This article was downloaded by: [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] On: 28 January 2014, At: 13:36 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Natural History: Series 6 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tnah12 III.—Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinæ, with descriptions of new genera and species Charles J. Gahan M.A. a a Zoological Department , British Museum Published online: 02 Oct 2009. To cite this article: Charles J. Gahan M.A. (1892) III.—Notes on Longicorn Coleoptera of the group Cerambycinæ, with descriptions of new genera and species , Journal of Natural History: Series 6, 9:49, 19-32, DOI: 10.1080/00222939208677267 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222939208677267 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/ terms-and-conditions Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:36 28 January 2014 Mr. C. J. Gahan on Longlcorn Coleoptera. 19 when food is not so abundant. The apparent rarity of sexual propagation~ which might possibly lead to the formation of cocoons so small as to be readily carried about by the wind, may have something to do with this encystment. The cysts are small enough to travel very easily, and the wide distribu- tion of the species may have been thus brought about. III.~Notes on Lon.qleorn Coleoptera of the Group Cerambycinab with Descriptions of new Genera and Species. By CItARLES J. GAI-IXN, M.A.,'Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. [Concluded from vol. vii. p. 34.~ I~r my two papers on this group of Longieornia which have already appeared I have dealt with African~ Indo-Malayan, and Australian species. The present contribution is confined to South-American species of the group. t[amraaticherus macrus~ Bates. Mr. Bates's clear description of this species leaves no room for doubt that it is identical with tile Itammaticl~erus bellator of Dejean's collection. It isvery doubtful, however, whether Serville's description could possibly have been drawn up fi'om the same species ; if it is to be accepted as accurate we must regard the tt. bellator of Serville as a species allied to but quite distinct from H. macrus, Bates (=//. bellator, Dej.). It may be remarked that in the latter species the anterior cotyloid cavities are distinctly open behind, while in all the other species known to me they are completely or almost completely closed in behind. Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:36 28 January 2014 ttammatieherus consobrin~s, sp. n. 2~loecederus eo¢~sobrinus,Dej. Cat. Fulvo sat dense pubescens ; prothorace supra transversim regula- riterque plieato, lateraliter in medic modice tuberculate ; elytris fulvescentibus, apicibus truacatis, utrisque bispinosis; articulis antennarum a ferric ad decimum apice intus spinosis, articulis tertio quartoque spinis recurvis. Long. 26, lot. 8 mm. Ilab. Cayenne ( Laeordaire). 2* '20 Mr. C. J. Gahan o~t L(m-1{corl~ Cole~ter,~ Almost entirely'covered with a close but short tawny pubescence. Antennse ( ? ) a little longer than the body~ with the joints from the third to the tenth spined at their inner apex~ with the spines of the third and fourth j.)ints long and reeurved~ that of the fifth almost at right angles to the joint, those of the tbllowing joints gradually becoming shorter and directed more tbrwards, until in the tenth the spine is little more than a sharp ungulate process of the joint. Prothora,~ crossed above by about nine tolerably regular transverse ridges~ exclusive of the raised anterior and posterior margins ; fur- nished at the middle of each side with a rather feeble tubercle. Elytra each truncate and bispinose at the apex. Prosternal process feebly tubereled. This species is to be distinguished by the structure of its antennse t¥om every known species of the genus. In eolour and general appearance it most nearly resembles a variety of IL pl(catus~ Oliv, which is characterized by the absence of the dark bands from the margins of the elytra. Hammat{cherus Lacorda{re;~ sp. n. l~loceedeT~usLaeordairei~ De]. Cat. 1-1. bato similis, sed differt eapite supra inter oeulos distineto eari- nato ; antennis ( d ) artieulis tertio quartoque solis spinosis, eeteris inermibus ; prothoraee supra minus regulariter plieato. Hub. Argentine: Buenos Ayres, Salta. Brownish black, with a yellowish-grey or greenish-grey pubescence. Prothorax with a conical tubercle on the middle of each sial% with a callosity (stronger in the male) between 1his tubercle and the anterior margin ; crossed above by about ten ridges in addition to the raised anterior and posterior margins. Elytra pitchy brown~ with a faint yellowish-grey pubescence; apices fruneat% each bispinose. Legs greenish grey ; tarsi reddish tawny. d'. Antennm more than twice as long as the body; third and fourth joints spined at the apex, with the spines turned Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:36 28 January 2014 strongly backwards ; fifth joint very feebly dentate near the apex~ the remaining joints unarmed. ?. Prothorax less regularly wrinkled above. Antennm a little longer than the body, with the third to fifth joints each armed with a recurred spine at the apex~ the sixth to tenth joints dentieulate at the apex. I have little doubt, considering the very close agreement in eolou U .that the two specimens here described belong to the same specms. The male specimen is from Sal~% the female from Buenos A)'res. el the Gro~q~ Cerami)ycln~e. 2 [ Tile species is evidently very nearly allie'J to tl. btt~l.', Linn. Tile colour of the eiytra is ahno.st the sam% but the pubescence has a slight greenish or yellowi.sh tinge. Tile ridges of tile prothorax are more numerous and a little less regularly transverse. The fifth joint or' the male antenna is without a distinct spine. Tile head is more distinctly carinate between the upper lobes of the eyes. Hammatlcherus yt~ncttdatas, sp. n. Nigro-fusens, einereo-pubeseens; prothoraee supra transversim sat regulariterque plicato, plicis prope medium sinuatis, lat,oribus u~risque tuberculis duobus--uno medio, aitero ob~usiore paullo pone marginem antieam ; elyt,ris elongatis, rufo-brunneis, eiuereo leviter pubeseentibus, subgiliter panetulatis, apieibus truneatis ui~risqne valde bispinosis ; antenuis ( d ) quam eorporo dup[o longioribus, artieulis tertio act quintum spiaosis, spinis valde reeurvis, articulo quinto tertio ,'e~luali. Long. 37-41, lat. 10-12 ram. ]lab. Brazil. Blackish brown, with a pale greyish pubescence, with the emargination of the eyes covered with a bright golden pubes- cence. P~othorax crossed above by about eleven transvers~ ridges in addition to the raised anterior and posterior borders the sides each with two tubercles--one at the middle, the other, distinct though obtuse, a little behind the anterior margin. Elytra elongate, feebly and somewhat sparsely punetulate, reddish brown, with a faint greyish pubescence, each truncate and bispinose at the apex. This species may be distinguished from H. barns, Linn., and its allies by the punctuation of its elytra, by the second distinct tubercle on each side of the prothorax, and by having the fifth joint of its antennae equal in length to the third. In H. batus and H. mexicanus the fifth joint of the antenna~ is a little shorter than the third ; the prothorax has a slight thickening of the ridges, or callosity~ on each side near the anterior margin ; the elytra are ahnost destitute of punctua- Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 13:36 28 January 2014 tion beyond the excessively minute pits from which tile hairs of the pubescence spring. ]n H. punctulatus the stridulating surface of the meso- notum is less finely striated than in allied species ; but [ do not yet know whether this character may be relied on as a specific distinction. H. carthagence (Gu4r., MS.), a variety of I[. barns, Linn., with brown or reddish-brown elytra, which is tbund in Colombia and Panam% has a strong reselnblance t) tile present species. 22 Mr. C. J. Gahan on Longicorn Coleoptera Hammaticherus lasiocerus, sp. n. Ploeeederus lasiocerus, Dej. Cat. Piceo-ferrugineus, fulvo-griseo-pubeseens; eapitis fronte antennisque griseo-villosis; prothorace lateraliter vaMe tuberctflato, supra transversim sat regulari~erque plicato; elytris fulvo-testaccis, opacis, griseo-pubescentibus; apicibus truncatis, utrisque bispi- nosis ; antennarnm articulo ferric quam quarto fete duplo longiore, articulis ferric quartoque apic~ spina valde recurva armatis, ceteris inermibus. d. Long. 33, lat. 9] ram. IIab. Brazil. This species somewhat closely resembles tt.plicatus, Oily., bnt the prothorax is more pubescent and its plication some- what less regular towards the middle, and the elytra are without dark margins.
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