1966 Footba AT Morehead, State ~ llawceruit~ ~R\' MOREH-EAD STATE. UNIVERSJJY MOREHEAO. KENTUCK't Morehead, Kentucky THE COVER Joe Cox, the Eagles outstanding halfback, picks up 11 yards against Munay State University. The picture was taken by James N. Keen, The Courier-Journal. A Message From The President We are pleased to have the opportunity of competing with other institutions of higher education in the field of inter­ collegiate athletics. We extend a cordial welcome to all visit­ ing teams, coaches, and spec­ tators. We have arranged what we believe to be a challenging schedule which will be of great interest to those who are concerned w ith the athletic fortunes of Morehead State University. This year's team promises to be an exciting one as was last year's squad. We hope all of our many friends and supporters will be able to share with us a succssful season. We h opE> to continue our pleasant relation­ ship with the press, radio and television and have prepared this brochure to give you wh o have rendered so m any services to Morehead State University in the past year s pertinent in­ formation and to extend a personal invitation to you to visit with us on the campus. ADRON DORAN, President Morehead State University To Newspaper, Radio and TV Personnel We have a young and energetic coaching staff, a fine group of football players and a warm campus spirit! We truly feel that foot­ ball has arrived on the Morehead State U ni­ versity campus and we invite you to visit u s during the upcoming season. This booklet has been prepared for yow· benefit and we would like to offer further services to you. We will supply pictures, bio­ graphical sketches and any other information which you desire on the 1966 football Eagles. Feel free to write or call me at any time for picturf's, further information or game passes. DAVID CAWOOD Sports Publicity ST. 4-4181 Ex. 225 General Information LOCATION- Morehead, Ky., located on US 60 halfway between Lexington a nd Ashland where the "bluegrass" meets Appalachla." ENROLLMENT- 5,000 FOUNDED- 1922 PRESIDENT-Dr. Adron Doran DEGREES GRANTED-A.B., B.S., M.A., and M.S. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR - Bob Laughlin, More- head '37 HEAD FOOTBALL COACH-Guy Penny, Missis­ sippi '50 ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACHES: Offensive Line--Ron Durby, Alabama '64 Offensive Backfield-Bill Bowers, Miami of Ohio '62 Defensive Line-Jerry Denstorff, Evansville '60 Defensive Backfield-Mike Brown, Morehead '63 Trainer- Harold Barker, Morehead '55 Grad. Asst.-Tom Kingery, Marshal] '60 SPORTS PUBLICITY-David Cawood, Baylor '65 COLORS-- Blue and Gold NICKNAME-Eagles CONFERENCES-Ohio Valley and NCAA STADIUM-Breathitt Spo.rts Center, 10.000 ·ovc OFFICE-Art Guepe, Commissioner 1808 West End Building Nashville, Tennessee Phone 254-1219 Press - Radio - TV MOREHEAD The Morehead News .. .......... _.......... .. W. E. Crutcher The Trail Blazer (Scb<Jol Paper) ...... .......Sports Editor WMQR ..... ·-·····••·• ........... ......Mar shall S idebottom WMKY (School Radio) .. ...... .Larry Netherton LEl(lNGTON Lexington Herald (A.M.) ......... ...Billy Reed Lexington Leader (P.M.) ...................................... .Russell Rice WLEX, WLEX- TV ....... _ ..... ............... ..............Sports Director WVLK ... .... ...... ........... ... ... .. .................. .......... Claude Sullivan WBLG ....... .... .. ............... ....... Mark Halleck WKYT-TV ....... .... .......... ... .................. ............. .Bill Sorrell ASHLAND Daily Ind ependent . .. ..... ....................... Malcolm Conley WCIITT ....... .... ..................- ......................... Johnny Dollar WTCR ............................. .. ...·- · ·-······ .......Sports Director MAYSVILLE Daily Tndependcnt ...... .... ....................................... Sports Editor Maysville Public Ledger .................................. ......Sport s Ed.itor WF'!'M ................... ... ....... .. .. ....Roy Redmond LOUISVILLE The Courier-Journal (A.M.) ...... Da vid Adams The Louisville Times (P.M. ) . .... _........... .............Dean Eagle WHAS, WHAS-TV .................. Cawood Ledford, Charlie Mastin WAVE, WAVE-TV ..... .............. ..................................Ed Kallay MT. STERLING WMST ....... ............... .......... -....... .. ................Bob Spradlin GRAYSON WGOH . ...................... .... ............................... ....... Sports Director PAINTSVILLE WSIP .......... ............. ...... ... ... ....... Jim Fyffe CYNTHIANA Cr-ithiana Democrat ........... .. .................T ommy Preston WCYN ..... Lawrence McGill HUNTINGTON, W. VA. The Herald-Dispatch ............. _.. .......................... _George Rhorrer The Advertiser .............. ... .... .. .............Ernie Salva tore WSAZ, WSAZ-TV ............................................. ...............Tim Thacker WHTN, WHTN-TV ....... .................. .... ...... Ron Jackson WIRE SERVICES : Associated Pre ss, Herald-Leader Bldg., Lexin,rton, Kentucky United Press Interna tional, 635 S. 5th, Louisville 2, Kentucky Guy Penny .. .. Head Coach A hard-nosed foot­ ball tactition and a gentleman best de­ scribe the two sides of Morehead State University coac h Guy Penny. The per­ son al Penny has led the Kentucky school to its finest football seasons and guided the Eagles to the 0 h i o V a I I e y co­ c h am pion s hip in 1962, the first in the history of MSU. - P enny teams recorded three winning seasons in a row, something which previous coaches had not done for over 20 years, but saw h is teams slide to a 3-6 record last year. With the presence of winning football, MSU dedi'cated the 10,000 seat Breathitt Sports Cen­ ter stadium in 1965 to support one of the fastest growing football programs in the conference. Much of the credit for this new era of football must go to Penny and his dedicated staff. A fir m believer in a solid defense and an imaginative offense, P enny's teams have been noted for their rock-ribbed defense and pro­ type wing-T and flanker offense. Coupled with a policy of intense desire to win and superb conditioning, Morehead's football program is conducted on a high level of achievement. A native of Alabama, Penny played his col­ legiate football at the University of Mississppi where he played both fullback and guard. Coach J ohnny Vaught calls him "One of the outstanding students of the game I have had the pleasure o•f coaching." His coaching career began with high school stints in Collinsville, Alabama, and at Geneva High Sch ool in his h ome state. H e moved into the college ranks as an assistant coach at Martin Branch of the University of Tennessee until assuming the reins at Morehead in 1959. In seven seasons at the Morehead helm h e has guided the Eagles to a 27-33-1 record. He will begin his 8th can1paign with a voung back­ field and an experienced line which must face the roughest sch edule since the popular Ala­ bami'an h as been on campus. The 38-year-old coach is m arr ied and h as three future Eagle cheerleaders- Debbie, Dee and Diane. Jerry Denstorff . Defensive Line Coach A fter serving as offensive backfield coach for two years, Denstorff will direct the de­ fensive line this season. Earl Bentley, who has been the defensive coach since 1959, has been gr anted a sabbatical leave to begin work on a doc­ ., ( ,. torate degree and the versatil e Denstorff was chosen by P enny to fill the gap. Denstorff was a successful high school coach at Mitchell High Sch ool, Mitchell, Indiana, a nd his la!'t team was undefeated with an 8-0 rec­ ord. In his last two years at Mitchell, h is team had a 14-1 record. A graduate of Evansville College, he played football at ho•th Evan sville and Louisiana Uni­ versity State Univer sity. He h ad previously starred as a fullback at R ockport, Indiana, H igh School. Denstor[f serves as tennis coach during t he Spring and is marr ied and the father of two young sons. Bill Bowers . Offensive Backfield Coach With J erry Denstorff moving to the defensive line, Bill Bowers will assume the offen­ sive backfield duties after guiding the defensive back­ field last year. B owers is in his second sea- t. son at Morehead and has Y proven his value to the coaching staff on sev­ eral occasi'ons, especially in scouting. Bowers played football and graduated from Miami U niversity of Ohio . He coached at Talawanda H igh School, Oxford, Ohio, for two years prior to accepting a p osition with Mor e­ head . Bowers is also a very successful w restling coach at Morehead and led h is team to t he mythical OVC championsh ip last year while posting a l 1-1 season r ecord. He is married and has one son. Ron Durby . Offensive Line Coach In his first season at Mo,re­ head, Durby will assume the duties of offensive line coach. The 1964 University of Ala­ bama graduate comes to More­ head from Walker County High School, J asper, Alabama, which had a 7-2-1 record last year. While at Alabama, Durby was a m ember o{ the All-Southeastern Con­ ference academic team and was a third-team All-America selection at tackle. He was also the r ecipient of the J immy Moore academic award presented to the athlete wtih the high­ est academic achievements. He was a high school standout at Treadwell High School in Memphjs, Tennessee. Durby is married and has one son. Mike Brown . Defensive Backfa!d Coach Also in his first year on the Eagle coaching staff is Mike Brown, a 1963 Morehead grad­ uate, who will take charge of the defensive backfield. Brown was captain of the 1962 Morehead team which tied for the Ohio Valley Con­ ference championship. He was defensive back of the year, an All-OVC selec­ tion and was awarded three letters. Brown received the Sigma Delta award as the o,ut­ standing physical education student his senior year. He also starred in high school at Logan, Ohio. Upon graduation, Brown served as a grad­ uate-assistant at the University of Tennessee before acceptir1g an assistant coaching job in t he high school ranks in Orrville, Ohio, last year. Brown is married. Graduate Assistant-Tom Kingery (Marshall '60) Trainer-Harold Barker (Morehead '55) 1966 OUTLOOI( Morehead State Unversity will be faced , with a quarterback problem in 1966 for the first time in four years with the graduation of Mike Gottfried.
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