Guidelines for ASHA and Mahila Arogya Samiti in the Urban Context NATIONAL URBAN HEALTH MISSION National Urban Health Mission: Guidelines for ASHA and Mahila Arogya Samiti in the Urban Context 1 Keshav Desiraju Hkkjr ljdkj Secretary LokLF;~ ,oa ifjokj't't"!CI5I't dY;k.k foHkkx Tel.:e6~lCr 23061863~ Fax: 23061252 m~ LokLF;~~ qRql'<,oa't't"!CI5I't ifjokjCI5<>'l11 dY;k.k01 flt~ ea=kky; E-mail : [email protected] CI5<>'l1jOj e6~lCr~ ~ m~m~ ~fuekZ.k~qRql'< qRql,<Hkou] CI5<>'l11ubZ fnYyh01 flt~ &.q~ 110011 [email protected] ~Ol ~. Government of India ~ KESHAV DESIRAJU m~ ~ qRql,<o:nf CI5<>'l1jOj~ .q~- 110011 DepartmentGovernment of Healthof India and Family Welfare KESHAVSecretaryDESIRAJU ~Ol ~. o:nf ~ - 110011 DepartmentMinistryof ofHealth Healthand andFamily FamilyWelfare Welfare SecretaryTel. : 23061863 Fax: 23061252 Government of India E-mail: [email protected] Department Ministry ofofNirmanHealthHealth Bhawan,andand FamilyFamily New DelhiWelfareWelfare - 110011 Tel. : 23061863 Fax: 23061252 [email protected] Nirman Shawan, New Delhi- 110011 E-mail: [email protected] Ministry of Health and Family Welfare [email protected] Nirman Shawan, New Delhi- 110011 Message PREFACEMessage Message The launch of the National Urban Health Mission marks an important milestone The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Strives to Provide Quality Health care to all in the country’s march towards Universal Health Coverage. The underlying principle The citizenslaunch of thethe Nationalcountry Urbanin an equitableHealth Mission manner.marks The an12thimportant five yearmilestone plan has re-affirmed of the NUHM framework is that activities will be designed so that the health needs of in theThecountry'slaunchGovernmentofmarchthe Nationaltowards of India’sUrbanUniversal commitmentHealthHealthMission – “AllCoverage. governmentmarks Thean important underlyingand publiclymilestoneprinciple financedof private health the disadvantaged - the homeless, the destitute and other vulnerable categories are in thethecountry'sNUHMcareframeworkmarch facilitiestowardsis wouldthatUniversalactivities to expectedHealthwill betoCoverage. achievedesigned andsoThe thatmaintainunderlyingthe health Qualityprincipleneeds Standards.ofofthe An in-house addressed even as we endeavour to enable universal access. Actualizing this principle the disadvantaged-NUHM frameworkqualitythe managementis homeless,that activities systemthe willdestitute willbe bedesigned builtand intootherso thethat designvulnerablethe health of eachcategoriesneeds facility,of whichtheare will regularly addressed willeven needas we substantialendeavour effort,to enable and shoulduniversal notaccess. be underestimated.Actualizing The health needs of disadvantaged- measurethe homeless, its quality theachievements.”destitute and other vulnerable categoriesthis principleare addressedwill needeventhesubstantial asurbanwe endeavour pooreffort, andand tostrategiesshouldenable notuniversal tobe addressunderestimated.access. them Actualizingare Thesubstantiallyhealththis needsprinciple differentof the from the urban poorneedsand strategiesof the urbanto address poor andthem strategiesare substantially to addressdifferent them fromare substantiallythe needs of different Indianwill Pubicneed Healthsubstantial Standardseffort, (IPHS)and developedshould not duringbe underestimated. 11th Five Year ThePlanhealth describeneeds normsof thefor health facilities from urbanthethe needspoorcommunity ofand thestrategies communityin rural toareas.address in ruralthem areas.are substantially different from the needs of at different levels of the Public Health System. However, It has been observed that while implementing these the community in rural areas. Standards, In2. particular,the focusIn particular, ofaddressing the statesaddressing community has beencommunity mostly processes onprocesses creating interventionsinterventions IPHS specified in urbanin urbaninfrastructure areasareas will willneed and carefuldeploying recommendedattention2. need toIn selection, carefulHumanparticular,attention Resources. training,addressingto Theselection,and communityrequirement supporttraining, ofprocesses ofASHA andnationalsupport andinterventions programmes buildingof ASHA anand in foractiveurban ensuringbuilding Mahilaareas anqualitywill activeArogya of the Samiti. services andPreconditions moreneedMahila importantlycareful toArogya attentionthis use’s areSamiti. perspectivetoa soundselection,Preconditions understanding aretraining, often tooverlooked.andthis supportof arewhoa soundoftheASHA vulnerableunderstandingand building are, anoftheirwhoactive specificthe needs and theirMahilavulnerable habitations.Arogya are,Samiti. Thistheir willspecificPreconditions call forneeds creativeandto this theirpartnerships,arehabitations.a sound andunderstandingThis stateswill mustcallof makeforwhocreative theuse of existing partnerships, and states must make use of existing resource Theresource needvulnerable inis tourban createare, areas antheir inbuilt includingspecific and medicalsustainableneeds andcolleges, qualitytheir NGOs habitations.for Public and otherHealthThis civil inFacilitieswillurban societycall whichareasfor organizations.creative includingnot only delivers Effective good medical colleges, NGOs and other civil society organizations. Effective convergence with qualityconvergencepartnerships, but is also with so institutionsand perceivedstates bychargedmust the makeclients. withuse addressingTheof guidelinesexisting environmentalresource have beenin preparedurban and socialareas with determinants includingthis perspective of health defining institutions medical colleges,chargedNGOs andwithotheraddressingcivil societyenvironmentalorganizations.and socialEffectivedeterminantsconvergenceofwithhealth relevantwill be critical. qualitywill be critical.standards, a robust system of measuring these standards and institutional framework for its implementation.institutions charged with addressing environmental and social determinants of health will India’sbe critical. challenge to implementing community processes in urban areas will only grow in the 3. India's challenge to implementing community processes in urban areas will only coming years, but a good beginning will lay the foundations to address this issue. The Community grow in the coming years, but a good beginning will lay These3. operationalIndia's guidelineschallenge andto implementingaccompanying communitycompendiumprocesses of cheek-liststhe foundationsin urban are intendedareasto addresswill toonly supportthis the efforts Processesissue. guidelinesThe Communityfor the NUHMProcesses layoutguidelines the programmefor the principlesNUHM layout for implementation and also of statesgrow in ensuringin the coming a credibleyears, qualitybut a systemgood beginning at Public willHealthlay Facilities.the foundations I do hopetothe addressstatesprogramme wouldthis take benefit of provide guidanceprinciples onfor specificimplementation roles and responsibilitiesand also provide of the keyguidance players.on Statesspecific are encouraged to adapt this painstakingissue. The work.Community Processes guidelines for the NUHM layout the programmeroles and the guidelinesresponsibilities to specificof contextsthe key players. and to workStates jointlyare withencouraged the Ministryto adapt in buildingthe upon and refining principles for implementation and also provide guidance on specific guidelinesroles and to these to specificensure improvedcontexts and coverageto work andjointly accesswith of thethe urbanMinistry poorin andbuilding in particular,upon and therefining marginalized, to responsibilities of the key players. States are encouraged to adapt the guidelines to these to ensure improved coverage and access of the urban poor and in particular, the primaryspecific healthcontexts care. and to work jointly with the Ministry in building upon and refining marginalized, to primary health care. these to ensure improved coverage and access of the urban poor and in particular, the marginalized, to primary health care. (Keshav Desiraju) (Keshav Desiraju) (Keshav(Keshav Desiraju)Desiraju) Date : 17.01.2014 Hkkjr ljdkj Hkkjr ljdkj LokLF; ,oaHkkjr ifjokj LokLF;ljdkj dY;k.k ,oa ea=kky;ifjokj dY;k.k ea=kky; LokLF;fuekZ.k ,oa Hkou] ifjokj ubZ dY;k.kfnYyh &ea=kky; 110011 GovernmentfuekZ.k of Hkou] India ubZ fnYyh & 110011 DepartmentfuekZ.k Hkou] of ubZHealth fnYyh and & Family110011 Welfare Government of GovernmentIndia of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Anuradha Gupta, IAS Department ofDepartment Health and Family of Health Welfare and Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011 AnuradhaAnuradhaAdditional Gupta, Gupta,Secretary IAS IAS & Ministry of HealthMinistry and Family of Health Welfare and Family Welfare AnuradhaMission Director, Gupta, NRHM IAS AddiAdditionaltional Secretary Secretary & & Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011 AdditionalTelefax :Secretary 23062157 & Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011 Mission Director, NRHM MissionE-mail Director, : anuradha–[email protected] NRHM MissionTelefax Director, : 23062157 NRHM TelefaxTelefax : 23062157 E-maE-mailil : [email protected]: anuradha–[email protected] E-mail : anuradha–[email protected] FOREWORD Foreword FOREWORD Eight years ago, when India launchedFOREWORD the National Rural Health Mission, we made The successful implementation of NRHM since its launch is 2005 is clearly evident by the a commitment to ensure that community processes would become an integral part Themany successful fold increase implementation in OPD, IPD of NRHM and other since
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