THE INDUSTRIAL NORMAL EXPONENT NOVEMBER 1910 rolume IX Number 2 SIT FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPH EARLY We can give you a speaking likness of yourself. Over Salisbury's Book Store. Phone 1518. ARTHUR J. SCHULTZ, Photographer. VISIT The Herman Coffee House ( H.. PUMPLIN, Proprietor) After Your Evening's Shopping or Theatre Going Baltimore Oysters Served at all Times 114 So. Lincoln. Across from Fire Hall Aberdeen, S. D. FOR XMAS GI[FTS Don't Fail to Look Over Our New Stock of JEWELER'S MERCHANDISE: In Our New Store CHAS. A. SAUER, Jeweler 208 SOUTH MAIN THE WHITE FRONT ABERDEEN, S. D. SHOPPERS' GUIDE AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY When in need of anything, consult the Directory below and the ad- vrtisements found in the Exponent. These people who take advertising space in our paper are our friends, and are deserving of our confidence and patronage. AMUSEMENT HARDWARE The Idle Hour Aberdeen Hardware Co. McArthur Hardware Co. ATHLETIC GOODS Aberdeen Hardware Co. HOTELS Bennett Drug Store The Radison BAKERIES JEWELERS Vroman's Bakery Chas. A. Sauer D. G. Gallett BANKS Voedisch First State Savings Bank C. C. Burkart BARBER SHOPS LEATHER GOODS Keating's Barber Shop Aberdeen Crockery and Nov- BOOKS AND STATIONERY elty Co. Griffis Drug Company Bennett Drug Store Normal Book Store OPTICIANS BOOTS AND SHOES C. C. Burkart Strauss Clothing Co. Chas. A. Sauer The Wolter Shoe Co. D. G. Gallett Webb-Robertson Shoe Co. Voedisch Jewelry Co. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS PATTERNS Aberdeen Candy Kitchen The Sherman Dry Goods Co. Griffis Drug Company PENNANTS CLOTHIERS Aberdeen Crockery and Nov- D. F. McPherson elty Co. I. Appel Company F. C. Hauge Clothing Co. F. C. Hauge Clothing Co. PENS CLOTHING CLEANED Voedisch Jewelry Co. Sanitary Dry Cleaning and D. G. Gallett Normal Book Store Dye House PIANOS COLLEGES—SCHOOLS D. G. Gallett Granger Business School McArthur Piano Co. N. N. I. S. PICTURE FRAMING DRY GOODS A. H. Abrahamson The Olwin-Angell Co. The Sherman Dry Goods Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS Arthur T. Schultz ENGRAVING The Barney Studio Chas. A. Sauer RESTAURANTS FLORISTS Herman Coffee House R. Strohmeir SHEET MUSIC D. G. Gallett GROCERIES Krogh's Grocery TAILORS The Model Grocery Metropolitan Tailors A Hearty Greeting Awaits all who favor us with a visit, as we are confident that our stock of Christmas Goods is unsurpassed for qual- it ity, variety and beauty. Our prices will be found very mod- erate. ABERDEEN Crockery and Novelty Store • AI COPYRIGHT 310 South Main St. Basket Foot Ball Ball or IT DOES NOT MATTER WE HAVE THEM BOTH Also Everything that is Necessary to Makeup the Uniforms. LINE UP And Give us Your Patronage ABERDEEN HARDWARE CO. Fancy Garment Cleaning Skillfully Handled AT T H E Sanitary Dry Cleaning & Dye Works 120 South Lincoln Street Telephone 318 CELEBRATING TURKEY DAY 3.11tbuotrial-Norina1 Expound Entered at the Postoffice at Aberdeen, S. D., as second class matter. Subscription price 75 cents a year in advance VoL. 9 ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA, NOVEMBER, 1910 No. 2 WHISTLE SOME the big football game in the after- noon." Now what's the use er bein' glum, Perk up yer head an' whistle some! "I wouldn't miss seeing our boys D'ye see that bird in yonder tree— beat Amherst for all the home Why can't ye be as gay as he? Thanksgiving dinners in the world," Ye can't be gay as that there bird— declared Edith, "and we should stay Ye got to work too doggone hard? I'll bet he's up and atter grub to give the team our support." Long 'fore ye take your mornin' tub! "Oh, yes, it's all very well for you Some folks has cake an' some has 'kraut girls to talk. This isn't your first In dispositions croppin' out. year here, and you're real sure of en- Now 'kraut's all right as well as cake, When't comes as grub which we par- joying yourselves with Bob and Roy take; ready to show you a good time." But 'kraut's for food an' not for thought, A few days later Edith and Polly An' benders doin' what ye ought When't mixes in with what you say, "got bids" from Bob and Roy for the An' what ye do the livelong day. Thanksgiving football game and to a dinner down town after the game. So what's the use er bein' glum, Perk up yer head an' whistle some! "Of course," said Edith, "Bob plays A whistlin' gal's a crowin' hen? in the team, but he said he'd take me Wall, that's the kind that catches men! out to the field before time for him to —Willis E. Johnson. get ready." "That'll be all right," said Polly. HIS LESSON "You can stay with us during the Harriet Sheldon, '11 game. Oh, if old Truesdale College doesn't show Amherst where to head "I think it's just perfectly horrid in at, 1'11 never feel like yelling that we can't have a Thanksgiving va- again." cation in this old school," sputtered Thanksgiving day proved to be a Madge, as she burst into No. 24, and perfect day for a football game. The hurled her books into a chair. girls of Oakley Hall partook of a "Why, what's struck you now?" bountiful Thanksgiving feast, but few calmly asked Edith, looking up from thought of anything but the main her new novel. feature of the day—the coming game. "Well, I want to go home to have Thanksgiving dinner. I never missed "What if we should be beaten?" it yet, When I think of all the good whispered one girl to her neighbor. things to eat and the good times they "Amherst college is said to have a have, it almost makes me crazy to crackerjack team." think I have to stay here in this dull "Oh, don't think of it," was the answer. "We have just got to win." hole." "It won't be a bit dull, Madge," said At 2:30 Edith and Polly sat at their Polly, Edith's chum. "Just think of window, with wraps on, waiting for the dandy dinner we'll have here, and their escorts. 2 THE INDUSTRIAL-NORMAL EXPONENT "Well, it's time Bob was here," said be an easy task now; he could finish Edith, impatiently snapping her it in a short time and leave it at the watch. "He said he'd come early." college building just before calling for "There's plenty of time yet, don't Edith at 2:30. But somehow his get excited," advised Polly. thoughts wouldn't work right; try Twenty minutes passed, then thirty, hard as he would he could not sum up and still Bob hadn't appeared. Edith his literary genius. Several times he became furious. "I don't believe he caught himself gazing into space, and intends to come at all," she stormed. thinking, of course, of the coming "Why, the crowd has been gathering game. At 2 he was not half through, for some time, and the game is called and then tried to hurry so that he ac- for 3:30." complished less than ever. "There's Roy," announced Polly, "I never had such a time to grind "but Bob isn't with him. Well, good- out a theme," he growled. "This is bye, kid. I hope he soon comes," and what a fellow gets for letting a thing she raced down stairs. go until the last minute. I'll be in In a few moments Polly returned. nice shape for the game. Gee, I'll be "Edith," she began, half-timidly, "Roy late to the gym if I stop to take Edith says you'd better come with us. He out to the field. We were to meet the heard Bob talking yesterday about coach at 3." some back work in English that he At 2:30 Jack Wendel called for Bob had to get in today if he wanted on his way to the gymnasium. credit for it, so perhaps that's why he "I can't come for a few minutes, hasn't come." Jack," Bob explained. "Tell the fel- Edith arose, banged her muff on to lows I'll be along soon. I've got this the window seat and started to pull blamed English theme to finish first." off her gloves. "No, I won't go with "Oh, let the theme go, your nerves you," she snapped. "If he cares more are worth more than that," advised about his English than he does about Jack. me, I won't go to see him play. I'll "Well, it's up to me to get it in if stay at home." I want a credit in this semester's "Oh, Edith, don't be foolish," work," was Bob's answer. begged Folly. "You're 'cutting off After Jack left Bob set his teeth, your nose to spite your face.' You squared his big shoulders and went to don't want to miss that game, and work with a vengeance. His pen you don't know what has detained fairly flew, and at 2:45 he hastily fold- Bob. I'm sure he wouldn't do it pur- ed his paper, threw on his coat and posely." cap and tore off in the direction of Finally, after much coaxing on Pol- the college, a thought of Edith never ly's part, Edith was persuaded to ac- entering into his brain. He slammed company her friends to the game, but the theme down on the English teach- was stubbornly silent during the walk er's desk and hastened to the training to the field.
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