If you sec]( a dcllg1itful jJcnmmla, loo1( about you. 'TI1c rc11l ftmlt Is to have [ -Motto of Mlclugan fcwlts and not try to m~nd them. Seventy·stxth year No. 27 AlDfRMEN ASK A~TmN Postal Appointment .TAX RATf~ ARf FIXfO Is Still Unsolved MONEY ~AN BE SAVfD ON PAVING PROJf~TSi Proplwslcs thnt theta would bo 11 Protests file being made by clly I BY AllOCATION BOARD couNcn, cr,Ar~rs DEI,t\Y oN 1 democratic postmaster in Mason lende!s ovct tho f1co flow of boor PAVING UN\VAIUtANl'Im, July 1 WCIC not fultllled. It is rc- SEVE!tAL TOWNSHIPS liiAY LOSE at the Ingham county bcm clonlets' FUNDING S~HOOl DfBT ported that !Iotntlo Abbott, demo- FEDERAl, RELIEtr, picnic held at Ln.lcc Lapsing Sun- craUo patronage czar, hus rotu1 ned dn.y Repo1 ts that 20 brqwctlcs und 1\1 \Y JtiWUND SOIIOOI., BONDS lt~llef Holls Ust 01 Jl'nmllles, l'•u•m• the MElson appointment to tho County R!Lto Inc reused, SclJOul Rnt.c wholesn)ms solVed ftee bce1 dlll· AT LOWEJt RA'l'E. ers Unnhlo To Oot Worlu~rs In~;- F10m Welfare Ranlcs. hum county committee with the do- Lowt1red, Shtte PI'Operty Tux lng the day to mowds e~llmntcd nt mund that tho committee roach nn Is Almndoncd. scvetnl thousand hnve incensed Freo Te~d Uoolcs 1\ltty Bo Rer.om­ immediate decision between two persons opposed to tho llquot tmf- mentlccl Now l'hnt Sl<~te Flnnn· cnndldutes Tho Identity of the fie. It Is tepoltcd thn.t the picnic clnl Aiel Is AssuJ•ed, Unwallnnted delay on the pal t or two candidates is subject to differ- Unless hcmlngs scheduled for July episode Is being used b:i dry lend- the Ingham county welfare relief com- lng Interpretations Five tecom- ~2 clbmnt1o tiho hnllocatlon~ 'l'ade ~~on· eta to secure slgnntmos to locnl mission in nsslgnlng men to Mason mendntlons were given to live can- ay y 10 ng nm coun y nx a oca- option petitions She! ill: Allan A. Among other matt01s which may BtiOct paving ptojects wns charged dldutcs by tho county committee. 3tloln0 bolallld, the fratotltl\ bo MncDonnld and state pQllco haml- como before the annual meeting or the colu~t1y00t0n.x Mnson-Vevn.y district noxt Mond!ly by tho city council Monday night Mr Abbott, chief patronage dlspen- ' 111 s on cue 1 "' 0 va un °11 ' led the frco beer see leers at the re- City Englnem Aitbur Zlclcgraf 1o- 1 dll t In only four townships will tho 15· sort Sunday Only one 'a!Jest was evening Is tho question of refunding Pol tccl that plans npp1 ovcd by tho 1e- sm, insists that on Y one can c a 0 m ill cons titu tl on a I 11 m ita tl on b o •h ffl of tho $75,000 still owing on tho new lief nuthorltlos six weells ago f01 the be recommended 'rhme ata tohl be teacltec Those towns hi ps nrc Lnn- mado for drunlwnness e o cers 1 1 school sltuctmo elected In 1921 April no competitive examinations W lo 1 D lhl M ldl d Willi t report 1 of thnt ycn1 bonds In the principal pnvlng of Onlc and Maple st1ects and the democlnts ate deciding on the s ng, e , or nn nn nms on 1 1hc constluctlon of curb nnd gutter on b The cities of Lnnslng, Mason and East).============:-:::-:::: ----- 1um of $150 000 wc1 c sold to tho Hnr­ Elm street wme found to be bmlcd in cundldnte, Lloyd R Donne, repu • Lansing, wheiO tho 15-mlll limitation HOlD~ Offl~t rls Trust and Savings bnnlc of Chi· a dtnwer nt hcadqunrtels Mondny licnn, continues as postmaster 1s no t or~ .oc tl ve bccnusc o f c 1wr t or pro- VOflKfR J W. Wilford, Lansing cnpltullst, and Stanley Proctor, manager of the cngo, $75,000 of the bonds falling duo Mason men on relief 1oils ate Idle or visions, will hnvo hlghct tnx rntes Wllfotd fntm two miles south of Dnnsvlllc, nte p1oucl of tho rccmd or Day­ sctlally over a 10-yenr period, tho amount of prlnclpn.l rethocl being ln­ city'sworking paving on unimportant fund remains ptojccts, In thetho FORMfR TAVfRN ~WNfR thanFcdornl do the and townships stnlo aid toward cnu·y. DE~PITE ADVE~~t VOTE light Rnmonn Alcatlrn Pwbably Daylight is ptoud, too Sho p1oduced ctensed us tho tcmnlnder nnd the in­ treasmy nnd tho tesldents of Onlc, lng the welfuro load wlll pwbably be 21 700 pounds of mille and 807 6 pounds of fat Ins t yen.t to lend th•• Mnson­ terest thet con wm e 1 educed The Maple and Elm streets me wondering END~ lift WITH GA~ denied Onondaga, Ingham and Leslie Inghnm Daily Hmd Testing nssoclutlon Daylight Is eight yeats old and has last of these serlnl bomls fell due and when the promised lmptovcmcnts mo townships because aiel Is not ptovtded mado !1 tecotd thnt is not often smpassed. Mr Procto1 is holcllng the 1ope was paid April 21 of the p1 cscnt yen1 to be mmlc unless the loealunlts reach or exceed NOW II \S 'rWO ST!\.'rE Mt Wllf01d Is In the buclcglound Tlw remnlntlet of the cnthc Issue, Mt Zlckgtat said ho was told by the 15-mlll limitation With tho te· SCHOOL IIEAilS, $75 000, fulls due on Apill 21, 1936 lcllef nuthoillles that plans fot cauy- \VALl'Im riEOGI~N COM~UTS SUI- cluctlon of p1operty taxes for school~ The bon1d of educntlon is now faced lng on the FERA ptogrn.m mc being ome Al' SON'S FAit~l. rcsultmg from state school nld, only Ill' Vocllcet Clrtlms lie Is Enlltlccl 1'o Legion Horse Races with the nccesslly of 1efuncllng the is­ held up nwnltlng tho nnnouncemcnt or four of the seven townships whore Offlce Desplle Defent In April WAGf TilT sue This the members nrc happy to tile lnte TfA~HERS' Scheduled On Fourth undertalw becnuse, whe10as the mig­ st five billion dolln1 p!agtnm Wus IDmplo~ctl Fo1• Se\ern 1 ~'.. cnrs state and federal ngcncles are eating GNICrnl Jilccllon, • I was nssmcd,' Mr Zlckgraf said, 'llllc lll"Jl""lC>l 1, 01 s 'l. t\, for relief will qunllfy fm the a 11e .,. lnallssur. dtcw mtetcst at six por cent "thnt Mason street pnvlng will be 1n- Cnrtwmllon. es e owns P wan c pet annum, 1t Is believed the lntmest '' ,, Cv ·• If L 11 t hi ts fc lc1al nne! It Is vncnt10n time fm '"1 c 111 gnu ~CHfDUlEO IN COUNTY romt D \YS Ol~ HACING \1' I~ \Sl' wtc on the now issue will not exceocl cludPd In the first list of p1ojects un- ___ state 1cllof agencies to handle the wei· boys nnd gills but ewn !hough school ST \TIJ Am 'l'O l'IIOl'lJ)E L \NSING rit \CI\. lluee per cent, pet haps less The or­ dN the new set-up Inasmuch us the fmc ptoblem tt will bo necessary for has been dtsmlsscd there ate two sup- CRE \SE IN sc \LE cost of materials USPcl Is to be pn.ld by Despondent ovc1 f~nnnclnl tev,clses the township to spteud u town tux of erlntcndents of pubhe Instruction Dr iginal lasue of bonds was uncnllable, tho city nnd inasmuch us the federal nnd domcsltc ttoublus, WnltCI fled- G D7 mills It Is believed that Leslie 1 Paul F' Voelllrl whose tmm exphcd Theta wlll be fom clays of hotse the bomd bring fmccd to pn.y the ex­ racing at the East Lansing ttncll this !tome high lntmcst mtos without the government has not been asked f011 gun 51 ended his life nt the farm of cnn handle Its own relief ptoblems nt June 30 because of his defeat In the Wug-es Of ll111ul School l'mchets l\l.t~ nny pru t of tho mnto11nl cost" his son, Lucwn Tledgen, ncar Chat- Jess cost than would result from the April clectwn refuses to give up his wcelc The 1aces wlll stnt t July 1 unci powrr to call them in nnd 1efund Be Jt,tlscd 20 Per Cent Uecnusc continue thtough Sunday The tact When the bonds wete issued mtetest :'l!nyot Arthm w Jewett urged the lotte Fudfly night or Satmdny morn- sptendlng of the high township tax offtcc to Eugene B Elllotl who wns Of Stnte \lei, council to be pntlont He said "Rest- lng Ho inhaled em bon monoxide In Onondaga nnd Ingham townships appointed by Governor Frank D Fltz- meeting IS sponsotccl by the Mmnlce 1£1tes wote high and tho school b01ud dcnts of Oak and Mnple sttcets were from an automobtle cxhnust Mr similar conditions extst gerald to flll the vacancy caused by Rural school tcache1s who huve Hmvcy Dixon post of the Ametlc,m contracted for theft sale without tnlc­ Leglon The Lansing vetmans buvc mg mto constdctntlon changed flnan­ not definitely told when the pnvmg Ttedgen was tho ownct of t11e W-E Oounlcv ltnte Hlg!101 the dPath of Mmulce R I{cyworth two 1 signed conttacts for the commg school would be stflrted The undcrtnlcmg ts Inn In Mason until he sold It to Jack Last yem the county tax rate was weelcs ago Dr Vocllw1, a democrat, yuar face the 1osy p10spect of ICcelv- sccurcd some of ll1c finest hotses In clnl conditions and the posslbthty of out of our hands and the 1csldents of Williams n few months ago Bef01c fixed nt 2 fl3 mills This coming ycat sttll chetlshcs the constitution and mg tnclcascs appwxlmatmg 20 pe1 MICiugnn, Indiana and Ohio fot the Blrbsoquontly lowet lntctcst rates Oak nnd Maple should not hole! us re- thn.t he wns employed fat scve1al the mtc Is slightly tnCleasod and It ls cluuns that he is enlttleq to hold the cent Teachms who had stgnccl con­ fom-day meetmg At 1ts meeting h< lei Monclny night sponslble fat the delay nt county re- yunrs as milk lnspect01 f01 the SMA also lllccly thnt tho vnluntlons Will be office unltl a successo1 1~ elected nnd ~tncts calltng fat monthly wage~ of Many of the ho1scs ate bt mg p1ellmlnn1y to ttw annual mct•tlng of lief hc(tclqumtcrs" plant He wns well !mown th10ugh- 1ntsed by mmo than one mtll!on dol- qualities $10 Will, In many cases, be pnld $~0 a btought to t11e Enst Lansing tt,tcll the dtst11ct It was dete11nlned thnt Farm Lnhor Shot1nge out Ingham county nnd In the Dimon- lnrs The state also asked for and 10· Dr Elliott a Hpubhcan, hns been month Last yea1 thete wete sc>vetal fm the opomng of hm ness utcing tho bout d would recommend that new 1 which begins In em nest w1th the hold-~ bonds be off<'Jed at not to exceed thtl'c 1Delay in stm tlng the paving pto· clale nolghbOihood whcte he lived most celvcd eight-tenths of n mill lasl yea1 Dr Vocllce! 's n.sslstnnt for two yen to nu.11 teachers who luc< tved but S30 n g nm Jed to u ellscusslon of the tcllof/ of his life , This year the stntc propmty tnx hns He was appointed by the govNnOJ month 'rhls coming yem the mini­ lng of county fnns.
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