VOL. XXVII. NO. 8. PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1904. PRICE 3 CTS SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES Fish and Game Oddities. Tilden And Thd Trout An an jdote about a dogfish aalhisuu- sucoessful interview with the President published in a recent number of Hamper's Weekly, leads a correspondent of that paper to recall another incideut in which the late Samuel J. Tiidea was the chief figure. Mr. Tilden and W. M Evarts were walking one day along the v METALLIC CARTRIDGES banks of the Ammonoosac, in the White Mountains, when they espied a Never misfire. A Winchester .44, a Remington .30 30, a Marlin fish a few feet from the shore. “ I think .38 55, a S.evens .22 or any gun you may use always does Superior l 11 have that big trout,” said Mr. Tild­ Take-Down Reheating Shotguns The notion that one must pay from fifty dollars upwards in order to get Shooting -vitti U. M. C. Car. ridges. We make ammunition for en. “ How do you expect to catch him a good shotgun has been pretty effectively dispelled since the advent of every gun in the world and always of the same quality— U. M. C. without a hook?’’ exclaimed his com­ the Winchester Repeating Shotgun. These guns are sold within reach quality. panion. “ Wait and sec,” was the reply of almost everybody’s purse. They are safe, strong, reliable and handy. and, removing his coat and vest, he The Union fletailic Cartridge Cq., W hen it comes to shooting qualities no gun made beats them. They kneeled down aud nimbly seized the Agency, 313 Broadway, N. Y. BRIDGEPORT, are made in 12 and 16 gauge. Step into a gun store and examine one- fish, though with such marvellous agd FREE: Send name and address on a postal card for oar large illustrated catalogue. Depot, 86-88 First st., San Francfso, Cal. CONN. ity that he lost his balance aud went iu WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. < up to his neck. Nevertheless, with characteristic tenacity, he held on to his prize, and the twj ang’ers between them succeeded iu taking it to the hotel. “ There! exclaimed *fr. Tilden as he ex­ Rangeley Lake House, hibited it to the landlord, “did you ever see a finer trout than tnat?” “Trout! ’ IT’S A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. ^ was the replyjMt’s nothing but a 2,000,000 Sold in Twelve Years. RANGELEY LAKES, sucker.” 'EVERY REEL WARRANTED. Over 800 Styles and Sizes. I1EALD POND CAMPS. RANGELEY MAINE, BOOKLETS MAILED FREE 5 Deer Are Reported Here as Plen­ Thoie who plan to visit the Rangeley; and are not yet booked, s t a n d a r d m e t a l g o o d s tiful as Ever. O l,.. o r o u r A c should write for 1904 illustrated booklet, to ^ Man u FACT J a c k m a n , Sep’. 20, 1904. RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL COMPANY, Bird and Animal Cages, 7o the Editor of Maine Woods: Cage Specialties,Fishing Reels, Rangeley, * Maine. In looking over the reports and state­ ments made by some person or persons Art ifi cral Ba its,; S p o on s, Etc. §U:r CHAIN — Brass, Bronze, Steel and Iron. J ohn B. M a r b l e , President. H e n r y M. B u r r o w s , Treasurer. stating that the deer are on the decrease y Y i '^/^Iwire picture c o r d . and that lots are dying, I will tell you my experience, as I always put iu a lot 198-Page Tackle Catalogue on Receipt of 25 Cents. MOCCASINS. All kinds. First-class work­ of time, trapping aud cruising round the T h e A n Dr e w b . h e n d r y x C o ., new haven conn., u . s a manship Catalogue free. BAKER GUNS M. L. G etch ell Sc Co., - Monmouth, Me. woods iu winter and take careful notice of the game. I will say that the deer are enough so that any unusual sound would more plentiful than I ever saw them at put it to flight and this together with auy time and moose are increasing rap­ its resemblance to a moose, prompted idly. Why I was iu five different THE RANGELEY LAKES, me to play a joke on a fellow woods­ moose yards last winter, two of them i Via the POR TLAND & RUM FORD FALLS RY. Special features of safety, strength ( man. within three miles of my camps at || j* Through PALLOR CAR service during the Tourist season, and durability combined with best “Not long after that I met my friend Heald pond, this certainly would not We mail, free of charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of hotels bo if they were decreasing. My guests quality and construction. and told my story and sure enough he and camps at all Rangeley Lake Points. too, saw the monster. all say the deer are more plentiful than PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, Send for free Quarterly. they ever saw them. They never have “ That was enough. Inside of a week S^ R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Maine. BakerCun and.Forejinat Co., the story was a subject of conversation to go out to see them, the deer come BATAVIA, NEW YORK. from Chesuncook lake tc the North right to camp. Last evening two came within 20 yards of the camp occupied East Carry and a little later on it had Buy your Ticket to Bingham, ITaine, by Mr, Grant of Springfield, Ohio. THE SPECTRE MOOSE AGAIN. reached Kineo, been written up for the GUIDE TO Via Oakland and the I don’t make these statements to Bangor papers and was being generally Northern Nlaine ..SOMERSET RAILWAY.. copied. b-iom my business, but 1 will at any PUBLISHED BY THE Well Known Guide Confesses to a “It wasn't long, however, before quite time guarantee any man a full quota of when you get ready to go deer any time in one week if he can Hunting; or Fishing;. Bold Imposition. a number of us knew the facts, but the BANGOR & A IOOSTOOK R. R. ‘spectre moose’ bad then become alto­ only shoot them. He can pick his deer | Moose, Deer, Trout and Salmon in Abundanca • ENTITLED “Isn’t it about time for some of you gether too good a thing from the adver­ at that. j Rowe, Carry, Otter, Pleasant and M oxie A party from Jeffersonville, Ohio, ponds and Bald Mountain Lodge are some of newspaper men to spring that old chest­ tising standpoint, to be other than “ IN TH£ MAINE WOODS.” | the most prominent resorts. Up to d ate nut about the spectre moose of Lobster beaded by Losson Day, killed in two camps in every respect. Reasonable rates. pushed along, so we kept ‘seeing him’ 200 pages and over 100 illustrations. | Two daily trains between Bingham and B os- lake?-’ queried John Hildreth, a well and a haif days, eight deer, seven of C opy fo r lOe in s ta m p s. j ton. Round trip tickets on sale at principal every now and then a ,d we were careful Address Dept A. them large bucks, while five raeu hunt­ ; B. & M. It. R. stations and Portland, M aine. known loc:^ guide of the Com.neroiai to let the wide-awake newspaper men C. C. BROWN, G. P. & T. A ., Fishing opens about May 10. Information | cheerfully furnished by correspindent reoeutly, with a sly twin­ and the credulous visitors, know all the ed al. the time and shot at deer every Bangor, Maine. I W. M. AYER, Mgr. Somerset Ry., Oakland, Ma kle in his eyes. details and to give the stories a fasci­ day for two weeks and went home “ Of all the fairy tales t h a t h a v e been nating s jnse of mystery. einp y handed. Why? Because they spun about the wonders of the Norlh “ The moose grew with amazing rap­ couldn’t hit. Some of them ask me woods,” he continued, pulling a well idity the first season, nearly doubling this fall, “Can we get our deer if we worn newspaper clipping from a pocket in size and early next fali we were care­ curne up?” I simply say if you have Why Not Fisli in MAINE book, “ this yarn is the limit. Listen to ful to have the animal back iu his old learned to shoot I will guarantee you the first part of it: hauuts early in the season, in spite of cau get your deer all right. “ ‘The enormous moose that has been the fact that the big gray horse had Bears are also very plentiful and par­ Where BIG TROUT and LANDLOCKED SALMON the wonder of all sportsmen and the long since disappeared. By way of va­ tridges were never any more plentiful rise to the fly every day during the open season. Come terror of superstitious woodsmen since riety we added the superstitious element in mj time aud I have lived in the 1891, has again been seen and people and let the beast keep on growing. By woods for 18 years most of the time. to the who have always laughed at the stories the middle of the season the animal was If I have misrepresented any one state of the white moose and the spectre so big that he couldn’t go down a tote meut I hope to be reminded of it later moose are beginning to believe that af­ road without touching the trees on both on.
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