STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Street NW Atlanta, Georgia Phone: 6880331 MEMO TO; KEY NORTHERN CONTACTS, ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACTS, FRIENDS OP SNC". GROUPS PROMt SANDRA RAYDEN, NORTHERN LIAISON We are attempting to develop a system with will provide our supporters with prompt news and facilitate crisis period Communication, without costing us mere money than we have to spend for mail and phone communications«. To do this we are developing a key list of contacts,. The list will consist of students related to organisations on campuses which have given support in the past, liaison contacts with- organisations which have supported us and/or share our concerns, Friends of SNCC groups, and key adult contacts. We will hope to be able to rely on these contacts to relay information about events here to supporters in their area or to their constituencies in the organizations with which they work. They will receive all press releases plus crisis period communications, as well as the regular mailings we send to all contributors ( the Student Voice and the newsletter). This is our first key list mailing. We will appreciate your returning the enclosed form to us immediately. We will make up our key list on the basis of responses to this mailing. NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Street, N.W. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlanta lii, Georgia 688-0331 URGE N T SNCC LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN TO FREE CLYDE KENNARD ATLANTA, GEORGIA, DECEMBER lU - The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee announced this week a campaign tc petition the Federal Government in behalf of Clyde Kennard, a 33-year old Negro, imprisoned in Parchman State Penitentiary, Parchman, Mississippi as an alleged accessory to burglary. Kennard had previously tried to enter all-white Mississippi Southern College. A 19 year old illiterate who confessed to the crime and, as State's witness, Implicated Kennard, received a five-year probated term, while Kennard was sentenced to seven years. On December 10, Kennard's attorney, R. Jess Brown of Vicksburg, argued in Federal Court for Kennard's release. He was told that appeals would have to be conducted first in the State Courts. Brown contended that Negroes were systemati­ cally excluded from the grand jury which indicated Kenrard. Charles McDew, chairman of SNCC, said: "The only 'crime' Clyde Kennard committed in the State of Mississippi was acting on his beliefs that he could, as an American citizen, enter the school cf his choice in the State of Mississ­ ippi." McDew urged, his fellow Americans to begin collecting signatures on petitions and to write to the President and the Attorney General urging federal intervention in the case. He asked that "justice-loving Americans" demonstrate for Kennard, Students at Tougaloo Southern Christian College, Tougaloo, Mississippi, have already begun a petition campaign in Kennard's behalf. -30- URGENT URGENT URGENT URGENT NOTE TO EDITOR: THIS MATTER IS OF THE HIGHEST URGENCY. KENNARD HAS SPENT TWQYFARS IN PARCHMAN PENITENTIARY ALREADY, AND, AS AMERICANS, WE CANNOT AFFORD TO ALLOW HIM TO REMAIN LONGER. WE ASK YOU TO GIVE THE KENNARD CASE HIGHEST PRIORITY IN YOUR NEWSPAPER? FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, VIE HAVE ENCLOSED CHARLES Me DEW'S URGENT ACTION MEMOR^DUM, A FACT SHEET ON KENNARD, AND A PETITION WHICH WE ARE ASKING PEOPLF TO SIGN OR USE AS A BASIS FOR OTHER PETITIONS. IN HUMANITY'S NAME WE ASK YOUR COOPERATION. NEWS RELEASE STUDEBT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 6 Raymond Street, NW Atlanta 14, Georgia 688-0331 66 YEAR OLD MINISTER RELEASED IN ATLANTA ATLANTA, GEORGIA, JUKI 3 — After the Studest Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) asked Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. to "take immedate steps" to release a 66-year-old California minister sentenced to serve 30 days on a prison farm, he was released from jail. The SNCC office here said Allen had been asked to free the Rev. Ashton Bryan* Jones, jaileed here Thursday, May 30, with a Negro student from Atlanta University when the two participated in a sit-in demonstration at a segregated restaurant. Police said Jones, who is white, and 20-year-old Carl Arnold were arrested at Lebs Restaurant, a recent target of anti-segregation demonstrations. Both were bound over to the Fulton Comty Criminal Court, and Jones was charged with having violated a section of the city cede which makes it unlawful for a person to come to Atlanta with the express pur;.ooe of violating the law. Jones has been active in integration drives in oiher states, and has been jailed "at least 30 times." Ralph Moore, Executive Secretary of the Committee On Appeal for Human Rights (COAHR)—the student group coordinating protests hero—had said "massive demonstrations" would occur in downtown Atlanta unless J0nes were released. Police said Jones lay down on a courtroom floor after being sentenced and had to be carried bask to jail. The California minister, jailed here a week ago during another demonstration, has refused to cooperate with policemen andjailers, forcing them to carry him to his cell. Daring his last jail stay here, Rev. Jones complained that he was held in solitary confinement, stripped of his clothes, and "roughly handled" by jailers. SNCC also asked members of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, who earlier this week issued a statement endorsing integration of businesses serving the public, to "take the lead by adopting non-discriminatory practices and fair emploument policies in their own businesses." -30- F0R RELEASE MEWS*f-HE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 197t Auburn Avenue Atlanta 3, Georgia For Informations James Forman 4KHHHHHHHKHHBMHHHHHHKHKHHKHt#H£>h0ne CTgi^33|INIItW<HW<HHHHHW<HHHHHH»<HHHHW AIB6.ST, Ga,, January 23 - After the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Coma- ittee called his suspension of ii.0 students "arbitrary, unjustifiable, and a violation of civil liberties," Albany State President W. H, Dennis sent letters to the students telling them that they may be readmitted* Charles McDew, SNCC Chairman, said that the suspension of the students after they participated in anti-segregation demonstrations was t "a violation of academic freedom," 2ii another telegram to Dennis1 pro­ fessional association, the Georgia Teachers and Education Association, SNCC said that Dennis's action was a "disgrace." Son© of the suspended students in Albany said that they wuuld not return to school until Bertha Gober and Blanton Hall, SNCC volunteer workers, were readmitted. Miss Gober and Hall "were expelled after they were arrested at the Albany bus station on November 22, l?6l, Dennis has sent letters to the students, saying that they might re-enter Albany Stats if they fill out admission forms he has sent them. Normal procedure calls for students to write and ask for the forms. Some students said that Dennis was trying to get them back in school before the State Board of Regents - Albany State College's Ruling body - meets on February 8. Students and their parents are expected to at­ tend that meeting and ask that the students be readmitted and Dennis be asked to resign, -30- \ip\A/C FOB RELEASE ^HE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE i i • i in ' "•• ii in i ii • i • •———-»-* 197s Auburn Avenue Atlanta 3> Georgia For Informations James Formal ^HKHHHSHKHHB«HHHHMHH-^KH^KHH*Mf>hone 6a6--033i^HIHHHHK^^HHKHKHHHr^HHHKHHr^'?HH LEESBURG, Ga*, January 2k - More than 1000 parents and members •£ the Lee County Training School PTA met at the school auditorium last night and v«ted unanimously to continue a boycott of the school. The boycott began when a 16-year-old honor student, Charles Wingfield, was suspended after he asked the principal, J, M. Mixon, to give the school better equipment, Tn Atlanta, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee telegrammed Mixon, calling the youth's suspension "disgraceful," The telegram, signed by SNCC Chairman Charles McDew, said that "we urgently request that Charles Wingfield be readmitted," The tele­ gram called Mixon's action "unbecoming to a member of the academic profession.!* James •tfeys, PTA President, said that they "will be forced to take our plea higher if the school b«ard does not answer by January 29." The PTA has asked that Wingfield be readmitted and that Mixon be dismissed. They have also requested equipment for the science department, more books for the school library, and heaters for school busses, SNCC also telegramtiBd the Georgia Teachers and Education Association - a Negro educator's professional body - and asked GTEA Executive Secretary Dr, H. E. Tate to "immediately investigate the suspension," SNCC said that "it is a disgrace that GTEA members like Mr. Mixon and ¥• H. Dennis (Albany State President) continue to suspend students who want to be better Americans," Deaanis has been under fire since he suspended ij.0 students who participated in anti-segregation demonstrations, -30- ,, \|P\A/Q. FOR RELEASE THE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE ! 1; .-ri (|.-,-.. .Tr rrrrn vtf •-."..• •:r.-.-.r •i::" r . um iminii i" m n lmmi urn m i. m.mrr nunrnn mi n • irr m— ' ' —— - •- ----- — • -| r--| ~i --nr-"ir i —T-r-m-tirn -r —-•—--——•*•»— 197i Auburn Avenue Atlanta 3, Georgia For Informations James Forisan ATLANTA, GA,, January 22 - The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee has strongly criticised the United State Justic Department for failing to enforce the ICC ruling in South Georgia. Charles McDew, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Chairman, called * upon Attorney General Robert Kennedy to issue an "immediate injunction a- gainst the state cf Georgia," prohibiting the state from prosecuting Charles Jones and Charles Sherrod, Jones and Sherrod, both Field Secretaries for the Student Non­ violent Coordinating Committee, were arrested Thursday, January 18, when they took seats in the Trailways Bus Terminal Lunch Room in Albany. Both had already purchased tickets. On Monday, January 22, both were charged with violating the Georgia anti-tresspass law, a measure designed to halt sit-ins.
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