i i \ ....................... w»»a»^uwiimiiiUiu Average Dally Net Preae Ran Tlie Weather V \ We d n e s d a y , Fe b r u a r y i , i9 8 i‘ For the Week Beded - Faraaaat af C. 8. Waathae^JBlvlM PAGE SIXTEEN jKanrtrtatrr Stt^ning l^irraUi Dae. 81. IMO VhD. very oeM laeliiiM. U ir to U hulow aero, U W M W aer> 13,314 • mally ealder afeaa. Vridiy «*U,- About Town ehaaee af aaow lata tai div. Httd liembar of tha Audit U ta M . ’ . ' o Buiaau af OhwulatioB Maneh«9t»r~—’A CUy o f VUlage Charm Hw IfandMstH- ComnttuUty ....... ...................................... -li n '’1 PUy«n win m«et Friday at 8 p.m. HALE at tha iKuna of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ Main St.^ Manchester (FREE Parking Rllar Of Store) “Your Store Of Village Charm” (OlaaSfled Adverilalug an Page 18) win laufinb, Manclieater Rd., Glaa- I yoL. L xxr, NO. 104 (t^IGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 PRICE n tK CSN18 tontrary. ' DalU dieter, Royal Arch Maaons, will have a ahort biuiness has a new line on Le«« meetlaa tcmisht at 7:30 at the State News liIaaoRie Temple. After the meet- Inr, Harold Geer will ahow mo\1e.<! nf the 1880 World Series. Refresh- Roundup meata will be served. The Alplna Society will meet to­ night at 7:S0 at the lUdian Ameri­ can Club. Eldridge S't. Blaze Kills % _ Salvation Army Sunday School teachers and youth workers will 1,600 Hens meet tonight at 6:30 for an annual btuM]uet at the church. Guests will Lebanon, Feb. 2 (i<P)— A 2- Back Recession be Brig. Charles MacKensie, divi- story fra m e chicken coop and sianal commander of Salvation i 1,600 laying hens were de­ Army In Southern New England, 3.99 . and Mrs. MacKenzie. The guest stroyed by fire early today on speaker will be the Rev. Frank the most exciting things that ever happened to a swirling shirt! . a touch the poultry farm of Max-C^ip- Zagunls of Bethel Baptist Church.; , of Scarlet O ’Haral complete with a jeweled corrtb in the pocket, they are heim. The owner said he val­ Kennedy Says Jobless Total Hartford. available white or colored with ruffles of old-fashioned eyelet ( but all of ued the poultry at $4,800. About 50 volunteer firemen from An adult Information hour will very -modern dtfp-dfy eettoni^small.-medium and largo sixai. five companies battled the flames be held at Zion Evangelical Lu­ B olsters In minus 16 degree weather. It was theran Church tomorrow at 6:30 BC SURE TO SEE . the matching bouffant petticoats (every girl should have at least ONE set!) one of the coldest mornings on rec­ 44'- Reaches 5.4 Million p.m. at the church. also small, medium and large, 3.99. ord here. The fire was discovered shortly Economy Richard J. Cardin, 71 Haynes »-r-- after 4 a.m. and despite the early By STERUNG F. OBiXN St., will be installed aa vice pres­ PT hour it attracted dozens of specta­ Washington, Feb. 2 (JP)— President Kennedy today jhasded ident of Upsllon Xi fraternity of Washington, Fob. 2 {IP)— the University of Hartford at a tors. Congress a sweeping anti-recession program built oft faater dinner meeting at the Club Alden Bhcact cause of the fire waa not Without waiting for Congress federal spending, higher old age pensions and an emergency la Hartford tomorrow evening. determined but fire authorities to act on his anti-recession said it was possible k short circuit extension of unemployment pay. developed in the building’s elec- program, President Kennedy Kennedy’s • tightly’-packed 7,500-word special message St. John’s Polish National Cathn- has moved on three fronts to Hc Church will celebrate Candle­ tricsl heating system. brought the news that joblessness ro8e by 900,000 in Janu­ mas Day tomorrow with a Mass at spur the lagging economy and ary to a total of 6.4 million. 8:30 B.m. Ice Hampers Firemen relieve hardship. The President said he would submit further propoaala to Torrington, Feb. 2 (P)^— Fire­ At a news conference yesterday, Congress within 75 days if business does not improve. Members of the Frank J. Mans­ men battled flames in near-zero Kennedy ruled out any tax cut at field Marine Corps League Aux­ temperatures today in a S-story this time a s' a means Of dealing His message spoke of the general expectation that 'there iliary will attend a state staff house. with the slump. But he announced will be “minor improvements” in business this year. But he meeting Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the ^Fifteen, Tiventy, Tiventy-Five’... Ice formed quickly on the equip­ he has taken these etepa designed added “ speaking out of realism, not pesslmiam, we cannot rule Marine Copra League building. ■'-kUai'tJn-. ment aa firemen fought the blaze to brighten the picture; Main St., Meriden. Mrs. Walter A. Morri.ssey (atandingl of 649 Hartford Rd. makes her Mothers March returns to Mrs. out the possibility of further deterioration if we fail to act” Hazel Finlay. Mothers March chairman, at the March of Dimes Headquarters at 771 Main St., as in the. frame structure at 118 1— More than $250 million Kennedy predicted his economic proposals woftld “abate the Mrs. Joseph'Reggetts and Mrs. John Currier assist In counting returns. “Almost $2,000, from 125 '>1 Migeon Ave. No one was reported in G. I. insurance di'videnda 'will be women volunteer workers, has been received so far, with 325 workers to be heard from. Mrs. Finlay hurt. paid but this 'winter Instead of waste and misery” of unemployment and “restore momentum MHS Art Teacher said today. 'All indications show that we should go over last year’s figure of $4,203.72 from the The occupants, as well as res­ spreading the payments through to the American economy.” He said they would not by them­ Mothers Match. ” she said. "The office will not be open tonight but will be open for final returns to­ idents of homes on either side, the year as planned originally. selves, unbidance the $80.9 billicm budget unveiled liaat month Speaks to Club' morrow night from 7 to 9, as well as tomorrow and and Friday rrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., it w'as re­ from the early .spring col­ were evacuated into the frigid 2— The maximum interest rate by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. ported today. (Herald photo by Satemisi. ________ ,__________________ , lections blooming right now- street. on FHA-lnaured mortgages Is be- Yet Kennedy did not provide^- in the second floor dress OahWa Bhdag, 10, wards off tha cold with a heavy muffler w’hlle An exploding furnace waa be­ In^ rut. The reduction Is from 6 3/4 Congress with cost esthnates of Mrs. George Budd of the srtst per cent to 5H In a move to en­ and crafts department of Man-| cant entered high school must shop. (Ua walka from her HiUtop Dr. home to Buckley School. It' lieved to have caused the fire, any of his proposals, today as he: Driver Arrested Slate Sets Date have graduated. takea a lot of draaaing to get ready for school on these aub-zero which was brought under''control courage home bujing and build­ 1. Called, for quick approval of Kennedy Bids cheater High School will be guest ing. speaker at a meeting of the Cos­ There is a $3.00 fee for first ap­ monUngs. (Heraldphotoby Satemia). in about an hour. higher Social Security hmeflts tat For Diploma Test plicants. The fee for retake tests is 3— An experimental stamp plan some 4H million Americana. In­ mopolitan Club Friday at 2 p.m. On Passing Count - (left) .v^ng, cheeked to provide free food for the needy in the Federation Room of the $2.00. No fee is required of veter­ 2 Firemen Hurt cluding a $10 booat in the mini­ Macmillan to ans or members of the armed and .sohly sa.shed in green is being put into effect in some mum monthly pension; a 2-«tep, center Congiegationsd Church. Howard E. Works. 57, of 45 Examinations for those wishing New Britain, Peh. 2 (JP> — Two areas of the worst chronic unem­ She will have on display many forces or their auxiliaries. or gold easy-to-w’ear-and- Same for Tonight, Friday 2-year increase in the $1 minimum Cone St., was arrested and charged to earn a liigh school diploma will In general, the fields covered by firemen were Injured today In fight­ ployment. These are West Virginia, in U.S. articles made by students, includ­ be offered on Friday, Feb. 24, at caro-for cotton and arnel. wage to $1.15 and then •$1.25 an with failure to pass to the left as the testa include English, mathe­ ing a blaze that swept an auto Pennsylvania, southern ' Rlinota. hour; a aptamp in federal con­ ing 8 group of paintings. She will the result of his car striking a the United States Army Reserve parts distributing firm here. eastern Kentucky and one other matics. natural sciences and social sizes 5 to 15. tract-letting and oonstmetibn; Washington, Feb. 31 (8^ — Pres­ also show sUdM of projects in the parked car owned by Andrew Bar- Training Center in West Hartford. studies. The tests will be held from The roof caved in and the walls section to be specified later. Applications are available from government aid to detmssed areas; ident Kennedy and Britain’s Prime art department niak, 36, of 52 Russell St., on Rus­ 9 a.m.
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