Chapter Seven Sectional Strife, 1820 to 1880 Antebellum Period Civil War Reconstruction and Industrial Expansion 1820 to 1861 1861 to 1865 1865 to 1880 1820-29 1832 1840 1850 1861 1865 1866 1867 1876 | | | ||| ||| Canal, Fertilizer Pennsylvania Region Virginia Surrender at Gallaudet Howard Johns railroad improves grows population secedes Appomattox; College University Hopkins and coal plantation tobacco exceeds from the slavery founded founded University development agriculture 1.8 million Union abolished founded AN ECOLOGY OF PEOPLE SIGNIFICANT ▫ 1837–Great Panic of ▫ 1861 to 1865–Civil War 1837 throws nation’s fought between Union AND PLACE EVENTS economy into depression and Confederacy ▫ 1820’s–canal, railroad, ▫ 1839–nation’s first iron- ▫ 1862–northwestern Ⅺ PEOPLE and coal industrial hulled ship, the Virginia counties secede development revolu- DeRosset, built in to form new federal The mid-nineteenth century brought tionizes technology Baltimore state of West Virginia unprecedented transformations to all ▫ 1826–Maryland ▫ 1840–Pennsylvania ▫ 1862–Battle of Antietam assembly extends farmers begin growing fought in Maryland’s aspects of life in the region (see Map 9). suffrage to Jewish men cigar wrapper tobacco Great Valley; bloodiest Coal, steel, and steam fueled industrial ▫ 1827–Charles Carroll of ▫ 1841–Tredegar Iron single day of Civil War expansion, binding the Chesapeake Carrollton, Maryland Works opens in ▫ 1863–pivotal Battle of organizes the Baltimore Richmond Gettysburg fought region more firmly with the rest of the and Ohio Railroad; first ▫ 1844–nation’s first ▫ 1865–Robert E. Lee sur- nation and the world. Scientific passenger and freight telegraph line erected railway in United States renders Army of North- advances and religious revivals chal- between Baltimore and ern Virginia to General ▫ 1828–work begins on Washington lenged people’s views. New crops were Grant at Appomattox Baltimore and Ohio ▫ 1844–anti-immigrant Courthouse; other introduced, and old plants were farmed Railroad and the Chesa- Know-Nothing party Confederate surrenders peake and Ohio Canal formed end the Civil War in new ways. ▫ 1829–Chesapeake and ▫ 1845–United States ▫ 1865–Thirteenth Sectional differences divided Northern Delaware Canal opens Naval Academy opens in Amendment to Consti- ▫ tution abolishes slavery and Southern parts of the nation and the 1830–Peter Cooper’s Annapolis steam engine, the Tom ▫ 1848–Irish, German, ▫ 1865 to 1877–Era of region during this period. In the Thumb, makes first trip and Polish immigrants Reconstruction from Baltimore to begin arriving in large ▫ Chesapeake Bay region, North-South ten- Ellicott’s Mills 1866–Gallaudet College, numbers first institution of sions eclipsed earlier differences ▫ 1831–Maryland State ▫ 1850–regional popula- higher learning for deaf, between the Coastal Plain and Pied- Colonization Society opens in Washington established to relocate tion exceeds 1.8 million mont. Made more efficient by technolog- freed slaves ▫ 1853 to 1863– ▫ 1867–Howard University, nation’s first African ical advances, slavery became vital to ▫ 1831–Nat Turner leads Washington Aqueduct constructed American college, the economies of Southern states. These unsuccessful slave opens in Washington revolt in Southampton ▫ 1855–Republican party same technological advances allowed County, Virginia formed ▫ 1868–Hampton Normal and Agricultural Northerners, strengthened by industrial ▫ 1832–Edmund Ruffin’s ▫ 1858–first steam- powered fire engine Institute opened in growth, to ideologically and materially publication of influen- Hampton, Virginia tial scientific report placed into service in challenge Southern attempts to extend regarding use of marl Baltimore ▫ 1873–Economic Crash and expand the slave system. The strug- as fertilizer increases ▫ 1859–Abolitionist John ▫ 1876–Johns Hopkins gle over slavery and states’ rights was efficiency of plantation Brown leads unsuccess- University opens in agriculture ful raid on Harper’s Ferry Baltimore fueled by more than differing economic ▫ 1832–worldwide cholera to spark slave revolt ▫ 1877–striking railroad systems. In a broader sense, it became a epidemic strikes region ▫ 1861–Virginia secedes workers violently contest over contending concepts of race, ▫ 1837–Chesapeake and from Union and joins suppressed by Maryland Ohio Canal completed Confederacy militia class, work, and ethnicity that divided An Ecology of People and Place 95 Map 9: Sectional Strife, 1820 to 1880 d a o r il a Bomberger's R l Distillery a r t ad n ia Railro e Columb C ia & lph North de ila Ph Wheatland ● Lancaster S Union Canal Tunnel us Yo r k ● qu eh Su Ferncliff Wildlife an s na q and Wildflower a ue nd h Preserve Philadelphia, Wilmington T a id nn and Baltimore Railroad ew a at er R Gilpin's C iv Sion Gettysburg an e Falls al r Hill ● Chesapeake and Elkton Delaware Canal Long Green Creek and ● Sweathouse Chesapeake City e Branch Natural g r d e i Area r in R v e i v ta Antietam n i n i t R R Battlefield u c r o o y t P te c Carrollton a a s M e a C t Viaduct h th c a Chestertown C u p ● o o Frederick s n c S o ● o R Baltimore Metropolitan iver M r Railroad e Ellicott City v Harper's Ferry Gap Monocacy Thomas i Station Kent R Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Sugar Loaf Viaduct Island k Harpers● Mountain n U.S. Naval a Ferry Waterford t Academy p Ball's Chesapeake o Bluff and Ohio Canal h er C Riversdale iv ● Lou Washington Manassas Gap Leesburg do Thomas Point n Aqueduct Shoal Light Station Manassas Gap RR & ● Washington DC ke R Ha ire RR Oak mpsh ● Alexandria ● Potomac P tico Hill a n Canal t a u N Mount x Thorofare Centreville Vernon Belt Woods e Gap n t ● Cambridge ● Manassas R Warrenton i Bull Run Mountain v er e iv r r Battle Creek e Thornton Gap R v c Cypress Swamp i a ● Salisbury R iver m Calvert h R to Cliffs Preserve a R a o o R a p P oke R d ri n d p s n a a a n i x h n e ocom e a l a t P h A n n & S u ● Culpeper n Fredericksburg o e o g c M n k ra Chancellorsville iv e O R er Caledon T g ve Smith a d Ri r ● State Park Potomac Ri i Rapidan ver Island n R g i e The Wilderness e u r l S B Spotsylvania o u n Montpelier d Fredericksburg Forest Battlefield Camden Rappahannock R Tangier ac RR Island Virginia C entral Railroad M C at ● t iver h ond, Frederick, a Charlottesville po Gap n e kfish i c R s o and Potom R iv Virginia Richm e a P r a p Coast Green Springs mu n e Reserve ke s y a in R Mattaponi Indian ta iv k n Cold Harbor e Reservation u Marlbourne r e o ad M o B e lr Richmond g ai Richmond id R Pamunkey ● Battlefields a R ee Jam e s es Indian u s River y l e James Ric Reservation B nn hmo e River nd & Y T x River York or & Rive k a Canal r Railroad R Cape ni tto i gi a v e r ir John Tyler House Charles V Appomattox m o Hampton Courthouse p p Petersburg Institute A Petersburg & Appomattox Battlefields Fort Monroe James River Gap Saylor's Creek s ● ● City Point Railroad J d a oa Five Forks m R e on Cape s pt Petersburg N Charles Ri m Henry or ve a ● Southside Railroad folk C.Steirly r H Norfolk ● & Seashore oad Pet Natural Area Lynchburg e Railr ers ● Natural Area uthsid bu So rg R Portsmouth ailr oad & d d oa on lr Great ai m R Petersburg & Weldon Railroad Dismal ch i lle R vi Swamp an D LEGEND National Historic Landmark Railroad Civil War Battlefields Canal • City or Town Bay © National Natural Landmark Plain 0 5 10 25 50 miles ■ Natural or Cultural Feature Piedmont 0 5 10 40 80 kilometers North 96 CHAPTER SEVEN: SECTIONAL STRIFE KEY LOCALES NATIONAL HISTORIC United States Soldiers Thomas Viaduct, Sayler’s Creek Battlefield LANDMARKS Home [1851] Baltimore and Ohio [1865], Amelia and Washington Aqueduct Railroad [1835] Prince Edward counties District of Columbia [1853-1863] John Tyler House [1780, Landmarks Pennsylvania Washington Navy Yard 1842], Charles City American Peace Society [1800-1910] Bomberger’s Distillery County [1860s] [1753, 1840], Lebanon University of Virginia County Anderson House [mid- Maryland Historic District [19th- 19th century] Chestertown Historic Fulton Opera House 20th centuries], District [18th-19th [1852], Lancaster Charlottesville City Army Medical Museum County and Library [1867] centuries], Kent County University of Virginia Union Canal Tunnel Rotunda [1822-1826, Ashburton House [ca. Ellicott City Station [1831], Howard County [1825-1827], Lebanon 1898], Charlottesville 1836] County City Blair-Lee House [1827] Monocacy Battlefield [1864], Frederick Wheatland, James Waterford Historic Blanche K. Bruce House County Buchanan House District [18th-19th [1865] [1828], Lancaster centuries], Loudon Old Lock Pump House, County County Carnegie Endowment for Chesapeake and International Peace Delaware Canal [1837], [1860] Virginia Richmond City Cecil County Landmarks City Hall [1820-1849] Alexandria Historic Riversdale [early 19th District [18th-19th Egyptian Building [1845] Franklin School [1862- century], Prince centuries], Alexandria 1875] George’s County Ellen Glasgow House City [1841] Gallaudet College [1866] Sion Hill [19th-20th Ball’s Bluff Battlefield and Jackson Ward Historic General Post Office centuries], Harford National Cemetery County District [19th-20th [1839-1866] [1861 and 1865], centuries] Loudon County Georgetown Historic Thomas Point Shoal Light Station [1875], Ann James Monroe Tomb District [18th-19th Camden [17th-19th [1859] centuries] Arundel County centuries], Caroline United States Naval County Tredegar Iron Works Charlotte Forten Grimke [1841] House [1880] Academy [1845], Drydock No.
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