IN THE NEWS Jl1ursda~ meeting draws 300- riefly Board hopeful~ . Puddles meet the Rumor has it four persons. melted Iy KEVIN McCORMALLY simply by asmg not to attelld dates, 011 the Sept. IS ballot. Iowa Cfty, loWi Thursday due to the high humidity, and, D,lIy lew,n City Editor the class. if the weather people at Associated Press Voters will be asked to re-ap­ 52240 can be trusled, more can be expected to Sex educatioll in schools, Houston, Magnusson 8IId Ms_ prove a 0/, mill levy to support drop toda y. Watch where you step. That lack of communication between Timmerman said they favor the college. Five years ago, the changing the system an elec­ r Iitlle red line should make it past 90. school board members and the to last time the question to support People who dig lightning and thunder public, and a new no-grade sys­ tive, meaning studetlts would the college was on the ballot, Still on. have to "opt ill" the sex , should enjo? Saturday. Sunday's earth­ tem were the main topics dis­ to it was approved by 60 per ceat e1as!. ~hin dim. quake warnIng has been cancelled. cussed Thursday during a two­ of the voterl. alld-one·half hour •• s c hOD I Miller, Kemp alld Po,"l1 IUP­ To be eligible to vote 1I tbe board candldatu nllht. " ported the currtllt I)'.ttm. IChooi board eiecttoll U, MI. Tlmmtnnu told tbt Iud· Sef' None About SOlI perlOlIS attellded voters mu.t be register. by I . the 7:30 meetml City tenet. "I dOll't .. tluman p.m, today It tht Civic C.. ter. ,.m. ta rel,tlolll a , primll1 funCUOI Because of the Labor Day holiday, ftC! Hlp School aUditorium where edition of The Dally Iowan will be pub­ seven candidates fer three of the publie acbool .,..." lished Monday morning. The regular She thinks Sel education should board seata gave their views In be the parents' responsibility. • Monday through Friday publication .hort opening statement. and schedule will be resumed Tuesday then fielded questions from the Powell took issue with that morning. predominatly female crowd. statement. "I couldn't disagree , with Ms_ Timmerman more. I Ms. Richard Hovet, president would regard how to get along of the Iowa City Council of with people as a basIc neces­ To work Parent • Teacher Associations sity," he said. I that sponsored the meeting, One person attending Ule SPENCER (}I') - Spencer Foods, Inc., said the crowd was "double the plants here, at Sioux Falls, S.D., and meeting asked Houston if he usual annual turnout." She at­ thought making the sex classes I Schuyler, Neb., will resume operation tributed the increase "to the Tuesday morning, and the packing firm's electives would defeat their high amount of interest in this purpose. "The students whose fourth plant at Hartley, la., will be back year's election." In operation Sept. 13: parents are aware would have Voters will go to the polls their children take the class. I lecture • The facilities in Iowa and Sioux Falls Sept_ 13 to elect three new lals, thit And those in homes where sex Is were struck by the Amalgamated Meat members to the city's seven a proltibited subject would not Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North member board. Five of the be allowed to take the course," ~n Avery America in January, and union members candidates present at the the man explained. · at the Schuyler plant walked off their Thursday meeting are seeking "I can't understand ," Houston jobs in May . three year board terms and the said. "I hear it alot that if it's The long strike ended ear Her this week other two are competing for a an elective the kids who need it when union members ratified the com­ one year seat on the boa r d the most won't get it and the I pany's latest contract offer. opened by the resignation of a kids that don 't need it will take 'Y current board member. The cOl1tract calls for a 9O-cent-an-hour it. Increase over the next 43 months plus Those seeking three year "There are too many assump­ increased fringe benefits. terms are Dr. Paul Houston, tions in that," he added . 223 Lucon Drive: T.H. Mag· The seven candidates all p nusson, 1415 Marcy Street ; tentatively approved the new leaky John C. Miller. 2315 Lakeside system in city grade sch'lul !s can b Drive ; Dr . Robin Powell, 330 that eliminates the letter grade. WASHINGTON (}I') - FBI agents put Ferson Avenue : and Jane La­ Ms. Latourette said she was • !ir de'ector ~ O~I& to iour State Depart­ tourette, 815 West Park Road . for keeping the system through lquiremenl ment off;cilll- in tr~i ng to track down Bar bar a Timmerman . 5 fhe current year and studying lven't con· the source nf a news leak , informants Glendale Terrace, and Robert its effects before contlnuing the m give \IS 1said Thursda y. Kemp. 2916 Standford Avenue, system. Her view was consistsnt n," Brown The four - not identified - were said are running for the one-year with the other candidates. to have agreed voluntarily to take the term. Another topic discussed by Fielding questions tests and to have passed them. In their opening statements, the candidates was vocational ilow them The State Department declined com­ nearly every candidate made educational training in the city Seven candidat!!. for the lowil City School Board appellred .t • pub. 10 acqulinl voters witll the ..ven who IIrt I", thrt. open ...t. ty Council Iment on an)' specifics of the investiga­ an issue of communications be­ schools. lie meeting Thursday evening It City High School Ind .ns"",rld on the schaol bollrd in the S.pt. 13 schotll .lectlol1'. md three tion , which invoived a July 2.3 New YorK tween the board and the pub­ The candidates seemed to question, from $Orne 31H) person, attending. The meetint w•• htld -. """1 by John Avtr., for elec· Times account concerning the U .ii.­ lic. agree that more such training ld. Sovief Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Houston said he believes, was needed to better sel've the es to run (SALT). lithe first task of the newly non-college bound stud en l. One the mnn· elected board would be the audience member suggested Try to 'minimize loss of quality'- council is creation of a task force to that candidates, if elected, work l people," study board-community rela­ to change the current emphasis • N busses tions." He suggested the pos­ in schools "to push girls toward er Frank MONTGO M~RY, Ala. 14'\ - The Ala­ sible appointment of a citizens home economics and boys to­ Fiscal gloom as UI services are cut Loren L. b,,,," Hou'" 'D~.sf' d Gw. George C. a d vis 0 r y board that would wards being aut!' mechanics." contacted WaJl1\c ~ ' s aq' i bu~ing hill '1'hursday and work with the council on com­ Kemp agreed and said in By BILL ISRAEL In ]971-73 is to minimize the coni ,"geney reduction plan wlJl university, and only 60 per cenl ment or. set the stage for a new confrontation munity-relation problems. many areas boys are enrolling Daily Iowan University Editor loss of quality." in fact result In a loss of Quality, of the custodial starr required \ with the federal courts over school In­ Ms. Latourette said her in food classes and girls in Fiscal gloom pervades lhe niversity Pres. Willard L, an even greater 10 s would re­ to lTlIintain new buildings will o discus: tegration. major contribution to the board, classes to teach them to be n1verslty of Iowa ~s adminis­ Bovd eArlier this year an­ sult from failure to reallocale be added. That move should re­ ,t the cil~ Shortl y aft°l'ward, Wallace disclosed if she were elected, would be as mechanics an other jobs u ually trators close buildings. cut back nounced plans to reduce the resources to meet emergency sult in a $332.000 saving. It 7:30 a his office has prepared blank forms "a mediator between the board held by men . on custodial services. and ha k tolal dollar value of 1971-72 of and priorily n eds." The cutbacks produced by 20 Nort , for parents to use is asking school and the public." A major link in the city's vo­ into salr,ry and educational aC­ salary and general expen e ac­ Three building. are scheduled ciMinI! buildings, cutttng back brrards fo r tran<r~rs when their child­ The candidates were split on tech training program is Kirk­ counts In attempts to keep the counts in all colleges of the uni­ to be closed this year, resulting five per centln salaries and gen. ren have heen assigned to schools long their opinIons about the school wood Area College In Cedar university competitive with versity 5 per cent below lut in maintenance-ilperation sav­ eral expen e accounts and re­ distances from their homes. system's family education (sex Rapids. This year students from other institutions of hIgher ed­ year's leve\. ings of $49,000. Another building ducmg custodial crvice total ~se He alsf) ilpr>ealed to city and county education) classes offered in city high schools will spend part ucation. That across-the·board reduc­ may be reassIgned to another $4,061.718. , school boards diSS!ltisfied with busing junior high sehools. Under tbe of their days at Kirkwood taking George A. Chambers, as oci­ tion , gives administrators about part of the University responsi.
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