DOCUMENT RESUME ED 133 841 EA 009 085 ITTLE Boarding Schools. INSTITUTION Boarding Schools, ioston, ?ass. PUE DAmE (761 NOTE 56p. AVA'TARLE FP0M Boardiny Scools, 4 Liberty Square, Foston, !.lassachusetts 02109 (free) E1RS PE10E P.1F-Z0.83 HC-$3.50 Plus Postage. DESORTPT0ES *Poarding Schools; *Directories; Elemer'ary Secondary Educatior; Drivate qchools Ar2S-FACT This booklet has beep prepared to provide students, parents, and counselors withinformation about America's boarding schools and to help them with the application process. It includes brief descriptions of 139 boarding schools--junior schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, military academies, and coeducational schools it is offered solely as an introduction.(Author/IRT) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by EPIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available fror L=r sources. EPIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * reproducibility are often encount-red and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcopy-,:productions ERIC makes available * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDPS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the oriinal document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDES are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** 3F AAA '.'" 10 ,,1LIN I. At t NA' ONA. BOARDING SCHOOLS 11) .1;.! tf.ts , , Boarding Schools An Introduction Thi,,oldrt 11;h lit vu prcparcd imoviili stiRlchts, ;Hid codiisclurs vitli ;thi .1111(.rica', skit,ik and to licip thcni with Ilk' ;IititliC;It j)1-()«-.,,. It indialcs iiu,t dc«.1-iptions of 139 imapling schouls, It is 1111c1c(1 sulclv ;inuititiuitiuui, Yult are chcotird*.d tu accluaint yourscli with up!), ttutuu ivuui;ubk indcpciidcht ,...:4.hook by rcvicwing ilircchoc. ilcscriiicd in dills hukkt and contact ilig tin scho dircoly. 111(1(1)4.11dthi day schuuk Iii manyujuiailv uuurniuuui(...:ptTicticcs. This bin it:Irt coil; iisc!t, with OR. Volt Unit iYailahly in boarding skip. ds. 4 4'2:47;L 1_0 MAI ow. **41' " 0". 1 ii- 44a Plitirsono, , 1 A ,...0.111., V c i _ Al 4 -4 f-;-r ; JUNIOR SCHOOLS ..11a0lifod .14),,, daily ft did \1" di) 1, !each ;aid respniealiduies ;mil de t)r seit- tranri.lakirv \SLI /OM linarding Sinn( turs,d .1 Rn nkI larlw. Iiiv:rniiiii-nt,1-1111,1caileitii., h'ilohlUltill'r III III 1 HI , it \lain Strtei Snuthlinnitiim. p 1772 71 185-9100 (AR! )111.AN \1()1-N.1..\ IN S(110( )1, bliarding, Grades .1-9 lidin ()liver Rich, onlyuntil Fall 19771 .1dmissions ISO, Girls 57, linarding Lanwiti, NI I H:r; 11 1;9,1/ity 177 1:321 Fay School boards bnys, grades Boarding ( ;rade, -;4 will hoard girls griales S 1 ;:), linardirw. 11;(). 11 in September, 1977, and has 1111,. 5 a coeducational day prm..!Tam, Cardigan's struci ured, tro: grades 19. A traditional phi- ontil oducatinn stud.aus Insphy, a home atmosphere, drawn from widespread Inca! and a dedicated faculty are its itio; offers preparat inn fnr strengths. senior schools in NOW England, Ill nthor areas of the (aided FESSENDEN 5C11001, States, and abrnad, Arthur P. Claridi.!e, Academie Assistant tn the Ileadmaster EAGLE...BROOK West Newton, MA 92165 Mare Janos, .1r (617) 214-7590 Admissi(lns linarding Grades 2-9 1)eorfield.11.1 91.1-P2 Unys 320, Boandtny 136, (113) 773-:i1W-1 Riv 181 linardine Grailes bleniktrailit Huai linys 21)9. linanling 171i, emphasis nil independence, 1).iy hard wnrk, and gnnd !hauliers :rt(ii,.:(11ritli.,ted wr::rn Htr II 111vY ..(211( )t .\. Hi11 61 :! 165. tiriardr:ig 1;7. 1)av 10; 44# 0 I i, i,irvyv Sc1161:1wlwvi.s 0 V. mr1::: I iiisit. rIt.itr 116in-ding Grades -1-8 fni it irri.'s 1. s 20. Girk20. Boardm52 till.r,.)wth. ;up.; rif Nuys and girls ,:nfr !rt !dual minm- irtin farm spiting With many .tittithrind orgamic i2rird(ms: iNI)1.1N tyrirk prirgrany mmintaitwering: , I Ir'iolur,,ir.r winior spirts o0(r.lt1 :tr1 1 :I) Boardp.i(z. Boys only t .Nr-sEY 1111,1. ..(11001, Boy: 91( .11 dm i. ti:.ht.ro,chow-d:v. 51),I Din -et or Lcild4T;hip re,;!(o;.]:0)(',1((f..., lV.,thingt on. CU 0079:1 (293) 808-9001 offered olders(((den' - Lountry settin with Boarding (lrades 1-9 (arding st ((dent- fac(.1ty ratio Boys 102, Girls 1), Boardiiu.4 LnI\IdL itinitvIlL(-Then, for 101, Day 04 week-er;(!. d(u-miiory :(nd Founded in 1900. Rtunsey exit- I ac.olentle help. /lairs tridititmal approach to ocial behavior and zwadernic NMFII I C. )1 .NTIZ)- :(11(1()I. training prepares young schol- NIr. Gerald 1.Nlarehildon. ars for independent secondary Itireet,or .lor tussion.s ,41tools. Remedial reading is Box available. Effort is the crite- Eal..(' Placid, NY 12910 rion for suc('ess: achievement :-)2;1-9;t20 follows as a by-product. ") I THE COLORADO SPRINGS commitment to inspire girls to SCHOOL develop skills of self-unde: Jonathan N1. Associate standing, ambitious and Director of Adrm,sions realistic goal-setting and con- 21 Broadmoor Avenue fident, rational, joyous deci- Colorado Springs. ( 'O 80900 sion maknig. 1303)175-97,17 Boarding Grades 7-12 EMMA WILLARD SCIIOOL _Boys 77 (Day onlyt, Girls KT. Mark Simpson, Assistant Boarding 50, Day 119 Principal, Director of Adinis- sions Students choose fr(mii sti niu- 285 Pawling Avcnue lating variety of mmith-long Troy, NY 12181 "short courses-. The exem- (518) 274-1.140 plary outdoor education pro- Boarding Grades 9-12 gram takes students skiing, Girls 315, '()arding 230, hiking, camping, mountain- eering, rafting, and kayaknh: Day 85 in 'he nearby Rocky Nloim- Emma Willard: 181-1; individ- tams, ually tailored academic pro- grams; extensive elective curriculum; career exploration 1 internships; language hotv-,e; new gymnasium and artbuild- ings: spring term Junior ex- change with boys' school. ETIIEL WALKER SCHOOL Carla J. Nleier, Co-Director of Admissions Simsbury, CT 00070 (203) 658-1467 Boarding Grades 9-12 DANA HALL SCHOOL Girls 211, Boarding 198, Mrs. Richard A. Housley, Day 43 Director of Admissions The Ethel Walker School Wellesley, MA 02181 attempts to provide the fullest 1617) 235-3010 possible opportunities for indi- Boarding Grades 9 -12 vidual growth; full preparation Girls 430, Boarding 215 for selective colleges; and flex- Day 215 ibility and recognition of Dana's strong academic pro- viable alternatives with rele- -4 - gram is enriched by our 1 vant experience and training. 1 2 IA ,?;1, 1.111: S(' IR)01. FOR GIRLS Lmihet, II.I It';l:Inliister Ames Ilill Drive Springfield, N1.-\ ()I 1 05 '"," 113) 7:1.1-1971 110ardint.; Grades 7 -1 2 Girls1 70, 130ar(lint; 50). Day 1 90 sit Macf)uffie knit(vii hirlnIi academic standards. successful S('IU)()L cullege iultni.s.sion.s. cultural Direct0r of 11111)4 Irt1111 it les ill an urhan lo- 11(, )0 \Velch 11(>ild cation, and its unique tradition I )allas. TN 7 5 2 20 ()1111Littl:I1 support and c0n- 121 1) -6311 cern. 110;u-dint.; Griultis ti -12 SCI10()). (;oriTGO, 1-toArtliii,i 9 1. tirectiir 1)ly (1, .\dinissions i) )(1(1)1V i lc()11)).1.(' 'lintt)ti Avenue 10r ilitard:11.,, :111I 1)01ihs Ferry. NY 1 0 59 9 tlitv oi rIti C'tratItts hr. twit,. 19 111 09:1-1 -10 0 I 2 ioul tiay siirk (tidy in Prit- (1ritdes 7 -1 2 litt01 thrtilioli Grade 8. ( ;iris 3 30, litiardilitt1 70, Day I 60 HALL .101in II. Fsperiiiii.I k.itlmitsit.r prwilituty tt) New ir).\ 175 " Ytirl: City supplies cultural enrwhillent. "I"he country 17 1 024 1- 8 51 2 c;unlms hou,:es 511(.11 Griules 9 -1 2 facilities :H computer. theiOre, II ) Cork 1111 p11010 lithcnttory, dance sIll- Linden ((West 11111 .ompni(nt. the titates H situated on -15 Lind- ()I.I)F11.11.1)S hiSt(IrIC Lint/. I hwley H0gers. Ikadmaster Linked c0vered hradoe Glone0e. NW 2 11 52 walkways. traditittniii And (1101 ) .17 2 --ISO 0 nvitkril facilith,s are supple 110itrdint, Grades 8-1 2 mented hy a stable, heated Girls 1.)-. Boarding 9 indUrtr stcHimint.t. 9001, iind newly rt., ondit Med 1en111)-, titrong academic and atlibl.ie C( Hitt protixams in it secure environ- merit that encouragcs each Purnell exists for girls who girl to develop the ciinfidence prosper hest in a supportive she will need III life. environment where they de- velop confidence and compe- NIISS PORTER'S SCII0Ol. tk n,.... free of the pre .sures Elenor G. Reid, Director of frequently found in larger Admissions schools emphasizing high test Farmingi o 96032 ..z.cores and intense competition. (203) 677 -1::21 Boarding GrAes 9 -12 ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL Girls 297, Boarding 2.16, Mrs. Ragland Pirker, Director Day 51 of Admissions MI'S is dedicated to fostering 6001 Grove Avenue the gmwth of free, reasoning Richmond, VA 12:227 voung women with a strong (804) 288-280-1 sense of self-worth, wh:i arc Boarding Grades 9 -12 equipped with the fundamei (;irl32-1, Boarding 1-15, tal intellectual and huir an Day 179 skills to deal with the demand- t. ('ltherine's School is a ing and challi-ngiiig future. college preparatory girl's school.It offers a challenging PURNELL SCHOOL academic program which in- James II. Carney, i I head- cludes a unique minimestor master and coordinate education. Pottersville, NJ 07979 Students enthusiastically par- (201) 439-2151 ticipate in the athletic, lino Boarding Grades 10-12 arts, performing arts and Girls 95, Boarding 95 social programs. .4. 1 5 lEi SAINT MARY'S HALL Integration of religious trutbs Mrs, Pauline Butte Dawson, and values throughout strong, Director of Admissions liberal arts program.
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