PRICE, 15 CENTS. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $3.50 Worth of Music in this Including Valuable Premium, s 1.50 I Number. See Pages 228 and 232. ~::v::o1:. :v:. =!!"'---'--- +. + READING MUSIC. l'AGF, l'AGl<i• EI>JTOHL\L-1\lmt<', a Xntnral I.anguage "Goldl.Jeck's Harmony" ...................... 2:t3 -Paragraphs.................. 228 "Lucr, zia Borgia" (Fantasia)--Paul- (11 ith ~IU~lCAI... A:SD 1\ITSCELL.\NEOUS-Rich- Leo son l.Jy Charles Kunkel) .............. 23.i arfl \Vngner (with portt'llit)-1 he '!'rump 'l't·umpeter-Bnsiness Buzzes-1\Iay Song "l\Ierry Sleigh Bells" (Galop)-Shlu~ ....... 242 (poetry) -l\Iax Strakosch- The 1\Ietro­ nome- Kiickcn -1\lrs. E. Aline Osgood •· Joys of Spring" (Waltz)-Sidus ............ 2J4 (with portrait) IJow to Sing a Ballad- Am l.Jroise Thomas-)! iss Kt:llogg's "]!'arc· " Skylark Polka" (Duct)-Drcyer............ 24fi well "-Om· ~Jusic-l\lmnc in St. Louis­ "Etudes de la YClocite, No.:; "-Czerny ..... 252 Boston l-etter-New Yor){ l..ettcr-Ohi· ('/\go Letter- Baltimore Letter- Ques­ "Then You'll Remember 1\fe" (Ballatl)- tions, Pe1 tincnt and Impertinent-Com- Balfe ......•.....•......................... 2.'i4 ical Chords-Libels-.Major and 1\linor­ Smith ~tnd Jones-Scotch Proverbs ...227 to 2G8 "Wedding Bells" (Rong-)-Hrockcl .......... 25G II II ~ftof.<w.>, KUNKEL BROS,, ~t. ~ou<o. TIMES PRINTING HOUSE, Fifth and Chestnut Street!>, St. Louis, Mo. KUNKEL'S MUSICAL HEVIEW, 1\IAY, 1~~2. ''101111" BEHNING SOHMER & CO., M::ANUFAOTURERS::o GRAND, ~ijUARE ~ UPRIGHT PIAN~-F~RTE~. · Wit~ Improve~ Patent Agraffe Attac~ment and Name ~oar~. Received First Medal of Merit and Dip!oma of' Honor at Cen­ tennal.Exhibition and at Grand Exhibition, Montreal, 1881. OFFICE AND WAREROOMS, Nos. 149-155 East Fourteenth St., NE\V YOR.K. 14th Street and 5th Avenue and 129 East 125th Street. E. r. Ot~HAUSEN &CO., Agents far ~t. Louis, Ko., No. 10 South rourth St. FA~TORY, N. E. Cor. 124th St. and 1st Ave.: NEW YOR:K. I GEO~ WOODS & CO., I) M 1ANUi'ACTURERS OF ------ p p I I eA A --AND-- N •0 0 UPRIGHT PIANOS. s • ~SQUARE! ~UPRIGHT! _ ....... _- -- 1 ~GRAND! QUI lNST!UMENT~ ARE TOO WELL KN~WN TO !E~Ul!E tOKMENT. ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO, OVER 30 YEARS! Used and Recommended by 25,000 Artists and Amateurs. Send for Catalogue, and ascertain our prices before purchasing Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe Attachment, Concave Name-Board other instruments. Address, and Patent Veneered Bridge-Are valuable Improvements Used in the Bauer Pianos only. Manufacturers and Importers of 1\Iusical Merchandise. Band Instrume'ats, Fine Vio· lins and Strings a Specialty:. A Complete Assortment of the Finest Instruments in the GEO. WOODS·& CO. World at the Lowest Possible Prices. • JULIUS BAUER & 00.! CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASS. 182-184 Wabash Ave., between Monroe and Adams Sts.. CHICAGO, ILl. , , .. ..,r ~ , r •• • ft.~·,,. ~ -'Jt~- j ::.~ ;'·'..,\ . .,../ ~ ~t;, ....... ~· .. ,.. ....... ,· .; .. ·, . ........ ~ . ...•... ~ 0 f r ' "'., ' ~ .., l \ • t I· ' t ~ • • f': . !·: , : \• t 0 ~ .. : I : t : • • • '·I •. ~ : ~ I .... (':" ' , : KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, MAY, 1882. 225 1VLl:TSIC E ·oox:s FU:SLISEI:E::O BY - OLIVER DITSON & Co., :SOS.TON, :!N1:..A..SS. NEVT OFER..A..S. THE HERALD OF PRAISE. LIGHT AND LIFE! NOW READY. It is the work of L. 0. EMERSON of whose previous books of MADAME FAVART; AIDA, $2.00; CARMEN, $2.00; MIGNON sacred music about half a million copies have been sold. So A ROUSING, GOOD, NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL SONG BOOK $3.00; INFANTA'S DOLLS, (Les Poupees de L'Infante); that the issue of a new Church Music Book by him is a notable event. Judging by previous experience, as many as a hunured WITH A GOOD TITLE. MEPHISTOFELE,(Boito)$2.00; OLIVETTE,50c; thon8and persons are to use this, the last and best compilation, MASCOT, 50c; LIDS MOUSQUETAIRES, The compiler :ur. R. M Mcintosh, is well known to hundreds filled ft·om cover to cover with new, fresh, interesting, prac­ $1.00; PATIENCE,$1.00; BILLEE ti<'al music and words. Specimen copies mailed for $1.00, of thousands as one of the most successful providers of sweet The usual reduction for quantities. melodies and bright hymns for the great Sunday School puulic. 'l'AYLOR. 50c; PIRATES Our best writers and composers have con trilmted. The book 01!"' PENZANCE, $1.00; has a beautiful title, is well printed, and is in every way desir­ able. Send for specimen pages (free), or spel'imen copy, BOCCACCIO, $2.00; BELLS THE IDEAL which is mailed for the retail price, 35 cents. OF CORNEVILLE, $1.50; FIELD OF HONOR, (Le Pre aux Clercs.) $2.00; Is a companion book to the HERALD OF PRAISE, and is intended fot· Singing Classes only, with no reference to ChQir FA'l'INil'ZA, $~.00; SORCEREl~, $1.00; LITTLE 8inging. The contents are similar to those of the excellent BEAUTIES OF SACRED SONG. DUKE, $1.00; TWO CADIS, $2.00; PINAFORE, 50c., HERALD, but matters are condensed, and whatever is not per­ 'l'his splendid. new collection of the best sacred songs of ALL WITH FULL LIBRE1'TO, FOR PERFORMANCE. fectly appropriate for Singing Classes, is left out. the day, will be a most valuable addition to our libraries, and is Specimen copies mailed for 75 cents. full of gems. SENT POST-PAID, ON RECEIPT OF PRICF' The usual reduction for quantities. Among the authors we notice the names of Gouuod, Sullivan, With the IDEAL, which is a most real book, and the HEHALD Marzials, Abt, 'fhomas, Smart, and Pinsuti, and there are more OF PRAISE, whtch is the !Jest praise book, teachers and choir than 30 others of good repute. Gounod's ''Green Hill far ANTHEM B C)OKS. leaders witt be fully equipped for a successful musical season. away;" l!'aure's "Palm Branches;'' and Abt's ·'Above the ANTHEM HARP. ($1.25.) W. 0. PerkinR, Stars,'' indicate the high c.haracter of the compositions, which EMERSON'S BOOK OF ANTHKMS. ($1.25.) are 58 in number. · AMERICAN AN'l'HEM BOOK. ($1.25.) Johnsor., Tenney a nd Abbey. PRICE $2.00, BOARDS; $2.60, CLOTH. GEM GLEANER. ($1.00.) J. M. Chadwick. THE NORWAY MUSICAL ALBUM. PERKINS' ANTHKM BOOK. ($150.) At this season choil'S are much in need of new anthems. BY FOBESTIER AND ANDERSON. In the above five books will be found all that possibly can be A collection of weird, strange, and yet strangely captivating THE BANNER OF VICTORY. needed, and of the very best quality. Songs and Melodies from the land of OLE BULL; just the This inspiri ' I!; title belongs to a new SONG BooK for SUN­ Excellent Anthems and easy Choruses will also be found in music that inspired his imagination. Norse and English DAY SCHOOLS, just out. It is by Abbey & Munger, who made a Emet·son's new fl~<JRALD 0.1!' PRAISE (1 Ou); in J. P. Cobb's words. A musical novelty that will delight lovers of what' is decided success in tht-ir last book," WHITE ROBIJ:S," and who, FESTtVAL CHORUS BOOIC, (;fl.25); in Zerrahn's INDEX ($l.OU1; wild, rich, and romantic in legend and song. PRICE, $2.50. in this new compilation, fu•nish a number of the sweetest in Tourjee's CHORUS CIIOIH (£1.50); in Perkins' TEMPLE melodies ever placed in a collection of the kind. One hundred ($1.00); and in ~merson's VOICE OF WORSlliP ($1.00). and sixty pages, and about as mauy songs many of them Sunday School Song Book by .J. adapted to the Prayer Meeting, as well as to the Runday , ALBUM OF SONG $2. bds,; $2.50 cl.; $3. gilt. THE BEACON LIGHT • H . 'fENNEY and E. A. HOFFMAN. School. PRICE, 86 C'l'S. • Franz' own edition of his Specimen copies mailed for 30 cents. Liberal reduction for famousFRANZ German songs. quantities. DITSON & Co. respectfully call attention to the marked improvement which is apparent in theit· newer publi­ $2. bds.; $2.50 cl.; $3. gilt. r.ations for Sunriay Schools. The !Jest talent in the country GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG • The new ancl most favor­ has been employed in compiling them, and they have been ite collection . .teceived with marked favor. THE BEACON LTGHT is the work ~OBERT FRANZ' ALBUM OF SONG. of two of the best hymn and tune composers in the country, is Old and new. Approved by the mastel' himself. A book in Charming collection of House­ a carefully 'winnowed' book, only the best 100 •· ut of 500 man­ which every note is a ge)u. German and English words. RHYMES AND TUNES. holLI Songs, Lullabies, and Kin- uscripts having been retained. A hundred exquisite songs. $2. Boards; $2.50 cloth. dergarten Lays ($1.50.) RE-OPENING OF --T·HE-- PETERS' MUSIC sTORE .HAINES 307 NORTH FIFTH S'r., ST. LOUIS, MO. 1 (EST.A:SLI ~HE D 1829.) UPRIGHT PIAN0-~ 0RTE We Have 01,enetl MUSIC We have unusual -at- BOXESfacilities for supply­ mg the BEST Goods RANKS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. 307 N. Fifth. St., AT lr at the LOWEST Mar­ ket Price. REllmM- ST. LOUIS, MO., pE'fERS'~~:Je~I~l!~ep only After several months' J.UUSIC I preparation, and are "rlairus makes a magnificent Upn'ght." now prepared to .fill sToRE, MuSlCal Instruments, -CAMPANINI. orders for anything in the 307 And will supply you North \\ith a ,. The tone of the Huines Upright is t>irnply lovely." MUSIC LINE 5th -EMMA THURSBY. Street, PIANO, ORGAN, AT THE Sl'. LOUIS. GUITAR, FLUTE, " Tl1ey are deligltUul to sing by." -ALWINA VALLERIA. lowest Eastrrn Priers caAsE PIANos. Ditson's and Peters' Editions. VIOLIN, Particular attention paid to filling orders or any other Musical InstrUJnent of "I do not ste in what 1·espect they can be excelled." for Teachers, Convents, Seminaries, Etc.
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