Uniust ·ring brings $700 fine by Allan Zdunich Gazette on Tuesday that the $700.00 The Dalhousie SUB Operations that MacDougall was to be paid as department will be fined $700.00 for compensation had come from the unjustly firing Ken MacDougall the SUB ·Operations Staff Salaries Dalhousie Gazette learned Tuesday. budget. The Gazette learned that in an Not clear why the money should unanimous decision the three per­ come from a salaries budget when it son Grievance Committee decided was a fine Dalhousie Gazette Editor that MacDougall had been unjustly Allan Zdunich asked Graham "Does tired and the Student Union would that seem Reasonable?" Graham be ordered to pay him $700.00 as replied "Well, yes it does." compensation. If the Committee decides that As grounds for firing MacDougall, Dalhousie must pay the costs of the the Grievance Committee was told legal action, Graham told Zdunich that "He was attempting to organize that the money would come from a union among the Grawood staff." the Student Council Legal Costs Provincial labor laws protect the budget. right of an employee to organize a Although the report will not be union and it is believed to be this made public until later in the week violation of the labor code that has the Dalhousie Gazette was told that forced the Student Union to make MacDougall received his money restitution. before Christmas MacDougall for his part, rather Grievance Committee Chairper· than dealing with the specifics of son Mildred Royer refused to his firing, attempted to show that disclose the contents of the report the body that fired him had never before it is made public, although done anything right, and the firing she did acknowledge that some of of him continued that tradition. the content (the $700.00 tine) had Although in November Student been revealed to the both parties. Union President Gord Neal told Royer stated that she had "No several persons about the firing and authority to make comments on the compensation to be paid to Ken report because all parties might not MacDougall, when questioned by sign the final document." Oal Photo/Grandy the Dalhousie Gazette on Tuesday 4 The report should qe 12 pages in January he professed ignorance of le11gth and a minority report is not Illegally fired former SUB Night Manager the compensation. expected. Ken MacDougall in a picture taken last Student Union Business Manager The report should be ready 7 year. John Graham told the Dalhousie January 1977. 6 January 1977 Volume 109 Number15 N.S. bursary policy delayed one year bv Donna Treen Jerry Knickle, Student Aid, told -The Nova Scotia Bursary policy the Dalhousie Gazette that the regarding the academic qualifi-. amendment was a result of "late­ cations needed to receive a bursary, ness of policy approval and the has become retro-active for the negative response of the students.'' academic year 76/77. However, the Gord Neal, Dalhousie Student @overnment has threatened to im­ Union President wishes the policy to plement the policy in the future, be "wiped out completely". beginning in September of '77. "Yes, it's a good thing the policy Students will receive their bursa­ has been amended tor this year'', ries this year regardless of the Neal said, "but we are no further academic standing attained last year. continued on page 4 Inside This Week The Last Lunch Bucket CUP Conference Report No Editorials This Week Coming Next Week ATV and the RCMP • King Lear: Neptune vs Stratford Special meeting for selection of new Editor, Friday 7 January at 1:30, Gazette office, Dal Photo I Mooney Gazette staff should attend. -----~~~;:;.;..:..;..;;;..._The Dalhousie Gazette/6 January 1977/2 __ News-Amusement------------ Lunch Bucket· Bursaries ready soon by Alan McHugh_en by Nigel Allen courses to be eligible for a bursary Most Nova Scotia student 'aid has been dropped for this academic bur!jary cheques will be available at year the Awards office in the A&A , building by Feb. 1, the government Student aid recipients receive the student aid offi9e said Tuesday. But first half of their entitlement in the Awards office cautioned that September as a loan. The second students who received their student installment of the loan received in loan late, or who had delayed January, is smaller than the Sep­ sending in a report of summer tember installment, but is substi­ earnings and registration might tuted ~or by the bursary. have to wait longer for their As well, the Awards Office bursaries. The requirement that a reports that many Ontario awards student pass 4 of 5, 3 of 4, or 3 of 3 are now available there. You must be cheap if your Friday I sp~nt a lot of time last year night is almost over by 11 :25. And defendmg the operations of the wtly did you leave out the part of the' cafeteria; almost as much time in study second sentence (more importantly­ fact, as I spent criticizing it. Now what did you leave out?) I have that I have a comparison 1 feel given up eating at the cafeteria. qualified to evaluate the ~afeteria After years of searching, I finally as: found a place where I can get skills expensive, disgusting. de- : reasonably tasty and nutritious .humanizing, gross, animalistic, food, as much as I can eat, tor less per~erted, despicable, capitalistic, · than a dollar. Honest. Since finding, bovme and foul. (did you learn. this place, I have not had one meal . anything new?). in the cafeteria. Of course, the place program 1 And the food is even worse. But : in 3500 miles away. I'm sure you realize this already so Dear Alvin, · let's try a little quiz. Answer; at ·. Da box has missed ya. Good to bottom. purvey your pernacious puns and 1. What is the most expensive words of wit/wisdom (delete slash). reading item in the cafeteria? As a reformed soul (never eat this 2. It is possible to get value for writin2 stuff anymore (editor's note: me your money in the cafeteria, a) neither)), I fell into sin this listenin true, or b) false. afternoon (editor's note: oooooh!) 3. The cafeteria hours are: a) ranemberfng and devoured $1.60 worth of greasy adequate, or b) too long. fries and a club sandwitch (editor' s note taking 4. The Major Garbage machines note: barf). I am again back to the provide: a) amusement, b) test takin2 straight and narrow (editor's note: food, or c) dysentry. praise be!). My digestion, being time scJieduling 5. Write an essay on ''The Mak­ shattered and splintered by a ing of a Doughnut". seconds crazy glance and a mo­ self-motivating 6. The Lunch Bucket is an excel­ ments futile folly, as I continue my lent column, a) true, b) indu­ bitably, or c) without question. bank existance, living on morsels of love and bitter coffee in the SUB. 7. Saga's coffee tastes like: a) (till in as desired). Edward, the mad axe grinder Your last sentence has no predi­ Counselling and 8. This is getting boring. a) true, cate; otherwise, I think I have or b) false. Psychological already made all my comments. 9. Will Sage be running the Food Services service here next year? Centre 10. Write an essay on ''Why· does Dear Box, 1. Supply a paper and pencil Alan Write this Shit?" supply B. 11. Write an essay on '·'Why am 1 4th Floor, S. U 2. Draw more magical animals reading this Shit?" 424-2081 besides Rodroflex on the walls 3. Install more V.D. 'sin the cafe­ 9 am. to 5 p.m. teria to ward off little ones and This will probably (hopefully) be biased mortals the last Lunch Bucket for ever and . ~~~~lSTRATION DEADLINE -- JAN. 12· 4. ~emove the funny men hiding ever. Not because it is lousy; not tn the walls- or else slush ice • because there will be a new editor cream! 'F---------------------------- who (inevitably) hates columns; and Poogok (from outer space) not because I am going back to Christ, one of us has to be nuts. school soon (although these are all Why should I supply a supply? . valid reasons). There will be no What's a magical animal? What's a ~ more Lunch Bucket on account of I wall? I didn't know V.D.'s were . a~rl am lazy. Also, nobody writes me installed in the cafeteria in the first • i • anymore letters. But here are the place. I don't even know what a • ones received over Christmas. V.D. is (but I can guess). It must be (!)GlUl~[B me that's crazy for printing this Dear Alan, crap. Why don't you poogoff?? It's so nice to have you back­ Sheilagh didn't answer my ques­ . YOU'VE TRIED NOW TRY That's it. No more. I really am tion. Why don't they stir the gravy going nuts (going?) Before putting THE BEST before they put it on my french the Lunch Bucket in it's well THE REST fries? Thank you, love, your deserved grave, I have three last secret admirer XXX announcements: Did I ever tell you the story about 1) Mark and Pauline, please buy MON.· WED. THU. • SAT. the guy who went into the cafeteria me just one more Keith's; and Frank Portwhatzit bet him $10 2) Ann, Margie, Cathy, Melanie 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. he couldn't drink the vat of gravy? (Melon): invite me to dinner probably not, so see me sometime just one more time.
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