22_087889 bindex.qxp 10/19/06 4:04 PM Page 495 Index Index SYMBOLS AND Accessibility...: Problem—Design—Solution,95 accessibility issues NUMERICS aural CSS, 106 & (ampersand) automatic redirects, 107 XML reserved character, 224 automatic refresh, 107 XML symbol for, 224 BuzzWatch, 25–28 <-- -->, XML comments, 225 color, 96–99 ‘ (apostrophe), XML symbol for, 224 dealing with images, 96–99 === (equal signs), type comparison operator, deprecated tags, 99 64–65 device independent scripts, 105 == (equal signs), type conversion operator, distractions, 104 64–65 frames, 106 > (greater than sign), XML, 224 headers, 107–108 # (hash character), comment indicator, 436 inline styles, 99 < (less than sign), XML, 224 labels on form inputs, 105 “ (quotation marks), XML symbol for, 224 legislation, 95 <? ?> (processing instructions), 122–124 links, 104 1xx Informational responses, 207–208 Olympic Games case study, 95 2xx Success responses, 207–208 pop-up windows, 107 3xx Redirection responses, 207–208 previewing pages, 108 4xx Client Error responses,COPYRIGHTED 207–208 separating MATERIAL content from presentation, 99–103 5xx Server Error responses, 207–208 sidebars, 107–108 302 Found status code, 427 tables, 99–103 404 Not Found status code, 431–433 text emphasis, 99–103 user-friendly URLs, 104 A W3C recommendations, 95 <abbr> element, 272–273 Adleman, Len, 469 Abdera Atom toolkit, 374–375 Adobe SVG plug-in, 141 22_087889 bindex.qxp 10/19/06 4:04 PM Page 496 ADO.NET, converting relational data to XML ADO.NET, converting relational data to XML, APIs 343–348 DOM adr & geo microformats, 271–272 online resources, 51 Advanced Systems Format (ASF), 449 overview, 49–50 aggregation reference, 51 BuzzWatch, 2 Flickr SOAP, 295–299 feeds, 412 Google Maps, 417–419 AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), 448 JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), 315–317 Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). See serialization, 315–317 also JavaScript. XML, 235 definition, 70 &apos (apostrophe) entity, 224 displaying XML information on a page, 71–75 apostrophe (‘), XML symbol for, 224 extracting information from XML files, 71–75 APP (Atom Publishing Protocol), 235, 291 Google Web Toolkit, 78–79 application architecture, 374 HTTP queries, 71–75 application layer, 195 loading XML files, 71–75 “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network- memory leaks, 79–81 based Software Architectures,” 194 technologies, 70–71 Architecture of the World Wide Web, 194 user experience, 71 articles. See books and publications. XMLHttpRequest object ASF (Advanced Systems Format), 449 example, 72–75 ASP.NET history, 71–72 authentication YUI (Yahoo! UI) Library, 75–78 configuring, 466 YUIConnectionManager object, 77–78 overview, 462–464 aligning text, 128 authorization alternate value, 260 configuring, 466 Amazon.com, 294, 406 overview, 462–464 &amp (ampersand) entity, 224 dynamic content (XML), serving over HTTP, ampersand (&), XML, 224 317–320 animation, 136–137 HTTP redirection, 433 Apache serving XML dynamic content over HTTP, Abdera Atom toolkit, 374–375 317–320 authentication, 466–467 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax). See authorization, 466–467 Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Atom format certificate request, generating on Unix, alternate value, 260 476–477 description, 258–260 certificate request, submitting in IIS, 477 enclosure value, 260 configuring the site, 478 enclosures, 262–263 issued certificates. installing, 477–479 history of, 257 setting up, 474–478 href attribute, 260 Web server, 208 hreflang attribute, 260 496 22_087889 bindex.qxp 10/19/06 4:04 PM Page 497 binary data, converting to XML Index length attribute, 260 Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), 448 <link> element, 260 Audio Video Interleave (AVI), 448–449 podcasting, 262–263 aural CSS, 106 rel attribute, 260 authentication related value, 260 in Apache, 466–467 self value, 260 in ASP.NET specifications, 261 configuring, 466 title attribute, 260 overview, 462–464 type attribute, 260 custom, web services, 487–489 via value, 260 definition, 459–460 Atom Publishing Protocol (APP), 235, 291 HTTP type, 466–467 Atom service for syndication channels in IIS Apache Abdera toolkit, 374–375 configuring, 464–465 application architecture, 374 overview, 462–464 code overview providers, 466–467 AtomServlet.java class, 375, 377–383 authority section, URIs, 197 clearFeed method, 384 authorization clearing the feed, 376 in Apache, 466–467 compare method, 384–385 in ASP.NET core files, 375 configuring, 466 createEntry method, 387 overview, 462–464 createFeed method, 385–386 definition, 460 isEntryInFeed method, 387 in IIS loadFeed method, 386 configuring, 464–465 MailClient.java class, 375 overview, 462–464 MailEntryCollector.java class, 375 providers, 466–467 MessageReader.java class, 375 autodiscovery, 251 Settings.java class, 375, 388 AVI (Audio Video Interleave), 448–449 sortEntries method, 384 Utils.java class, 375, 383–388 writeTo method, 386–387 B e-mail support badges, 416–417, 418 Berners-Lee, Tim MailClient.java class, 393–396 “Cool URIs don’t change,” 198 MailEntryCollector implementation, 396–400 web browsers, 194 and the WWW (World Wide Web), 168 MessageReader interface, 396 binary data, converting to XML readMessage method, 399–400 feed reader, 373 automatically, 363–370 user interface, 372–373 manually, 358–363 Atom Syndication Format, 235 from Microsoft Word, 358 overview, 229–230 AtomServlet.java class, 375, 377–383 attributes, XML, 223–224 viewing raw data, 361 497 22_087889 bindex.qxp 10/19/06 4:04 PM Page 498 binding data to external source binding data to external source, 188–190 database query, 13–20 blind users. See accessibility issues. document presentation, 1–12 Blogs channel, 274 internals, examining BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane), 227 HTTP headers, 7–9 bookmarks scripts, 7–9 design issues, 84–88 web server log, 6–7 sharing, 293 libraries, 4–5 books and publications maintainability, 28–33 Accessibility...: Problem—Design—Solution,95 menu bar “Architectural Styles and the Design of Net- creating, 10–12 work-based Software Architectures,” 194 populating, 12 Architecture of the World Wide Web, 194 structure of, 2 “Cool URIs don’t change,” 198 microformats, 29–30 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) specifica- pages tions, 194 illustration, 3 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) structure of, 2 specification, 194 proxies, 20 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,95 query strings, 18 BPE4LAWS. See WS-BPEL. schemas, 23–24 broken links, 421. See also URIs (Uniform scripting languages, 5–6, 33–35 Resource Identifiers), maintenance. server side, 5 browser-based applications. See XAML (eXten- syndication formats, 5 sible Application Markup Language). technical architecture, 4–6 browsers. See also rich clients. technologies, 5 behavior, modifying with XUL, 182–184 transforming XML into (X)HTML, 30–33 directing to content, XUL, 180–182 URL space, defining, 34–35 drawbacks, 168 watches, 13–20 security issues, 168 web accessibility, 25–28 WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technol- web server interaction, 12–24 ogy Working Group), 142–143 XHTML, semantic information, 29–33 browsing source code, 174–175 business card example, 208–212 <button> element C OpenLaszlo, 173 C#, serving XML dynamic content over HTTP, XUL, 181 317–320 buttons C (Cubic Bézier curve) command, 135 OpenLaszlo, 173 Caesar shift encryption, 467–468 XForms, 145 callbacks, limiting, 92–93 Buy.com, 406 calls, REST services, 291 BuzzWatch <canvas> element, 172–173 aggregation, 2 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). See CSS application tasks, 9–10 (Cascading Style Sheets). client side, 4–5 case management example, 288–292 498 22_087889 bindex.qxp 10/19/06 4:04 PM Page 499 content encoding, RSS 2.0 Index categories of mashups, 402, 405 MailEntryCollector implementation, CDATA sections, 230 396–400 change management, URIs, 425–428 MessageReader interface, 396 channels overview, 389–390 Blogs, 274 readMessage method, 399–400 microformats, 274 going live, 389 channels, syndication running the application, 388–389 Atom service character data, XML, 224–225 Apache Abdera toolkit, 374–375 character encoding application architecture, 374 serving XML over HTTP, 310 feed reader, 373 XHTML, 46–47 user interface, 372–373 XML, 227–229 Atom service, code overview classified ads, microformats, 272 AtomServlet.java class, 375, 377–383 clearFeed method, 384 clearFeed method, 384 Client Error responses, 207–208 clearing the feed, 376 client side applications, 4–5 compare method, 384–385 client-server pattern, 195 core files, 375 client-side transformation, 343–348 createEntry method, 387 Close path (Z) command, 135 createFeed method, 385–386 code points, XML, 227 isEntryInFeed method, 387 code security loadFeed method, 386 data overflow, 482 MailClient.java class, 375 definition, 460 MailEntryCollector.java class, 375 general principles, 479–482 MessageReader.java class, 375 SQL injection, 479–481 Settings.java class, 375, 388 XSS (cross-site scripting), 481–482 sortEntries method, 384 collections, URI maintenance, 423–424 Utils.java class, 375, 383–388 color writeTo method, 386–387 accessibility issues, 96–99 Atom service, e-mail support SVG, 140 MailClient.java class, 393–396 combining multiple requests, 91–92 MailEntryCollector implementation, community microformats, 273–274 396–400 compare method, 384–385 MessageReader interface, 396 compile options, OpenLaszlo, 176 readMessage method, 399–400 compiling syndication channels, 388–389 compiling, 388–389 compound microformats, 271–272 deploying, 388–389 concise communication, 90–91 e-mail for confidentiality,
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