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(73) Assignee: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc., 2001/0003785 A1 6/2001 Protzmann et al. ........... 568,451 Houston, TX (US) 2003/0022947 A1 1/2003 McAtee et al. 2004/0249218 A1 12/2004 Wiese et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP OO16286 6, 1983 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. WO WO 2005/0284O7 3, 2005 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis OTHER PUBLICATIONS claimer. American Chemistry Council, Olefins Panel, HPV Implementation (21) Appl. No.: 13/029, 176 Task Group: High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Challenge Program. Test Plan for the Low 1,3-Butadiene C4 Category; Publi (22) Filed: Feb. 17, 2011 cation Date Jul. 9, 2001; pp. 5-26. Scheidmeir W. 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(57) ABSTRACT Mixed butene streams containing butene-1 and isobutylene (56) References Cited and optionally butene-2 are hydroformylated under condi tions that hydroformylates all the monomers to yield a mix U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ture of Valeraldehydes. 4,287,370 A * 9/1981 Harris et al. .................. 568.454 4,426,542 A 1, 1984 Barker et al. 11 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Nov. 1, 2011 US 8,049,043 B2 Figure 1 60 50 - O 40 e 5 c5 30 SS -o-Butene-1 2O --O-Butene-2 -A-Sobutene 1O O t y O 0.2 O4 O.6 O.8 1 1.2 14 Reaction time (hrs) US 8,049,043 B2 1. 2 PROCESSES RELATED TO THE carbon molecules may be determined by using conventional HYDROFORMYLATION OF BUTENES gas chromatographic techniques. More recently butene streams have become available from CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED an olefin stream obtained from an oxygenate conversion reac APPLICATIONS tion. Such abutene stream is characterized by having a high butene content, but is low in components that can act as This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 10/572,011, catalyst poisons. Although the butene components generally filed Nov. 29, 2006, which is a national stage filing of Inter include a relatively high concentration of the more undesir national Application No. PCT/EP2004/010622, filed Sep. 17, able butene-2 and isobutylene compounds, we have found 2004, which claims the benefit of Ser. No. 60/530,382, filed 10 that the stream can be hydroformylated to convert a signifi Dec. 17, 2003, and GB 0322247.8, filed Sep. 23, 2003, the cantly high portion of those components to aldehyde prod disclosures of which are fully incorporated herein by refer ucts, which may then be further reacted in the manner CCC. described above. Oxygenates used as feed to, or formed during, the oxygen FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 ate conversion to olefins process, can be present in the butene stream. Such components will not significantly affect the The present invention relates to saturated C5 aldehydes and hydroformylation process, nor significantly affect the result their derivatives and in particular C5 aldehydes that are pro ing aldehyde or aldehyde derivative products. duced by the hydroformylation of butenes. The invention In one embodiment of this invention, the butene stream further relates to unsaturated aldehydes that may be obtained used in the invention is separated from an olefin stream that is from the aldol condensation of Such aldehydes, Saturated obtained by contacting oxygenate with an olefin forming aldehydes and unsaturated and Saturated alcohols that may be catalyst. The oxygenate comprises at least one organic com obtained from hydrogenation of Such unsaturated aldehydes, pound containing at least one oxygen atom. Non-limiting and carboxylic acids that may be obtained from oxidation of examples include aliphatic alcohols, ethers, carbonyl com such saturated aldehydes. Furthermore the invention relates 25 pounds (aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carbonates, to the Subsequent reaction and derivatives of Such products, esters and the like). When the oxygenate is an alcohol, the primarily esters. alcohol can include an aliphatic moiety having from 1 to 10 carbon atoms, more preferably from 1 to 4 carbon atoms. BACKGROUND Representative alcohols include but are not necessarily lim 30 ited to lower straight and branched chain aliphatic alcohols The invention is particularly concerned with products and and their unsaturated counterparts. Examples of Suitable oxy their derivatives obtained by the hydroformylation of C4 genate compounds include, but are not limited to: methanol: feeds comprising a mixture of isobutylene and at least one ethanol; n-propanol; isopropanol; C-C alcohols; methyl normal butene, and optionally other C4 components such as ethyl ether; dimethyl ether; diethyl ether; di-isopropyl ether; butane. 35 formaldehyde; dimethyl carbonate; dimethyl ketone; acetic In this invention, the term butene or butylene generically acid; and mixtures thereof. Preferred oxygenate compounds refers to all hydrocarbon compounds having 4 carbons and at are methanol, dimethyl ether, or a mixture thereof. least one unsaturated bond that bonds together two carbons. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,770,791 and 6,784,330 describe how Examples of specific butenes include, but are not limited to, butene feeds for use in this invention may be obtained by the butene-1, butene-2 (which refers to the combination of the cis 40 conversion of an oxygenate. and trans forms), isobutene or isobutylene, and butadiene. It may be desirable to increase the ethylene yield in the Thus, the generic term butene or butylene refers to the com oxygenate to olefin process, since ethylene is typically of bination of all types of specific butene compounds. greater commercial value than other olefins produced in the Butene streams are used as raw materials for hydroformy process. One way of increasing the ethylene yield in the lation to produce Valeraldehyde. In some commercial opera 45 oxygenate to olefin process is to operate the process such that tions Valeraldehyde is then dimerised and the product of there is less than 100% conversion of oxygenate to olefin dimerisation hydrogenated to produce 2 propyl heptanol or product. This means that not all of the oxygenate feed will be mixtures thereof with other alcohols which are finding use as completely converted to olefin or some other final non-water alcohols in esterification reactions to produce plasticiser product. Less than 100% conversion can also mean that some esters. Alternatively valeraldehyde may be hydrogenated to 50 of the oxygenate feed is not converted, or that not all inter produce pentanol or amyl alcohol or mixtures of different mediate products are completely converted to olefin. For isomers thereof which may be used as a solvent or in the example, dimethyl ether can be used as a feed or it may form production of materials such as Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates. as an intermediate product in the conversion to olefin. There The Valeraldehyde may also be oxidised to produce Valeric fore, the presence of dimethyl ether in the olefin product will acid or isomer mixtures thereof which may be used in Syn 55 generally imply that the conversion of oxygenate to olefin is thetic ester lubricant production. less than 100%. By the same manner, other oxygenates, such Butenes have generally been obtained from C cuts that are as acetaldehyde, may be present, also indicating less than obtained from Steam cracking and catalytic cracking refinery 100% conversion of feed or intermediate products. processes. These cuts typically contain a mixture of Ca Satu In order to obtain the butene feeds from olefins produced rated and unsaturated materials including butadiene, normal 60 from oxygenates for use in this invention, it is desirable to butenes including both butene-1 and butene-2, of which both separate abutene rich stream from the olefin product stream the cis- and the trans-form typically occur, and isobutylene.
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