Fascism is a pathological condition, a disease of Society. Unfortunately it is contagious. Its leading symptoms are ex­ aggerated selfishness and moral atrophy. In its more virulent phase, as in Ger­ many, Italy and Spain, it glorifies and justifies crime. In its weaker forms, as in the British Government and the majori­ ties of the two Houses of Parliament, it appears as a complacent and selfish cow­ ardice. But it is the same disease, and I fear that a very slight change in econo­ mic conditions would produce the viru­ lent phase even in England. — Sir Peter Chalmers-Mitchell Vol. 1. Nos. 25-26. LONDON, 10th DECEMBER, 1937 PR ICE 2d.— U.S.A. 5 CENTS. Spain and the World - /*XUR generation seems to be un- Fascism had at last found an understand that their government's ^ able to appreciate at its real opponent willing to fight and fully interests and policies were contrary value what the Spanish people have capable of resisting its onslaught. to their own interests and aims and been doing during the last sixteen That such an opponent appeared in that the cause of the Spanish peo­ months. If we — all of us living Spain constitutes the most complete ple is their own cause. outside Spain who claim to love vindication of the libertarian and They have not, in any imposing freedom and progress — had brains revolutionary principles to which numbers, done so. The English and heart enough to understand the Spanish people had been edu­ workers solidly aligned behind His and feel the social and historical cated for over fifty years. Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, follow importance of their stand against The Fascist conspiracy was de­ Fascism, their plight would be less feated in July 1936 over three supinely a Conservative govern­ alarming. quarters of Spain; and it would have ments’ policy of pro-Fascist inter­ vention in Spain. The French work­ In the early twenties, Fascism been easily repulsed in the remain­ was an unknown entity. It was ing quarter had not the world ac­ ers pride themselves in their blind discipline to the “ Front Populaire ” generally thought of as a personal tively or passively abetted the con­ which is governing France to the enterprise of a very ambitious ad­ spiracy. best interests of. the “ two hundred venturer capitalizing on post-war families ’’ who dominate the coun­ delusions, in a poor romantic and ★ try and would rather see the mon­ somewhate backward country. The No amount of diplomatic sophis­ archy restored both in France and Italians, wrong as they were in try can disprove any of the follow­ in Spain than lose their Spanish di­ their half-hearted opposition to ing facts: vidends. And as for Russia, Mr. Fascism, were taken by surprise. 1) Non-intervention is and was Litvinoff put its position in a nut­ Ten years later, the real meaning intended to be, a fraud, resorted to shell when he said in Geneva: “ We of Fascism had fully developed. It by the great non-fascist powers of have sacrificed Spain’’ ...rather than was not a personal adventure. It Europe in order to prevent the peo­ compromise our friendship with was not a passing crisis. It was a ple of Spain from obtaining foreign semi-feudal England and our alli­ deeply rooted class reaction, totali­ arms with which to defend their ance with plutocratic France. tarian in character and barbarous democratic and independent insti­ in methods. It was Capitalism set tutions and their future of political Thus, the workers of so-called out to perpetuate its rule by un­ liberty and economic justice, from civilised Europe are letting them­ doing the work of civilisation ac­ the menace of the Franco military selves be carried to the same shame complished by the preceding gener­ rebellion openly aided by inter­ and bankruptcy which engulfs their ations, from the Reformation to the national Fascism. double-faced ruling class. Democratic Revolution and, of 2) The pretence that by openly course, the Social Revolution. It opposing the Italo-German invasion It is a sad |»osiiion when com­ was the liquidation of the right of of Spain, the great non-fascist pow­ pared with the straightforward at­ man, freedom of conscience, civil ers of Europe would have precipita­ titude taken by the workers of Spain. and political rights. The German ted war is utterly false. Undoubt­ people knew this, but having for edly there are elements of folly in Heroic Spain surrounded by a many decades been regimented by the general make up of the Fascist cowardly and vile world. BEWARE! THE ENEMY LIES IN WAIT! marxist politicians into blind sub­ Dictators. But crazy as they are, mission to their own unintelligent they know that they are at the MAX SARTIN. rule, they were unable to resist the head of bankrupt countries, of poor Newark, N.J. onslaught of their own national countries lacking the materials brand of Fascism. The Austrian without which no war can be waged News From Spain workers put up a brave fight in successfully, while they — the non­ AN OPINION 1984, but it was too late for their fascist countries of Europe — pos­ My sympathies are, of course, own safety. They were beseiged sess such materials in unlimited with the Government side, especi­ The Communist Party and Anti-Fascist from all sides. A ll they could do quantities and greater armies, lar­ ally with the Anarchists; for Anar­ — and it was no mean accomplish­ ger navies, more powerful aviations. chism seems to me much more like­ Prisoners ment — was to die valiantly and Furthermore the non-fascist gov­ ly to lead to desirable social show the workers of the world the ernments can rely on the support change than highly centralized, only way to stop the spread of of their peoples in a war against dictatorial Communism. As for T W O weeks ago the P O U M prisoner* who had been held for Fascism and save whatever might Fascism, in a much larger measure ‘‘taking sides”— the choice it seems months in prison, were finally brought to trial and were acquit­ than the Dictators can. It is un­ be worth saving of our crumbling to me, is no longer between two ted on all charges. In spite of the proven innocence and on the civilisation. believable that international Fasc­ users of violence, two systems of instance of Senor Irujo it was decided to hold them in prison for ism would risk its own life by run­ dictatorship. Violence and dic­ ¥ ning the hazard of such a war; but tatorship cannot produce peace and an undetermined period, presumably because their release might Up to July 1936, Fascism had had it been so inclined its defeat liberty; they can only produce the be displeasing to the Soviet power behind the throne, which the found no competent resistance. Peo­ would have been certain. results of violence and dictator­ Spanish Government finds it so necessary to propitiate. 3) What the great non-fascist ples and nations had been surrend­ ship, result with whi^h history has John McGovern returned from Spain last Saturday and he governments of Europe really fear ering to it. Powerful governments made us only too sickenly familiar. reports further on this and many other shocking miscarriages ot were supinely giving way to its ever is not the military power of Fasc­ The choice now is between mili­ growing pretensions. Its social re­ ism nor the horrors of war, but the tarism and pacifism. To me the justice. action at home was being intergra- disloyalty of their own privileged necessity of pacifism seems abso­ While he was in Spain it became known that the government ted by foreign conquest. Its suc­ classes. They know that capitalists, lutely clear. had practically decided to declare an amnesty for all working-class financiers, industrialists, merchants, cesses made it all the more auda­ ALDOUS HUXLEY political prisoners, hut that this decision was so hotly resisted by cious. Nothing seemed to be able bureaucracy and clergy in their own (From “ Authors Take Sides.” ) countries sympathize w ith Fascism, the two Communist members of the Cabinet, that it was abandoned. to stem the tide. Then Spain gave During the celebration of the anniversary of Durruti's death, the measure of itself. Even though that their interests and sentiments = = = = Contents: ~ our drowsy and distracted genera­ are aligned on the side of Fran­ in Valencia, the excited crowd decided to release the prisoners and tion is incapable of understanding co, Mussolini and Hitler against Other articles in rushed to the prison in such numbers anti with such determination, the Spanish republic and people. clearly, history will never forget. this issue include: that it was with great difficulty that the troops were able to repulse Page July 19th is for humanity as impor­ This is the only reason why the so- called liberal, democratic and bol­ them. tant a date as July 14th or Novem­ American Letter When McGovern presented himself at the special prison for ber 7th. A cunning international shevik governments keep up a non­ by Harry Kelly 2 fascist facade while they execute conspiracy of Fascist dictators, plu­ political prisoners he was refused admission by the Communist gov­ a very definite pro-fascist policy to­ This is Fascist tocrat pirates and frocked purvey­ ernor. who felt no qualms at disregarding the pass of the the Mini­ ors of salvation, had planned with wards Spain. Civilisation 3 ster of Justice himself! On going to the police headquarters to traitor generals to stab the Repub­ * The Unofficial Forces of make a protest McGovern found himself again confronted by a lic to death and sell Spain to Fasc­ Communist in charge! ism.
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