TCU DAILY SKIFF Wednesday, August 24, 1988 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 86th Year, No. 1 Hartman Back to the books resigns position• ■ • Housing Vice chancellor crowding takes college post By JOHN MOORE decreases Staff Writer By MARICARMEN EROLES TCU is beginning this schoo Staff Writer without a vice chancelloi velopment and In Overcrowding will not be a Paul Hartman, a vice chan TCU since 1977, left \u problem for TCU freshman men come the president ol Kentucky Wes this fall. leyan (iollege in Owensl But it's the same old story for the "\l> wife .mil l have enj i d this freshman women. ■ period in our lives mon Emily Burgwyn, assistant direc- other because T( U is a si ■ tor of Residential Living and Hous- better university than ing, said the actual figures will not we've known, Harti be compiled until Sept. 6, but until a large place in m) hi a Aug. 1 the number of freshman I will never lose male applications was below last "Paul s lca\ ing is years. to me and to the ■ The decrease in the number of cellor Hill Tuckei said new freshman men is a reason why aged linn to take advan there are unoccupied spaces in great opportunity ti Pete Wright Hall and the other ident." male dormitories, she said. Tucker said the i Although the overcrowding has been conductii problems have been resolved in search lor a n most dormitories, there is not late Ma) enough space to move all of the Hartman triples into double rooms, she said. Colby Hall has six triple rooms pin .-lions over the and four vacancies, but it is the last three months,' Tin kei women's dormitory to still have we haven t made an) di overcrowding problems, she said. the application "Typically they (students in tri- very encouraging ple rooms) prefer to stay like that, Hartman s duties will bi handled and the rooms are fairly large. by Larry Lauer and Ann Some of them even have three members ol the inn closets," she said. a new vice chanc Even though space is a problem, Lauer, associate i the Housing office would rather Universit) ; not place an incoming freshman charge of all uni with a senior in Foster Hall or Jar- will make progn vis Hall because she would not chancellor have as comfortable a start as she (lee, assistant vice cha would have with another fresh- Development, will be ii man, Burgwyn said. fundraising and will work with alumni The impact of the check-in in affairs and seni n August was felt, but the extra 224 Gee said the three mam part spaces created by Moncrief Hall job of vice chancellor for Develop- made the process smoother, she ment and University Relations are said. fund raising, alumni affairs, in "All in all, everyone agreed the the planning ol i vents for TCI check-in went smoothly because ni. and nnivci sit\ and media rela- we have more space," she said. tions. Moncrief Hall has representa- As chiefdevelopment offii er llari tives from both men and women's man was in chargi of raisin) and soli- sports except for soccer, but there citing money for the universit) are more women than men among Since Hartman began working at its residents, Burgwyn said. TCU, gift income to the uni The decrease in male occupants has increased from $5.2 million in may hurt the Housing budget, she 1977 to $15.4 million in 1987, Gee said. said. "If it drops below expectancy, She also credits Hartman with the there is a potential revenue short- fact that voluntar) gift support to fall," she said. "We'll have to be TCU Dally SMfT/ Rob Robbins TCU has totaled mine than $1 more cautious in spending our re- Weight training - Sophomore Anne Higgins struggles lo carry books and Student Center. The bookstore has added extra service lanes to speed lion during the past 1(1 years serves." supplies for her classes after battling long lines in the University Store in the students' large fall purchases. "In the area of fund raisi Paul will be especially difficult to replai <■ Related stories Economy, need Gee said. "He had a lot ol special Students have time of their lives friendships with donors, and those cause problems donors will now have to gel used to • The admissions office re- working with someone during welcoming week activities leases statistcs that reveal little for financial aid Bayard Friedman, chah man journalism major. "I'm a lot more comfortable now not just change in campus makeup. TCU Board of Trustees, said I i art man By STEPHANIE MILLARD page 8. will be missed by all who knew him Staff Writer going to class not knowing anyone." By DIANE WOOLDRIDGE Students can continue to meet new people by getting • New hall directors find their Staff Writer and worked with him over thi involved with clubs and organizations through the Activi- job educational stepping Paul is a valuable executive who Students who missed the Ma) 1 "The Time of Your Life" is the theme for TCU's 1988 ties Carnival, which takes place Wednesday from 6 to 9 stones page 8. possesses.l lot iil'elllelelUA and deadline for financial aid applied Howdy Week, and according to the participants, that is p.m. • The admissions brings in tise " Friedman said. "His job lake, tions may have found it difficult to exactly what they are having. More than 40 organizations on campus will set up tables three new employees with a patience, dedication and energy. It receive monies this year Howdy Week is a series of scheduled activities aimed at to recruit student participation. cosmopolitan touch... page 8. will be ver) hard to find someone to "We usually go past that date' welcoming all students to the new school year and fami- "A real attraction should be the street dance after the • The Pit welcomes both old fill his shoes said Leo Munson, director of Scho- liarizing them with the campus, Activities Carnival," said Paul Schmidt, vice president ol and new students with a pleas- Gee sanl those involved in the larships and Financial Aid This is "Howdy Week is a time for all students to get ac- Programming Council and Howdy Week chairman. "My ing facelift page 8. search should not get discouraged il the first time we've had to adhere quainted and to go a little crazy before school starts," said Three Sons, a local band, will be playing and there should their efforts to locate a new vice i Kan to the deadline." Laura Puckett, program coordinator for Student Activi- be a really good turnout." cellor take time. In the past, the Financial Aid ties. "It's not just for freshmen like everybody thinks. A new addition to Howdy Week this year will be the Office continued to award money "The tiling that everyone should The activities began Aug. 17 with the Freshman Assem- Frog Football Scrimmage and Kickoff Party on Saturday. through July. Hut this year, the keep ill mind is that Paul's ji bly, Playfair and the Freshman Extravaganza. Howdy The scrimmage will begin at 2 p.m., and a party, featur- office stall sent out letters explain- ver) important one h lid. I ve Week will conclude Saturday with the Frog Football ing the band Emerald City, will follow in front of Daniel- ing that they had runout of money. winked with him lor Id years, and 1 Scrimmage and Kiekoff Party. Meyer Coliseum. Munson said. don't think this is the type of job that "Howdy Week gives us a chance to get familiar with the just anyone will try for, I think lli it campus," said Lynn Lettenberger, a freshman broadcast See HOWDY WEEK, Page 8 See F1NANCIA1. All). /'<ige '<> .See HARTMAN, Page 2 Inside Outside Ocean Club owners convicted of arson • Commentary editor, Michael 2 could face 30-year prison term would have prevented the club's Hayworth, tries to answer the By JENNIFER ROMERO being closed lor 3(1 days, Hill said. Staff Writer question, "Why are we here?" Three counts ol mail fraud were nance prohibiting dancing after 2 The prosecution presented evi- page 3. A federal jury found two owners of directly related to letters that were a.m., Gandy said. dence in court showing the owners the Ocean Club guilty of setting the mailed to begin the insurance process Mouzakis' defense attorney Tom had paid civil penalties in the past to • Head football coach Jim November fire that destroyed their after the lire, said Don Candy, de- Hill said the club stayed open late to present suspension. Wacker is still optimistic after popular but indebted nightclub. fense attorney for Michaelopoulos. let customers "work off their buzz Additional evidence indicated that all of these years Christopher Michaelopoulos, 44, Sentencing is set for Oct. 28 by before driving home. the owners were in debt to the elec- page 4. of Dallas and Dennis Mouzakis, 41, of U.S. District Judge F.ldon B. Mahon. The lire occurred a month before tric company, banks and other • Freshmen seem to be ad- Hot, with highs between 105 Arlington were convicted Monday on Thefire started at 3:22a.m. Nov. 3, the club had a chance of being closed businesses. justing to the new core curricu- and 110 degrees. Partly cloudy five counts of conspiracy to commit two days before a hearing on the re- because the owners were late paying The money lost by the club's clos- with a slight chance of thunder- vocation of the club's dance permit taxes to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage lum changes smoothly.
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