Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) {JR.T GF TI.IE TT ADDL. 3UDL. MAGTSTR,ATE OF I cl-A^ss, NELLCRE .'rc. *f"' Fresentl Snnt" i,i"Sc i x, II Addl. JuCiciai Magistrate of s, Neiiore$' Monday, this the Fouteenih (14ih) ciay of March, 1 State: M.pramod Kumar Reddy, Environrnental Engineer, A,P, Poliution Contro! Board, Regional Office, Nello;-e, (Representing the Coliectcr & District Magistrate, SpSR Nellore District) Vs" M/s. Sri Ramamurthi Vei-rnicuilte Mlnes. Repnesented by its proprietor T.Meenakshi Sundaram ,_.., Accused. This case ccr"ii:-; on tnrs aay before me for hearing in t;:e presence of the iearned Assistant Putlic Pi-osecutor lcr the compialnant, aird of Sri Vemana Gopi, ,,rnon Counsei for accused- hearlnE, il-ris Cou;t delivereej the following: - 1' Ttris is a private complaint filed by the Envirenmenia!_Firgineer, A'P' Pollution control Board, Regionar office, r\elrore, representing the Coliector & District Magistrate, SPSR Neiicre Dlstrict under Section lg0 anc 200 of Cr'P'C., for the oii€nce under Section ig o.F Environrnent {Frarection) Act, tr 986. The contents of the ccnn;riaint in briei are that accus€c ,yiis. sr-i Ramarnurthi vermiculite Mines was gr-anted mlne lease for vernricull";e i4ine in Survey I{o..56 a.d 137, R.acnep=ieiri rr:liage, Gudur Mandai, SpSR Neliore District:i: ai c;'c:;;2c.sJ,a.cres. -,iiu=;;custl;es & ccl]-ri-ri€ice iM.Ij) Department grantec m:i:e ;e;se ,r: favcr*l cf :::cused f;:- a pericq of 2c yea.s, it was put into cperatio: ..,. lg-:2-:g75" T:e r:::.:: e*e;-a,r:i- l:-:i,ei fo;_ environrnenta! clearance fcr enhancenent of prodr-ict?or-r capacity of Verrniculite Mine - 5000 TPA by fc!lowing the pi'ccedure sripuiaied in fhe FTA Notification, 2006 after obtaining terms of reference from the Ministry of Environment and Foresis, Government of India. The proponent has discontinued mining operations from to-7-2OL2, which was informed by the proponent vide letter dated 18-09-2015. The accused without obtaining requisite'plior environmental clearance against the mine located in Survey No' 156 and 157 continued to operate mining since ihe grant cf mine lease. The proposal foi- environmental clearance with enhancement of production of mine has examined the mattei' as a case of vlolation under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Thus the accused has committed violation rules under Section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Thus the accused has violated the rules, therefore, she is liable,for punishment unciei- sec.15 of Environnrent (Frotection) Act, 19g6" 2' Accuseci v'/as present before the court on L43-2aL6 after receipt of sumrnons. she was furnlshec i,vith copies of documents under sec' 207 cr"F.c", she was examined uncjer,Sec.239 Cr.p"c., for the offrence under Section 19 of Envi;'onment (Frote*icn) Act, i.gg6. Accused has voluntariiy admitted that she has not obtair,ed requisite prioi- environrnental clearance againsi the mine located in survey No. 156 and 157 and further stated that due to lake of knowledge about the guidelines lssued by the \'/ Hon'ble Apex courto she could not obtaln environmentaN clearance and she furiher stated that after coming to know aboui the guiclelines of Hon,ble Supreme Cour'e respect in of obtaining prirr environmental clearance she appliecl for it ancj the same is under pro..rJ, due to lack of knowledge oniy' she has not obtained environmentai clearance and she pleaded gililty of offence under Sec"L9 of Envirenrnent (Protection) Act, 19g6" i-ience, she was found guilty for the offence under Section 19 of Environrnent (Frotection) ,,, Act, i9E6. # )*L S:r (n/n tT. /.te{t,:v \ \-- v' \- r >t*\u t-/' iu$ffi *::iTfti0T & sEsjlliills \IELLORE: r' i'!o 3Ltv: Gtrlrr; APnlicali3P i,lri,.'itiorr itas nait rrr fir :l i-l on v!a') f :itii({ls':l Ar:ili I trrti ';i' ,.'ii.i rian v',,3i iql:irrl'\iil"tiii ,il ':. t:, Sta.tl'r'i,1gi6flzrra: [l3 f ijtlt i 'l'. St;llt'lir:t; ,. - "t'icl'{l r::: ',". ".,,. ta li!;iif'rt:":i\;i t " ' Pr:{lf r:;r-"'i-'itid,ti,,-",, t ,,i, ,itt,"tEtt Ji;:ii' W W :'i::.r. filil'. i'x;11"" :-lii ':i :' .,t, n tt llr'l-i;:itl \ Fil'tt Andhra Pradesh Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests " Notice.No. SEIAA/AP/NLR- /201 3-J6>o Dt:20.09.2013 Sub: StrAC - 10.87 Ha. Vermiculite Mine of M/s. Sri Ramamaruthi Vermiculite Mines, Sy.No. 156, ls7, Racheparem (\r), Gudur (M), Nellore District_ Violations in respect of EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendments thereof - Notice Issued -Reg. Ref: 1. Your lr. dt. 15.07 .2013. 2. Office Memorandum dt. 12.12.2012 issued by the MoE&F, GOI, New Delhi 3. T.O.lr.dt. 25.07.20t3. In the reference l't cited an application was submitted seeking Environmental Clearance for the Vermiculite Mine in favour of M/s. Sri Ramamaruthi Vermiculite Mines, Sy.No. !56, !57, Rachepalem (V), Gudur (M), Nellore District. The Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI, New Delhi vide reference 2nd cited communicated certain procedure to be followed with respect to the project proponents who have violated t6e provisions of EIA Notification,2006 and its amendments thereof. A copy of the same is enclosed. The above proposal was examined by the State level Expert Appraisal Committee, Andhra pradesh (SEAC, AP) in its rneeting held on 31.07 .2013 and observed as following: The representative of the project proponent Sri T. Meenatchi Sundaram,. and Sri. Juhrali Krishna of IUI/s. Global Enviro Labs, Hyderabad, attended ancl made a presentcrtion before rhe SEAC- It was noted that the project proponent had already started mining operations withofi obtaining EC. This amounts to violation of EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendments there of Hence, action shall be taken in accordance with the provisions laid under the OM dt- 12.12.2012 issued by MoE&F, GOI, New Delhi' In view of the above, the project is delisted in accordance with the contents of reference 2nd cited. procedure The project proponent is diiected to submit a written commitment duly complying with the indicated in the reference 2nd cited with in a period of 60 days so as to take further necessary action in the rnatter. sd/- SECRETARY, SEAC, A.P To Sri T.M. Sundaram, P'roP, M/s. Sri Ramamaruthi Vermiculite Mines, 310 Sidco Aiema Tower, lst Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate' Chennai-600058. Phz 9282226720. ln.c.F.B.OIl 0\A -\i/ Proceedings of the collector {g District Magistrate, sps.Nellore. Present: Smt. M.Janaki, I.A.S., Rc.E9l 1614/2015 Dated:- L2-O4-2OI5. Sub:'Criminal case - Filing criminal case against M/s Sri Rama Maruthi vermiculite Mines - in sy.No:156 & Lsr of ilfili:31".T;1"1-"?,fi:iHy#iff",:,lylf:.,?"1;,,:i:l; ,'' of Environment (Protection) Act, 1996 - Reg. Read:- Memo I.Io.9529/ENV.SEC .v / 2o13-2,Dt: 29.01.2015, cf tire Spegial secretary to Govt., Environment, Forests, Science and Technologr (Env)Dept., &&&& ORDER:- Envrronment,L1---.!---,---- r Forests, Sciqnce and Technolory (Env)Deptv.-e "4ehas uinformed thai the Firm of M/s Sri Rama Maruthi ' . vermiculite minins,_"",i"ifil;;N* "+lilA: Gudur Mandal, SPSR Nellore District, learance and further requested to file a criminal case, against the firm. " In view of the above, it is hereby ordered to file case in the First Class Judicial Magistrate Court, Nellore agatnst M/s Sri Ra-" Maruthi Mines located at Rachapalem Vill{e, Gudur Mandal of Nellore JgrmSuliteurstrlct. / I Bv order/ / Sd/- M.Janaki District Collector $A ' A,t' Supe ntendent-E(G) To The Environmental Engineer, Pollution Control Board, SPS Nellore. E w-EslTz f "t Floor, AP.S.F.C BUILDING, AKNAGAR, NELLORE .524004 M. Pmmod Kumar Reddy e-mail : nlr.ro,[email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Phone : +91- 86L- 2329730 Lr No. GN-35/PCB/RO-NLR/2014- U\ DL.LK.04.201s. To M/s. Sri Rama Mufthi Vermiculite Mines, Sy No.156 & 157, Rachapalem Village, Gudur Mandal, SPS Nellore District. Sir, Sub : APPCB - RO, Nellore - M/s. Sri Rama Murthi Vermiculite Mines, Sy No.156 & 157, Rachapalem Village, Gudur Mandal, SPS Nellore District - directions from Environment, Forests, Science & Technology Depaftment, Govt. of A.P. Dated. 29.01.2015 to file a case before the Hon'ble First Class Judicial Magistrate Coutt, Nellore by invoking powers under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 - Information called for - Reg. Ref : Proceedings of the Collector & District Magistrate, SPS Nellore vide Rc. E9l1614/2015 Dt. 12.04.2015 " -:0:- With reference to the above, It is to inform that the Environment, Forests, Science & Technology Depaftment, Govt. of A.P. vide the memo dt.29.01.2015 requested the District Coliectof,-SlSNellorg District to flle the case in the First ClassJudicial Magistrate Court, Nellore District against the mining unit operated in the name & style of M/s. Sri Rama Murthi Vermiculite Mines, Sy No.156 & 157, Rachapalem Village, Gudur Mandal, SPS Nellore District for operating the mines without Environmental Clearance as stipulated in Environment Impact Assessment notification, 2006. In this regard, it is requested to submit the following information for our office records :- 1. Name of the accused person & address for seruing all summons, notices. 2. Documents related to mining activity viz. GO & Date issued by he Industries & Commerce (M.II) Department & proceedings of Mines & Geology" 3. Date of commencement of mining activity, 4.
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