E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 2021 No. 40 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was In the strength of Your divine name local officials and volunteers across called to order by the Speaker pro tem- we pray. the country—its limitations were laid pore (Mr. CUELLAR). Amen. bare, for us to fix. f f H.R. 1 would shore up our democracy and the people’s faith in its power. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER THE JOURNAL I am pleased this bill incorporates PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- two of my bills. The first requires all The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ant to section 5(a)(1)(A) of House Reso- States to offer same-day registration. fore the House the following commu- lution 8, the Journal of the last day’s The second ends partisan gerry- nication from the Speaker: proceedings is approved. mandering by requiring States to adopt WASHINGTON, DC, f citizen redistricting commissions. March 3, 2021. I urge my colleagues to join me in I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE voting ‘‘yes’’ for this transformational CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the bill that fights special interests, takes NANCY PELOSI, gentleman from Florida (Mr. GIMENEZ) money out of politics, and puts power Speaker of the House of Representatives. come forward and lead the House in the back in the hands of the American peo- f Pledge of Allegiance. ple. Mr. GIMENEZ led the Pledge of Alle- PRAYER giance as follows: f The Chaplain, the Reverend Margaret I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Grun Kibben, offered the following REMEMBERING ELEANOR ‘‘SANDY’’ United States of America, and to the Repub- TORREY WEST prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Almighty God, You breathed life into indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and us at creation, making humanity a lit- f was given permission to address the tle lower than the angels, crowning us House for 1 minute and to revise and with glory and honor, putting every- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER extend his remarks.) thing under our feet. What a gift. PRO TEMPORE. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Keep us ever mindful of the responsi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er, I rise today with a heavy heart to bility that comes with that endow- Chair will entertain up to 15 requests remember and honor Mrs. Eleanor ment: that You desire that each and all for 1-minute speeches on each side of ‘‘Sandy’’ Torrey West, who passed would flourish, that everyone would be the aisle. away on January 17 at the age of 108. able to live into the privilege of becom- f Mrs. West was known as a woman ing the people You designed us to be. who embodied the spirit of Ossabaw Is- As You did in the beginning, send SHORING UP DEMOCRACY land, which is the third largest of Geor- Your spirit and bring order over the (Ms. BROWNLEY asked and was gia’s barrier islands, just south of Sa- chaotic waters of disputes and debate that surround us. given permission to address the House vannah. Shed Your light on the darkness of for 1 minute.) She established the Ossabaw Island alienation and division and divide the Ms. BROWNLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Project in the 1960s and the Genesis tempestuous argument from the today in support of H.R. 1, the For the Project in the 1970s as ways to allow unique, meaningful, and constructive People Act. students, artists, writers, scientists, dialogue. The limits of our democracy have ecologists, philosophers, and other in- Remind us that You have created us been tested like never before, espe- tellectuals and creative thinkers to re- in Your image, and this is what we cially in the last election, where we connect with the natural world and should see reflected in the lives of the saw baseless lawsuits, misinformation, with each other. other. Whether we like them or not, attempts to suppress legal votes, a re- In the late 1970s, Mrs. West spear- whether we vote as they do or remain fusal by a sitting President to transfer headed her family’s effort to ensure adamantly opposed, they, too, are Your power peacefully that resulted in an at- that Ossabaw Island would remain pre- beloved children. tempted insurrection aimed solely to served and protected. And as we labor in this place, we block the will of the people. She was the champion of Ossabaw, pray that You look over our steward- While our system ultimately and her enthusiastic, joyful spirit ship of Your gifts and call it good. worked—thanks to patriotic State and shined in everything she did. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1019 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:04 Mar 04, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MR7.000 H03MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE H1020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 3, 2021 Throughout Mrs. West’s long, pros- Every citizen should be confident H.R. 1, the so-called For the People perous life, she inspired countless indi- that every legal vote counts. Congress Act, weaponizes the FEC into a par- viduals. has a duty to deliver election reform tisan commission and throws out com- I am so thankful for her many con- that honors the will of the people and monsense voter I.D. laws, just to name tributions to Georgia’s First District, the Constitution. a few. As one of the only Members of and I know her legacy will continue for We need meaningful, bipartisan elec- Congress who has actually had to im- years to come. tion reform, and I urge my colleagues plement election protocols, I speak on My thoughts and prayers are with to oppose H.R. 1. authority when it comes to our elec- her family, friends, and all who knew f tions. This bill is a travesty for all her during this most difficult time. Americans. HONORING THE LIFE OF CAPTAIN f DONALD LAMBERT, JR. f CONSTRUCTIVELY CHANGING THE (Ms. SPANBERGER asked and was REBUILDING OUR CREDIBILITY ON CULTURE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT given permission to address the House THE WORLD STAGE (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was for 1 minute and to revise and extend (Ms. JACOBS of California asked and given permission to address the House her remarks.) was given permission to address the for 1 minute and to revise and extend Ms. SPANBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I House for 1 minute.) his remarks.) stand here to honor the life of Captain Ms. JACOBS of California. Mr. Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Donald Lambert, Jr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. today in support of the George Floyd Last weekend, the Henrico County 1, the For the People Act. Justice in Policing Act, to help con- Police Department lost one of its own. Mr. Speaker, I was in this very structively change the culture of law Captain Lambert served in the Chamber on January 6 when our de- enforcement and strengthen the trust Henrico Police Department for nearly mocracy was attacked. between police and the communities 34 years, and his fellow officers remem- In the days following, I received texts they serve. and calls from friends and former col- ber him as a true friend, mentor, and Last summer, communities across leagues around the world, who were leader. the Nation convulsed with raw emotion working on improving democracy in I had the privilege of getting to know after George Floyd was brutally mur- places like Burma and Hungary, who Captain Lambert through his work as dered by a police officer. were devastated about what they were the head of the Henrico Special Oper- His death may have been the spark, seeing and how it would impact their ations Group. Captain Lambert’s secu- but the true force motivating these ability to make progress around the rity expertise helped keep me, as well protests was the systemic racism that world. harms Black Americans every day. as my predecessors, Congressmen Brat Passing H.R. 1, rebuilding trust in Last June, one month after his death, and Cantor, and our staffs, out of our democracy, is imperative for our this House passed the George Floyd harm’s way, and I am forever grateful national security. Justice in Policing Act, only to see it for his dedication to his work. Since January 6, countries have ques- stall in the Senate. Captain Lambert was a pillar of our tioned whether they need to listen to We will vote again on the bill this central Virginia community. He was a America’s calls to defend human rights week. dedicated member of the Henrico Po- or abide by the results of free and fair George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, lice Department, but he will be remem- elections. Ahmaud Arbery, these people and bered as a gifted musician, a beloved Our allies and partners have ques- countless others should still be alive Sunday school teacher, and a man who tioned if they should continue fol- today. demonstrated true compassion for oth- lowing our lead when it seems like We can’t bring them and the others ers.
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