Italian 320: Writing About Italian Literature University of Southern California Instructor: Francesca Leardini, Ph.D. Fall 2010 T /Th 2:00-3:20pm Taught in Italian VKC 161 Recommended preparation: ITAL 224 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon. 11-11:50/ Tue. 11-11:50/ Office: THH 176 Wed. 2-2:50/ Th. 11-11:50 Love in Italian Literature G. De Chirico, Ettore e Andromaca (1917) Course Description In this course we will consider love as the guiding theme to detect the changes occurring in various periods of Italian literature, from the Middles Ages to modern times. We will read and discuss prose and poetry masterpieces by, among others, Dante, Cavalcanti, Boccaccio, Petrarca, Leopardi, Verga, Marinetti, Calvino, Maraini and Landolfi. Through the analysis of the theme and language of love, students will further develop their observation, interpretation and expression skills in Italian. They will discuss in detail the content and ideas of the text, engaging in a clear critical argument on the subjects studied. By focusing on the historical, social and political environments surrounding the texts we read, students will better understand Italian life and society. Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 Required texts: 1. Teacher’s handouts 2. Some course material may be available on Electronic Reserve: https://usc.ares.atlas- sys.com/ (NB: There may be modifications to reading assignments and class schedules at any time during the term at the discretion of the instructor) Grading: 15% Midterm Exam 20% Final paper 45% Papers (3 papers, 15% each) 10% Oral presentation 10% Attendance and participation Papers and exams dates: 1st paper due: Tues. SEPTEMBER 14 th 2nd paper due: Tues. OCTOBER 5 th Midterm Exam: Tues. OCTOBER 19 th 3rd paper due: Tues. NOVEMBER 9 th Final Paper: Thurs. DECEMBER 2 nd Course requirements: 1. IN CLASS. Class will be held exclusively in Italian . 2. EXAMS. There will be a Midterm exam based on readings and class discussions. 3. PAPERS ASSIGNMENTS. There will be three written assignments. Each paper will be 3 typed, double-spaced pages. Papers must be handed in on the due date at the beginning of class. 4. FINAL PAPER. There will be a 5 typed, double-spaced pages final paper, which will be handed in at the beginning of the last class. 5. ORAL PRESENTATION. Students will be expected to give oral presentations and to lead a class discussion on one assigned reading. 7. PARTICIPATION AND ATTENDANCE. Students will be expected to read the assigned texts before coming to class and to actively participate in the class discussion based on the readings. Regular attendance in the course is mandatory . Absences and tardiness will have an adverse effect on the grade. _____________________________________________________________________________ Policy for Make-Ups and Assignments There are no make-up dates for the midterm or final exams. Written assignments should be turned in on scheduled due dates. A paper turned in late will receive one lower grade for each day that went by after the scheduled date: for instance a B+ paper due on Monday and turned in Wednesday will receive a B-. 2 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 Accomodation Based on Disability Students requesting academic accommodation based on disability are required to register with the Office of Disability Services and Programs (DSP). A letter of verification can be obtained from DSP, when adequate documentation is filed. DSP is open Monday though Friday 8:30 am- 5 pm. The office is located in the Student Union, room 301, phone number (213) 740-0776, email: [email protected]. A note on Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious offence and could result in your dismissal from USC. All instances of suspected plagiarism will be reported to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. If you borrow words or an idea from any source, whether it be a book, journal, magazine, the Internet, or a lecture, you need to indicate where the information came from. Diana Hacker’s A Writer’s Reference identifies three different acts that are considered plagiarism: “(1) failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas, (2) failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks, and (3) failing to put summaries and paraphrases [of other texts] into your own words” (Hacker 261). If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please ask me. WEEK 1: Course introduction/ Medieval Love Poetry: the Sicilian School Tues. AUGUST 24 th Introduction to the course Introduction to Frederick II and the Sicilian School of Poetry Jacopo da Lentini, “Amor è un desio che ven da core” Thurs. AUGUST 26th Discussion on Frederick II and the Sicilian School of Poetry and “Amor è un desio…” Introduction to love poetry in central and northern Italy Guido Guinizzelli, “Al cor gentil rempaira sempre amore” WEEK 2: Medieval Love Poetry: Guinizzelli and Cavalcanti Tues. AUGUST 31 st Discussion on Guido Guinizzelli, “Al cor gentil rempaira sempre amore” Guido Cavalcanti, “Tu m'hai sì piena di dolor la mente” 3 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 Thurs. SEPTEMBER 2 nd Guido Cavalcanti, “Voi che per li occhi mi passaste 'l core” Discussion on love poetry in central and northern Italy Introduction to Dante, Vita Nuova Extra material (time permitting): Il Novellino XLVI/ XCIX WEEK 3: Dante and the Dolce Stil Novo Tues. SEPTEMBER 7 th Dante, Vita Nuova : prose and poetry excerpts from chapters III, XIV and XX, including the poems: “A ciascun'alma presa” “Con l'altre donne mia vista gabbate” “Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare” th Thurs. SEPTEMBER 9 Discussion on Dante, Vita Nuova Dante, Divina Commedia , Purgatorio XXIV, 34-63 (definizione del “dolce stil novo”) WEEK 4: Dante’s Paolo e Francesca Tues. SEPTEMBER 14 th FIRST PAPER DUE Dante, Divina Commedia , Inferno V (excerpts) Thurs. SEPTEMBER 16 th Discussion on Dante, Divina Commedia , Inferno V WEEK 5: Love and intelligence in Boccaccio’s Decameron Tues. SEPTEMBER 21 st Boccaccio, Decameron , III, iii 4 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 Thurs. SEPTEMBER 23 rd Discussion on Decameron , III, iii Introduction to Boccaccio, Decameron , III, i WEEK 6: Tragic Love in Boccaccio’s Decameron Tues. SEPTEMBER 28 th Discussion on Decameron , III, i Introduction to Boccaccio, Decameron , IV, v Thurs. SEPTEMBER 30 th Discussion on Decameron , IV, v Introduction to Boccaccio, Decameron , III, iv WEEK 7: Petrarca’s “Canzoniere” (Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta ) Tues. OCTOBER 5 th SECOND PAPER DUE Discussion on Boccaccio, Decameron , III, iv Introduction to Petrarca, Rerum VulgariumFragmenta (RVF ) Petrarca, RVF, 1 Thurs. OCTOBER 7 th Discussion on Petrarca, RVF, 1 Petrarca, RVF, 35 Petrarca, RVF , 134 WEEK 8 : Petrarca (RVF ) Tues. OCTOBER 12 th Discussion on Petrarca, RVF, 1, 35 and 134 Petrarca, RVF , 272 Introduction to Petrarca, RVF , 364 and 365 5 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 Thurs. OCTOBER 14 th Discussion on Petrarca, RVF , 364 and 365 WEEK 9: Leopardi’s Zibaldone Tues. OCTOBER 19 th : MIDTERM EXAM Thurs. OCTOBER 21 st Introduction to Leopardi, Zibaldone di pensieri (excerpts) WEEK 10: Leopardi, “A Silvia” Tues. OCTOBER 26 th Discussion on Leopardi, Zibaldone di pensieri (excerpts) Thurs. OCTOBER 28 th Introduction to Leopardi, A Silvia WEEK 11: Verga Tues . NOVEMBER 2 nd Discussion on Leopardi, A Silvia Introduction to Verga, “La lupa” Thurs. NOVEMBER 4 th Discussion on Verga, “La lupa” Introduction to Marinetti, “Contro l'amore e il parlamentarismo” 6 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 WEEK 12: Marinetti Tues. NOVEMBER 9 th THIRD PAPER DUE Discussion on Marinetti, “Contro l'amore e il parlamentarismo” Introduction to: Marinetti, “Contro il matrimonio” Thurs. NOVEMBER 11 th Discussion on: Marinetti, “Contro il matrimonio” Introduction to: Marinetti, “Orgoglio italiano rivoluzionario e libero amore” WEEK 13: Calvino Tues. NOVEMBER 16 th Discussion on: Marinetti, “Orgoglio italiano rivoluzionario e libero amore” Introduction to: Marinetti “L’abolizione del matrimonio” Marinetti, “L’emancipazione della donna” Thurs. NOVEMBER 18 th Discussion on: Marinetti “L’abolizione del matrimonio” Marinetti, “L’emancipazione della donna” Introduction to: Calvino, “Avventura di due sposi” WEEK 14: Maraini Tues. NOVEMBER 23 rd Discussion on Calvino, “Avventura di due sposi” Introduction to: Maraini, “Il quaderno rosso” Thanksgiving recess 7 Francesca Leardini - Italian 320 – Fall 2010 WEEK 15: Landolfi Tues. NOVEMBER 30 th Discussion on Maraini, “Il quaderno rosso” Introduction to Landolfi, “Annina” Thurs. DECEMBER 2 nd Discussion on Landolfi, “Annina” FINAL PAPER DUE IN CLASS THURSDAY DECEMBER 2 nd 8.
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