The Catholic Community of Divine Infant Jesus Church and Divine Providence Church & School Westchester, IL Welcome to Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Parish The Catholic Community of Divine Infant Jesus Church and Divine Providence Church and School PARISH CHURCH LOCATIONS DIVINE INFANT JESUS DIVINE PROVIDENCE Church: Newcastle & Canterbury Avenues Church: 2600 Mayfair Ave. Rectory Office: 1601 Newcastle Ave. Business Office: 2550 Mayfair Ave. Westchester, IL 60154 Westchester, IL 60154 (708) 865‐8071 (708) 562‐3364 Hours: 8:30 AM‐5:00 PM Hours: 8:30 AM‐4:30 PM Mass Schedule: Mass Schedule: Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 AM Monday 8:00 AM Sundays: 10:00 AM Anticipated Mass Saturday 4:00PM Holy Days of Obligation: As announced in bulletin. PARISH STAFF Clergy and Consecrated Religious Pastoral Staff Office 708‐562‐3364 Pastor Reverend Neil Fackler Operations Director Mr. John Maher [email protected] Residents Reverend Gerald Joyce Secretary /Bookkeeper Reverend Thomas Winikates Mrs. Toni Podock [email protected] Deacons Richard Hudzik Administrative Assistant James Sponder Ms. Karen Luciano [email protected] Liturgy & Adult Faith Formation Director of Marketing & Enrollment Director Deacon James Sponder Mrs. Linda Hawkins [email protected] 708‐562‐3364 ‐ x13 [email protected] Music Ministry Religious Education Administrator Divine Providence 2500 Mayfair Ave. Sr. Christine Nantaba, IHMR School 708‐ 562‐2258 708‐865‐8086‐DI Principal Mrs. Lynn LeTourneau 708‐562‐2258‐DP [email protected] [email protected] Secretary Mrs. Chrystal Farmar [email protected] OUR MISSION and OUR VISION MISSION STATEMENT ‐ Who We Are The mission of the faith community of Mary, Mother of Divine Grace is to inspire spiritual growth by worshiping, teaching and living by example our love of Jesus, His Church and our neighbors. VISION STATEMENT ‐ Who We Strive to Be The parish of Mary, Mother of Divine Grace will continually serve all people by being good stewards for future generations. We make Christ known by living and teaching our faith. For additional information regarding our parish, please see page 11 or visit our website: marymotherofdivinegrace.org Volume 21 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 11, 2021 Dear Parishioners, I hope everyone enjoyed the Fourth of July holiday. Everyone needs some down time and a chance to celebrate with family and friends. We should honor our veterans and military personnel year ‘round by supporting them in whatever ways we can. Our scriptures this weekend continue St. Mark’s theme of listening to the Word of God. We are reminded that the Word of God can come from the most unlikely places. It takes an open mind to truly hear God’s Word. It takes a heart of faith to act on that Word, especially if we don’t like what we hear. In the ϐirst reading, we hear the Israelite response to the prophet Amos. Amos was one of the ϐirst of the prophets to call the leaders of the people back to the Covenant. Amos was sent by God to bring about reform. The cultic priests who ministered in the temple and the synagogues were the ofϐicial clergy and interpreters of the Laws of Moses. At the same time there was a group of professional prophets who prophesied based on visions they had received. While many were probably honest interpreters of God’s Word, many of them made a comfortable living telling people that what they wanted to hear was, indeed, the will of God. Amos comes with bad news, telling the people of God’s impending judgment (loss of the kingdom to the neighboring Assyrians) if they did not turn back to the Covenant. Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, tells Amos to ϐlee the kingdom of Israel and make his living elsewhere. Amos responds that he is not a prophet, but rather, a shepherd. He tells the priest that God has called him to prophesy to the people. Because Amos’ message was unpopular, the king and the priests ignored him; and not too many years later the northern kingdom was conquered. Obviously, there are very serious consequences for ignoring the Word of God. This is the same spiritual lesson we heard in last week’s gospel. The people of Jesus’ home town ignored his teaching because he was one of them, so commonplace that they couldn’t believe he came from God. In today’s gospel, Jesus sends the Apostles out to preach repentance throughout the surrounding countryside. He gives them authority over unclean spirits and the power to cast out demons and cure the sick. He gives them the injunction to stay with those who welcome them and preach repentance. Those who accept the apostles, even though they are unlettered “nobodies”, will be healed. Jesus also gives them an admonition against those who do not welcome or listen to their word to “shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them”. We, too, have the same choice. We have to open our hearts to listen to the Holy Spirit and have conϐidence in God’s love and grace. We hear this great Christological hymn in St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians to give us the courage and conϐidence we need. God chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy and destined us for adoption through Jesus Christ. We have redemption by his blood for the forgiveness of sins. We are blessed by the grace he has lavished upon us. We have heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of salvation, and have believed in him. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit, the ϐirst installment of our inheritance. This is truly the source of our faith and the vision for our lives. This is my ϐirst weekend in the parish. It will take me a while to get to know everyone and your traditions. Summer is a slower time, a time for me to settle in and get ready for our normal parish activities and the new school year. Have a great week. Sincerely, Fr. Neil Page 3 Divine Providence Mass Intentions Monday, 07/12 8:00am For the Parishioners †Irene & Jerry Spahn Divine Infant Jesus & Divine Providence Tuesday, 07/13 8:00am †Carl Di Gangi †Ben & Dolores Sniegowski Pat Ambrosia Jason Kuntz Wed., 07/14 8:00am †Ben Sniegowski Vincent Antonio Ignatius Lagen Jerry Aquino Ashley Luecken Weekend Masses Joan Barrera Art Malina Sat., 07/17 4:00pm People of the Parish Ina Bax Thomas Martirano Tony Belmonte Sam Martyn †Rita Zdun Midge Berg Steve Mazzarella †Andrew Greven Laura Biagini Maurice McCarthy †Frank Cantanese Tony Biliskov Pam McDaniel †Donald Doucet Diane & John Bozek Noreen McKenna †Edwin Toloczko James Brabec Regie Meade †The Frank Napolitano Family Dan Callahan Gabriel Meier Rose Campobasso Peggy Melville Sun., 07/18 *All 8:30am Mass Intentions at Gilda Cappetta Richard & Stefan Mraz Michelle Carnagio Jim Muha Divine Providence have been moved to Cindy Cerveny Mulfinger Family 10:00am at Divine Infant Jesus* Jacqueline & Leonard Michael Nee Divine Infant Jesus Mass Intentions Christopher Mark Nelson Joseph E. Cistaro Christine Neuzil Thurs., 07/15 8:00am †Joyce Sienkowski Mary Jo Conway Bernice Niemiec Margaret Cullen Patricia Olson Friday, 07/16 8:00am †Fred W. Poppe Will Engwall Sandra Orrico †Roger Pona Billy Ferraris Frank Pedota, Sr. †The Garlock Family Francis Giannopoulous Ralph Perri Bob Gibson Ralph Romano Sat., 07/17 8:00am †Arlene Luka Nick Goedert Diana Roselli Marcy Goetz Rose Principe Weekend Masses Eileen Gorski Evelyn Sadecki Sat., 07/17 *All 5:00pm Mass Intentions at Mary Ann Graziano Gina Santucci Divine Infant Jesus have been moved to Nathaniel Gutierrez Michael Scherer Desi Hamilton Geraldine Schneider 4:00pm at Divine Providence* Adeline Hartman Angie Senese Sun., 07/18 10:00am †All the Souls in Purgatory Christopher Heitz Nicole Durczak Sheputis Mariel Hesley Don Sloan †Angelo Di Vito Betty Hornbogen Steve Spomer †Peg & Bob Grimes Betty Hyland Paul Sodayko †Kathleen Breuss Anthony Jandacek Grayson & Sarah Stanley †Donald Doucet Carme Jandacek Grace Thomas †Juliana Laureano Lorraine Jaworek Vito Valerio Thanksgiving to the Jim Jolicoeur Parker Van Gelder Janet Joy Bob Van Lanen Blessed Mother & Our Lord Danute Juras Alice Volka Joe Kasey Florence Voves Lois Kedzior Mary Walsh Mary Ann Kelly Edward & Alice Wasilewski Mary Kmet Steven Wiersema Please be assured all Mass Intentions scheduled Sr. Rita Kristoff will be acknowledged during the week by our priests as they celebrate Mass in private. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Parish Divine Infant Jesus & Divine Providence CONFESSIONS July 4, 2021 $11,062.00 Saturday, July 17 8:30am - 9:00am WeShare $ 1,461.00 Divine Infant Jesus Church TOTAL $12,523.00 Please wear a face mask. Please consider giving online at: WeShare https://marymotherofdivinegrace.churchgiving.com/ Please remember to pray for all those who have Parish Calendar of Events gone home to heaven and their families. DP = DIVINE PROVIDENCE / DI = DIVINE INFANT JESUS Monday, July 12 8:00a Mass ‐ Divine Providence Church CALLING ALL Tuesday, July 13 DI St. Vincent de Paul Meeting ‐ 7:00pm DI Annex EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Wednesday, July 14 With church restrictions lifted, we are in the 8:00a Mass ‐ Divine Infant Jesus Church Knights of Columbus Meeting ‐ 7:00pm DI Annex process of re-establishing our list of available Ministers of Holy Communion. If you are currently Thursday, July 15 a Minister and would like to continue in this ministry, please email Deacon Jim Sponder to keep Friday, July 16 8:00a Mass ‐ Divine Infant Jesus Church you on the master list. Will you answer the call to BECOME an Saturday, July 17 Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? Confessions 8:30a‐9:00a ‐ Divine Infant Jesus Church 4:00p Anticipated Mass ‐ Divine Providence Church If you would like to serve in this beautiful ministry, please contact Deacon Jim for more information and Sunday, July 18 training.
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