FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS OVERVIEW SECTION 2 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS SYSTEM WARNING: If the airspeed, attitude, altitude, or heading indications become unusable, refer to the backup INSTRUMENTS instruments. FLIGHT NOTE: The Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) provides additional readouts and bugs on selected flight instruments. Refer to the AFCS Section for details on these bugs and readouts, as they appear on the display during certain AFCS modes. EIS Increased situational awareness is provided by replacing the traditional instruments on the panel with an easy- to-scan Primary Flight Display (PFD) that features a large horizon, airspeed, attitude, altitude, vertical speed, and course deviation information. In addition to the flight instruments, navigation, communication, terrain, traffic, AUDIO PANEL AUDIO and weather information are also presented on the PFD and explained in other sections of this Pilot’s Guide. & CNS The following flight instruments and supplemental flight data are displayed on the PFD: UÊÀëii`Ê`V>ÌÀ]Êà Ü} UÊ"ÕÌÃ`iÊ>ÀÊÌi«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÊ­"/® – Indicated airspeed UÊÀâÌ>Ê-ÌÕ>ÌÊ`V>ÌÀ]Êà Ü} MANAGEMENT FLIGHT – True airspeed – Turn Rate Indicator – Trend vector – Bearing pointers and information windows qÊÀëii`Ê>Ü>ÀiiÃÃÊÀ>}ià qÊ >Û}>ÌÊÃÕÀVi AVOIDANCE – Vspeed reference flags – Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) HAZARD UÊÌÌÌÕ`iÊ`V>ÌÀÊÜÌ ÊëÉÃ`Ê`V>Ì – DME Information Window UÊÌiÌiÀ]Êà Ü} UÊ/À>ë`iÀÊ`i]Ê `i]Ê>`Ê`iÌÉ,i«Þ – Trend vector UÊ/iÀÉ,iviÀiViÃÊ7`Ü]Êà Ü} AFCS – Barometric setting – Generic timer – Reference altitude – Vspeed values UÊ6iÀÌV>Ê iÛ>Ì]Ê`iëi]Ê>`Ê`i«>Ì Ê qÊ >ÀiÌÀVÊÕÊ iÃViÌÊÌÌÕ`iÊ­ ® ADDITIONAL FEATURES Indicators UÊ7`Ê`>Ì> UÊ6iÀÌV>Ê-«ii`Ê`V>ÌÀÊ­6-® UÊ6iÀÌV>Ê >Û}>ÌÊ­6 6®Ê`V>Ìà APPENDICES The PFD also displays various alerts and annunciations. INDEX 190-00498-07 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 47 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS SYSTEM OVERVIEW 20 19 18 1 17 FLIGHT 16 INSTRUMENTS 15 2 14 EIS 13 3 12 4 & CNS 5 AUDIO PANEL AUDIO 11 6 10 7 9 FLIGHT MANAGEMENT 8 1 NAV Frequency Box 11 Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) 2 Airspeed Indicator 12 Barometric Altimeter Setting HAZARD AVOIDANCE 3 True Airspeed 13 Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) 4 Current Heading 14 Reference Altitude Bug 5 Turn Rate Indicator 15 Altimeter AFCS 6 Heading Bug 16 Reference Altitude 7 Outside Air Temperature (OAT) 17 COM Frequency Box 8 Softkeys 18 Navigation Status Box 9 System Time 19 Slip/Skid Indicator FEATURES 10 Transponder Data Box 20 Attitude Indicator ADDITIONAL Figure 2-1 Primary Flight Display (Default) APPENDICES INDEX 48 Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 190-00498-07 Rev. A FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS OVERVIEW SYSTEM 16 15 14 INSTRUMENTS FLIGHT 1 2 13 EIS 12 3 11 AUDIO PANEL AUDIO 10 & CNS 4 5 9 MANAGEMENT FLIGHT 6 7 8 1 Traffic Annunciation 9 Flight Plan Window AVOIDANCE HAZARD 2 Vspeed Reference 10 Annunciation Window 3 Selected Heading 11 Selected Course 4 Wind Data 12 Current Vertical Speed 5 Inset Map 13 Glideslope Indicator AFCS 6 DME Information Window 14 Marker Beacon Annunciation 7 Bearing Information Windows 15 Terrain Annunciation 8 Minimum Descent Altitude/Decision 16 AFCS Status Annunciation Height ADDITIONAL FEATURES Figure 2-2 Additional PFD Information APPENDICES INDEX 190-00498-07 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 49 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2.1 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS SYSTEM OVERVIEW AIRSPEED INDICATOR NOTE: Refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) for airspeed criteria and Vspeed values. FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS The Àëii`Ê `V>ÌÀÊ `ë>ÞÃÊ >Àëii`Ê Ê >Ê Û}Ê Ì>«iÊ À}Ê ÕLiÀÊ }>Õ}i°ÊÊ/ iÊ true airspeed is `ë>Þi`ÊÊÌÃÊLiÜÊÌ iÊÀëii`Ê`V>ÌÀ°ÊÊ/ iÊÕiÀVÊ>LiÃÊ>`Ê>ÀÊÌVÊ>ÀÃÊÊÌ iÊÛ}Ê Ì>«iÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊ>ÌÊÌiÀÛ>ÃÊvÊ£äÊÌðÊÊ/ iÊÀÊÌVÊ>ÀÃÊÊÌ iÊÛ}ÊÌ>«iÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊ>ÌÊÌiÀÛ>ÃÊvÊ wÛiÊÌðÊÊ-«ii`Ê`V>ÌÊÃÌ>ÀÌÃÊ>ÌÊÓäÊÌÃ]ÊÜÌ ÊÈäÊÌÃÊvÊ>Àëii`ÊÛiÜ>LiÊ>ÌÊ>ÞÊÌi°ÊÊ/ iÊindicated EIS >Àëii`ÊÃÊ`ë>Þi`ÊÃ`iÊÌ iÊL>VÊ«ÌiÀ°ÊÊ/ iÊ«ÌiÀÊÀi>ÃÊL>VÊÕÌÊÀi>V }ÊiÛiÀiÝVii`Êëii`Ê (V ), at which point it turns red. & CNS AUDIO PANEL AUDIO Vspeed References Indicated Airspeed Airspeed FLIGHT Trend Speed Vector MANAGEMENT Ranges True Airspeed HAZARD AVOIDANCE Figure 2-3 Airspeed Indicator (Model 182T) Figure 2-4 Red Pointer Showing Overspeed (Model 172R) ÊVÀV`i`Ê­Ü Ìi]Ê}Àii]ÊÞiÜ]Ê>`ÊÀi`®Êëii`ÊÀ>}iÊÃÌÀ«ÊÃÊV>Ìi`ÊÊÌ iÊÛ}ÊÌ>«i°ÊÊ/ iÊVÀÃÊ AFCS denote flaps operating range, normal operating range, caution range, and never-exceed speed (V ®°ÊÊÊÀi`ÊÀ>}iÊ is also present for low speed awareness. / iÊ Àëii`Ê /Ài`Ê 6iVÌÀÊ ÃÊ >Ê ÛiÀÌV>]Ê >}iÌ>Ê iÊ Ì >ÌÊ >««i>ÀÃÊ ÌÊ Ì iÊ À} ÌÊ vÊ Ì iÊ VÀV`i`Ê Ã«ii`Ê À>}iÊÃÌÀ«ÊÜ iÊ>Àëii`ÊÃÊiÌ iÀÊ>VViiÀ>Ì}ÊÀÊ`iViiÀ>Ì}°ÊÊ"iÊi`ÊvÊÌ iÊ>}iÌ>ÊiÊÃÊ>V Ài`ÊÌÊ the tip of the airspeed pointer while the other end moves continuously up or down corresponding to the rate FEATURES ADDITIONAL of acceleration or deceleration. For any constant rate of acceleration or deceleration, the moving end of the line shows approximately what the indicated airspeed value will be in six seconds. If the trend vector crosses V , the text of the actual airspeed readout changes to yellow. The trend vector is absent if the speed remains constant or if any data needed to calculate airspeed is not available due to a system failure. APPENDICES INDEX 50 Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 190-00498-07 Rev. A FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS OVERVIEW SYSTEM Vspeeds (Glide, VR, VX, and VY,®ÊV>ÊLiÊV >}i`Ê>`ÊÌ iÀÊy>}ÃÊÌÕÀi`ÊÉvvÊvÀÊÌ iÊ/iÀÉ,iviÀiViÃÊ Window. When active (on), the Vspeeds are displayed to the right of the airspeed scale. Changing Vspeeds and turning Vspeed flags on/off: INSTRUMENTS 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. FLIGHT 2) Turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the field of the desired Vspeed to be changed. 3) Use the FMS Knob to enter the desired value. When a speed has been changed from a default value, an asterisk appears next to the speed. 4) Press the ENT Key or turn the large FMS Knob to highlight the ON/OFF field. EIS 5) Turn the small FMS Knob clockwise to ON or counterclockwise to OFF. 6) To remove the window, press the CLR Key or the TMR/REF Softkey. AUDIO PANEL AUDIO & CNS MANAGEMENT FLIGHT Figure 2-5 Timer/References Window and Menu AVOIDANCE Turning all Vspeed flags on/off: HAZARD 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) To activate all Vspeed flags, press the ENT Key with All References On highlighted. AFCS 4) To remove all Vspeed flags, turn the FMS Knob to highlight All References Off and press the ENT Key. Restoring all Vspeed defaults: ADDITIONAL 1) Press the TMR/REF Softkey. FEATURES 2) Press the MENU Key. 3) Turn the FMS Knob to highlight Restore Defaults and press the ENT Key. APPENDICES INDEX 190-00498-07 Rev. A Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 51 FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS ATTITUDE INDICATOR SYSTEM OVERVIEW ÌÌÌÕ`iÊvÀ>ÌÊÃÊ`ë>Þi`ÊÛiÀÊ>ÊÛÀÌÕ>ÊLÕiÊÃÞÊ>`ÊLÀÜÊ}ÀÕ`ÊÜÌ Ê>ÊÜ ÌiÊ ÀâÊi°ÊÊ/ iÊ ÌÌÌÕ`iÊ`V>ÌÀÊ`ë>ÞÃÊÌ iÊÊ«ÌV ]ÊÀ]Ê>`ÊëÉÃ`ÊvÀ>Ì° 9 FLIGHT 1 8 Roll Pointer INSTRUMENTS 1 2 Roll Scale 7 3 Horizon Line 2 4 Aircraft Symbol EIS 6 5 Land Representation 3 6 Pitch Scale 7 Slip/Skid Indicator 4 8 Sky Representation & CNS 5 9 AUDIO PANEL AUDIO Roll Scale Zero Figure 2-6 Attitude Indicator FLIGHT / iÊ ÀâÊiÊÃÊ«>ÀÌÊvÊÌ iÊ«ÌV ÊÃV>i°ÊÊLÛiÊ>`ÊLiÜÊÌ iÊ ÀâÊi]Ê>ÀÊ«ÌV Ê>ÀÃÊ>`ÊÕiÀVÊ MANAGEMENT >LiÃÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊvÀÊiÛiÀÞÊ£äÂ]ÊÕ«ÊÌÊnä°ÊÊÀÊ«ÌV Ê>ÀÃÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊvÀÊÌiÀÛi}ÊxÂÊVÀiiÌÃ]ÊÕ«ÊÌÊ ÓxÂÊLiÜÊ>`Ê{xÂÊ>LÛiÊÌ iÊ ÀâÊi°ÊÊ iÌÜiiÊÓäÂÊLiÜÊÌÊÓäÂÊ>LÛiÊÌ iÊ ÀâÊi]ÊÀÊ«ÌV Ê>ÀÃÊ VVÕÀÊiÛiÀÞÊÓ°x°ÊÊvÊÌ iÊ-ÞÌ iÌVÊ6ÃÊ-ÞÃÌiÊ­«Ì>®ÊÃÊ>VÌÛ>Ìi`]ÊÌ iÊ«ÌV ÊÃV>iÊÃÊÀi`ÕVi`ÊÌÊ£äÂÊÕ«Ê>`Ê Ç°xÂÊ`ÜÆÊÀiviÀÊÌÊÌ iÊ``Ì>Êi>ÌÕÀiÃÊÃiVÌ° HAZARD AVOIDANCE / iÊÛiÀÌi`ÊÜ ÌiÊÌÀ>}iÊ`V>ÌiÃÊâiÀÊÊÌ iÊÀÊÃV>i°ÊÊ>ÀÊÌVÊ>ÀÃÊ>ÌÊÎäÂÊ>`ÊÈäÂÊ>`ÊÀÊÌVÊ >ÀÃÊ>ÌÊ£äÂ]ÊÓäÂ]Ê>`Ê{xÂÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊÌÊÌ iÊivÌÊ>`ÊÀ} ÌÊvÊÌ iÊâiÀ°ÊÊ}iÊvÊL>ÊÃÊ`V>Ìi`ÊLÞÊÌ iÊ«ÃÌÊ of the pointer on the roll scale. The -«É-`Ê `V>ÌÀÊ ÃÊ Ì iÊ L>ÀÊ Lii>Ì Ê Ì iÊ ÀÊ «ÌiÀ°ÊÊ"iÊ L>ÀÊ `ë>ViiÌÊ ÃÊ iµÕ>Ê ÌÊ iÊ L>Ê AFCS displacement on a traditional inclinometer. The indicator bar moves with the roll pointer and moves laterally >Ü>ÞÊvÀÊÌ iÊ«ÌiÀÊÌÊ`V>ÌiÊÕVÀ`>Ìi`Êy} Ì°ÊÊ-«Ê­Ã`iÊÌ iÊÌÕÀ®ÊÀÊÃ`Ê­ÕÌÃ`iÊÌ iÊÌÕÀ®ÊÃÊ indicated by the location of the bar relative to the pointer. FEATURES ADDITIONAL APPENDICES Figure 2-7 Slip/Skid Indication INDEX 52 Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 190-00498-07 Rev. A FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS OVERVIEW ALTIMETER SYSTEM The ÌiÌiÀÊ`ë>ÞÃÊÈääÊviiÌÊvÊL>ÀiÌÀVÊ>ÌÌÕ`iÊÛ>ÕiÃÊ>ÌÊ>ÊÌiÊÊ>ÊÛ}ÊÌ>«iÊÀ}ÊÕLiÀÊ}>Õ}i°ÊÊ ÕiÀVÊ>LiÃÊ>`Ê>ÀÊÌVÊ>ÀÃÊ>ÀiÊà ÜÊ>ÌÊÌiÀÛ>ÃÊvÊ£ääÊviiÌ°ÊÊÀÊÌVÊ>ÀÃÊ>ÀiÊ>ÌÊÌiÀÛ>ÃÊvÊÓäÊ viiÌ°ÊÊ/ iÊ`V>Ìi`Ê>ÌÌÕ`iÊÃÊ`ë>Þi`ÊÃ`iÊÌ iÊL>VÊ«ÌiÀ° INSTRUMENTS FLIGHT The -iiVÌi`ÊÌÌÕ`iÊÃÊ`ë>Þi`Ê>LÛiÊÌ iÊÌiÌiÀÊÊÌ iÊLÝÊ`V>Ìi`ÊLÞÊ>ÊÃiiVÌÊLÕ}ÊÃÞL°ÊÊÊLÕ}Ê VÀÀië`}ÊÌÊÌ ÃÊ>ÌÌÕ`iÊÃÊà ÜÊÊÌ iÊÌ>«i°ÊÊvÊÌ iÊ-iiVÌi`ÊÌÌÕ`iÊiÝVii`ÃÊÌ iÊÀ>}iÊà ÜÊÊÌ iÊ tape, the bug appears at the upper or lower edge of the tape.
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