Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1974 7-27-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 27, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1974 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 27, 1974." (Jul 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 28·10 ~ For ' vote seen e"s Iblt' Panel eyes impeachment WASHINGTON (API- The House any specificity?" asked Rep , Charles There was little indication in the Judiciary Committee pressed toward a E , Wiggins 1R.(;a1if. I, an opponent of debate of any weakening in the bipar­ vote late Friday on an article of im­ impeachment . tisan s:..: pport for impeachment, It ap­ pear~d that as man y as seven peachment charging President Nixon " I think this article meets the test" Republ ica~s would join t he 21 with participating in the Watergate said John Doar, chief counsel for the cover-up. The President's defenders Democrats in recommending Nixon's impeachment in quiry in response to a re moval from office, immediately attacked it as lacking question from chairman Peter W. detail. Before turning to consideration of the Rodino Jr, ID·N ,J , I. articles. Ihe committee rejected by a The com mlllee ent ered this cl imactic 27-11 vale a motion from Rep. Roberl Whatever its final form . an impeach­ phase of its deliberations with strong ~kClof\' of Illinois. second -ranking ment recommendation seemed certain. bipartisan support evident for impeach­ Republ{can on the panel . 10 delay the "Wouldn 't it be a damning indictment ment. The- blo{' of sta unch Nixon defen­ debale at least a day in the hope of ob­ h<lppeoed big after all this l ime and all this money If ders appeared to have dwindled to 10 taini ng subpoenaed tapes from Gus says what to the fish? we were una ble to state the case with Re-publicans. President Nixon . r 'Daily 'Egyptian l "lOwn-fjown"Edition $ouJhem IJlinms UnNersi'Y __ J Orescanin, Leffler indicted f or tam ering with records 8\' Jeff Jouell . and David Komblilh Daily Eg,"ptian Staff Writers Dandu Ort.'S(·cUlIll , fUrTlll'r eXl'('utivl' , ' ICt' pr{'sidell l IIf 51 U and Thomas Lef, , ~ ,~~~ ~I~~~~ I ~~ ~~eur:~~ \~~'. ut~~~\'J~~,I~~~~. County grand jury. Orescanin, former campus (reasurt'r. and Lerner were (' hargt>d with t wu count s e-ach of tampering with public records and released nn S I ,OOO fl.>cug nizance bond l·ath. Th e chargt.·s carry a possible sen, lenC(' of one to thre'{' y<'ars imprlson­ menl. a maximum fine of SI0.000 or both . The special t wu-day sesslun of Ihe grand jury had been probing liquor pur­ chas(> irree;ularities at 51U . Aboul SS ,OOO of liquor was purchased from the­ Carbondale Holiday lnn OVl"r a 19- month period. Howard Hood . state's attorney. said the charges were connected With the grand jury investigation. He said Orescanin is charged with "concealing the trut> nature of expenditures tabbed to the SIU presidenl's official functions account on Jan. 22 , 1m, and June 25 , 1973." Lerner specifically is charged with "aiding and abetting Orescanin both before and during the occasions," Hood said. Hood said vouchers made out to Holiday Inn of Carbondale on Jan. 22 , 1973, for $338 and on June 25, 1973 , for $199.50 contained "incorrect , false , and Danilo OrescaniD ((eft I and Thomas Lefller wait outside a dosed Board of Trustees session in Man:b. misleading information." At the courthouse in Murphysboro counts handled by Orescanin showed " Instead, the Holiday Inn purchased If the motion is granted, Hood said he Friday morning David Watt Jr" allor· that over a period of 19 months nearly liquor and other alcoholic beverages for would Ii Ie a reciprocal disclosure ney for Orescanin and Leffler, said his $5,000 was spent to purchase alcoholic the University. usuaUy in case lots , and molion, clien\,i wi ll not plead guilty , but he beverages for official entertainment at sold it to the University with a mark-up A hearing on Watt's motion was Set declined to discuss the case further. the University House, then Derge's of 10 per cent over the wholesale price for Aug . 8. at the same timc the defen· Both Orescanin and Lerner also residence, paid by the Holiday Inn ," a statement dants are to file pleas on the tampering refused to comment. Elliot said he believed Derge was issued by Elliott said. charges. The SIU officials will enter their Wlaware of t he manner in v.llich the Asked whether the other vouchers T . Richard Mager, vice president for pleas at II a .m . Aug . 8. liquor was purchased. making up the alleged $5,000 purchase development and serv.ices. refused to Orescanin. now professor of ad­ Derge resigned as SIU president of liquor from the Holiday Inn were comment on the indictments, He added ministrative sciences in the SI U College shortly aller Orescanin stepped down. considered by the grand jury , Hood that he would comment aIler he had oC Business and Administration , ciling '1he best interests ol,the Univer­ replied " You'll just have to wait until read through the indictments. Mager is resigned as executive "ice president sity" as his only explanation for the evidence is disclosed in the trial." Leffier's superior. • and campus treasurer on Feb, 28. He resigning. Hood said the grand jury has been Orescanin came to SJU in 1972 to did 'so aller notifying SIU president At that time: Elliott claimed 18 discharged aod he do.,'not expect it to become, special assistanl to Derge. David R. Derge of "irregularities" in vouchers had been processed for the reconvene, Later tbat year be was promoted to aecounts handled by Orescanin. <;arbondale Holiday Inn for catering ,AlIomey Wall asked Circuit Judge .. vice president lor campus and Later in Man:h. Board of Trustees services, lunches, dinners or recep­ Richard Richman for time to study the . treasurer, ~ OIairman Ivan A. Elliott Jr. announced flons, but none of those services were indictment and filed a motion for In 1973, rescanin was chosen an aWit of restricted University ae· ped'onned. disclosure of evidence. executive vice 'dent. ~ ' . Stakes growing in police board fight discuss the proposed ordinance, no UU'ee dismissed members would be have the amount of power the city H was Hawkin's opinion that if me came to support the city's reinstatEd. manager has," Maurizio stated. their battle in the <lrcu.it Court is position, Hawtins added. But if the former board members Now the city manager can control lost, the policemen's association The cily muncil passed the or· and p~lice associalions W i D , the police department all \be way would pw-sue \be case to the state A a>Wt bottle fa""" Carbmdal. eYeryt.hing the present Board of down to fixing traffic tickets , ~reme whidl muId ~I in .....urn of \be dinance transferring \be power'S . Oourt. and Commissioners old BoanI of P<>Iioe aDd fue Q>m. and when the commissioners PoJ. ice Fire MaurizlO said. '''Ibis city ordinance If \be row readies these propor. miasi ....... dismissed in February, refused 10 surrender these powers, decided and every commissioo is bringing us right back into tions, \be city faces the danger ol the nullification of major civic Mayor Neal Eckert recommended power Fry exercised mi~ht be politics." losing aU its home rule privileges, 1be primary fear of policemen is Hawtins Aft.. JWle decUi .... aDd ""en \be loss of home their dismis&aJ. In mid-February "'IIated, Hawtins said. This "'''Y said. 1915 per. the oouncil voted to remove the even include Fry's choice for new that the city might use home rule may petilioo the Slate tD rule privil'll'" sons dissiderlts, and appointed a new police ettie{, if the case should last provision to get oonLrol 0( the police remove home rule. "Once you Dismissed members of the police board. that long. pmsioo fund , Maurizio said. " U the remove home rule, it can never be aDd fire board haVe teamed up with Rosemary Hawkins. f or mer 'The lhree former board members city could get control of that money reinstated," Hawkins said. two potic:emm's assoc::iatioos to take l.IX'k their case to murt claiming the there's a good chance they oould use Mayor Eckert does not want a em the aty. ~~yand~~~~~s~ city acted unconstitutiona.lly. 7.~ it for things other than what it is police and (ire commission , s:;: used The points of dispute : Did \be dispute whether the coWlcii had the city "'I'lied that it followed home normally for ." Hawkins said. " His position is for a Carbondale aty Council follow authority to transfer hiring and ruJe gwdehnes. Within a month, the 1lle three fcrmer commissioners SI.~er- city manager." with proper procedure when il Iran· firing, IX!wers to Fty_ What they OIinois Police Assn. and the Police have nothing to do his end of Police and rtre boa<ds around the A5gt. , the Maurizjo What the sf<rred hiring aDd firing powers question LS the way the transfer was Benevolent represented by case. said. oountry are disappearing, HawtUns from \be police aDd rlre board to the carried out,' she said. Carbc:Wldale Officer Mike Mauriu;:;, two plaintiffs both wanl is Board of said. Even a referendum would not Police and Fire Commissioners city manager? And did the ooWlciI " When you alter your form of jumped into the fray.
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