May 15, 2018 Joint UMA-ABA ‘fly-in’ attracts record attendance WASHINGTON — A record 116 people Motorcoach Marketing Council and long- — including representatives from every state time supporter and sponsor Trailways par- and regional motorcoach association and ticipated in the fly-in. major national associations — attended this In addition, the newly formed Asian year’s Capitol Hill Day “fly-in” to lobby American Motorcoach Association held its members of Congress about crucial industry inaugural meeting the day before the event, issues. and about two dozen representatives from the And, for the first time, the United Motor- association joined the effort by meeting with coach Association and the American Bus As- congressional representatives and their staffs. sociation jointly hosted the annual event. During the daylong fly-in, participants UMA and ABA traditionally have staged had meetings scheduled at 152 legislative their own fly-in events, but this year they offices with either members of Congress or decided to join forces to speak with a uni- their staffs. fied voice. “That’s 675 individual impressions that “With this being my first legislative fly- will be made on behalf of our industry in in as president and CEO at UMA, along one day,” Tetschner said. with it being the first joint legislative fly-in The main purpose of the fly-in is for oper- for the entire industry, I don’t think it could ators to meet face-to-face with as many of have gone better,” said Stacy Tetschner, who This year’s Capitol Hill Day “fly-in,” the first-ever joint United Motorcoach Association-American their congressional representatives as possible took over as the head of UMA last year. Bus Association event, attracted a record 116 participants. See more fly-in photos on Pages 12 to educate them about the bus and motor coach “I am excited about the passion and com- and 13 Photo by KRR Photography industry and its concerns and challenges. mitment of the attendees in sharing their in- who were truly interested in better under- Aside from regional and local associa- Ken Presley, UMA’s vice president of sights and personal experiences with their standing operators’ challenges as business tion attendance, members of the Interna- legislative and regulatory affairs and industry elected representatives,” Tetschner said. people, employers and constituents from the tional Motorcoach Group, the National As- relations/COO, told fly-in attendees that it is “In many cases, I heard elected officials home community that they represent.” sociation of Motorcoach Operators, the CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 c 15-year-old gets a lesson on lobbying representatives WASHINGTON — Daniel said. “No matter how long you while relaxing unnecessary regu- McMichael is taking home more learn about what goes on in Capi- lations in a way that will spark in- from his trip to Washington, D.C., tol Hill, you are never truly vestment, growth and expansion in than a souvenir quill and ink pen prepared.” an industry that has contracted in set he purchased at the Supreme Daniel is writing a paper for recent years. Court gift shop. his government class about his ex- Although the bill hasn’t gotten The 15-year-old attended the perience on the Hill, interest group a formal hearing in Congress, it joint United Motorcoach Associa- politics and HR 2120 — “Buses still has had a positive impact since tion-American Bus Association United for Safety, Regulatory Re- it was introduced, and some com- Capitol Hill Day with his father, form and Enhanced Growth for the ponents of the legislation have Dale McMichael, president of Ex- 21st Century” (BUSREGS-21), made their way into other congres- ecutive Coach in Lancaster, Pa. which was introduced last year by sional measures or benefited from The advanced-placement gov- Perry. executive action. ernment student learned what it The bill targets several regula- “Daniel is my retirement means to exercise his First Amend- tions proposed or enacted by the plan,” his father said, because the ment right “to petition the govern- Federal Motor Carrier Safety teen would like to eventually take ment for a redress of grievances” Administration, the National over the operations of Executive by attending legislative meetings Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- Coach. with Pennsylvania Republican tration and the Federal Transit For now, Daniel works at the Congressmen Lloyd Smucker, Lou Administration. company cleaning buses, but he Barletta, Bill Shuster and Scott Industry advocates say HR hopes to soon start learning about Perry, and legislative aides for 2120 is an attempt at comprehen- the financial part of the business Rep. Pat Toomey, R-Pa. sive regulatory reform. with an internship in the account- Fifteen-year-old Daniel McMichael is writing a school paper on a “It was life changing,” Daniel The goal is improving safety ing department. motorcoach bill sponsored by Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa. PERMIT NO 1424 NO PERMIT PHOENIX AZ PHOENIX US POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE US PRESORT STD PRESORT May 15 May or on or before deliver Please ostmaster: P SOMBRA, CANADA FARIBAULT, MN JERSEY CITY, NJ CAMDEN, NJ MUNCIE, IN NEWARK, CA OPENING SOON! COSTA MESA, CA GRAND PRAIRIE, TX WINTER GARDEN, FL PARTS WITH OVER DISTRIBUTION 200,000 CENTERS PART NUMBERS 9 COACH AND TRANSIT PARTS SAVE 2% WITH NEWLY 8am - 8pm EST ENHANCED ONLINE EXTENDED CALL ORDERING CENTER HOURS Say ‘Yes’ To More P O SSI B I L I T I E S www. abc-companies.com 877.427.7879 Bus & Motorcoach News INDUSTRY NEWS May 15, 2018 3 OurBus seeking partners to launch intercity routes NEW YORK CITY — OurBus, route last weekend. The second bus a crowd-sourcing tech company, is was sold out. We never thought that seeking carriers to partner in would happen in four weeks.” launching 74 intercity routes across Ticket prices vary by market, the United States, said co-founder Singh said. “We look at competi- and CEO Narinder Singh. tion — what the train tickets are, “We have short-listed 74 routes what the airline tickets are. If there where we think the services and is a current bus service there, we partnerships can come into effect,” look at how that is priced. We know Singh said. “There are a lot of city the customer is very competitive.” pairs that need these kinds of ser- Prices also vary by time of pur- vices. There is demand, there are chase. “Pricing dynamics kick in people traveling and there are less after the first band of six tickets,” options.” he said. “On the last two days the Those routes could keep 220 OurBus, a crowd-sourcing tech company, is seeking carriers to partner in launching 74 intercity routes across the pricing dynamics kick in again.” motorcoaches in daily service, he United States. OurBus tickets may be “priced said. some of their buses to run under ta, Chicago and California. next 18 years. a little bit more than the traditional OurBus was founded in 2016 our banner.” “We are starting a partnership The OurBus route model is bus companies like Megabus and and has partnered with motorcoach The company offers carriers a in Florida, which was considered based on a break-even point of 42 Greyhound, but we are still very carriers to operate 16 commuter recognizable online marketing as a route by another bus company seats sold per round-trip run in any competitively priced if somebody routes and nine intercity routes, platform, scheduling, ticket sales five or six years ago but maybe the combination of riders coming or wants to book us six or seven days mostly serving New York State and and passenger services, he said. market was not set up at that time,” going, Singh said. “Right now 99 in advance,” Singh said. New Jersey. It also operates routes “We have in-house research and Singh said. “Now we think the percent of our routes are run on a “We do not look just at the to Washington, D.C., and West analytic teams that have researched time is right.” round-trip basis.” other bus companies because most Chester, Pa. intercity travel. We use the data In April, OurBus announced OurBus provides prospective of these routes are brand new. We “Almost every route is served points to make sure which routes extensions of service to Syracuse, carriers with projections calling also look at how a city is connect- by a different bus company,” Singh should work and even the schedules N.Y., and Philadelphia on a route for a route to break even in four ed to an airline or a train.” said. “We have eight or nine bus of those routes,” Singh said. that passes through Columbia, Md. months. OurBus prices offered online companies who are dealing with OurBus has identified potential The company is approaching “We have some routes that range from $8.60 to $16 for com- us on almost an every day or week- routes in all parts of the country, he $6 million in annual revenue, said started becoming viable in the sec- muter routes and $17 to $47.50 for ly basis. OurBus represents the said, and is particularly interested Singh, who believes revenue could ond month,” he said. “We started a intercity service. concept of bus companies using in services based in Florida, Atlan- multiply to 15 times that over the Pennsylvania-to-New York-to-D.C. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 c IMG Partner of the Year! AFFINITY PARTNER MOTORCOACH TIRE SALES NOW OFFERING THE NEW AEOLUS AGB20 SCHOOL BUS TIRE AT DISCOUNTED PRICING The Aeolus AGB20 The Aeolus AGB20 is a premium regional steer/all-position tire engineered with an extra-deep tread that delivers long tread life.
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