July 1. 1992 amity nrichment esources ets records page 6 dynamic success —page 5 Look inside! Your conference newsletter.—pages—pages 9-12 A Healing Ministry—pages 13-16 EDITORIAL VISITOR STAFF Editor: Richard Duerksen Managing Editor: Charlotte Pedersen Coe assistant Editor: Randy Hall Communication Intern: Elaine Hamilton Design Service: must when I should be cele- Reger Smith Jr. brating "independence" I find I'm more dependent Circulation Manager: DEPENDENCE than ever! Dianne Liversidge My van broke down on U.S. Route 78 in Pennsyl- Production/Design: DAY Diane Baier vania. It was 12:45 on Sabbath afternoon and I was The VISITOR is the Seventh-day Ad- all in charge, on my way to an appointment in New ventist publication for people in the Colum- bia Union. The different backgrounds and Jersey. And early, too! But suddenly I, and each spiritual gifts of these people mean that the VISITOR should inspire confidence in the other member of my family, was totally dependent. Saviour and His church and should serve as a networking tool for sharing methods that Dependent upon God to somehow lead us through members, churches and institutions can use in ministry. Address alleditorial correspon- another amazing moment. dence to: Columbia Union VISITOR, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045. Dependent upon the young graduate who picked One-year subscription price—$7.50. me up in his BMW. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Dependent upon a friend to pick all five of us up, (301) 596-0800 (410) 997-3414 lend us a car, make sure our van got towed away and President R.M. Wisbey Secretary, ASI H.M. Wright call ahead that the speaker was going to be late. Treasurer D.J. Russell Undertreasurer R.J. Jensen And it all worked. I mean, our dependence on God Senior Accountant C. Wright Revolving Fund P. Lee worked. hurch Ministries J. Clements Associate B. Manspeaker Two babies have just been added to the Columbia Communication R. Duerksen Union office family. They sure are dependent. But Assistant C. Pedersen Coe RICHARD DUERKSEN Data Processing M. Connor they're supposed to be that way. Tiny little beings Associates ...... B. Rowe, N. Lamoreaux Editor Education R. Osborn needing assistance with everything except crying. Associates F. Hoffer, A. Westney Ministerial F. Ottati I used to be that way. But then I grew up into in- Religious Liberty A. Westney dependence. Able to handle it all myself. So why do Trust Services J. Lastine COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE I find that I am still so dependent upon everybody ASSOCIATION President R.M. Wisbey and everything? Is independence a myth? Vice President D.J. Russell Yes. Secretary J. Lastine Treasurer R.J. Jensen Literature evangelists are dependent upon God to LOCAL CONFERENCES lead them to the right homes at the right time. Their ALLEGHENY EAST: Alvin M. Ribble, President; Robert Booker, Visitor Corres- customers are dependent upon the literature evange- pondent; P.O. Box 266, Pine Forge, PA lists to follow God's leading. And it's working. 19548. Telephone: (215) 326-4610. ALLEGHENY WEST: Willie J. Lewis, The staff of Columbia Union College is dependent President; Robert C. Lewis, Visitor Corres- pondent; 1339 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH upon God to send students who will benefit from a 43205. Telephone: (614) 252-5271. quality Christian education. Your children are de- CHESAPEAKE: J.W. Coulter, President; Neville Harcombe, Visitor Correspondent; pendent upon the teachers to teach with wisdom and 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. Telephone: (410) 995-1910; Washington, insight from God. And it's working. D.C., area, 3011596-5600. You and I are dependent upon God to teach us the MOUNTAIN VIEW: Randy Murphy, Pres- ident; Ruth Wright, Visitor Correspondent; purity of His love, peace and power. God is depen- 1400 Liberty St., Parkersburg, WV 26101. Telephone: (304( 422-4581. dent upon us to pass that love, peace and power on to NEW JERSEY: Robert W. Boggess, Pres- others. Is it working? ident and Visitor Correspondent; 2160 Brunswick Ave.. Trenton, NJ 08648. Tele- This is not a time to be celebrating our spiritual phone: (609) 392-7131. OHIO: Ed Motschiedler, President and Vis- independence. Instead, maybe we ought to celebrate or Correspondent; Box 831, Mount Ver- "Dependence Day." non. OH 43050. Telephone: ( 614) 397-4665. PENNSYLVANIA: Jerry Page, President; Gloria Bentzinger, Visitor Correspondent; 720 Museum Rd., Reading, PA 19611. Tele- 5p1h5o6ne: (215) 374-8331. ABC, P.O. Box 3641, Hamburg, PA 19526. Telephone: (215) 562- COVER: During their Spring Big Week, Family Enrichment POTOMAC: Ralph W. Martin, President Resources reported that three of their "stars" in the Colum- and Visitor Correspondent; P.O. Box 1208, Staunton, VA 24401. Telephone: (703) 886- bia Union sold more than $3,400 in truth-filled books and 0771. ABC, 8400 Carroll Ave., Takom a literature. Betty Ana Murillas (center) from Springfield, Park, MD 20912. Phone: (301)439-0700. Virginia, sold more than $3,600, with Larry Carter of Butler, Printed by the Review and Herald Publish- Ohio, and Martha Gotsis of Elizabeth, New Jersey, close be- ing Association in Hagerstown, MD 21740. hind. (See story on page 6.) Cover design by Reger Smith Jr. July 1, 1992 Vol. 97, No. 13 2 VISITOR. July 1. 1992 C13 Vision 1: The local church will be the central focus and driving force of the denomination. Vision 2: The joy and celebration of worship will attract Baptism people to our churches, allowing the Sabbath to become a major evangelistic tool. brightens Vision 3: Church fellowship will be so vibrant that youth memberover lifestyle retention issues will will improve decrease and conflict program Youth Day at the Berea church of Charleston, West Vir- Also part of the ginia, in the Allegheny West Conference became a very joyous program that Sab- occasion when 8-year-old Danny Adkins II was baptized as bath was special mu- part of the special program on Sabbath, April 25, according to sic presented by the Communication Secretary James Buford. church youth choir Joyce Adkins, Danny's mother and the church clerk, stated under its director, Danny Adkins II that her son, who is a bright student in the congregation's pri- Elizabeth Johnson. mary Sabbath school class, had asked her several times dur- "The baptism during Berea's Youth Day activities is a fine ing the past year if he could give his life totally to Jesus. example of how vibrant church fellowship can lead to member Buford also reported that Berea Pastor Derrick Moffett, retention even among the young people in our congregations," who acknowledged Danny's readiness and desire to join God's said Ron M. Wisbey, president of the Columbia Union Confer- family, performed the baptism while Danny's grandmother, ence. "It is our hope that more churches throughout this union father and friends--as well as many visitors--looked on. will reap the benefits of the third aspect of Vision 2000."—RH FACE TO FACE: Profiles of newly baptized people Samuel Chin- Sonia Chin- Jim Ross, Lynn Ross, Craig Red- Andrew Red- Heather Herb, tha, Sligo, Po- tha, Sligo, Po- Havertown, Havertown, wood, German- wood, German- Philadelphia tomac. Samuel tomac. Then a Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. town Philadel- town Philadel- Boulevard, was an eighth- sixth-grader at Jim and wife Because they phia, Allegheny phia, Allegheny Pennsylvania. grade student the Sligo Ele- Lynn were look- felt a spiritual East. After at- East. Andrew Attending when both he mentary School ing for the right need, Lynn and tending the and his brother, Greater Phila- and his younger in Takoma church when a husband Jim Last Days Re- Craig, were two delphia Junior sister, Sonia, Park, Maryland, member invited went to the lo- vival by Oscar of 16 people bap- Academy for a were baptized Sonia was bap- them to come to cal Adventist Lane, Craig tized in August year helped by their grand- tized with her Havertown. church and and his brother, of 1991 after Heather decide father during brother, Sam- They were bap- were baptized Andrew, were the Last Days to be baptized December of uel, in Decem- tized in Septem- during Septem- baptized in Au- Revival held by during Febru- 1991. ber of 1991. ber of 1991. ber of 1991. gust of 1991. Oscar Lane. ary of 1992. VISITOR, July 1, 1992 3 SPOTLIGHT ON LIVING THE VISION The g si The morning sun created grand DICK DUERKSEN patterns on the merchant's face as he OW VI smiled confidently toward the priest. "Then, with his next words, Joseph taught his old merchant to smile. ti tight situation. Especially the spoiled `Since you'll be selling me in Egypt, ones. And this wise kid, Joseph, could you teach me everything you wearing his father's multicolored, know about the country, animals, "How about a new silk gown for the long-sleeved prince's robe, was al- merchants, priests and silk? I'd like wedding?" ready a legend around the desert to be the best slave in all Egypt, and Potiphera turned to face Ben campfires. to do that I'll need your help.'" Marduk, the Midianite merchant who "His brothers hated him so totally "So you trained him for Pharaoh's provided balsam, incense, slaves and that they sold him to me for only 12 general?" The priest was obviously silk to the Egyptian royal court. The silver pieces. But I wasn't sure I'd impressed. craggy old merchant bowed low before gotten a bargain. In fact, I worried "Nope. Trained him to take over the priest, his upstretched hands that his attitude might make him a my caravan. General Potiphar only offering a flow of incredibly white silk hard sale!" got him on a fluke.
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