S2502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 10, 2005 Whereas the Holocaust is seared into the and willingness to help others should the American Refugee Committee at a ref- world’s memory as the quintessential expres- inspire us all. Fern Holland, who was ugee camp in Guinea where she established a sion of the evil of anti-Semitism; murdered near the Iraqi city of Karbala legal clinic to seek justice for victims of Whereas Yad Vashem has become the at the age of 33 a year ago today, lived human rights violations, and which, at the world’s university devoted to exposing the time of her death in 2004, had handled 118 evil of anti-Semitism; her life to create the most equal and cases on behalf of victims of human rights Whereas Yad Vashem’s archives contain just global society obtainable. In light violations; the largest and most comprehensive reposi- of International Women’s Day, which Whereas in May 2003, Fern Holland went to tory of material on the Holocaust in the was yesterday, I think it is only fitting Iraq as a United States Agency for Inter- world, containing 62,000,000 pages of docu- that we honor the life of someone who national Development employee to work for ments, nearly 267,500 photographs, thousands led the fight to protect women women’s rights; of films and videotaped testimonies of sur- throughout the world. Fern Holland re- Whereas in Iraq, Fern Holland organized vivors, and the Righteous Among the Na- alized the importance of helping others human rights groups, opened 6 women’s cen- tions (non-Jews who risked their lives to ters in south Baghdad, and acted as a strong save Jewish people during the Holocaust), all early in her life, which is exemplified advocate for Iraqi women’s rights; accessible to the public; by the path she chose. Whereas after Fern Holland’s death, lead- Whereas those archives are the witness to There are hundreds of people whose ing feminists from the National Organization both inexplicable acts of cruelty and daily lives have been touched by Fern Hol- for Women, the Feminist Majority Founda- acts of courage; land and I believe her legacy will live tion, and the National Council of Women’s Whereas the history of the Holocaust, as long beyond her years on Earth. In the Organizations issued statements praising her embodied at Yad Vashem, represents the January before her death Holland work; depths to which humanity can descend and wrote in an e-mail to her former boss, Whereas residents of the refugee camp in the heights to which it can soar; Tulsa lawyer Stephen Rodolf. ‘‘I love Guinea renamed the legal clinic Fern Hol- Whereas to ensure that Holocaust com- land established the ‘‘Fern Holland Legal memorations in future generations among the work and if I die, know that I’m Aid Clinic of Nzerekore’’; both Jews and non-Jews have relevance and doing precisely what I want to be Whereas the high school Fern Holland at- meaning, Yad Vashem has undertaken an ex- doing—working to organize and edu- tended in Miami, Florida observed a moment traordinary expansion of its facilities; cate human rights activists and wom- of silence and then discussed a memorial to Whereas the centerpiece of this expansion en’s groups. honor her; is the new Holocaust History Museum build- I urge my colleagues to remember Whereas the Cherokee Nation honored ing designed by world-renowned architect Fern Holland when they have lost the Fern Holland by passing a resolution saying Moshe Safdie; strength to continue to work for the she ‘‘died as a warrior’’; Whereas a central role in bringing the Hol- Whereas Fern Holland was posthumously ocaust History Museum to fruition was good of all people. We must diligently named a Heroic Oklahoman on April 7, 2004, played by Holocaust survivor Joseph Wilf of work to sustain the passion Fern Hol- by Governor Brad Henry; and New Jersey and his family; land possessed. As a living memorial to Whereas Fern Holland devoted her brief Whereas through this new museum, Yad her, I challenge each of my colleagues life to promoting her belief in basic human Vashem honors the lives of the victims and to continue to work for a better future rights and the rule of law: Now, therefore, be the Righteous Among the Nations in per- for all people, particularly those with- it petuity; out their own voice. I would like to ex- Resolved, That the Senate— (1) recognizes that, in Fern Holland, the Whereas the unique buildings and archives tend my deepest sympathy to her fam- of Yad Vashem ensure that we, our children, World has lost one of its most devoted and and their children will never forget; and ily who are feeling this loss more than hard working human rights activists; Whereas the Israeli Knesset established anyone else. (2) honors Fern Holland in her extreme Yad Vashem in 1953, founded on the biblical I urge my colleagues to support this dedication to making the world a better injunction set forth in Isaiah, chapter 56, resolution and use this day as a time to place; and verse 5: ‘‘And to them will I give in my house remember Fern Holland’s extraor- (3) expresses its deep and heartfelt condo- and within my walls a memorial and a name dinary life and to use her example to lences to the family of Fern Holland on their (a ‘yad vashem’) . an everlasting name recommit ourselves to the better good loss. which shall not perish,’’ and, for more than of all people. f 50 years, Yad Vashem has steadfastly ful- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I filled this purpose: Now, therefore, be it RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTION OF Resolved, That the Senate recognizes— ask unanimous consent that the reso- CHRIS LEDOUX TO COUNTRY (1) Yad Vashem as a trustee of the World’s lution and preamble be agreed to en MUSIC conscience, so that the meaning of ‘‘never bloc, the motion to reconsider be laid Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I again’’ becomes the living foundation of our upon the table, that any statements re- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- collective humanity; and lating thereto be printed in the ate now proceed to the consideration of (2) that March 15, 2005, the date of the dedi- RECORD, without any intervening ac- S. Res. 81, which was submitted earlier cation of Yad Vashem’s expanded facilities, tion or debate. is a date of historical significance that will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without today. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The be remembered as such by future genera- objection, it is so ordered. tions. clerk will report the resolution by The resolution (S. Res. 80) was agreed title. f to. The legislative clerk read as follows: HONORING THE LIFE OF FERN The preamble was agreed to. The resolution, with its preamble, A resolution (S. Res. 81) recognizing the HOLLAND contribution of Chris LeDoux to country reads as follows: Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I music. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- S. RES. 80 There being no objection, the Senate ate proceed to the immediate consider- Whereas the Senate remembers with great proceeded to consider the resolution. ation of S. Res. 80, submitted earlier sadness the murder of Fern Holland near the Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I rise Iraqi city of Karbala at the age of 33 on today to pay tribute to the life and today by Senators LANDRIEU and MUR- March 9, 2004; KOWSKI. Whereas Fern Holland, born in Bluejacket, memory of a great singer/songwriter, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Oklahoma, on August 5, 1970, lived her life rodeo champion and true cowboy, Chris clerk will report the resolution by committed to creating the most equal and LeDoux. Sadly, Chris passed away on title. just global society possible; March 9 at the age of 56 in Casper, WY. The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas Fern Holland graduated with hon- Chris was a loyal son, devoted hus- A resolution (S. Res. 80) honoring the life ors in psychology at Oklahoma University band and loving father. As a member of of Fern Holland and expressing the deepest and actively sought to help the world an air force family, Chris lived in many condolences of the Senate to her family on through caring for children dying of nuclear- places throughout his childhood. He fi- their loss. related diseases in Russia and teaching kids nally found his home in Wyoming while in a squatter camp in South Africa; There being no objection, the Senate Whereas in the spring of 2000, Fern Holland a sophomore in high school. In 1972, he proceeded to consider the resolution. worked for the Peace Corps as a human married his lovely wife Peggy in Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I rise rights legal advisor in West Africa; Kaycee, WY, where he eventually built today to mark the anniversary of the Whereas in 2003, Fern Holland went to in- his ranch and fathered five wonderful death of a young woman whose courage vestigate alleged human rights violations for children. VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:03 Mar 11, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10MR6.061 S10PT1 March 10, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2503 Chris was a cowboy through and Whereas Chris LeDoux made important to let all Members know there is an through. He began riding in junior ro- contributions to the country music commu- overwhelming likelihood that Friday deos when he was only 13. He tried his nity, through songs such as ‘‘Whatcha Gonna will be a full day.
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