VOL XXX NO. I FEBRUARY 1986 liTI(JTAS RRmrms UEDUSIBS ~ NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS SAH NOTICES These reports may be ordered from the SAH participants are invited to at­ $3.00 1986 Annual Meeting-Washington, Philadelphia office for a cost of tend the Mid-Atlantic Symposium in the D.C. (April 2-6). The final printed pro­ each (includes postage and handling). History of Art, co-sponsored by the Uni­ gram (with pre-registration form and versity of Maryland Dept. of Art and hotel reservation card) has been sent to SAH Membership Pins. !OK gold filled CASVA, National Gallery of Art. The the membership. Members are remind­ lapel pins are available from the SAH Graduate Student papers and the dis­ ed that this program should be brought office. Cost is $10.00, which includes cussions following them will be held at postage and handling. with them to the meeting in April. Please the National Gallery, 10-3, April 5, 1986, and will be followed by dinner note deadlines for the purchase of tick­ SCHOOLS AND CONFERENCES ets for tours and other functions, and and a lecture by Juergen Schulz on cut-off dates for reserving rooms at the NOTE: These listings are for the readers' Venetian Urbanism and Palace Design Mayflower Hotel. convenience but, since the Newsletter in the 13th-14th Centuries. The dinner goes via bulk mail, we cannot guarantee will be by subscription. Contact: Dept. that all members will get the Newsletter 1987 Annual Meeting-San Francisco, of Art, U. of Maryland, College Park, before the event listed. California (April 22-26). Richard Betts, MD.20742 (3011454-3431). University of Illinois, will be general Princeton University's School of Ar­ Two upcoming events hosted by the chairman of the meeting. Dell Upton, chitecture will hold a Summer Institute, Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the University of California, Berkeley, will July 28-August 22, 1986, on the Tech­ Study of American Architecture, (305 serve as local chairman. Headquarters nology of Historic Architecture, explor­ Buell Hall, Columbia University, NYC, for the meeting will be the Palace Hotel. ing the application of modern engi­ NY 10027, 212/280-8262): (I) a sym­ A call for papers will be published in neering analysis to amplify tradition posium on The Building and the Book: the April Newsletter. historical study. Contact: Cynthia Win­ Architectural Publishing in America, kelman, NEH Summer Institute, Feb. 28-March 1; and (2) its second 1986 Domestic Tour, Southern Indiana School of Architecture, Princeton Uni­ annual series of Buell Talks in American (October 14-19). Tom Slade will be versity, Princeton, NJ 08544. Architecture, March 21 -22. (Contact: leader of this tour, and will be assisted The Fantastic in the Arts will be ex­ Ann ffolliott, Assistant Director). by John W. Stamper, School of Archi­ plored in a conference at the University A symposium on New Regionalism: tecture, University of Notre Dame. of Houston, Clearlake, Tex., March 12- Tradition, Adaptation, Invention, will be Cities to be visited will include Indian­ 16, 1986. Contact: Amy Golahny, Dept. held at the U. of Texas at Austin, April apolis, Columbus, Madison, New Har­ of Art, Lycoming College, Williams­ 24-25. Contact: Patricia Henderson, mony and Vincennes. Announcements port, PA 17701. Center for the Study of American Ar­ will reach the membership in the spring The American Architect will be the chitecture, Sutton Hall, Austin, TX of 1986. theme of AlA's 1986 National Conven­ 78712-1160 (512/471-1922). tion in San Antonio, June 8-11. Five The American Home: Interiors and the 1986 Foreign Tour (June 8-July 2). plenary sessions exploring such issues Decorative Arts, 1640-1730 is the focus Nancy Steinhardt will be the leader of as opportunities and responsibilities of of a three-day seminar sponsored by the this tour. Although the tour has filled, architects working in the public sector, Winterthur guild at the Winterthur the SAH office is maintaining a waiting and the impact of economic trends and Museum & Gardens, March 25-28. list in the event of possible cancella­ liability concerns on the profession; six Contact the Guild office, WM&G, tions. full-day workshops will address key Winterthur, DE 19735 (302/656-8591, practice issues; and three programs will ext.313). Education Reports. The Education focus on design-related topics. Contact In celebration of the city's centennial, Committee has compiled the following AlA, 1735 New York Ave., NW, Wash­ Award-Winning Vancouver Architecture reports: Report on Architectural History ington, DC 20006 (202/626-7300). examining work by Vancouver archi­ Education in Schools of Architecture; The Center for British Art will be the tects from the founding decades to the Report on Architectural History Educa­ site for the Northeast Victorian Studies building of EXPO 86, will be held, tion in Graduate Art History Programs; Association's 1986 conference on Victo­ March 7-8, at Robson Square Media Report on Architecture Libraries: rian Work and Workers on April 18-20. Centre in Vancouver. Contact: A-WVA, Scope, Organization and Standards; Contact: Earl Stevens, English Dept., Simon Fraser U. Downtown, 549 Howe and the Report on Architectural History Rhode Island College, Providence, RI St., Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2C2 (604/ and Historic Preservation Programs. 02908. 685-6988 or 687 -2677). An International Campus Planning Johnson City, TN 37614. Deadline: PRESERVATION Conference, to inform educational ad­ April 15. The Third Annual Old House Fair, ministrators and design professionals of The Seventh Annual Chautauqua in sponsored by the Neighborhood Devel­ developments in the state of the art of Mississippi, The Small Town and the opment and Conservation Center college and university campus plan­ City: How are They Alike? How are They (NDCC) in Oklahoma City, will be held ning, will be held Aprill3-l5 at the City Different?, will be held Oct. 15-17, 1986. May 17-18, 1986 at the Oklahoma State ofMiami/U. of Miami James L. Knight Of concern are both small town and city Fairgrounds. A two-day trade show International Center. Contact: Ralph qualities and design methods appro­ featuring the latest information and Warburton, U. of Miami, Coral Gables, priate to each. Send one-page abstracts products available for older home re­ FL 33124-9178 (3051284-3438). to Michael Fazio, School of Architec­ modeling, restoration and repair, the The XXVI International Congress of ture, P.O. Drawer AQ, Mississippi State Fair is supported by a grant from the History of Art, focusing on World U., MS 39762 (6011325-3420). Dead­ NTHP. New exhibitors and visitors are Art: Themes of Unity in Diversity, will line: April 15. invited to join. Contact: NDCC, Old meet in Washington, Aug. 10-16. Con­ House Fair, Christine Vertein, 1236 tact Harriet Mayor, Executive Secre­ Speaking Stones: The Language of NW 36th, Oklahoma City, OK 73118 tary, ICHA, CASVA, National Gallery Architecture, devoted to the architec­ (405/528-NDCC). of Art, Washington, DC 20565. ture of all periods and its ability to communicate meaning and embody The Association for Preservation Victorian Summers, co-sponsored by ideas, is the theme of the Second Annu­ Technology has recently published ex­ the Victorian Society in America and al Conference organized by the SAH's cerpts from the best known continental the Victorian Society in Great Britain, Philadelphia Chapter, Nov. 15, 1986. European text on diagnosis and treat­ will be held June 7-21 in Philadelphia, Speakers are invited to interpret this ment of dampness of buildings: by Gio­ and July 5-25 in London and environs. theme broadly, as no specific icono­ vanni and Ippolito Massari, first pub­ Contact: VSA, Attn: Summer Schools, graphic, iconologic, or semiotic method lished in 1960 and previously available 219 South 6th St., Philadelphia, PA is prescribed or proscribed, but presen­ only in Italian, French and Spanish. 19106 (215/627-4252). Deadline: tations will be limited to 30 minutes. Volume XVII, No. 1 of the APT Bulle­ March 7. Send one-page abstracts to David B. tin contains Chapter Six: "Characteris­ Victorians Abroad will be the topic of Brownlee, Dept. of the History of Art, tics of Humidity Rising from the Sub­ the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Mid­ U. of Pennsylvania, G-29 Meyerson soil" and Chapter Seven: "Measures to west Victorian Studies Association, Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6311. Counter Humidity Rising from the Cincinnati, April 25-26. Contact: Kris­ Deadline: May 30. Subsoil" from this publication, trans­ tine Ottesen Garrigan, MVSA Execu­ lated by Cynthia Rockwell ofiCCROM tive Secretary, Dept. of English and Memphis State University's Depart­ in Rome. To order: send $5.00 plus 50¢ Communication, DePaul U., 2323 ment of Art will be hosting the Mid­ for mailing to: APT Publications, Dept. North Seminary Ave., Chicago, IL America College Art Association in the 7BNR, Box 2487, Station D, Ottawa, 60614. Fall of 1986. The general theme will be Ontario, Canada KIP 5W6. Modernism/Post-Modernism, with The XXI International Congress on Post/Modern Media one of the main Medieval Studies, focusing on Current areas of focus. Although the organizers Studies on Cluny, will be held at Kala­ of the conference appear to be thinking mazoo, Michigan, May 8-11. Contact: mainly of the figurative arts, anyone MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITIONS Ilene H. Forsyth, Dept. of History of interested in suggesting an architectural Art, Tappan Hall, Univ. of Michigan, N 0 TE: These listings are for the conve­ topic should contact Larry Jasud, Pro­ Ann Arbor, MI 48109. nience of the readers but, because the gram Committee for MACAA '86, Newsletter goes via bulk mail, we cannot Dept. of Art, MSU, Memphis, TN guarantee that all members will get the 38152 (901/454-2216).
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