacific Lutheran University Wailana Waite Canoeing/Swimming Kula High & Intermediate University of Hawaii - Manoa Desiree Wallace Canoeing Baldwin high School University of Hawaii - Hilo H eitiare Wallace Volleyball Seabury Hall Brigham Young University - Hawai'i OUTRIGGER DUKE KAHAN AMOkU FOUNDATIO N 2005-2006 www . d ukefou n dation. o r g 2 ANNUAL MAHALO LUNCHEON Scholru:~hip winners and gmntees with ODKF /Joard Jllemuers and Cold lvledolist Donors wit hollt whom tlwn• IVOIIIrl ue 110 (/1/)(//'ds. DKF enjoyed its best turnout ever for the 2006 Mahalo Luncheon, july 17, at the Outrigger Canoe Club. Ninety-eight donors, grantees and volunteers were on hand to celebrate the awarding of scholarships and grants. Dwon ~~~ rh e1; k (centet) tv!m is a world r1tnk1•d Ji'ee di11er receives Special guests included Marc and Marilyn Haine and his clwck Ji'om U/1 Wahine I 'o l/e,·ba/1 co(l(·h and ODKF /Joo/'(1 Carol and Wink Arnott representing families who have Jlll'll;ber Datil' 'hoji and ittcoming established Board Designated Funds within the ODKF P('(:sid1•nl Fmx !Ieath.
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