BBIBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA ELSEVIER Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1277 (1996) 141 - 149 Regulation of pigment content and enzyme activity in the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. Mac grown in continuous light, a light-dark photoperiod, or darkness Patricia A. Austin, I. Stuart Ross, John D. Mills Department of Biological Sciences, Keele Uniz'ersit3', Keele, Staffs, ST5 5BG, Staff~, UK Received 23 January 1996; accepted 17 July 1996 Abstract Both short-term and long-term adaptations of cyanobacterial metabolism to light and dark were studied in Nostoc sp. Mac. Long-term adaptations were induced by growing cells in the presence of glucose under (a) 30 wE m ~- s- ~ continuous white light, (b) under a 14/10 h light/dark cycle, or (c) complete darkness. Short-term regulation of enzyme activities by light was then studied in cells rendered osmotically fragile with lysozyme. Cells were briefly illuminated then enzyme activities were measured following rapid lysis in a hypotonic assay medium. The following results were obtained. (1) Relative to fresh weight, dark-grown cells contained less chlorophyll, much less phycoerythrin, but similar amounts of phycocyanin compared to cells grown under either light regime. Relative to chlorophyll, the higher phycocyanin and much lower phycoerythrin in the dark-grown vs light-grown cells resembles long term changes in pigment content that occur during complementary chromatic adaptation to red vs orange light. (2) Both dark and light/dark grown cells displayed generally lowered photosynthetic activities compared to light-grown cells. The exception to this was the activity of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, which was higher in dark-grown cells. However, the photosynthetic induction period was markedly shorter in the light/dark-grown cells indicating an adaptation to changing illumination during growth. (3) Inhibitor studies using methyl viologen show that the fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase is reversibly light-activated in vivo by the cyanobacterial thioredoxin system under all growth conditions. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was detected in cells grown in all conditions and this activity was reversibly deactivated by light or by dithiothreitol. In contrast, the protonmotive ATPase F0-F~-type ATPase was fully active in both light and dark-adapted cells regardless of the light regime used for growth. (4) It is concluded that the Calvin cycle enzymes, their short-term regulatory system, including thioredoxin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and an F0-F ~ ATPase not under thioredoxin control, are expressed in cells grown in complete darkness. Abbreviations: G6PDH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC; PSI, photosystem l; PS2, photosystem 2; OPP, oxidative pentose phosphate; Mes, (N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl glycine); BSA, bovine serum albumin; Tricine, N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl glycine; EDTA, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid; HEPES, (N[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'[2-ethanesulfonic acid]); FBPase, fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (EC ); ATPase, Fo-Fl-type adenosine triphosphatase (EC; TCA, trichloracetic acid. * Corresponding author. Fax: + 44 782 630007. 0005-2728/96/$15.00 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0005-2728(96)00093-X 142 P.A. Austin et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1277 (1996) 141-149 Adaptation to heterotrophic growth in this cyanobacterium does not appear to involve synthesis of different enzyme forms lacking thioredoxin control sequences. Keywords: Complementary chromatic adaptation; Heterotrophic growth; Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; ATPase, FoF~-: Fructose- 1,6-bisphosphatase; Phycobilin; Thioredoxin 1. Introduction that cyanobacterial F~ could be subject to regulation by thiols. One is the original observation of light plus Like higher plant chloroplasts, cyanobacteria must thiol activation of photosynthetic ATPases which was deal with the differing demands of diurnal made using Anabaena thylakoids and glutathione as metabolism. By day, carbohydrate is made by the reductant [9]. Two others using isolated Fj from reductive pentose phosphate pathway of photosynthe- Spirulina platensis indicate an activating effect of sis but, by night, catabolism of carbohydrate occurs incubation with dithiothreitol [10,11]. mainly by the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. One possibility for these conflicting data is that In higher plant chloroplasts, the ferredoxin-thioredo- regulation by thioredoxin is flexible, and depends on xin system is an important means by which these growth conditions. The cells used for our previous competing pathways are regulated. Thioredoxin, a studies were grown in continuous light [4], and there- small protein (12000 kDa) contains a vicinal disul- fore may not need to switch off F0-F ~. One objective phide that is reduced in the light by photosynthetic of this work is to examine whether thioredoxin con- electron transport [1]. Reduced thioredoxin activates trol of Fo-F 1 can be induced by growth under a several enzymes of the photosynthetic Calvin cycle, light/dark regime. We have also optimised our assay but deactivates G6PDH, the enzyme controlling entry methods for G6PDH and now report convincing data of carbohydrate to the oxidative pentose pathway. for light-dependent inactivation of this enzyme in Thus, by day, the Calvin cycle is switched on and the vivo. oxidative pentose pathway is switched off. At night, A second, more general objective is to examine thioredoxin is largely oxidised and the activity state whether key enzymes remain under thioredoxin con- of the two pathways is reversed. trol when cells are grown heterotrophically in com- The isolation and purification of components of a plete darkness. Although thioredoxins are ubiquitous, ferredoxin-linked thioredoxin system from cyanobac- there is no evidence that metabolism in obligate teria [2] suggested a similar control of cyanobacterial heterotrophs can be controlled by the kind of redox metabolism. This had earlier been inferred from stud- mechanisms found in photosynthetic organisms. Even ies of metabolite patterns in whole cells subjected to in higher plants, such thioredoxin-controlled enzymes dark/light cycles [3]. We recently provided a direct are confined to the chloroplast. Where an equivalent demonstration of reversible light-activation/dark- non-chloroplastid enzyme exists, it invariably lacks deactivation of several Calvin cycle enzymes both in the cys-containing thioredoxin target sequence. Nostoc sp. Mac [4] and Synechocystis PCC 6803 [5], True heterotrophic growth is rare amongst presumed to reflect regulation by the thioredoxin cyanobacteria. The reasons for this are unclear, and is system. However, we were unable to detect signifi- it not known how successful strains have adapted. cant G6PDH activity in the light or dark. Failure to transport organic substrates into the cell is Interestingly the only enzyme which differed in its not a likely limitation [12]. Nostoc sp. Mac is useful control in cyanobacteria when compared to higher for such studies because it is capable of true hetero- plants was the protonmotive ATPase F0-F ~. The trophic growth. Moreover, we have observed that subunit of the cyanobacterial enzyme had already light-grown cultures are brown in coloration, whereas been shown [6,7] to lack a thioredoxin target se- cultures grown in complete darkness are blue-green. quence present in higher plants [8] and the presumed We were therefore certain that long-term adaptation lack of light/dark regulation was confirmed by direct to growth in complete darkness involved changes in assays [4,5]. However, at least three reports suggest pigment composition. We show here that these condi- P.A. Austin et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acre 1277 (1996) 141-149 143 tions do not lead to an alteration in the potential for bate, 10 mM NaHCO 3, 0.5 mM K2HPO 4, catalase short-term control of metabolism by the thioredoxin (750 U/ml), 50 mM HEPES-KOH, pH 7.6 [15] in an system. oxygen electrode (Rank Bros., Botisham, Kent). The temperature was maintained at 22°C. Net oxygen uptake was measured in the dark and net oxygen 2. Materials and methods evolution was measured by illumination with red light (600 wE m -2 s -~) obtained by filtering the 2.1. Growth conditions output of a 300 w quartz-halogen lamp through a coming 620 nm cut-off filter. Nostoc sp. Mac was grown in BGll medium For enzyme assays dark-adapted intact lysozyme- supplemented with 5 mM glucose on a rotary shaker treated cells were diluted into an isotonic activation (140 rpm) at 30°C in three conditions of illumination: medium containing 0.33 M sorbitol, 5 mM MgC12, (1) continuous white light (30 p,E m -2 s ~); (2) 14 h catalase (750 U/ml), 30 mM Tricine-KOH, pH 8.0 white light (30 p,E m -2 s-~) and 10 h total darkness; to a chlorophyll concentration of 60-100 p~g/ml. (3) total darkness. Cells were harvested at 6-8 days Activators and inhibitors were added as indicated. growth from conditions (1) and (2) and 16-18 days Following 5 rain incubation in the dark, a sample growth from condition (3) by filtration through a (50-100 pA) was withdrawn for assay of dark-adapted Millipore filter (0.45 ~m). For condition (2), cells enzyme activity and the remaining suspension was were harvested 1 h before the light period com- illuminated in the oxygen electrode 22°C. Where menced. indicated the light was extinguished. Further samples were withdrawn for enzyme assay at time points 2.2. Lysozyme treatment of cells indicated and also for chlorophyll determinations. Cells were treated with lysozyme [13] by resus- Enzyme activities of ATPase and FBPase were pending in 50 ml 0.5 M sucrose, 10 mM MgC12, 5 assayed using the release of phosphate from their mM sodium/potassium phosphate, 2% BSA, 10 mM respective substrates [4]. Samples (100 ILl) with- Mes-KOH (pH 6.9) to which was added 1 mg/ml drawn from the activation media were introduced into lysozyme. Incubation was carried out in a shaking 0.9 ml of hypotonic assay medium at 22°C.
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