Season 1903. LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J., JULY 18, igo3. No. 3. Once she liked my idle rhymes, Full of her and Cupid; She recalls them now at times, Laughs, and whispers, "Stupid!" Bids my fancy to essay Longer flights, and gently Hints that love has had its day— Cupid, consequently. Yet T notice, when I write In the vein she chooses, Leaving" her. and love out quite While I court the muses, That she bids my fancy seek Nearer themes arid better; Kisses me UDOII the cheek— Thinks that I forget her. Thus it happens, after long Years of lyric making, Love still lingers In my song, In each stanza waking. There are poets who have nine Muses at their mercies; One dear little girl is mine. So I write love verses! —Felix Carmen, in the Argosy. A. H. BLUME MT. ARLINGTON, N. J, Sanitary Plumbing, Steam Heating, Gas Fitting and Tinning >? Estimates cheerfully given Calls on the LaKe promptly attended to by boat Ageut for Heath & Milligaus best prepared paints, in all colors. Established nine years at Mt. Arlington. Best of references furnished by home parties. Telephone 13 A. CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS * WHERE TO GET THEM * E6e Finest and Best of Toggery for Men, Boj-s and Children is here. Clothes first of course—that's our chief business. But you must have Haberdashery, too. This store is one of those "satisfactory stores" you run into now ,and then ; but they're few and far between. In a satisfactory store you always feel that you have made a good trade. If you want to experience this feeling, come here for a Hat or some Underwear, a Negligee Shirt, or anything that you may need. Quality of the goods and the prices will give you the feeling at once. W. P. TURNER (& C O. Corner Blackwell and Sussex Sts. ^ V DOVER, NEW JERSEY STANDING AT THE FRONT! In Largest Stock! In Complete Assortment! In Prompt Delivery! SELECT GROCERIES Of the highest grade. Finest Creamery Butter, Teas and Coffees. White rose and Health Brand Canned Goods. Pillsbury and Columbia Flour. Complete line of Dry Goods of all kinds. Carpets, Mattings, Crocker}', Glassware, Tinware and Fishing Tackle. Men's, Ladies' and Misses' Fine shoes. Drugs and Medicines. Full Hue of Furniture, Chairs, Couches, Porch Rockers, Bed Springs and Mattresses. Feed, Grain, Bailed Hay and Straw. Orders solicited. Prompt delivery. JONAS W. HULSE, Port Morris, N. J. TELEPHONE CALL—9 F. Wloobport Ibouse Xafte MopatconQ, 1R. 3- CHARMINGLY SITUATED at the extreme northern end of the ]ak< Tennis Courts, Baseball Grounds, Shuffle Board, Swimming Pool, Cro- quet Grounds, Billiard and Pool Rooms Fine Fishing and Boatn Electric Light, Steam Heat, well furnished. The largest and most beau tiful lawns on the lake. Guests met at Dover by carriage or at Hopatcc station by steamer "Alametcong." Accommodations for 150 guests. Rates, $2.5O per day; $9 to S15 per week Post office, telephone and telegraph address, Woodport, Morris Coun N. J. For full particulars, address THOMAS BRIGHT, Proprietor. THE ANGLER. SEASON 1903. LAKE HOPATCONG, N.J., JULY 18, 1903. NO. 3 HOTEL BRESLIN. MT. ARLINGTON HOTEL. A full dress hop to-night. The young people at this popular hotel are enjoying themselves Geo. E. Garretson, musician and magician, entertained the hugely. Monday evening Miss Alva R. Duryea and Miss Queenie guests Tuesday night.. Ethel Carr, the belles of Lake Hopatcong, gave- a dinner to the Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Sickel, of New York, having just re- bachelors stopping at the hotel. About thirty young gentlemen, turned from Europe, are booked for the season. attended, among whom were Mr. Kenouce, Mr. Miles, Mr. H. Gerts- The steam launch Matilda was chartered by a party composed man, Mr. Bluhm, Mr. Krauss, Mr. Wadedock, Mr. Myers, and Mr. of Mr. John T. MacDowell, Mrs. H. F. Quest, Miss B. A. Quest, A. C. Cass. All spoke very highly of the entertainment furnished Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chase, Mrs. M. Gattle, Mr. F. W. Cluth and by the young ladies. Miss Duryea and Miss Carr have been very Dr. W. F. Robinson, the hotel physician, who took the very inter- obliging to the young gentlemen and have been giving them, the esting trip by the canal to Stanhope. All had a delightful time, best times of their lives. Their-musical and oratorical efforts have and in consequence extended a hearty vote of thanks to Captain been thoroughly enjoyed. A yachting party will be given by Miss Jack for the careful manner in which he handled his boat. » Duryea and Miss Carr in the near future. Some recent arrivals are Mrs. R. B,. Johnston, Miss Lulu Breid, Last Saturday evening a concert was given at the hotel which Mrs. Carl L, Rose, Miss Alice B. Rose, F. L. Nugent, P. E. Boas, was much enjoyed by the guests. A colored quartette from the F. W. Sayrs, Miss Morse, A. C.Morse, H. S. Johnson, Jacob Leny, Breslin took part in the concert. H. P. Alexander, Mrs. and Miss White, John A. Russell, Thos. About forty of the guests went on a straw ride to Budd's Lake Young, Jr., John H. Hach, Harry Lissaner, G- D. Collen, Daniel Wednesday evening. V. Arthur and wife, C. E. Mason and wife, G-. G. Thomson, Mr. Last evening a large progressive euchre party was held and and Mrs. A. D. Walker, Miss I. Jones, of New York; Victor Hugo, to-night the opening hop of the season will be given. Mr. and Mi's. Geo. W. Hugo, of Hoboken, N. J.; Geo. C. Scott, S. Recent arrivals are Miss1 Q. E. Carr, Mrs. SS. T. Day, Miss R. Connett, South Orange; D. G. Malcolm, Jr., C. F. Hageman, Margaret Day, Mr. R. S. Miles, Mr. H. Gerstman and A. A. Calla- Mrs. Saby, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pendleton, Stewart and David For- hari, o-f New York; Mr. C. W. Bye and Mr. Geo. L. Dunn, of shay, of Brooklyn. Corona, N. Y.; Mr. T. W. Croene, of East Orange, N. J.; Mr. F. T. The ball in the dining room to>-night will be a very select and Bluhm, of Newark, N. J. • dressy affair, by invitation only. Among the features of the evening- will be a figure of the cotillion called the "spider and the NOLAN'S; POINT VILLA. fly," the fly being invented especially for the occasion by Mr. C. H. Rivers, Jr., who will lead the cotillion with Mrs. Alexander Sabel, The rooms are all engaged up to Labor Day. of Jacksonville, Florida. The description of the figure given by. Progressive, hearts excited much interest on the part of all Mr. Rivers is something like this; A spider web made of heavy the participants last Friday evening; Miss Mae Snedeker winning cord is woven so as to represent a spider's web hanging about the first ladies' prize, Mr. Richard Moyle the first gentlemen's three feet from the dancers. j-rize. The children's party in the parlor Monday night was a spec- Many of the guests of the villa have had the pleasure of riding tacular affair, in which the following children in the prettiest in the beautiful new launch, San Toy II, through the generosity array and blithest spirits participated: Miss Ethel May Ker, Miss of its owner, Mr. W. H. Barron. There will be the regular Satur- Anna Chenoweth, Master Charles Mayhew Phinney, Jr., Miss day night hop to-night, to which all the guests o€ other hotels and Agnes Morgenthaw, Miss Louise Morgenthaw, Miss Dorothy Gray, the cottagers are most cordially invited. Master William Stewart, Miss Josephine Garrett, Miss Helen Some recent arrivals are W. B. Seymour, H. E. Stoaulding, Maude Garet, Miss Anna Quest, Miss Mabel Myers, Misses Marion Mahlon Ferret, Miss Ida M. Zender, Oscar B. Bergstrom, Mrs. and Eleanor Baar, Misses Grace and Madeline Whitman, Miss Arthur Bergstrom, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craden, Miss Grace Van Nortwick, Miss Olga Sabel, and Masters Harold and Cruden, Miss Helen Cruden, Leonard A. Cruden, E'dward W. Dufft, Ralph Forshay. Among the many games was the "potato" match, Brooklyn; Mrs. A. Schmidt, Mrs. B. W. Hopper, C. G-. Crane, G. which was won by Master Chas. Mayhew Phinney. Many beauti- h. Bean, Etta B. Mooney, Newark; Miss Mary L. B, Arnold, "Soa- ful prizes were awarded. kers, N. Y.; Miss Sarah McGlfford, Roselle, N. J.; Mrs1. F. N. Deger- The proprietors, Messrs. Palmer and MacDowell, gave a com- berg, W. F. Anderson, Philadelphia.; Mrs. Oakley W. Cooke, plimentary euchre Thursday evening1. The prizes and their cap- Passatc, N. J.; R, D; linger, J, H. Baker, Madison, N; J. tors will be announced in next week's issue. GREAT COVE. WATER GODS CLAIM ANOTHER. VICTIM. Miss Kate Bird, of German Valley, N. J., who was visiting- her Mr. and .Mrs. Baxter and. daughter-in-law and her two brother at Nolan's Point, was drowned in the lake at that place daughters, Misi^Louise and Miss Christine, are the guests, of Mrs. Sunday evening. The remains were taken by train to Nauright, Tiger at Van Over, Cottage. -Misses, Grace,. Jennie and Elizabeth where they were, interred Tuesday. ' Seaver are still enjoying the hospitality of Mrs- Tiger. A' "3 "f i. THE ANGLER. MT. ARLINGTON. is to be remembered that our beautiful Mt. Arlington depot public school and boroug-h. hall are almost entirely the result * Sir James Norman is stopping- at the Persell Cottage, his efforts. Mr. Cook and Mr. Beatty spent Sunday at "Idle Hour." Mr.
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