p ll PARISH OFFICE: 506 Fourth Street, Marietta OH 45750 PHONE: 740-373-3643 WEBSITE: www.stmarysmarietta.org www.facebook.com/stmarysmarietta EMAIL: [email protected] SUNDAY MASSES - Saturday 5:30 PM; Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM CONFESSIONS - Saturday 3:30-5:00 PM (or anytime by appointment) BAPTISMS - Contact Parish Office WEDDINGS - Contact Parish Office six months in advance Rector - Rev. Msgr. John Michael Campbell ([email protected]) Parochial Vicar - Rev. Joshua D. Erickson Permanent Deacon - Rev. Mr. Lee Weisend Music Director - Mr. John Ontko (740-350-4224, [email protected]) St. Mary School - 320 Marion St, 740-374-8181 (www.stmaryscatholic.org) School Principal - Elizabeth Tokodi, ([email protected]) DRE - Cecelia Cottrill ([email protected]) Parish Council Chairman - Dennis Blatt K of C Grand Knight - Mr. David Payne (740-373-7834) CWC President - Jenn Tinkler Hibernians - Mr. Tom Binegar, President (740-374-4559) Prayer Line - & Eucharistic Adoration, Mrs. Shelly Medley (740-525-6360) Pregnancy Assistance - Women's Care Center (740-374-7123) Health Ministry - Mrs. Janet Jaeger (740-374-6768) Daily Bread Kitchen - Mrs. Carol Henshaw (740-885-1181) St. Vincent De Paul - Help Line (740-376-1334) Welcoming Committee - Jim Naylor (740) 350-5510 March 21, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Lent Whoever serves me must follow me, says the MASSES FOR THE WEEK Lord: and where I am, there also will my SAT 5:30 PM - Kenneth Heiss SUN 8:00 AM - Jeanne Tasse servant be. 10:00 AM - Jim Archer 12:00 PM - People of the Parish READINGS FOR PALM SUNDAY: MON 7:45 AM - Wendy Cook 12:05 PM - Rosemary Weckbacher Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk: 14:1-15:47. TUE 7:45AM - Don Grasley 12:05 PM - Billy LaBarre MASKS ARE REQUIRED IN CHURCH: WED 7:45 AM - Liv/dec’d of the Joe & Luella Please wear a face mask at all Masses, and while in church as well – Finkel Family for the protection of yourselves and others. Do not remove your 12:05 PM - Corey & Steve Parman, Birthdays 6:00 PM - Mildred Arnold mask after entering your pew. Masks are available at the entrances of THU 7:45 AM - Preston John Huck the Basilica for those who do not have one. 12:05 PM - Liv/dec’d of the Paul & Jeanne Offenberger Family EASTER MEMORIALS: FRI 7:45AM - Gertrude Baker An envelope was provided with your March packet for the 2021 Easter 12:05 PM - Norma Lang Miller Memorials. Please PRINT the name of those you wish to remember on SAT 9:00 AM - Roger Wallis 5:30 PM - Gary Bryant the back of the envelope. These names will be listed in our Easter SUN 8:00 AM - Katherine Binegar, 22nd bulletin and the flowers that grace our Basilica this Easter Season will Anniversary be in memory of those listed. Names must be in by Monday, March 10:00 AM - Charles M. & Ethel A. Morrison 29th. Memorials are $10.00. 12:00 PM - People of the Parish PARISH OFFICE HOURS The parish office is open from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM on Monday and from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM Tuesday thru Friday with a lunch break from Noon until 1:00 PM. VISITORS WELCOME! We welcome any visitors who are joining us for Mass this weekend. We hope your stay in Marietta is enjoyable. Any new parishioners at the Basilica are asked to please register with the parish office. MEETINGS AND EVENTS MON 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM- Basilica Grounds Clean-up. See announcement. 6:15 PM - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions. See announcement. 7:00 PM - RCIA in the Basilica Social Hall. WED 8:15 AM - 7:00 PM – Eucharistic Adoration in the Basilica. See announcement. FRI 8:15 AM - 7:00 PM – Eucharistic Adoration in the Basilica. See announcement. 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM – Drive thru Fish Fry at the Parish Center. See announcement 7:00 PM - Stations of the Cross and Benediction. See announcement. SAT 3:30 PM - Confessions. ST. MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS St. Mary Catholic School now has a one stop shop The Lord Will Never Be Outdone for all your Irish Spirit Wear needs! Grand opening In Generosity! sideline store specials are now through March 31, 2021. The shopping link is below. Go Irish! Total collection last weekend: $ 11,844.00 The website can be found at: http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/ohio/marietta/ Amount needed each week to meet st-mar-catholic the Basilica budget: $ 14,225.00 The Friday night Lenten “drive-thru” fish fry will God bless those who support our Basilica Parish! be held through March 26th, from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM. Enter through Marion or Montgomery Street alley and exit through the Parish Center ONLINE GIVING parking lot. Cost of a meal is $10.00 which Online giving is available at the Basilica. For more includes fried fish, French fries, green beans, and information, please visit this website: cole slaw. Come and enjoy the best fish in town! http://www.stmarysmarietta.org and go to the left side of the web page. Click on the GIVE ON LINE K OF C YOUTH OF THE YEAR AWARD button to see more information or to sign up. The Knights of Columbus Council #478, Marietta is BASILICA FOUNDATION proud to award Samuel Gottfried with the Youth of A fund has been established by the Marietta the Year Award and a $300 scholarship. Sam is a Community Foundation for the maintenance and senior at Marietta High School. His parents are repairs of our Basilica. This fund is separate from James and Diane Gottfried. Sam has been an Altar the monthly maintenance collection. Our goal is to server for 10 years, a youth group member for 6 have at least One Million in the fund before using it. years and active in our parish. At school, Sam is To donate, contact the Community Foundation. the Rotary Interact President (Student Organization), Student Body President and Tiger PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY TV lead producer. He is on the Varsity Swim Team We pray for all of the men and women who are and swim captain and on the Cross Country Team. serving our country in the military. We especially Sam is active in Boy Scouts – former senior patrol remember those from our own parish and friends leader and is an Eagle Scout. Sam plans to attend and relatives of our parishioners. college in the fall majoring in Digital Media Studies. DIVINE MERCY GIFT SHOP If you are looking for the perfect gift for yourself or The Knights would also like to recognize all our a loved one, the gift shop has that gift in the social outstanding nominees: Nicholas Earley, Leslie hall after all Masses. First Communion, Mother’s Huffman, Logan Offenberger, Matthew Rauch and Day, and Graduation are coming soon, so stop in Claire Schenkel. The K of C Council Members and check out the new items. If you want to shop were impressed with the accomplishments of all of during the week, contact Sue at 740-434-3456. the candidates. THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 21, 2021 Notes on the Gospel The gospel today can be divided into three sections: the request of the audience, Jesus' comments on self-giving, and the glory/judgment of the Father. With a Gentile audience, Jesus can reveal the meaning of servanthood and give glory to God. Some of the (non-Jews) were going up (to Jerusalem) so that they might worship in the (Passover) festival. They approached Philip, and asked him to see Jesus. Philip told Andrew about the request, and Andrew and Philip told Jesus. In a group oriented culture, a request by two people in front of the group was honorable. These non-Jews were later known as "righteous" Gentiles, people who honored the Jewish people and their God. These foreigners wanted to investigate the possibility of becoming disciples. They had heard about Jesus (i.e., his reputation or "glory") and wanted to "see" if they could follow him. These foreigners were fellow pilgrims, seekers of the true God. They mingled with the Jews at Passover, a celebration of the people's freedom by God's hand. The stage was set for the universal Messiah to reveal his true self, his true "glory." The Passover of the people would become the Passover of the Messiah. Jesus answered them, saying, "The hour has come so that the Son of Man might be given glory. Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falling to the ground dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it carries much fruit. The one loving his (life) destroys it. The one hating his (life) in this world will save it into eternal life. The Son of Man did not seek the praise of men, but the opportunity to unite all people to God. And, so, to give them eternal life. Jesus spoke of a glory only service brings. The analogy of the wheat grain addressed the priorities of people. Those who selfishly clung to life would remain on the stalk alone, and would wither away. Those who gave their lives to others would die, but see others live and would enjoy eternal life. Through His obedience, Jesus revealed his glory as God's "Servant." This image was the internal paradox of the community. To be a servant of the Lord (his follower), one must serve him and others. The servant served the servants, creating an equality among the followers of Jesus.
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