Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan Creating a stronger, vibrant and sustainable community in the East Kimberley. Page 1 | Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan Contents Foreword 3 eaSt KimberLey deveLoPmeNt PacKage 30 executive Summary 6 East Kimberley Region 32 PEOPLe aNd cLIMATE 10 Health Infrastructure 33 the ord-eaSt KimberLey deveLoPmeNt PLaN 12 Education and Training Infrastructure 35 Decision Making and Consultation 12 Housing Infrastructure 37 Timeframes 14 Transport Infrastructure 38 Engaging the Community 14 coNcePtS For Future deveLoPmeNt oF agricuLturaL LaNd iN the eaSt KimberLey 40 Delivering Indigenous Benefits 14 Knox Creek Area 40 ord irrigatioN exPansioN Project 18 Northern Territory (Keep River) 40 Weaber Plains 18 Cockatoo Sands 41 Delivering Infrastructure for Irrigated Agriculture 22 AppeNdix 1 – StakeholderS’ roleS Environmental Management 24 and reSponSibilitieS 42 Water Availability and Use 24 AppeNdix 2 – aGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Future Land Releases Beyond 2011 27 IN THE ORD 44 Photo background: The Ord River Irrigation Area. Photo courtesy of Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia Front Cover: Photo courtesy of Tourism Western Australia Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan | Page 2 Foreword Hon. Kevin Rudd MP Prime minister Hon. Colin Barnett Premier; minister for State development Hon. Gary Gray Parliamentary Secretary for western and Northern australia the australian Government is committed to building a the Western australian Government’s $220 million stronger future for people in the east kimberley. investment in the ord-east kimberley development the commitment of both the australian Government the Government’s $195 million investment in the east plan and the Commonwealth Government’s $195 and the Western australian Government to the east million investment of nation building funding for the kimberley development package complements the kimberley development package and the ord river east kimberley development package, are creating an Western australian Government’s $220 million irrigation Scheme, represents an essential investment in investment in expansion of the ord irrigation area, to ensure the exciting new economic growth centre in northern australia. the future of the people of the east kimberley. balanced development of the east kimberley region. this is another realisation of the region’s vast agricultural potential, a significant the $195 million east kimberley development package will redress gaps in example of how our governments are working together to tackle the upgrade of community facilities and services, and increased aboriginal economic downturn and stimulate the economy. infrastructure relating to health, aged care, early childhood development participation in the economy, are the building blocks of development of and family services, education and vocational training, social and the east kimberley development package has been developed by our national significance. transition housing, transport and sporting and community facilities. Most governments in consultation with the local community, to support the this project also incorporates, and is strengthened by the aspirations importantly, the package will promote meaningful and sustainable jobs for economic and social development of the region. the package will and determination of the people of the east kimberley to secure a local indigenous people. deliver real on-the-ground infrastructure for the people living and better future for their communities. Strong community involvement working in the east kimberley, fostering growth and sustainability of the complementary $220 million ord irrigation expansion project has brought together a balanced package that aims to address the this high productivity region. investment by the State of Western australia will contribute towards needs of the community. improving employment levels, economic development, wealth, the australian Government’s investment will provide social the Western australian Government is confident that the success of participation and quality of life for the local community (including the infrastructure in the areas of health, education, community facilities, this initiative and the economic, population and service growth it Miriuwung and Gajerrong people), through the expansion of agricultural housing and transport. it will also provide training and productive brings, will also trigger new opportunities for investment, business and and horticultural land and the improvement of related infrastructure. employment opportunities for indigenous communities in the region. employment, across a wide range of economic activities. all necessary State and Commonwealth environmental approvals will be this investment in social and common use infrastructure in the east met. these projects will provide significant and long-lasting social and kimberley region is part of the australian Government’s $4.7 billion economic benefits to the local communities in thee ast kimberley region. nation building plan to support jobs and apprenticeships today while i am looking forward to witnessing these benefits as the projects unfold building the infrastructure australia needs for tomorrow. and long after they have been completed. Page 3 | Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan Hon. Brendon Grylls minister for regional irrigation and transport infrastructure. Five per cent of all new irrigation We are now on the verge of that agreement turning into practical development; Lands land is to be owned by the Miriuwung Gajerrong people who may reality and we, as local indigenous people, must step up and grab hold choose to farm it themselves or partner with others. of this once in a generation opportunity. the ord-east kimberley expansion is a confluence of nation building ideas with two primary objectives: to the Commonwealth’s parallel investment in social and community We welcome the Commonwealth and State Governments, carry the available waters of lake argyle to new areas infrastructure is pivotal to the success of the expansion and will bring traditional owners and business all working together with the of the magnificento rd river Valley and to engage the significant change to the communities ofk ununurra, Wyndham, common purpose of improving the lives of all the people in our east Miriuwung and Gajerrong traditional owners in meaningful business Warmun and other smaller communities. kimberley community. partnerships and sustainable jobs. it takes little imagination to recognise the boundless potential for as the appointed leaders of our people we have the eyes of our the agricultural expansion has been long-awaited but this project is agriculture, pastoralism and tourism in the ord Valley-east kimberley ancestors, elders and our communities watching to make sure we more than just farming new irrigation land – it is the opportunity of a and this historic State-Commonwealth investment gives the region the make the most of this opportunity. economic stimulus it deserves. lifetime to build the community of kununurra into a model where there as leaders we have a duty of care to support and encourage our is prosperity for all. the dream is to create over time a regional city Teddy Carlton chairman of the people from the ground up to embrace a better future for us all. based on agricultural enterprise and eco and cultural tourism. yawoorroong miriuwung gajerrong yirrgeb our commitment is to help our people embrace the task ahead and Noong dawang aboriginal corporation the Miriuwung Gajerrong people signed the ord Final agreement in meet the challenge to make a real difference. 2005 in the belief they and their children will help shape a brighter the signing of the ord Final agreement in 2005, a Success will mean that Miriuwung and Gajerrong people will be proud future for the region. native title agreement between the State to be partners, contributing to the development of kununurra and the Government and the Miriuwung Gajerrong people, the expectations of the traditional owners should be met and it is my east kimberley community. wish that all in the valley, be they pioneering growers or newcomers, was a major step forward in acknowledging our native title rights and Success will mean a better future for us all and open the door for embrace the ideal of fostering Miriuwung Gajerrong involvement in their moving towards addressing past injustices and plotting a more future prosperity. workplaces. the ord-east kimberley expansion is an opportunity to positive and inclusive future. this agreement opened the door for the showcase full indigenous engagement. expansion of the ord irrigation project and allows for employment and business opportunities for the traditional owners of this country. Funding through the royalties for regions program will see the creation of new agricultural land with associated common user Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan | Page 4 The Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan comprises numerous integrated projects that, combined, will deliver sustainable economic growth and generate employment opportunities in the East Kimberley Region. Page 5 | Ord-East Kimberley Development Plan Executive summary the ord-east Kimberley development Plan available social, community and the release of an initial 8,000 hectares ORD-EAST KIMBERLEY DEVELOPMENT PLAN is a comprehensive and integrated package common-use infrastructure. of agricultural lots within the Weaber of funding initiatives, to be delivered in the These investments will alleviate the Plains area in 2011. While this
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