June 24-30, 2016 Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Volume XLV, Number 26 BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK CJS enters the digital age, plans for upcoming seasons Approaching its 31st year, the College of Jewish Studies now has a digital presence. The website, www.bingcjs. org, has archived all past programs and past speakers. It also contains a short The College of section on the history of CJS and will Jewish Studies have a page for current and upcoming has a website, programs. www.bingcjs.org Its Facebook page, www.facebook. (at left) and a com/bingcjs, includes pictures from Facebook page, past events and will be used to announce www.facebook. upcoming programs. “Hopefully people com/bingcjs (at will ‘like us’ on Facebook and post com- right). ments that will continue discussion after various lectures,” said Rhonda Levine, chairwoman of the CJS Committee. In addition, CJS now has an e-mail address: [email protected]. Anyone who wants to be notified by e-mail about the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entry Savitch, a founding member of CJS, tor of CJS, will continue to oversee upcoming programs or has suggestions into World War I approaches, the spring handed the position off to Levine. financial matters and share with me the for future programming should e-mail 2017 program will explore the ways Savitch, in his new role as chairman remaining administrative tasks. The CJS the CJS Committee at that address. in which the war transformed Jewish emeritus, will remain a member of Committee will continue to brainstorm The CJS Committee has been work- life around the globe. More informa- the CJS Committee. “CJS is indebted and develop programs that are stimu- ing on programs for fall 2016 and spring tion about the programs and specific to Brian for his years of service and lating and thought-provoking.” 2017. The fall 2016 program will focus speakers will be forthcoming in The the entire community wishes to thank Levine added, “Please check out the on the study of “Jewish” food and what Reporter, on the CJS website and on Brian for ensuring excellent programs website, www.bingcjs.org, and do not food can say about Jewish identity, cul- its Facebook page. throughout the years,” Levine said. forget to ‘like us’ on Facebook, www. ture, religious practice and politics. As After 30 years as its chairman, Brian “Marti Klionsky, current administra- facebook.com/bingcjs.” How Israel stays a “well-regulated militia” with so many guns around By Ron Kampeas That’s because the training with rare interruptions for sleep The training Israeli soldiers receive (JTA) – Dirty, hot and ANALYSIS bus driver had the right and were looking forward to a snooze on also helps keep gun violence down. exhausted Israeli soldiers – under rules issued by the long trip home, this was definitely a When Gabby Giffords, the Jewish con- waiting for their bus home the army and made clear downer. But it was necessitated by the gresswoman from Arizona, was shot in from the army base tend, understandably, to each armed soldier before she or he rash of Palestinian terrorist attacks on 2011, an armed passer-by recalled later to be in a hurry to get on board. But when left the base – to order any soldier to sit bus drivers at the time. to his own horror that he nearly opened I was living in Israel during the first in- in the front seat and remain alert. And One of the first things visitors to Israel fire on the folks who were restraining tifada, or Palestinian uprising, soldiers the first one to get on board was the notice is the ubiquity of young people the gunman. didn’t jostle to be first in line. Rather, obvious choice. with automatic weapons. Yet Israel Donald Trump’s assertion that a club the most coveted position was second. If you’d just finished three weeks of suffers the tiniest fraction of the mass full of armed French concertgoers would killings the United States does. Daniel have headed off last year’s Bataclan Gordis, writing last year in a Bloomberg massacre is belied by the chaos engen- column, reported that Americans are 33 dered when shooters lack training – not times more likely to kill each other with just in proper shooting of the weapon, guns than Israelis. How is that possible? but in identifying when and where it is The answer is couched in that front safe to shoot. seat the Egged bus driver kept empty The careful use of guns in Israel is for a soldier. about being answerable to a hierarchy, It may not be immediately obvious, beyond being answerable to the law. but the Israelis you see armed on the This is the opposite of the “right to bear beach or at the café are just as subject to arms” in the American ethos. There is the army hierarchy and its regulations as no “right” to bear arms in Israel – there they would be if they were on the front is a duty to bear arms, according to line or a base. strict regulations. Calev Ben-David (an old friend) wrote This is why current and former mili- recently in The Jerusalem Post about the tary officers, even right-wingers among differences between gun use in the U.S. them, have been appalled by public and Israel. He noted that just 4 percent support for the soldier in Hebron who of guns in Israel are not military issue. in March allegedly shot an attacker after This means that the use of 96 percent he was subdued. As much as killing a of guns is governed by army rules of subdued man is wrong, in Israel’s mil- conduct. As a soldier, you’re answerable itary culture, using a weapon outside to a military tribunal if you break army the command structure is equally taboo. rules and use a gun without orders – or if In some ways, then, Israel is the “well you fail to use a gun when you’re under regulated militia” promised by America’s standing order to do so. For example, if Second Amendment. That component of Soldiers attending the funeral of Alon Albert Govberg, who was killed in a terror attack a terrorist boards the bus you’re being the amendment, however, has all but been in Jerusalem on October 14, 2015. (Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90) forced to stay awake on. ignored in recent American court rulings. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Remembering the past On the Jewish food scene Cantors become rabbis Special Sections A trove of letters between parents A look at nine Jewish food trucks A growing number of cantors are Legal Notices ................................... 4 and hidden children; revitalizing in the U.S.; two falafel eateries in becoming rabbis to serve both Book Review .................................... 4 the U.S. Holocaust Museum. Paris fight for customers. roles in shrinking congregations. Safe Driving .................................. 6-7 ........................................Page 5 ....................................Pages 6-7 ........................................Page 8 Classifieds ..................................... 12 Page 2 - The Reporter June 24-30, 2016 JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE NOTES What will your summer be? ROZ ANTOUN, DIRECTOR If life was fair, every kid would enjoy a great summer Since JFS has a budget line for scholarships allocated by – no school, no homework and no early to bed, just good the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, we meshed times. Tank tops, bathing suits and flip flops for a splash perfectly with the Honor Campership Fund initiative. in the town pool, a twirl on the carousel, a family vacation Lynette recommended a 13-year-old girl who had spent and lots of time to hang with friends. many summers at Camp JCC, but could not attend this That is, if life was fair. But it’s not. Here at the Jewish 2016 season due to lack of funding. Community Center, there are some kids who’ve grown up I suggested to Lynette that the family of this girl complete at Camp JCC, who want to come back this year, but can’t a JFS application indicating their financial need. because they aged out. Not only was the application completed in full detail What does that mean? Well, by the Department of So- by her grandmother, which is often not the case for JFS cial Services guidelines, once a child turns 13, financial applicants, it included a beautifully composed, articulate, assistance for summer care ends. Private monies must be heartfelt essay written by the camper herself. Her words found to keep these kids in camp. grabbed me like the delicious hugs my grandkids give me. In most instances, their families do not have the money I’m thrilled that JFS funding will make an appreciable for camp, so their kids will not have a great summer. In the difference for a deserving child, a bright star shining who worst case scenario, these kids, with raging hormones, may has come through lots of dark times in her life. I think she’ll spend the sizzling hot days of summer sitting unsupervised continue to grow and mature, adding her strong values to in front of the TV or roaming around looking for something the people and situations she touches. This investment on to do and making scary choices that will affect the rest of the part of JFS will reap dividends in her future. their lives. You will surely agree this is absolutely no good Shalexus Crooke and Lynette Errante Shalexus Crooke was the recipient of the JFS Scholar- and not what we want for our young people. ship for Personal Merit, presented to her at the JCC Annual But don’t despair, there is hope, and that hope comes cooperation and teamwork, and forge friendships that Meeting on June 14.
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