![Henry Thomas – “Ragtime Texas”](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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'>>ir i-i? ii !: a '! \^> <: ::b I":> m -s 'o; m :nx x "f: -=il o x ,c n9 ::a-itxx :i;I:*-: ilo ! : 5-i )risttS <r:h r s?ri-il ,b ''l>-?<rRiI=r*:! :r; a:;s :-i (lasur r:!ax*ix {3ruioCoV\,|lf,eU! ^q seuoql Ituag 1r rr< i-i \.C!-sO -: :. +- -;tF :6:Xi:il yr63 <o:h dtrA!i\ rXiQ !F'- hari i:=iis::S :nt: / a', :lRt s!oi t= >>trt Fi!<h lz iiguQs ai-.]uq ra!:! qi"Y i=*sii\-+.rAi -rz-*rli *is: bri .ini:l! A:!; I faFAi c xsiE m :,{gl h%\i m !:2i a riu4 t ectd @ ;cn- m =3op .tir z t z S&rra,:F! P - ,:3 t | F_i* a 'ir! >!-\ *>n T ! :" -.r t-{r -tsc F< x{x5 c x E! Sr \ r!F- ?F trOb c!, i: s3l '! <^I *2q +!3 f'l> bSJ xi *.*-) -u.-. E.i Y -zE; u 9: ii ! 6 E;;3 E ;?;; i,e+; i?;atE iee: ; ai Fi;i*. +:;i:" 3i9 =l ,<_i I : : :.. r __ E _ a 6 i. 9.r.1t iali :E@5n +rr.; =l3i*!;'::tiEe?1;i* a9i*E'i" 1i s aai A.:;1 ;?ii;itF:5'iriralr iiiii;i ii?f??ii:F{ oli i;:1r iE o: d 3 4 ! d*=:.Ar-:* 6a+-RE- -Ani9=t!!: ol.5-dg: 1?;i=?.r ;?: i^19=4 -a " : d; i;;;; "= x 5.rH*3.. :E*:=Tiiidi''3 :;3:ies ae:4: i.;i +rj i ;i i ; E * . ; ? ii E: D ."- 9 9 s i :;**q-i?ra4 -'i:;d;d o-=6 .. Ae nrtre ol thtBe old r&\trdinF caec to liRhl it beese rople named Thomas. I trac.d lo .n overcro*d.d hNsinS projcct a afparqlrl lhrr Henry lhomis *as a iingular and iniporrant ligutS, _- in East Oallas. I he man, Gsrqc Thomat. lurn€d out io be 5€cond Hc lcli bchind r total of 2J issucd r€l€ctions which rcD6enl one ol dsin: hir hrh€r and H€nry fhomas heving be€n liNt coutrnt *ho thr richcst conrributions to our musical cuhure. lfs gditime music nid uen torn in tlc same vear.l songs. Ceorge Thomas has a rister livinS in anolher prd of Dallas sho rcachinS out liom another cra: r€ls. rnthems. rtomps. SosP€l .' dancc call5. balhdr. btqcs and fragments compicssed in a blurring owns a family Bibl. and il *as thal lattcrd black b@k toScthcr with their combincd memorid (hlt providd thc biosraPhic Slinlpse of black muric as il existed in thc lsst century. lt's lhe son8s thrt canrc out of the shiliinB days when fredmeo end lheir children essen(ials: Hcnry Thomas was born in 1874. one of pcrhaPt ninc *erc renrnking rheir liv€s in a h6lil€ nation. children, on a farm in Upshur County. Tcras. Hc lcft as smn as he Hcnry Thom.s guilar is rudimentary but he plays with a was able b lravel on hh own. and thcrcNftcr turncd uP rs hc ch6€. thrusting drive thlt erokes a country dence. He uses onc of the most mostly earninS his way by som€ woman or by his guitar or both' Hc ancicnt of all inslrumenls. the panpipe (ot quills or syrinx as at is hrkd c,{lon hrminR and used to sinS a $rcastic tong rbout all th€ *otds of variously known) to punch out melodi6. His snSs continually nroncy ! sharecropp€t could €arn. Hc suld sP€ak a fc* underscorc thc lastin8 irony that much o[ our m6l cxpr€ssive and Cernrnn snd quiti s bil of Frcnch. satistacktry p*rry hrs becn compGed by an illite.at€ and In thc sonls he recordcd lhc p€rsisrcnl thcms arc lravcl. lrainr. (he uneducatcd p€oplc. And. along lhc w.y. Hen.y l-homas sheds ncw, lcrvrnc. Thru-urh lhc\e onc can rcadily c.tch siShl of man hall:light on a bn8 ling€ring myslcry: lhe oriSin of the blues He hinscii hunchca down in rhe blinds of a paisenSer train or imagine o|ers no ouick solutions. but rathet lcavcs us to our own devrc€s hinr drcp in lhc allcy of som€ pincy woods loPn Plrying 8uilar on alicr providing vrricd examples of ih€ blues idiom at several earlv rhc.d*$,{ a trlp 8amc. Or *c can sce him crossing th. fields at nrges of dc!€klpdent. He relurns mor€ lhan once to whal ls dusk r; nldy tlr r counrry suppci sh€r€ barcfmted dancers movc on pictur6 bv frhaps its m6t archaic lbrm: rhc D!(kcd rrrrh in fronl of 1plil lq cabins. Thc .vokcd sincc L.pk whu( th( tun dM( Eone thc ()ngs nccd not b€ conilrucrd €nlircly of imaginnry Pads L.ltk th(r( th( sun doil( Pon( hr\ dr\riilr c,'u\ins rnd a tew other p€oplc havc offcrd memories rma86 Lu'k nI$(.h., tn done gone, N. ehl Jnd rdndonr d(\criptmnt that conlirm and flesh oul thcsc over the L.x'k \h... th( !ill dor( eoil( tlL "ar r randarcr, thcy've said. who moved casuallv But rll ol rhis uas. and is. thc work of a largely anonymous coutrtry. nukinS great lmPing lrips oulward into othcr statcs. but ligurc. BcginninS ri long a8o rs 1958 my curiosity about him lmk in'r.i!hly rrturninS kt h's f!miliar homc Sroundi Tht railroads htd the torm ol a mild prdEcupation. whenevcr I travel.d over any Pan irr$(uhlv rltertd the oarlern of rural life rnd farn boy{ gt€w uP of *hat t inraSined had been his habitat, I asked tbout him l,rrrorne ,rn and olT tloq licishrs. if only to rid. a few mil€s up or & Queslbns *ere put h townsFople noi only in E.st Texas. but in a,,i",i" tin". Ar hc cre" ob;r. he rdcfanh.r' Th.rcwas the T Shr.vcFil and Hot Springs and san Antonio as vell as in lhe P.. rhc LO.N.. lhc C-otionbclt. ihc Katv. lhc Sanla Fe and half a smallci communnies scatcred in belw€en. As more of the rccords do/cn orhrr lincs to hclp him rcalize his pilsrimaScs P@pl€ cam€ alon8 I lblbsed up lh€ place-namcs mcntioncd in the songs rrnrcnrber hin! cominS back to br.8 lhat h€ d b€en to tec the Onc afle.nsn was spcnt in an old. broken down section of St. Louis Chi.aso Cotumbian Eiposilk'n of l89l and rh€ St. buis Wo.ld's and another alonS Davis Strel in Mobilc. Alabafra But lhe sea.ch Frir ol lqlr. as the inte.nal cvidence of the records urgd, conc€ntrated in Tcxas I hL slrrrrnq Ninr lbr mnny of th.sc travels may havc been lhe r,'{o ill 8rt S;dy, !n undistinquish€d spol near th. borlom_lands ( Sin& il sas u.likcly that th€ sing€r himself was still living (the Jl'ilru rhc S.hin{ River. He apparcnily gre* up rn th. vrcrnily ano roic. on rhere.eco.dr ,s at lerst middle_agd) I soughl p€ople "ho *rs \,,nr$ hciln ". ne". inis cornet of Upshur Countv thar miShr rcn'cmhcr hrnt. Some did but they could ncither point to his nrrn,hLr\ ot rhc lailily had In mind when they talkd aboul homc ho;e nor d€scribe more ihan i casual .ncounler. lt was an Up\hur County has a r.ther tyPicrl hislory: fis! ther€ were the overp.ductive pKress- Sc.aF of infomation pild up, most ot lMirn\ rhen thc wav€s of whi(. se(lcrs wlh th?ir slavcs. In an cra *esl a\ a them besct with contusion. Not one. bul two. !nd p6sibly ev€n lhrec .il srp(,n\ lnd borsy road\. Eatr Teras sas aboul as far musician( ,lt of ihem namd Henry Thomas w€rc d€scribed at S,'uth(rn r:rm.r ioulc *o and rtill find familiar thin8s like 8d 'put population dilTerent times. all of lhcm said lo be lhe man who oul land. rarer. and trees. In-t8S rhe county hld a slavc" - of thc U S C.nsus records. lt s only gradually and rec€ntly lhis tangle has b€gun to oJ.11c4 shrch develoFd in thc languaS. - The Ncgropopulat'on sorl iiself our. Eve;lually the more vilal scraPs led to the area ol 8ur(ilu Ink'4&7 frecslord by l870 and County l.ck\ rhe tecord of lvnching H€nry Thomrs honre dnd there fople furnishcd lhe names of sonre *J, n,r r n'.rority Upshut countics wh€re blacks rclarivei whod mold a*ay to rhe ciiy.
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