MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PURLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL, HELD IN THE WELLS PAVILION, HOWE GREEN ROAD ON FRIDAY, 14TH AUGUST 2020 AT 7.00 P.M. Members present: Mr. S. Bardwell (Chairman), Mr. C. Ash, and Mr. S. Potter. Also in attendance: Mrs. Jane Potter (Clerk). 1/08/20 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mr. N. Arthur, Mr. G. Rayner, Mr. G. Strathern and Mr. B. Oliver who were unable to attend the meeting due to prior personal commitments and for health reasons. In the absence of Mr. Rayner, Mr. Bardwell (Vice-Chairman) took the Chair. 2/08/20 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATIONS (Localism Act 2011) There were no new Declarations of Interest made nor were there any applications for dispensations from the provisions of the Localism Act 2011. 3/08/20 THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF PURLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 17TH JULY 2020 having been circulated to all Members, were approved, and signed by the Chairman. 4/08/20 TO DISCUSS ANY MATTERS OF INFORMATION ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES: 4.1/08/20 Clerk: The Clerk did not have any matters of information arising from the July meeting to report to Members. 4.2/08/20 Members’: Members did not have any matters arising from the July meeting to discuss. 5/08/20 PLANNING MATTERS 5.1/08/20 Decisions taken between meetings: Members noted that the Parish Council had not made any recommendations to Maldon District Council on planning applications between meetings. 5.2/08/20 Current applications: HOUSE/MAL/20/00569 Two storey side extension. 1 Hawthornes, Purleigh. The Parish Council RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. FUL/MAL/20/00631 Conversion of buildings to create 2No. dwellings, link extensions and alterations to the buildings and demolition of remaining buildings. Land Adjacent Purleigh Law, Walton Hall Lane, Purleigh. The Parish Council RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. LPW/MAL/20/00594 Claim for certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to a listed building. Description of works: link from extension to annex. Burnt House, Lodge Lane, Purleigh. The Parish Council RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. TCA/MAL/20/00756 T1 Lleylandii conifer – Remove. Kenbury, The Street, Purleigh. The Parish Council RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. HOUSE/MAL/20/00738 Adding dropped kerb and vehicle crossing to allow access to and use of side/front garden as driveway. 22, The Glebe, Purleigh. The Parish Council RECOMMENDED REFUSAL on the following grounds: 307 1. The proposal would have a significant and unjustified visual impact on the character and appearance of the street scene to the detriment of the natural environment, by removing a tree, some public green space and by urbanising the area, contrary to Policy D1 of the Maldon District Local Plan and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework. 2. The proposal would cross a pedestrian footpath separated from the highway by a deep greensward, giving priority to private vehicles instead of pedestrians, wheelchairs and cyclists, contrary to Policies T1 and T2 of the Maldon District Local Plan. 3. If allowed to proceed, public parking space would be lost to the detriment of highway safety and an unwelcome and damaging precedent would be set for similar development in the vicinity of the site. 4. A dropped kerb in this location therefore, as a result of the amount of grass verge and vegetation which would be lost and expanse of associated driveway proposed, would be an incongruous feature to the detriment of appearance of the street scene where such features are largely absent along this section and southern side of The Glebe. As a result, the development would cause demonstrable harm to the character and appearance of the area, contrary to policies D1 and H4 of the approved Maldon District Local Development Plan. 5.3/08/20 Notification of appeals: Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Appeal under section 78 Site Address: Land adjacent to Fourways, Howe Green Road, Purleigh. Proposal: Outline application (all matters reserved) single storey detached dwelling and garage. Application Ref: 19/01287/OUT Appeal Ref: APP/1545/W/20/3255118 Appeal Start Date: 6th August 2020 Members noted that an Appeal had been made to the Secretary of State against Maldon District Council’s decision to refuse to grant planning permission for the above development. 5.4/08/20 Maldon District Council planning decisions: Members noted that Maldon District Council had APPROVED the following planning applications: ♦ FUL/MAL/20/00258 Variation of condition 2 on approved planning permission 19/00183/FUL (Erection of agricultural storage building and associated hardstanding.) Land at Old Whitmans Farm, Hackmans Lane. ♦ FUL/MAL/20/00385 Variation of condition 2 on approved planning permission 19/00184/FUL (Erection of agricultural storage building.) Land at Old Whitmans Farm, Hackmans Lane. and had REFUSED to grant planning permission for the following development: ♦ FUL/MAL/20/00370 Proposed lake on former equestrian site. Montrose, Birchwood Road, Cock Clarks. 5.5/08/20 Other planning matters: Maldon District Council Enforcement Investigations: It was noted that Maldon District Council had begun the following enforcement investigations: ♦ 20/00105/OPCOMP Unauthorised hard surfacing to front of property. 31, The Glebe. ♦ 20/00103/OPDEV Unauthorised formation of a lake. Montrose, Birchwood Road, Cock Clarks. Noise and anti-social behaviour complaint re: property in The Glebe: Members noted that between meetings the Parish Council had received a complaint about anti-social behaviour at a property in The Glebe. The Parish Council had explained to the resident that it was not responsible for any housing in Purleigh, that this matter hadn’t previously been brought to Members’ attention and had referred them to Ellen Barkley (Enforcement Officer, Maldon District Council) and Jacqueline Prendy, (Neigbourhood Manager, Moat Housing.) Ellen Barkley had subsequently advised the resident that the District Council had powers to investigate complaints of noise nuisance. This would involve the complainant keeping written records for a period of time so that the extent of the disturbance could be established. If those records indicated that further investigation 307 was necessary, recording equipment would be installed in their home to gather further evidence. Should it be found that a statutory nuisance existed the District Council would serve an abatement notice which put a legal requirement on the other property owner to address the issue. Unfortunately this was not a quick fix as there was a procedure to follow and the District Council needed evidence in order to take the appropriate action. Ellen Barkley had also agreed to liaise with Moat, as the occupier of the property would have conditions on their tenancy which Moat could enforce, and the complainant’s concerns about drug abuse would be followed up, as would those over animal welfare. The resident had subsequently thanked the Parish Council for its intervention. South Woodham Ferrers Masterplan for development north of the B1012 in South Woodham Ferrers: Members noted that the Woodham Infrastructure Group had asked the Parish Council to re-consider its decision not to comment on the Masterplan and had provided further information for Members’ consideration. It was agreed to write to Chelmsford City Council, expressing the Parish Council’s concerns over the implications of the Masterplan on travel from Purleigh and the wider Dengie Hundred through South Woodham Ferrers following such large scale development. Members were very concerned about the vast increase in traffic the development would cause and the apparent lack of mitigation and traffic management measures proposed alongside it. Maldon District Planning Committee Meeting: FUL/MAL/20/00157 Application to carry out ground investigations, load test and associated works in connection with a proposed new Nuclear Power Station at Bradwell-on-Sea, together with the creation of two site compound areas and associated parking areas. Land East of Bradwell Power Station, Downhall Beach, Bradwell-On-Sea. Members were reminded that the Parish Council had recently submitted comments on the above planning application which had been reconsidered at a remote meeting of the District Planning Committee on 13th August 2020 at 1. 00 p.m. Members had been provided with the following link to the live stream on the District Council’s website: https://democracy.maldon.gov.uk/mgCalendarMonthView.aspx?GL=1&bcr=1. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: Planning for the future, White paper August 2020: Members noted that headlines on the proposals included: A 300,000 annual housing target; a 30 month time limit to prepare local plans which would be shorter than at present and would identify land in three categories of: Growth, renewal and protection; a single flat rate infrastructure levy to replace section 106 agreements and the community infrastructure levy, with a neighbourhood share retained; a new focus on design; and greater use of digital technology and data. Importantly, neighbourhood planning was being retained and made easier, with content more focussed and a greater use of technology. Members noted that the white paper was subject to consultation, and that two other policy papers had been published alongside it. The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) would be publishing its own consultation documents on these, asking for local councils’ views to inform its own response. It was also hoping to hold an online event to help explain the proposals. NALC was urging all county associations and local councils to put the planning white paper on their agendas over the coming weeks so councils could consider the proposals and share their views with NALC and the Government. Members noted that NALC’s initial reaction to the White Paper had been to advocate that communities must be at the heart of a locally-led planning system, with the powers and resources to ensure that new development was of a high standard in the right places, and included affordable houses and much needed community infrastructure.
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